Cordlife Brochure

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Your babys

cord blood

a lifetime of protection

(02) 470 1735 / (02) 332 1888

As you prepare the arrival of your baby, one of the first and
most important decisions you may need to make is
choosing to save your babys cord blood.
Today, diseases including certain cancers and blood
disorders may be treated with hematopoietic stem cells that
can also be found in cord blood. A recent study reported
that as many as 1 in 217 individuals2 may need a stem cell
transplant in their lifetime.
That is why saving your babys cord blood could be a
lifesaving decision for your little one and your family. Find
out more about cord blood banking with Cordlife today.

What are stem cells?

Cord blood is a rich source of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

(HSCs), which are responsible for replenishing blood and
regenerating the immune system. HSCs are known as
precursor cells , as they have the unique ability to
differentiate into the different types of cells found in the
body, namely:
Red Blood Cells which transport oxygen
White Blood Cells which produce antibodies and fight
Platelets which assist in blood clotting
The hematopoietic
stem cell
differentiates into all other
blood cells including
these illustrated here:

White blood cells

ght infections
Red blood cells
carry oxygen to the
organs and tissues

help blood to clot

Diseases treatable with stem cells today.

Although stem cells found in cord blood can also be

obtained from other sources, such as bone marrow,
thousands of parents, including medical professionals, are
saving their babys cord blood. These cells have been
proven useful in the treatment of diseases , including:
Certain cancers, e.g., leukemia and lymphoma
Inborn errors of metabolism
Blood disorders, e.g., thalassemia

The future possibilities of stem cells.

Worldwide medical research continues to unlock further

potential uses for stem cells, with current research focused
on developing treatments for diabetes, heart disease,
stroke, amongst many others.

What can stem cells do for your family?

The stem cells from your

babys cord blood will be a
perfect match for him/her. It
may also be a source of
genetically related stem cells
for someone else in the family.
There is a 60% higher
chance3 of finding a cord
blood match, compared to
sourcing for a bone marrow,
among the family.

How is cord blood collected?

Collection of cord blood is a safe,
quick and painless process.
The collection takes place
immediately by your obstetrician
after the birth of your baby and
can be done with either a
vaginal or cesarean delivery.

How is cord blood processed and stored?

Once your babys cord blood is

collected, it is transported to
our facility for processing. The
stem cells will then be stored in
cryogenic storage tanks at
temperatures below -150C
using liquid nitrogen. Cord
blood storage does not depend
on electricity.

How long can cord blood be stored?

Scientists have reported that under cryogenic temperatures

below -150C, stem cells can be stored for up to 1,000
years4, and still remain viable for future treatment.

Publicly Listed, Transparent Credibility
Listed on the Singapore Exchange,
Cordlife Group Limited is well established as the largest network of
private stem cell banks across Asia
Pacific with state-of-the-art cord
blood and tissue processing and
cryopreservation facilities in Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia
and the Philippines as well as a
network that extends to China.

Most Experienced
Started in 2001, Cordlife is highly
regarded as the largest and most
experienced network of cord blood
banks with more processing and
storage facilities across Asia Pacific
than any other cord blood banks in
the region.

Total Stem Cell Banking Solution

Cordlife is the only cord blood bank in the
Philippines that provides Total Stem Cell
Banking Solution for your familys
complete protection against potential
diseases. Unlike conventional technology,
Cordlifes Cell Optima technology can
harvest two other potentially useful stem
cells from the umbilical cord: mesenchymal
and epithelial stem cells for your family.
This patented technology is exclusively
available at Cordlife.

Quality You Can Trust

The Company's in-depth knowledge of stem cell banking
practices and standards is well recognized by numerous
world class quality standard organizations as well as
country regulators in the Asia Pacific region. In 2007,
Cordlife was bestowed the prestigious ' Technology Pioneer '
title by the World Economic Forum, which further validated
the Company's outstanding performance in the industry.

