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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420



- Specifications for execution of works of concrete and reinforced
- Specification for waterproofing works
- Specification for the works of embankments
- Specification for metal structures
- Specifications for execution tank fire

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420


Standards and normative reference
Materials and equipment used. Checking quality. Shipping, handling, storage
Execution Technology
Checking the quality of works. Permissible deviations
Measurements and settlements.

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
This specification includes the technical specifications for the execution
structure of reinforced concrete for the pentru RESIDENTIAL PARK AND
During execution will be used the following concrete designed in accordance with
the details of NE012-99 and the table below:

Concrete class
Water penetration
Tightness req.
Type of cement
Water cement ratio max.
Max. size of aggr. mm

(Slump-cm )











H II/A-S 32,5

Retarder with
plast efect.
(10+/- 2)





H II/A-S 32,5


(10+/- 2)


(10+/- 2)


CEM II/A-S 32,5R


(10+/- 2)

Remarks: 1. Cement type and concrete mix characteristics may be changed with
Designer approval.
2. For concrete works during the winter time, can be used an antifreeze
*For perimeter exterior walls only

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(10+/- 2)

S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

NE 012 - 99

C 41 - 86

C 162 - 73

C 11 - 74

C 56-85

C 156 - 89

C 149 - 87


C 16 - 84
STAS 1799 - 88

10 STAS 3622 - 86

ENV 206



13 STAS 10493-76

Guide for the execution of works in concrete and reinforced

Normative for composition, performance and use of casings sliders
Normativ for composition, performance and use of flat panels to
metal casings for solid concrete walls of the buildings
Technical instructions regarding the composition and use in
construction of panels of plywood to framing
Normative to check the quality of construction works and related
Guide for application of STAS 6657 / 3 - 89. Prefabricated
elements, concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed
concrete. Processes and devices for checking geometrical
Technical instructions on procedures to remedy the defects for the
concrete and reinforced concrete.
Normative for doing construction works and related facilities in bad
Construction of concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed
concrete . Type and frequency of checking the quality of materials
and concrete for execution of construction works.
Concrete cement.Clasifications
Technical Specifications. Concrete - Terminology, requirements,
performance levels
Law regarding quality construction
Marking and signaling points for supervision of settlement and
deflections of construction and ground.

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
The composition of concrete must ensure the requirements of strength and sustainability in
accordance with Table 5.4. NE. Code 012-99.
Requirements to ensure resistance are prescribed by:
a) relationship between water/cement ratio and compressive strength of concrete,
relationship determined for each type of cement, aggregate type and age of the
concrete .
b) resistence classes and characteristic resistences determined on cube or cylinder as
pct.7.2.1. from NE 012-99.
Requirements for durability of concrete are based on rules concerning the composition and
selection of concrete materials. Thus, depending on the exposure class of the building - Tables
5.1., 5.2., 5.3. (average dry, wet, damp and frost with icing agents, marine or chemically
aggressive environment) and environmental influence on building the system (normal /
moderate / severe) are shown in Table 5.4. minimum requirements to ensure durability for
concrete, and in Table 5.5. minimum dosage of cement to ensure durability of concrete. For
buildings exposed to severe enviroments ratio water/cement(A/C) will be smaller.
To produce a durable concrete that will withstand exposure to environmental conditions and
to protect the reinforcement against corrosion following requirements must be met:
a) The selection of concrete materials so that they do not contain impurities that can damage
durability of concrete or produce corrosion of the rebar.
b) Chooze the concrete composition so that concrete:
c) to meet all performance criteria specified for reinforced concrete;
d) can be poured and compacted to form a compact structure to protect the rebar
e) to avoid actions that damages internal concrete (eg alkali-aggregate reaction);
f) to resist external actions such as the environment.
c) Mixing, transport, putting in work and compaction of fresh concrete to make so that materials
of concrete to be uniformly distributed in the mixture, not to segregate and concrete to make a
compact structure.
d) Appropriate treatment of the concrete to obtain the desired properties of concrete and proper
protection of the rebar.
Durability requirements necessary rebar protect against corrosion and preserve the
characteristics of concrete to physicochemical actions during the period of service are designed
primarily related to the permeability of concrete.
In NE 012-99 reference is made to establish the degree of impermeability of concrete
necessary depending on the class of exposure. STAS 3622-86 sets the levels of performance
of concrete depending on their degree of impermeability:
Limited penetration depth of water (mm)
100 mm
200 mm
Impermeability degree

Water pressure (bari)


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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
Resistance to frost-thaw concrete characterized by a degree of frostcleftness according to the
number of cycles of frost-thaw should meet performance levels specified in STAS 3622-86:
Frostcleftness degree of
the frost-thaw cycles
G 50
G 100
G 150
Concrete can be achieved on the basis of compositions determined in two ways:
1. mix concrete designed in the station by producer through a certified laboratory;
2. prescribed mix concrete (through the specification and / or user) through a laboratory.
Mixing concrete design:
Choosing components and determining the composition of concrete is designed by the producer
based on preliminary defined mixtures and verified by a laboratory. The composition of the
concrete should be designed taking into consideration the provisions of this specification and
the NE Code 012-99.
If the concrete mixture designed to be specified based on the composition of concrete:
3. class resistance (conf to the project);
4. Maximum size of granular aggregates (conf to this specification);
5. consistence of fresh concrete (conf to this specification)
6. the A / C max (conf to this specification)
7. minimum dosage and type of cement (conf to this specification)
Prescribed mix concrete:
Specify the following data:
1. Dosage of cement in cubic meters of concrete / concrete class;
2. Type and class of cement;
3. Consistency and the A / C of fresh concrete;
4. Type of aggregate;
5. Maximum size of aggregates and the granulosity;
6. The type and amount of additive or admixture.
Minimum dosage of cement concrete for plain and reinforced concrete, depending on exposure
conditions, established under NE. 012-99 (cap.5 - table 5.5. And specified in Annex I.4).
Minimum dosage are valid when using aggregates of 0 ... 31 mm aggregates for the 0 ... 16 mm
dosages increase by 10% and the aggregate 0 ... 71 mm is reduced by 10%. If the use of
admixtures in the preparation of concrete or the use of additives reduced water with the opinion
of a specialist institute and the designer, can take the dosages of inferior cement the table
For first class of exposure (normal):
Plain concrete
150 kg/m3
250 kg/m3
Setting the type of additive is made by:
a) Structural engineer in case the usage of additive is imposed by the project.
b) Field engineer in the following cases:
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
- The requirements imposed by the execution of special technology and type of additive
is not required by the project;
- Execution of works in other conditions than normal (during warm or cold);
- Preparation of concrete on site, and by design is not established the type of additive;
- Obtaining resistances control phases in short terms.
c) The supplier of concrete to achieve the requirements of resistance, improving uniformity of
concrete and if necessary, increase the duration of transport.
Consistency of concrete put in place to operate is determined by the Field engineer, according
to table I.4.3. NE of 012-99, so that concrete can be transported and put in work conditions.
For fresh concrete:
Consistence, as a measure of maleability that can be determined according to NE. pct.7.1.1 of
012-99 by the following methods: settling cone, remodeling VE-BE, degree of compaction and
For hardened concrete:

- RESISTANCE TO COMPRESSION - concrete class is defined based on the characteristic

resistance fck cil (fck cube) is compressive strength in N/mm2 on cylinders 150/300 mm (or
cubes with a side of 150 mm) in age 28 days, under whose value may be statistically situate no
more than 5% of the results.



fck cil
fck cub



12/15 16/20 20/25 25/30 30/37 35/45 40/50 45/55


Concrete class definition according to code NE. 012-99 regards preservation of

according to STAS 1275-88.


