Change Management Assisgement No 1

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The changes are the common process which occurs in all spheres of life. Change
management is an aspect of management focusing on the firm responds to the
environment in which it operates.

Why this topic:

To determine the relationship of Technology Change Management (TCM),
People Change Management (PCM), Structural Change Management (SCM),
Cultural Change Management (CCM) with Organizational Development (OD).
To measure whether the Technology Change Management (TCM), People
Change Management (PCM), Structural Change Management (SCM) and
Cultural Change Management (CCM) are the major factors for the
Organizational Development (OD) and if they are major sources of
Organizational Development, how much they have their influence on
Organizational Development.
What are the most important factors for the Organizational Development? So,
the organization should focus on those particular factors for continuous

Why this Sector:

Every organization wants to take competitive edge from their competitors by
making continuously improvements in their processes, structure, tools and
technology etc. The aim in this study is that what factors helps in
Organizational Development (OD) and how much they are active for
Organizational Development. How they affect on the Organization
Development by checking the relationship between Technology Change
Management (TCM), People Change Management (PCM), Structural Change
Management (SCM), Cultural Change Management (CCM) with Organizational
Development (OD) and how much they have influence on Organizational

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