AABB Accreditation


Ministry of Health Certification


DOH Registration
Umbilical Cord

Ministry of Health (DEPKES)


AABB Accreditation
Hong Kong

DOH Registration
Umbilical Cord Blood

Drugs Controller General

of India Certification



Most Transplant Cases

To date, Cordlife Group Limited and its associates have
successfully released over 250 cord blood units5 to our
clients worldwide for treatment. Our proven track record
for release is the ultimate validation of our processing
and storage methods.

Flexible Banking Options in Philippines,

Hong Kong or Singapore
Cordlife provides you with the option to bank your babys
cord blood in the Philippines, Singapore or Hong Kong.
Located in UP-AyalaLand Technohub, our ISO
9001: 2008 certified local stem cell processing and
storage facility is the first and only in the Philippines with
a storage capacity of over 20,000 units. In Singapore and
Hong Kong, the AABB-accredited facilities have banked
over 40,000 cord blood units for families since 2001.
Cordlifes facilities are managed by highly qualified
laboratory biotechnologists. Built using stringent criteria
set by AABB, our facilities are closely monitored and
equipped with multiple back-up systems.

Best Solution for Cord Blood Banking

When it comes to stem cell banking for your family, we
go all out for quality. We always insist on the best so
our clients can receive better transplant and cellular
therapy outcomes. Unlike other processing and storage
technologies, our technology has never been recalled
by manufacturers.
MVE Anti-contamination
Vapor-Phase Liquid
Nitrogen Storage
Trusted by the majority
of private cord blood
banks worldwide.
Lowest sample
temperature at-190 C.


Precision technology
made in Switzerland.
The worlds only fully
automated cord blood
processing technology
approved by U.S. FDA.
Able to recover up to
99% of stem cells
(TNC) from cord blood.

Double Protection Guarantee

Your babys cord blood could turn

out to be the most precious gift to
your child. That is why we have it
doubly protected by the Cordlife
Quality Guarantee6 to assure you
of a cord blood unit of suitable
match or US$25,000 to defray
medical costs if the cord blood
stem cells lost its viability at the
point of transplant, as well as
additional Professional Indemnity
Insurance to safeguard you and
your family from financial loss
resulting from direct malpractice.

Long Term Storage Guarantee

Continuity Assured
In the extremely remote chance that Cordlife ceases
operations, our clients stem cells will be assigned to
another private cord blood bank of the same quality
standards for continued safe storage, at no extra cost to you.

Highest Quality Service at Reasonable

Cordlife is a world-recognised healthcare company that
can provide you with the highest quality services. At the
same time, our services are priced affordably so that
every family can benefit from private cord blood banking
to safeguard their familys health.


Cord blood banking was a completely new
concept to me when I had my first child, but I
had read up on it due to the fact that my mom
was diagnosed with stage 3b cancer the year
prior to my pregnancy-and I wanted to do my
tiny part in perhaps saving a family members
life down the line. With percentages high on
potentially saving lives within my family - I
knew that I wanted to do this for those I love
more than life itself.
Lexi Schulze Berenguer-Testa
TV Host and Magazine Editor

This is one of the best decisions I have made in

this second pregnancy of mine - to store my
babys cord blood and preserve the stem cells,
which could save the life of my baby, his
siblings, even us parents - if and when the
need arises in the future.
Tintin Bersola-Babao
TV Personality

My heart was broken in a million pieces when I

found out that my first born was stricken with
Leukemia at 2 years old. When almost all hope is
gone, his pedia-oncologist recommended stem
cells to help treat his illness. I recently gave birth
to a healthy baby girl and through the help of
Cordlife Cares Program, we were able to store
the stem cells from her umbilical cord blood.
Now we have a ready source of stem cells for
her older brother! In the midst of all our worries
and fears, Cordlife gave us hope that we can
conquer the big C. I consider it as the wisest
decision a parent could ever have, like getting a
life security blanket to keep the family safe and
warm in time of need.
Luzelle Atienza-Zata
Mother of three & Cordlife Cares recipient
Prior to giving birth to my Isaiah, I had no idea
about cord blood banking, moreso that it can help
give my family more medical options when faced
with a serious illness. Good thing a friend shared
with me her decision to store her babys umbilical
cord blood and the only stem cell bank she trusts
Cordlife. I am glad not only that our babys cord
blood is stored locally for easy access, but also
that it is safe 24/7 in a highly secure storage facility.
As a mom, nothing matters the most than my
childs welfare & health, and I thank Cordlife for
helping me secure it.
Amy Perez
Host and TV Personality