Until the introduction of patterns for manufacturing tubes of (2001 year term)150x150x150
mm cubic and cylindrical 150xH300mm, it can be accepted the determination of the
concrete class of tubes cubic 141x141x141 mm.
Density of concrete, determined at 28 days according to STAS 2414/91.
To achieve concrete class to the project is recommended to use range of Portland cement,
Class I / I/42.5 or 32.5, without additives, with resistance initially normal, according to technical
conditions of SR388 - 95 (equivalent to Pa35 or Pa40 former STAS 1500 -- 78). Its
characterization, and field of use and conditions are specified in Annex I.1 in N.E. 012-99.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
The range of Portland cement I/32.5 current works of reinforced concrete in normal operating
conditions, which do not impose specific requirements, according to tables I.2.1. of NE 012-99.
Special concrete in contact with groundwater, identified with carbon aggression will be executed
in accordance with STAS 2239/83.
Delivery and transport
Cement is delivered in bulk or packed in paper bags, accompanied by a certificate of
quality. In case the cement dispatched by the supplier is taken over a base of supply, it is
obliged to deliver the user to issue a certificate of guarantee which states:
- Type of cement and factory production;
- Date of arrival in the warehouse;
- The certificate of quality issued by the manufacturer;
- The use notice certified by laboratory;
-ensure that the conditions of storage.
Cement shipped in bulk are transported in cistern wagons, tankers, containers or closed
wagons, dedicated to this product.
Transportation of cement packed in bags is made by closed wagons or covered trucks.
Storage of cement will be made only after receiving the quantity and quality, including through
the establishment of existence or certificate of quality guarantee and verification of free storage
capacity in silos for cement type or in specially equipped rooms. Whenever possible, storage
cements directly from the producer, will be made after verification from the physical laboratory.
Cement in bulk storage will be silo-type cells, which werent previously stored other materials.
Storage of cement packed in bags must be done in closed rooms. In case of wooden
warehouses, they will have eaves of max. 50 cm width, and the floor will be built at least 30 cm
above the ground. In case the storage room has concrete floor, the bags will be placed on
boards with interspaces to ensure air circulation inside the stack. bags will be seated in the
stacks, leaving the free distance of 50 cm from the exterior walls around them and keeps a
sufficient space for circulation.
Piles shall have the date of arrival of cement marked , grade and date of manufacture. Cement
will be used in the manufacturing order data. Duration of storage will not exceed 60 days from
the date of dispatch by the producer of cements with additives and 30 days in the case without
added cements. Cement remained in storage over the period of warranty or improper conduct
will not be used in concrete works and concrete until after checking the state of conservation
and mechanical resistances.

At intermediate deposits and reserve deposits of the concrete station will mark concrete
silos for each purely assortment of cement to be used. Marking silos will be a form of cement
standard symbol with letters and numbers at least 50 cm high.
When necessary to change the range of cement stored in silos are fully emptied through
pneumatic installation and will mark the new selection to be stored. The entire life of silos will
keep lots of cement stored in each silo, by recording the daily arrivals and deliveries.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
Quality control of cement
Checking the quality of cement will be:
- The supply, including checking the certificate of guarantee issued by the producer or the
delivery point under 4.1.3. of NE 012-99.
- Before use, by a certified laboratory.
Quality control of cement is given in paragraph Annex VI of the Code of practice for
the performance of reinforced concrete works NE 012-99.
In case lots range of cement supplied not meet the quality guaranteed, will suspend or prohibit
their use.
Technical Terms
For preparation of concrete having apparent density of between 2001 - 2500 kg/m3, is
being used aggregates with normal density (1201-2000 kg/m3), derived from crushing natural
and / or crushing rocks. Technical conditions which must satisfy the aggregates are shown in
STAS 1667 / 76.
Preparation for concrete sorts are used:
- Sand of granulosity between 0 and 3 mm and 3 to 7 mm;
- Gravel of granulosity between 7 and 16 and 16 mm and 31 mm.
Using other sorts of aggregates can be done only with the designer.
Curve granulosity the aggregate total must fall - depending on the dosage of cement and
concrete consistency - in the area registered under Tables 1.4.5 ... 1.4.8 of Annex I.4 - U.S.
Code 012-99.
Aggregates should not be contaminated with other materials during transportation or storage.
Aggregates should be stored on concrete platforms with slopes and culverts exhaust water.
Separate storage of various sorts will create compartments with appropriate height to avoid
mixing with other sorts.
In case of low volumes of aggregates, will be stored on wooden platforms in the bottom or using
facilities recoverable. Storage is not permitted directly on the ground or platform bed.
Quality control of aggregates
Quality control of aggregates will be:
- To supply under Annex VI.1. Section A.2. U.S. Code 012-99.
- Before use, according to Annex VI.1. Section B.2. U.S. Code 012-99.
Methods of testing are covered in STAS 4606 - 80.
In case lots range of aggregate supplied does not meet the guaranteed quality consignment will
be denied.
Water used in the preparation of concrete may come from public network or other source, but
in this case should meet the technical conditions stipulated in STAS 790 - 84.