Being a mother of two, I get easily worried about

my babies health. This is why I was very relieved
when I learned about the availability and benefits of
cord blood banking here in the Philippines. I think it
is an important investment, given its ability to
biologically save my babies in the event of serious
diseases. With Cordlife by my side, I know that I
have a steadfast partner in safeguarding the future
of my precious ones.
Mutya Laxa-Buensuceso
Wife and Mompreneur

Banking our firstborns cord blood was a

no-brainer for my husband and me. As new
parents, we want to provide Noah with the best
options and to start preparing for his future. Cord
blood banking does both for us. Having that option
gives us some sense of security and peace. We
chose Cordlife because of its service and the fact
that it has banking facilities in the country.
Akiko Thomson-Guevara
Olympian and Entrepreneur

My sister-in-law and I got pregnant almost at the

same time. When I heard that she banked her
babys cord blood as a form of biological insurance,
I knew that I had to do the same for my daughter,
Scarlet. I learned that extracting cord blood is safe,
pain-free and a quality source of stem cells that can
be used to treat most dreaded diseases like blood
and immunodeficiency disorders. When high
statistics related to such illnesses and family history
come into play, I know I made the right decision to
protect my baby for life with cord blood banking.
Pia Guanio-Mago
Mother and Model
As first time parents, Marco and I had no idea
what to expect when we get to finally meet the little
man destined to complete our family baby Noah.
We actively tried to develop our parenting IQ, from
how to change a diaper to the many diseases that
could threaten my babys future. I still remember
my sense of relief having found out that we could
provide him biological protection through stem cell
banking. With only one chance to collect, I knew
we have to choose only the best stem cell bank to
safekeep Noahs stem cells. Thats why I chose
Cordlife. Nothing feels better than being able to
store my babys umbilical cord blood with the
largest and most experienced network of cord
blood banks in South East Asia.
Precious Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz
Actress and Beauty Queen













: Cordlife



UP - AyalaLand Technohub
ISO 9001: 2008









Banking your babys cord blood is an

important decision.
We encourage you to enrol during your
second or just before your third trimester.
However, it is never too late in your
pregnancy to enrol. Call us now to
arrange for a non-obligatory consultation
at your convenience.
The opportunity for cord blood banking
comes only once in a lifetime at the
point of delivery of your baby. Give your baby a lifetime of
protection by banking with Cordlife today.

, Cordlife

(02) 470 1735 / (02) 332 1888

Cordlife Medical Philippines Inc.

Corporate Office and Storage Facility

Unit 101, Building H, UP-AyalaLand Technohub
Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines

Satellite Office

Room 216, Medical Arts Building

St. Lukes Medical Center
279 E. Rodriguez Sr. Bldg. Quezon City 1112
Open Monday-Friday, from 10:00am to 4:00pm
1. List of diseases treatable with stem cells can be found at
2. Nietfeld JJ, Pasquini MC, Logan BR, et. al. 2008 Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 14:316-322.
3. Wagner, J.E. & Gluckman, E. 2010. Umbilical cord blood transplantation: the first 20 years. Semin. Hematol. 47: 312.
4. Karlsson, JOM and Toner M. Long-term storage of tissues by cryopreservation: critical issues. Biomaterials 17 (1996) 243-256.
5. For details, visit
6. For details, refer to Cordlife Service Agreement.
7. As of December 2012, based on consolidated figures of Cordlife Group Limited and its associates.
All information accurate at time of printing. QR No. 8.1-7-2-e, DCR No. 908

Subsidiary of Cordlife Group Limited, a Singapore Main Board Listed Company.

Trusted by over 100,0007 parents worldwide.

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