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
Additives are chemicals that are added in concrete in amounts less than or equal to 5% from
the dry mass of cement.
Using additives in the preparation of concrete aims to:
- Improving maleability, in elements with thick rebars, thin sections or pumped concrete;
- Obtain concrete upper class;
- Regulating the process of strengthening, delay or acceleration, depending on technological
- Increasing resistance, durability and improving uniformity of concrete.
- Improving water proofness.
Common types of additives and conditions of use are specified in Annex I.3. of NE 012-99.
Using other types of additives or the simultaneous use of 2 types of additives in the event that
compatibility is not known and their side effects on concrete, is admitted only after conducting
preliminary tests and the opinion of a specialist institute.
Primary and secondary effects of additives on properties of concrete are presented in Table
1.3.1. of NE 012-99. Influence of additives on the current use of properties of concrete is
presented in Table 1.3.2. Annex I.3. - NE 012-99.
Admixtures are fine inorganic materials that can be added in concrete in amounts exceeding
5% from the dry mass of cement, in order to improve its characteristics (maleability degree of
impermeability, resistance to aggressive chemical agents), or to achieve special properties.
There are two types of additives:
- Inert, partial replacement of part of fine aggregate, which is reduced by about
10% the
amount of sand of 0-3 mm aggregates. use of added inert leads to improvement of concrete
- Active case in which the matter of the addition of hydraulic properties. Active additives are
granulated furnace slag, ash, silica dust, etc..
In case of additives with hydraulic properties, to calculate the water / cement (A / C) it considers
the addition of concrete as part binder.
Using additives is in accordance with specific regulations in force, agreements or technical
basis of studies drawn up by specialized laboratories. Additions should not contain substances
that inflenteze negative properties of concrete or cause corrosion of rebars.
Staff involved in the production and control of concrete will have the necessary knowledge and
will be certified for these types of activity. For operations of dosing and mixing of all concrete
installations and equipment should ensure the proper functioning of their requirements for these
types of operations, as specified in NE. 012-99.
If the concrete is delivered from stations, field-engineer and investor may have the right to
verify the proper functioning of the equipment and installations and also to check if delivery
time meet the technical requirements and delivery receipt if it contains all the necessary
information . Checks should not be used as station concrete proof of the quality control of
concrete and graduate station concrete preparation of a concrete delivery responsibility
requirements, nor to exclude a further rejection of the concrete by the client.
To ensure proper quality level of expectations, field-engineers of construction works or the
investor or his representatives can work with a laboratory other than the concrete station for this
kind of work, which is equipped with all facilities and equipment necessary to make specific
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
determinations and quality control of concrete. If field engineer appeals to a laboratory
independent foreign enterprises, should be specified in the contract all determinations
necessary to assure quality control of concrete, depending on the specific work.
Technical Terms
Steels for concrete must conform to "technical specification of requirements and performance
criteria for steels used in concrete structures and to meet the technical conditions stipulated in
STAS 438/1-89 (for flat steel profile OB 37), in STAS 438/2-91 (for steel profiled PC 52, PC 60)
in the STAS 438 / 3 / 4-98 (for nets and pulled wires welded to reinforced concrete), and STAS
10107 / 0 - 90.
Types of fittings are currently used:
- OB 37 - concrete steel round, flat, for fittings and construction fittings resistance whose size
resulting from compliance with the minimum reinforcement;
- PC 52 - concrete steel with higher resistance, with a regular profile, fittings for the resistance
of structural elements of reinforced concrete located in the potential plastic area
-BST-500S - concrete steel with higher resistance, with a regular profile, fittings for the
resistance of structural elements of reinforced concrete located in areas of elastic behavior
In case of use of steels from import is mandatory existing certificate of quality issued by a unit
of imported steel, or ensure that their disposal. The certificate of quality is appropriate to
mention the type of steel STAS 438/1-2 / 89-91, equivalence is made by taking into account all
the parameters of quality. In case there is doubt about how to equivalence conducted, the
manufacturer can only use steel from the results of laboratory tests and the written consent of
the designer.
Delivery and marking
Delivery of steel concrete will be made under the current provisions and accompanied by a
certificate of quality. In cases where delivery is made by a supply base its required to send
certificates of guarantee proper lots that delivers. The documents accompanying the delivery of
steel from the concrete producer must contain the following information:
- Name and type of steel, the standard used;
- All information for the identification of batches;
- Net weight;
- The determinants of performance criteria.
Each link or curl bars or welded nets will have a label, right about that will contain:
- Mark the product;
- Type of rebar;
- Batch number and the hoop or connection;
- Net weight;
- The CTC.
Steel supplied by intermediaries will be accompanied by a certificate of quality which will contain
all of the documents issued by the manufacturer of steel concrete.
Transport and storage
Reinforcement bars, welded nets and reinforcement of prefabricated carcasses will be
transported and stored so that will not suffer damage or the presence of substances that can
affect the rebar and / or concrete or concrete-reinforcement adhesion. Steels for fittings to be
stored separately on the types and diameters, in spaces designed and properly equipped so as
to ensure:
- The avoidance of conditions favorable to corrosion of steel;
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
- Avoid staining with earth or other material;
- Providing opportunities for easy identification of each type and diameter.
Quality Control
Rebars will be checked under "technical specification of requirements and performance criteria
for steels used in construction. For each type and quantity supplied, the operation control is
carried out under the provisions of Chapter 17 (section (F) and Annex VI.1 (section
A.5) NE 012-99 of the Code, namely:
- Examining the existence and content of documents certifying the quality and comparing the
data recorded in the certificate requirements for the regulated product;
- Examination of the issue;
- Check by cold bending.
- Verification of the mechanical characteristics (resistance to fracture, flow limit, elongation at
Casings and support
Casings and supporting their need to be made and mounted so as to meet the following
a) to ensure getting the shape, size and degree of finish, the project provided for the
items to be executed according to form in the permissible deviations given in Annex III.1.
U.S. Code 012-99.
b) to be sealed so that you do not allow the loss of cement milk;
c) to be stable and resilient under loads that may occur during execution;
d) to be sufficiently rigid to ensure coverage for the structure and otherwise not affect the
ability to wear.
e) be so arranged that it be possible display correct location of rebar, and achieving a
proper compaction of the concrete.
f) to respect the technical regulations in force. Supervision and control will ensure the
casings in accordance with the plans and execution of specific technical regulations.
g) ensure the order of assembly and disassembly without the established degrade the
concrete casings or components cofrate and support;
h) to allow a sale to deshutter easy, a gradual takeover of the load elements without impact
or damage the concrete.
The inner surface of the casings need to be clean. Substances for lubrication of falsework
(deshutter agencies) should be applied in uniform layers on the interior surface of casings
and concrete must be poured while these agents are effective. Deshutter agencies should
not stain the concrete, affecting the durability of concrete, or corrode the casings, easy to
apply to keep their properties in the same climate conditions and dynamic execution of the
works. Election agents of deshuttering will be based on technical or regulatory approvals.
Casings are made of wood or products based on wood, metal or plastic products. The
materials used must match the specific regulations in force. Details of the composition
casings will develop the construction of the project execution technology or a specialized
Casings, supporting and fastening parts are taking into account the size specification data in
the "Guide for design and use of casings.
Handling, transport and storage casings will be made so as to avoid deformation and their
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
degradation (wetting, dirt, rotting, rusty, etc.)..
It is forbidden to directly deposit casings on the ground or to storage other materials on the
piles of panel casings.
Before beginning operation of mounting casings, will clean and prepare surfaces that will
come in contact with concrete that is going to be poured and it will check and correct the
position of rebars.
Mounting casings will include the following steps:
- drawing position casings;
- provisional assembling and supporting the panels;
- linking and supporting the final casings.
In cases in which the supporting casings supports on the ground it will ensure allocation
requests, taking into account the degree of compaction and soaking opportunities, so as to
avoid producing settling. In cases where the land is frozen or exposed to frost support claims
will be made so as to avoid moving them depending on the temperature.
Shaping bars, manufacturing and installation of reinforcement carcasses will be done
in strict accordance with the project and compliance with composition for reinforced concrete
elements stipulated in STAS 10107 / 0 - 90, paragraph 6 on the following:
- Reinforced anchoring longitudinal and cross under section 6.2.;
- Provision of additional poles, according to section 6.4.;
- Additional provisions for beams under section 6.5.;
- Provision of additional slabs, according to section 6.6.
Prior to move to shaping reinforced, the field-engineer will review the project, taking into
account the practical possibilities of fitting and fixing of bars, and technological aspects of
compaction and concreting. If it is deemed necessary will be required to review the design of
reinforcement in the project.
Spinner fittings which must be clean and straight. For this purpose will be removed:
- Any impurities from the bars;
- Rust by rubbing with wire brush, especially in areas where the bars are to be eking by welding.
After rust removal, reducing the size bar area should not exceed the diameter limit deviations
specified in product standards.
O.B. delivered in coils or bars bent must be turned before it can proceed with cutting and
trimming, without damaging the profile yet. In tension with winches, maximum alongation will
not exceed 1 mm / m.
Bars are cut and shaped to be stored in packages labeled, so as to avoid their confusion
and ensure preservation of their shape and cleanliness to when installing. If, due to local
conditions, may be favored steel corrosion, we recommend installation and concreteing rebars
within 15 days of forming.
Fittings will be done with or without noses, under the project. If smooth rebars, with dimater "d",
nose fold to 180 deg., with a minimum inside radius "1.25 d" and the right end portion, usually at
least 5 d. If reinforced with regular profile, nose fold to 90deg. with a minimum inner radius "2d"
and right end portion, typically less "7d". Inclined bending bars, the passage of beams or
columns in the past over the corner of a framework will
done by an arc of a circle at least, "10d". Heads tilted bars should have a right portion with a
length of at least "20d" in stretched areas and at least "10d" in the compressed areas. If stirrups
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
fold after a right angle, the bending radius of the circle will be minimal "2d". Stirrups bars are
close to noses in 135deg., with length of at least "10d" or 10 cm, where d is the diameter of
Stirrups shaping and bending will be made with a slow motion, without shocks. In the bending
machines is not admissible in bent steel bars with a regular profile at high speed of the car
when it has two speeds. Prohibiting shaping reinforced at temperatures below-10 C. Bars with a
regular profile with a diameter greater than 25 mm will be the hot fashion. Recommendations for
shaping bars, mounting and binding are in Annex II.1. NE. Code 012-99.
Reinforcement should be cut, bent, manipulated so as to avoid:
- Mechanical damage (eg. Nick, percussion);
- Breaks in the welds welded enclosures or nets;
- Contact with substances that may affect the adhesion properties or processes can cause
Specific tests or determinations welded nets, including verification of quality weld nodes will be
under STAS 438 / 3 - 1989.
Reinforced assembly can begin only after receiving a quality casings and acceptance by
the design of concreteing procedure of elements or parts of the structure whose volume
exceeds 100 cm and is required to be provided by casting joints.
Mounting rebars will adopt measures to ensure the proper development of pouring and concrete
compactation by:
- Creation of empty spaces between fittings at the top, allowing free penetration of the concrete
or hoses that download the concrete at intervals of max. 3 m;
- Creating spaces required penetration of shaker machine, at least 2.5 times the diameter and
the maximum of 5 times the thickness of the item, shaker machines typical diameters being 38
or 58 mm.
In case you are not insured under the above:
- Will be assembled or partially closing the upper reinforcement, will be completed before the
last stage of concreteing;
- Will be required, if necessary, review the provisions stipulated in the reinforcement project.
Fittings will be mounted in position to the project, is taking steps to assure its maintenance
during pouring concrete (distance piecs, clips, goats, etc.).. In this respect will be provided:
- At least four distance pieces each m2 of plate or wall structure;
- At least one distance piece every linear feet of column or beam (for > 12 mm), and at least
two distance pieces every linear feet of column orbeam (for <12 mm)
- At least one distance piece among the ranks of fittings every two linear feet of beam
reinforcement in the area with two or more rows.
Distance pieces can be made of cement mortar in the form of a prism provided with a wire to be
connected by fittings or made of plastic. It is forbidden to use as spacers Coupons steelconcrete, except distance pieces between rows of rebars on two or more lines,( beams). To
maintain position of rebars in the top plate distance pieces will be used in steel-concrete
supported on lower rebar or distance pieces and arranged between them at the distance of one
meter (1 buc/m2) field and at 50 cm (4 buc/m2) in areas in the console. If reinforced with a
diameter greater than 14 mm is permitted overcoming distances mentioned, but so as to ensure
preservation of rebar position. In such situations, the distance piece can be replaced with the
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
reinforcement bar welded lower and upper respectively.
Embedded metal parts will be fixed by a solder or wire connections with the reinforcement
element, or be fixed in casing, so as to ensure maintenance of their position during pouring
It is recommended that, when you have mechanical means of lifting and erection, reinforcement
is installed in the form of carcasses preasamblate, preferably by welded points.
Binding rebars
Reinforcement bars should be linked together to crosses with black wire connection
(STAS 889 - 80) or by electric welding points. When the binding is done by wire, will use two
threads of wire 1 - 1.5 mm diameter.
Networks of fittings in plates and diaphragms will necessarily linked in two marginal rows of
crosses on the entire contour. The remaining crossings of the networks will be linked in chess.
Network of curved boards will connect all points of crossing.
In beams and columns will be linked crosses all bars with the corners of stirrups or clip noses.
Crosses of the remaining bars with straight parts of stirrups may be related only in chess.
Inclined bars will be linked in a compulsory,with the first stirrup they meet.
Construction Rules
Constructive provisions to be complied with reinforcing elements in reinforced concrete are
given in STAS 10107/0-90, cap.6 and 7.
Binding bars
Binding bars is made in accordance with the project by overlapping (usually), or overlapping
and welding, respecting the regulations in STAS 10107/0-90, paragraph 6.3. norm and C28-83
on the welding of steel bars concrete.
Binding by welding the bars is accomplished by manual welding with electric arc, or by
overlapping eclise, respecting execution mode, the minimum required length of cord welding
and quality control according to specific technical prescriptions. (C28-83 and C150-84 ).
Not allowing the use of weld in binding bars of steel whose qualities have been improved by
mechanical means (wire set).
Layer of concrete cover
To ensure sustainability of structure elements by protection rebars against corrosion
and good conclucrare with concrete it is necessary that the elements of reinforced concrete to
build a layer of reinforced coverage with the proper thickness of STAS no. 10107/0-90 Section
6.1. (environments considered without chemical aggression) and respecting the provisions of
Annex II.3. - U.S. Code 012-99 (for aggressive chemical environments).
To ensure coverage layer designed are provided proper distance pieces made of plastic or
mortar. Its prohibited the use of distance pieces made out of metal coupons or wood.
From the conditions of exposure to the action of weather and high humidity, the elements
located in closed spaces and in contact with the outside (the doors) but plastered or covered by
another layer of protection equivalent is included in category I. For items carried monolith on the
site and placed in category I, a minimum thickness of cover layer of reinforced concrete is:
- For plates or ribs frequently with width <150 mm of slabs: 10 mm, but with a condition to be at
least equal to the diameter of 1.2 bars on the first row;
- Structural walls: 15 mm, but with a condition to be at least equal to the diameter of 1.2 bars on
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
the first row;
- The beams, columns, bulbs of structural walls : 25 mm
- The foundation: 35 mm on the face that comes in contact with concrete equalization, or faces
in the cast form (eg. Foundation beams) .- III category.
: 45 mm on the face that comes in direct contact with the ground. (Category
In case of concrete class <C16/20 values above increases by 5 mm to the exposure categories
Minimum thickness of cover layer of longitudinal rebars should respect the past values, but to
be at least equal to 1.2Xd longitudinal bar reinforcement. Thickness of the layer of reinforced
longitudinal coverage is limited to 50 mm. Thick layer of reinforced longitudinal coverage must
usually be a multiple of 5 mm, and is obtained by rounding up more or less than 2 mm in minus
values determined under the conditions specified above.

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Replacement reinforced under the project
In case you do not have the assortment of diameters and specified in the project
can proceed to replace them with the opinion of the designer. Replacement reinforced
under the project will join the execution plans that are submitted to the technical building
book and will be covered by the structural engineer who has subordinated paper.
Binding by welding of bars
Innadirile by welding the bars will fulfill the terms of STAS STAS 438/1-80 and
438/2-80 on the minimum flow limit of Rc (R0, 2) and resistance to breakage; limit flow of
welded binding its considered the load that a test tube presents deformation remaining
less than or equal to 0.2% (Table 11 determinata conf, pct.2 - from C 28/83).
Welding can be done only for temperatures greater than 0 C. For temperatures
between -15 ... 0C are allowed welded binding only in protected spaces and with a
preheating the upper limit (300C). Also, in this case, it will work only on a specific person
responsible for welding. Preheating temperature will be determined with thermoindicator
pencils or with the indications in Table I.6. - C28-83. Preheating the bars will run with the
flame oxiacetilenic (conf STAS 4137-70) or other heat sources. In case of strong wind,
fog or rain, will protect the work places in which are executed the welds. After welding,
the exterior temperature below 5C, or strong winds and high humidity, welded binding
will be packed with materials in dry heat, protected against moisture, to ensure slow
Bar ends to be welded are cut manually, with mechanical means, or flame, followed by
an additional mechanical cleaning of face processing. Ends of bars which are being
welded will be cutted manualy followed by a mechanical scrub to obtain a metallic luster .
Machines and aggregates for welding will be handled, maintained and inspected by
qualified personnel, controlling the proper functioning of equipment to adjust the welding
parameters, and also will check the machines and aggregates we put into operation. Will
follow, by mounting a voltmeter, the variation of voltage from the power network of cars or
aggregates of welding and soldering will be banned in the periods in which there is a
varat voltage greater than 10% of rated voltage, taking the measures to eliminate these
variations. Welding transformers must meet the terms of STAS 2689-71. Aggregates DC
will fulfill the terms of the production, with nominal power indicated and devices of fine
adjustment of the welding current.
Transportation must be done taking concrete measures to prevent segregation, loss
or contamination of the concrete components. Transport concrete from the station will be made
only with concrete cars. Local transport of concrete can
performed with auto-bucket , pumps, truck,transporting bands , troughs or ti barrows. Means of
transport must be sealed to allow no loss of cement milk.
Whenever the time for unloading and reloading concrete of means of transportation
excedes more than an hour, as well if the work is stopped, they will be cleaned with water jet.
Concrete cars will be filled with approx. 1 mc of water, will rotate with the maximum speed for 5
minutes, after which will be completely empty of water.
It is recommended that the temperature of fresh concrete to start pouring be between 5C and
30C. In case the concrete with temperatures higher than 30C is required additional measures
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
to be determined by a specialized institution or a laboratory authorized by adoption of
appropriate technologies for preparation, transport, putting in work and treatment and use of
concrete delaying additives etc..
Preparation for the concretes pouring
Running concrete works can start only if the following conditions are met:
- Drawing concreteing procedure for the object in question by field-engineer and acceptance
this by the investor. The rules include detailed execution and quality control, taking into account
the requirements imposed by the project, equipment and possibilities for organizing the
execution, and the provisions of the NE. 012-99.
- In case of concrete prepared on site: preparatory measures are performed, are checked and
supplied the necessary materials (cement, aggregates, additives, additives, fittings, embedded
parts, casings, etc..) And are able to operate equipment and facilities needed in accordance
with the procedure execution.
- Are provided opportunities to washing machines of transport and release concrete in work o.
- Are established and trained formations work in terms of technology, execution, and on
measures of safety and security contractors.
- Were received quality work digging, casings and fittings (if necessary). It is worth mentioning
that if the installation and reception of rebar over a long period (over 6 months), it is necessary
to inspect the condition of rebars by a commission composed of the beneficiary, executor, and
designer representative State Inspections in Construction will decide the oportunity expertize of
concrete rreinforcement by an expert or a specialized institute and carry out them in any case, if
this frequency is found nonadherent , reinforcement - after cleaning - should not present a
reduction under section predicted in minimal deviation product standards, will then proceed to a
new reception quality.
- Surfaces of poured concrete and earlier and hardened, which will come in contact with fresh
concrete shall be cleaned of film cement milk or impurities, surfaces should not present loose or
segregated areas, and should have rugosity to ensure good connections between the two
concretes. Are determined and prepared measures to be adopted for continuing concreteing in
case some accidental situations apears by providing:
- Concrete station and transport of reserve;
- Sumplimentary source of electricity;
- Materials to protect concrete;
- Conditions for creating a joint of work, etc..

You can foresee the intervention of unfavorable climatic conditions (heavy

frost, storm, etc.)..

Are provided for routing water from rainfall, so that they do not accumulate in areas to be

Are provided the necessary conditions to harvest the evidence in place for work and for
making determinations under fresh concrete, the downloading of the vehicle.

It established the management of any shipments of concrete terms that do not meet the
established technical and are denied.
Based on inspectionsto fulfill entirely above mentioned conditions will record the start of
concreteing by: representative payee, the technical execution and in the decisive phases, the
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designer, a representative of State Inspections in Construction, according to the quality control
of works -- established by contract. Approval to start concreteing must be reconfirmed on the
basis of new checks in cases where:
- Events have intervened to alter the nature of situation to date (weather, accidents, business
resumption to work and nor suspended, etc.).
- Concreteing not started within 7 days from the date of approval.
Before pouring the concrete must be verified correct operation of equipment for local and
compacting concrete.


When pouring the concrete the following general rules, which may be completed NE 01299, must be obeyed:
a) Wooden casings, old concrete or masonry, which will come in contact with the fresh concrete,
will watered for 2-3 hours before and right before the pouring of the concrete;
b) The unloading of the concrete, from the transportation, will be done in: bins, pumps,
transporting bands, gullies or directly onto the work places;
c) If the concrete brought to the placement space presents segregation or it does not comply to
the consistency norms it will be refused or an additive will be used to improve the
d) The height of the concretes free fall will be no longer than 3 m;
e) Concreting the cased elements on heights higher than 3 m will be done through lateral
windows or with a hose;
f) The concrete must be homogeneously spread along the element in horizontal layers of
maximum 50 cm, and the pouring of the new layer must be done before the hardening of the
previous layer.
g) Measures will be taken to prevent the deforming or displacement of the reinforcements from
their initial position; any errors will be corrected during the pouring;
h) The thickness of the concrete layer will correspond to the indications to the project;
i) It is forbidden to place the vibrator on the reinforcements;
j) Where the reinforcements are thick special attention is necessary to ensure the complete
filling of the section with concrete;
k) Follow the behavior and maintaining of the initial position of the casings and ensure their
sustaining; all errors will be corrected immediately;
l) The workers are forbidden to travel directly on the reinforcements or the fresh concrete;
m) The concreting will be done continuously up to the joints foreseen in the project;
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n) The maximum interruption between concretions is 2 hours in the case of the cement with
addition compounds and 1.5 hours in the case of the cements with no addition compounds;

Compacting concrete
Concrete will be compacted enough to contain a minimum quantity of air stop.
Compacting concrete is required and can be done through different processes,
depending on the consistency of concrete, type of item, etc.. During compacting ofthe
fresh concrete will take care to avoid displacement and degradation of reinforced and /
or casings. Concrete must be compacted only as long as it is working.
Manual compaction is admitting (to rammer in parallel with hammering casings) in the
following cases:
Introducion in concrete of shaker machine is not possible because of size or thickness
of reinforced section and can not be effectively applied external vibration;

break- down the operation of shaker-machine(fault, down the power, etc..) Concreteing
must continue until the position corresponding to a point.
Mechanical compaction
In general, mechanical compaction is vibrating. You can use the following procedures Vibrating:
using internal vibration Interior shaker-machine
using external vibration shaker-machine for framing;
surface vibration using plate shaker-machine.
Internal vibration
Is the main method of compaction of concrete. Type of shaker-machine shall be defined and
supplied to the site before beginning of concreteing. Choice of
shaker-machine ( head size, strength and harmful to the proper frequency) will be made
depending on the size of elements and possibilities of introducing a shaker head (cylinder)
through reinforcement bars.
Concrete consistency compacted by internal vibration depends on the shape and
texture of reinforced element. Optimum duration of vibration is between 5 seconds and a
maximum of 30 seconds depending on the concrete and settling type of vibrator use.. Thick
layer of concrete subjected to vibrate is recommended to not exceed 3 / 4 length of head
shaker (bottle). On a new layer compaction, breaking cylinder be from 50 mm to 150 mm in
compacted layer above.
Signs outside after that recognizes that ended vibration are:
- The concrete is not settling;
- The surface of concrete becomes horizontal and glosy;
- Stop the occurrence of bubbles on the surface of concrete.
External vibration
It is indicated in the case of monolithic cast items reduced thickness and frequent
fittings, prefabricated elements, or which can not be compacted by internal vibration. In areas
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
where it is possible to use additional interior shakers. If items compacted with outdoor shakers
will take constructive measures, the casings by increasing the rigidity and provide as far as
possible links between elastic casings and the support .
Consistency of compacted concrete by external vibration is recommended to be settling with
minimum 50 mm.
Surface vibration
It will use the compacting plate thickness exceeding 200 mm. Consistency of
compacted concrete vibrating surface is recommended to be settling with minimum 20 mm. It is
recommended that the duration of vibration to be 30 ... 60 seconds. Thick layer of concrete
poured (before compaction) should be 1.35 ... 1.1 times higher than the final thickness of
compacted layer, depending on the consistency of concrete. If the sample calculations provided
in the preceding paragraph shall be determined and thick layer of concrete poured for the
required thickness of the finished item.
Distance between two successive positions of the vibrant boards should be established
so as to be assured of minimum overlap 50 mm compared to the previous position.
Concrete cast by pumping
Materials used for the preparation of concrete poured by pumping dosage should be
mixed and controlled properly, the essential conditions for an optimal concrete pumping
technology.. Maximum aggregate size will be limited to 1 / 3 the diameter of pipe repression.
Classes of concrete recommendations to achieve in the current process for this work are in C
8/10...C 20/25. Concrete pumping another class located outside this area will be made only
after some preliminary experimental attempts to prove the applicability of the process.
Put in pumped concrete work will take all measures so that:
- The pump to run continuously, without interruption, which favors blocking in concrete pipes;
- The height of free fall of concrete to be max. 0.50 m
- Thick layer of concrete to be max. 40 cm
- Concrete to be compacted by vibration.
Other recommendations on the composition of concrete pumping technology and are given in
Chapter 16 - section 16.3 of the Code NE 012-99.
Execution of concrete works during cold
The basic characterization of the cold period of time is exterior air temperature , which
is measured at 8 am, in the shade, at 2.00 m height from the ground and the minimal distance
of any buildings or other construction. "Cold day" is called the day when outside air temperature
C and trends are not lower than + 5
Technical regulation for the execution of construction works on time is the norm C16-84 which
contains all the activity in those conditions. Some of the provisions for the execution of concrete
works are described below, they will be supplemented by other requirements of the norm C 1684:
- The execution casings need to be cleared of snow and ice by mechanical means and finally, if
possible, through a jet of hot air;
- Implement the substances which is easier to decase only after cleaning and drying area;
Will be given a special attention proping supporting elements casings taking appropriate
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
measures depending on the behavior of frost in the land, namely: - lands for stable support to
frost will be placed on the foot
on level ground and cleaned in advance of snow, ice and vegetation layer;
- Unstable lands for the frost, and in cases fillings,
Posts will sit on the beams with large support surface buried under depth of frost on the
existing foundations.
- Fittings will be stored on dry land, equipped with compacted gravel platforms;
- Bars covered with ice will be cleared before the cutting and trimming by hammering, by
scratching with the appropriate tools or jet of hot air melts the ice water and drying results. Not
recommended ice melting hot water unless there is certainty that it will not froze again. It is
forbidden to deicing with flame.
- Shaping of rebars will be done only at positive temperatures;
- The preparation of concrete will take a quantity of water as low plasticizer and additives.
- Aggregates have to be defrost before placing in masticator (prohibited icing hot water) and
brought the minimum temperature of + 5 C. The aggregates should not contain porous granules
to be gelive.
- At the preparation will be displayed binding recipe preparation of the concrete, along with data
- Minimum temperature of the water and aggregates into masticator;
- Duration of aggregates by mixing with water, adding to the cement;
- The total of mixing;
- Temperature of concrete at the downloading of the masticator and temperature of concrete at
the site of release in opera.
- When transporting concrete object on its work and the maturation will take steps to limit the
minimum loss of heat by:
benefit by protecting their thermal insulation and cover the period of waiting
with sheets of polyethylene or tarpaulins;
to minimize the waiting time of concrete from the discharge to
bringing the place to put into work;
the immediate protection of the item under concrete solutions provided under the
insurance scheme of heat (see Annexes C and D of C 16-84).
- It is compulsory for all compacting concrete cast during cold mechanical vibration.
- When putting in the concrete work will comply with the provisions of Annex A of C 16-84.
- Start or resumption of any works of concreteing interrupted because of frost and entered in
this condition during the debacle is allowed only after proper preparation get interruption.
- Protect concrete after putting in work must be done as fast as possible. Will be used
insulated casings thermal mattresses, etc., always covered with sheets of polyethylene or
waterproof canvas tarpaulins of which is tightened the insulation .- The place to put into work
concrete required will be displayed:
The temperature of concrete at delivery;
The temperature of concrete at the end of the opera;
Level of insurance for old (conf C 16-84);
How to protect the concrete after casting;
The project to obtain the degree of maturation critical.
- Decasing can be made only if the conditions in NE. 012-99.
- The conditions of decasing will control the tests of concrete tubes kept in the same thermal
regime as the construction, according to NE. 012-99.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
As far as possible, avoid working joints organizing the execution so that concreteing to do
without interruption at that level or two of expansion joints. When working joints can not be
avoided, their position must be determined by design or through execution.
The number of joints should be minimal because they may have a lower resistance in
comparison with the rest of the structure if they are inadequately treated. Also there is a risk
mitigation of impermeability consequences in the sense in reducing the degree of protection
against rebar corrosion.
Work joints will be located in areas of the structure elements which are not subject to great
efforts during the operation.
In determining the position of working joint will observe the following rules:
- The columns will be provided with joints only at the base;
- The beams, if for reasons of proof can not avoid, the joint will be placed in the area with
minimum bending moment;
- If the beams are concreteing separately work joint is placed at 30 ... 50mm below the bottom
of the plate;
- At plates, the joint will be situated at 1 / 5 ... 1 / 3 of the plate opening;
- The ribbed floor when concreteing stringers in the direction, the joint is made in the area
between 1 / 5 and 1 / 3 of the opening of stringers;
- The ribbed floor when concreteing is on the direction perpendicular to the stringers, the joint is
made in the area between 1 / 5 and 1 / 3 of the main opening of the beam , looking on as
possible, as can get, the joint is to 1/5...1/3 of its initiation.
Surface joints of columns and beams to be perpendicular to the axis of these, and at the plates
and walls, perpendicular to their surface;
Treatment of joints is as follows:
- Wash with water jet and air pressure after the end of gripping the concrete (about 5 hours from
concreteing, according to results of laboratory tests);
- Before concreteing, area of the working joint will get cleaned,removing the concrete that was
not well compacted and / or will rub with the wire brush to remove the milk film of cement and
other impurities, then it will be moisten;
- Before concreteing, old concrete surface must be dry and left to absorb water after the "
saturated concrete but dry surface.
Requirements for handling the work joints set out must be fulfilled in the case of joints
"unintended" which appeared as a result of climatic conditions, due to defects, etc..

The construction can be deshutered when the concrete has reached a certain
strength. Be taken into account the special condition of deshutering concrete elements which
have undergone frozen in strengthening phase (for unprotected concrete).
The construction can be deshutered when the concrete has sufficient strength to take full
or partial, as appropriate, the tasks for which they were designed. You pay attention to elements
of construction after nearly deshuter, bear the burden predicted in the calculation.
We suggest the following values of resistance which can deshuter:
- Sides of the casings can be removed after the concrete has reached a strength of at least 2.5
N/mm2, so that sides and edges itemswill not be damaged (target 2 days for a temperature of
5degC and one days respectively for a temperature 15deg C).
Casings of inferior beams and plates sides will be removed or maintaining safety
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bucket when the concrete strength has reached to 70% for the class with the opening of max. 6
m. and 85% for elements with openings greater than 6 m.
safety bucket will be removed when the concrete strength has reached to next class the
following percentages: 95% for elements with openings max. 6 m. to 112% with the opening of
6-12 m. 115% for elements with openings greater than 12 m.
Setting resistances reached by parts of construction for deshutering are made through attempt
tubes control phasic made for this purpose and kept in similar conditions with the items
concerned, according to the STAS 1275-88. In case there is doubt on the results of tests on the
tubes are recommended non-destructive testing.

Development speed of resistance of the concrete :

Ratio A / C
< 0.5
0.5 ... 0.6
< 0.5
Rest of the

Recommendations for minimum periods to deshuter lateral sides

Development speed of
resistance of the

Period of deshutering (in days )

At ambient temperature 0C)
+ 50C
2 days
2 days

+ 100C
1 1/2 day
1 day

+ 150C
1 day
1 day

Recommendations for minimum periods to deshuter lateral sides with maintaining safety

Technological conditions
Development speed of resistance of the
Ambient temperature (0C)
Beams with opening max. 6.00 m
Beams with opening > 6.00 m

Cement class
42.5 R 52.5 R
42.5 R
32.5 R 42.5 R
Rest of the cases

Period after pouring (in zile )

+5 +10 +15

+5 +10 +15

Recommendations for minimum periods to remove safety bucket

Technological conditions
Development speed of resistance of the
Ambient temperature (0C)

Period after pouring (in zile )

+5 +10 +15

+5 +10 +15

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Beams with opening max. 6.00 m
18 14 9
Beams with opening 6.00-12.00 m
21 18 12
14 11
Beams with opening > 12.00 m
36 28 18
28 21 14
- Time of the previous tables are given, deshutering being made on the basis of execution when
you have reached the minimum resistances shown in NE. 012-99.
- If while strengthening the concrete temperature is below 5 deg C then recommended that the
minimum period for deshutering to extend with the duration of frost .
During operation of deshutering will observe the following rules:
- Performing operation will be supervised directly by the head of the working point. If you find
casting defects (holes, segregated areas, etc..), which may affect the stability of construction,
will stop the dismantling of elements to support the implementation of remedial measures or
- Support casings will unfurl from the center of the opening elements and continue to
symmetrically supports;
- Weakening supporting parts (feathers, vinciuri, etc..) will be done gradually, without shocks;
- Deshutering will be made so as to avoid taking sudden loads by the elements, breaking
concrete edges, casings degradation of material and support.
- If storied building with openings greater than 3 m at deshutering will leave off the safety
buckets. Their location is recommended to determine as:
In beams with up to 6 m opening to let a safety bucket in the middle of them, for
bigger openings number of safety buckets will increase so that the distance between the
buckets or from the bucket to supports does not exceed 3 m;
On plates will leave at least a safety bucket for their safety in the middle of them and
at least 1 safety bucket at 12 m2 of plate;
Between stories safety bucket will sit as possible under one another.
It is not allowed to remove safety buckets of a floor located just below another one that is being
shutered or concreted.
In terms of up to 24 hours of deshuter by any part of the construction it will proceed, by
the head point, the investor and the representative of the designer (if he asked to be called), a
detailed examination of all elements of the resistance structure, writing a record to determine
quality of works , and any defects found. It prohibits the making of fixes before the review. In
case of determening any flaws remedying these defects will be made only with notification of
the designer, according to technical instructions from C 149-87.
For obtaining the potential property of concrete (especially) the surface area must be protected
and treated a certain period of time, depending on type of structure, item, in environmental
terms and conditions when pouring and exposure conditions wich affest the structure.
Treatment and protection of concrete should begin as soon as possible after compaction. Cover
with protection materials will be completed as soon as the concrete has gained sufficient
strength for that material will not adhere to the surface covered. Treating the concrete is a
measure of protection against premature drying, particularly due to solar radiation and wind. It is
also a measure to prevent the following effects:
- leakage of cement paste due to rain or flowing water;
- Large temperature differences inside the concrete;
- Low temperature or frost;
- Any vibrations or shocks that could lead to a decrease in adherent concrete reinforcement
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
(after strengthening concrete).
The main methods of treatment / protection are:
- Maintenance in casings;
- Cover with protection materials;
- Periodical spraying with water;
- The application of protective films.
Duration guidance (in days) treatment of concrete
Development of resistance of concrete
Concrete temperature during treatment (0C)
Environmental conditions during treatment
Items exhibited indirect sunlight, or humidity < 2
Items exposed sunlight or average wind speed 4
average humidity over 50%
Items exposed sunlight or average wind speed 4
average humidity under 50%







In table are presented recommendations for the treatment of concrete with cement type I
(Portland) and temperatures of 5, 10 15 ((0C ). Duration of treatment depends in substantial
temperature concrete. For example at 30 0C during treatment can be approximately half the
duration of treatment at 200C concrete. Thus isolation of the framing can be a method of
reducing treatment time.
In the absence of data on the composition of concrete and exposure to conditions - to ensure
favorable conditions and reduce strains in contracts - will maintain humidity for at least 7 days
after casting.
Cover with protection materials will be done with tarpaulins, matted, layer of sand, etc..
This operation will be done as soon as the concrete has gained sufficient strength for that
material will not adhere to the surface covered. Protective materials will be permanently
maintained in wet condition.
Spraying water begins after 2 -12 hours of casting, depending on the type of cement used and
temperature, but immediately after the concrete is sufficiently hard so that by this operation are
not trained cement paste. Spraying will be repeated at intervals of 2 - 6 hours, so that the
concrete surface to maintain a permanent wet. Will use water that fulfills the conditions as
similar to the water for mixing the concrete.
If the temperature is less than (+ 5 0C) will not proceed with spraying water, but applied
protection materials. Protective film is applied in accordance with special regulations. In wet
weather, fresh concrete surfaces will be covered with tarpaulins or sheets of polyethylene, as
long as there is the danger of precipitation fall antrenarii cement paste. Concrete that would be
in contact with water from precipitation will be protected by the action of water diversion
provisional for at least 7 days
Will be used only cars suitable injection and will comply with instructions for use thereof.
To ensure a uniform jet of gunite will use a stream of compressed air according to the type of
equipment at a constant pressure. If necessary, to purchase a buffer tank between the
compressor and the injection machine.
It will remove all impurities from the surface over which injected mortar will fall and it will
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
be cleaned, brushed and dampened. Between the time of preparation of mixture and applying
gunite to the surface should not move more than an hour. Injection nozzle will be perpendicular
to the surface of support. Distance between nozzle and surface of support will be between 0.5
m and 2 m depending on available pressure nozzle. Applying layers of gunite will be circular
movement of nozzle. Injection will start from the top down and will take measures to prevent
surface maculation uninjected yet.
Anchors for concrete can solidarize with epoxy mortar that consists of two elements:
epoxy resin and aggregates of agglomeration. Mortar will have a strengthening period of 2
Concrete anchors to be placed in holes made in the masonry and / or existing concrete boring
mill type roto-hammer with power drills and tungstren adjusted. Holes are cleaned with
compressed air without oil. After cleaning the hole is given a prime of epoxy resin, after which
the anchors are inserted.

The code NE 012-99 regulations provide mandatory minimum measures necessary for
the control of the execution of structures of concrete and reinforced concrete. Control includes
key actions and decisions and checkings to be done in accordance with the technical
regulations, in order to meet specific technical requirements.

a) Internal control: - held by manufacturers and / or performer in every field of activity;
- such control is exercised:
- Of its own initiative (internal control procedures);
- In accordance with rules established by the foreign investor or by an independent
organization, at the request of the investor.
b) External Control: - is performed on an enterprise by an independent body.
- external control may consist of:
- Verification of internal control measures (if they are in accordance with the procedures for
external control);
- Additional verification procedures independent of internal control systems.
c) Control of conformity: - exercised to check that a unit operation or production is carried
out in accordance with established rules. Monitoring compliance is generally part of the external
control and carried out by independent bodies authorized for activities leading to the
certification of products used in construction, in accordance to the GD 728/94.
The controls frequency and intensity depend on the consequences caused by some possible
errors in the various stages of the execution / production of concrete and are establish through
programs of control on the factors involved. In terms of frequency and measures to take in the
quality control of materials and concrete provisions, the reglementations are specified in code
NE 012-99 - Annex VI.1. Quality control of works execution is based on Law 10/1995 on the
quality of construction, GD 272/94, H.G. 925/95 and H.G. 766/97.
Control of the execution / production of concrete can be executed by the field engineer in
the control system inside, ensuring appropriate levels of quality, or by the responsible
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
techniques with specific tasks, or by an independent body (external control). In both cases it is
necessary to have adequate facilities (equipment, apparatus, personnel) for inspection and
Relevant data on the control of the execution / production of the concrete must be recorded
in the form of records or other documents. All deviations from the procedures specified in terms
of transport, unloading, concreting, compaction, concrete treatment, etc., must be recorded and
reported to the responsibles with the works execution.
The control of the execution / production of concrete done by the executant will be checked
by an investor or by a body authorized, as part of the control of compliance.
Tests and determinations made in during the control of the execution / production of the
concrete may be considered for the control of compliance (conformity).
Checking the quality of materials and concrete components will be made in accordance with
Annex VI. code NE 012-99 and respecting the following:
- Does not allow switching to a new phase of execution before the conclusion of the protocol on
the previous phase, if it is to become a work hidden;
- The minutes will indicate the findings, whether they are corresponding to the project and if it
admits switching to the next execution phase;
- False if found against the project or prescriptions, it will establish and record the necessary
remedial measures. After their execution it will proceed to a new review and a new record.
In order to ensure a proper execution of casings a step-by-step checking will be made, as
- Preliminary, controlling the preparatory works and the elements or sub-assembliescasings
and support;
- During execution, checking the position in relation to tracing and fixing the elements;
- Finally, reception of casings and records of findings in a "register of minutes to check the
quality of works that are hidden", taking into account the provisions of Chapter 17 in NE
012-99. If the casings are closed after the rebars are mounted, a report for the quality
reception of casings and rebars will be made out.

After finishing assembling the casings, the execution will be checked for:
Building elements for support;
Correct conclusion of casings and ensuring their tightness;
Interior dimensions of the casings, in relation to the elements, which are to be concrete;
The casings, in comparison with the corresponding elements located at the lower levels;
Position of gaps

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On completion of installing the reinforcement, the following aspects will be verified:

Number, diameter and position of rebars in different cross-sections of structural elements

Distance between stirrups, their diameter and their fittings;
Length portion of the bars that exceed bearers or that are to be incorporated in elements
that are subsequently poured;
Position of joints and length of a bar party;
Quality of welds;
The number and quality of links between the bars;
Devices used to maintain the position of the reinforcement during the concreting;
How to ensure the layer thickness of concrete cover and its dimensions;
Position, mounting and dimensions of embedded parts.

The welded joints shall be performed only by welders who have supported the theoretical
and practical examination for Group 3 of the welding reglementations, according to STAS
9532/1-74 and who have the required experience and have been examined according to
cap.12 from Norm C 28-83. The welded joints will be checked through destructive tests carried
intercalar by the same welder and with the same conditions of work, in proportion of 3% of the
total number of joints.
Other provisions on the technology of manual electric arc welding by overlap and by junction
plates are contained in Appendix I.3. norm of C 28-83.
Checking and receiving lots of welded fittings is made under Chapter 10 of the norm C 2883. The provisions on security work equipment in carrying welds are included in the cap.11 of
norm C 28-83.

Control before concreting

Inspections should consider the following essential aspects:
casing geometry and positioning of rebars;
remove impurities and substances of any nature from the casings in contact with the
stability of casings;
integrity of casings in order to prevent leakage of cement paste;
Casings surface treatment;
Cleaning the rebars of impurities and substances which weak adhesion;
Size of the distance pieces;
Necessary conditions for an efficient transport, the measures for the compaction and
treatment of concrete according to the specified consistency;
Quality reception of concrete;
Results and conclusions of inspections carried out up to this stage;
Ensuring trained personnel;
Provide measures in case of accidental situations
In order to assure the quality of works in concrete and reinforced concrete an operative
control it is required and the adoption of measures under Annex VI.3. NE of 012-99, aiming

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a) Avoid delivery and putting in the work of a concrete whose features do not meet
the required conditions;
b) Adoption of operational measures at the concrete station for the correction of
concrete composition or preparation conditions;
c) Determination of cases in which the concretes resistance is inferior to the limits
required, in this case the designers analysis is mandatory.
Control during transportation, treatment and concrete compaction
Inspections should consider the following essential aspects:
maintain the uniformity in the concrete during transport and putting in the work;
uniform distribution in a concrete casing;
uniform compaction and avoid segregation during compaction;
maximum fall height of the concrete;
pouring speed, taking into account the action of the concrete on casings;
the duration between the stages of mixing, pouring concrete and unloading;
special measures in the case of concreting under cold or warm weather;
special measures with separating lines;
treat joints before concreting;
treatment methods and duration of treatment depending on atmospheric conditions and
evolution of resistance;
avoid any damage that may occur as a result of shocks or vibrations on the fresh concrete.
Annex VI.2. of NE 012-99 presents a detailed verification to be carried out in various stages
of execution.
The quality of concrete will be appreciated taking into account the conclusions of the
analysis carried out under the control of conformity (the cap.17.2.2. of NE 012-99), over the
results of the tests for the concretes class of resistance, presented in the bulletin issued by the
laboratory and the conclusions of the findings and interpretations, for the non-destructive or
core-sample test results, if required to perform within the compliance control .
The quality result assessment made for the concrete shall be recorded in a protocol
signed between the designer, builder and investor. If quality conditions are not fulfilled the
designer will consider the necessary measures.
During the concreting of structural elements it will be checked if:
- The warrants written on the concretes transport ticket are corresponding to the order and
the maximum duration of transport has not been surpassed;
- Consistency corresponds to that required;
- Pouring and compaction conditions ensure avoiding any defects;
- The necessary frequency for the tests and sampling, according to Annex VI.1. code NE
012-99 is respected;
- The appropriate measures in order to maintain the reinforcement position, size and shape
of casings, are correctly applied;
- The appropriate protective measures (treatment) for the free surfaces of fresh concrete are

The book of entry for the concrete will record:

coupon delivery series corresponding to the poured concrete;
place of concreting;
time of start and finish of concreting;
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concrete samples taken;
measures taken to protect fresh concrete;
occurred events (down the concreting, weather, etc.);
staff who oversaw concreting.

In cases in which the work leader is directly responsible for the concrete preparation,he is
obliged to check in parallel the quality of cement and aggregates as specified earlier, and also
the dosing, mixing and transporting of concrete. The findings of these checks are part of the
concretes book of entry.
During the dismantling of any construction element, the next aspects are to be checked:
o Appearance of elements announcing any inadequate concrete areas (concrete loose,
segregated, gaps, etc.).
o Cross sections dimensions of concrete elements;
o The distance between different elements;
o The vertical elements (columns, walls) in comparison with the corresponding situated at
the inferior level;
o The gaps position;
o Reinforcement position in elements, that are subsequently poured in concrete;
The checkings mentioned above are done by sampling. It will be recorded in the minutes
if the provisions of this project are follwed. When recording findings it will be according to the
provisions of Annex III.1. of NE 012-99 on "irregularities eligible for reinforced concrete
elements" and "allowable defects" - Annex III.2. of NE 012-99.
Guniting works will be done in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 17 of the
Code of Practice NE 012-99. The quality of the materials adherence to the support surface will
be checked by soft hammering the area. The areas which sound void will be removed and
gunited. The gunited mortar will be assessed visually
Deviations from acceptable limits, during cutting and assembling the rebars, are shown n
Annex II.2. code NE 012-99 and C56-85 norm, concerning the quality inspection and reception
for the reinforced concrete elements.
Deviation limits for fittings (rebars) (mm):


Distance Cover
L lap
Length Length Length
between layer
<1 m 1-10 m >10 m
of lap
bars thickness

+ 10






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Acceptable deviations limits compared to the project dimensions for the casings , are
contained in C 56-85 norm, with some additional observations indicated in Annex III.1. of code
NE 012-99.
Acceptable deviations for the casings and the dismantled elements of concrete and
reinforced concrete







Reference Dev. Casing After dismantle
dimension (mm) angle
15 3 mm/m
20 mm
10 15 mm <2m... 20 mm
(total) >2m... 30 mm
<3m... 16 mm
3-6m ... 20 mm
>3m... 25 mm





10 2 mm/m

<10 cm... 3mm

>10 cm... 5mm
<3m... 16 mm
3-6m ... 20 mm
>3m... 25 mm

1 m total 1 m total
1 m2
1 m2






<50 cm... 5mm

>50 cm... 8mm

idem columns
idem columns

10 mm <3m... 16 mm
(total) 3-6m ... 20 mm

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>3m... 25 mm

>10 cm.. 5mm

The deviations from the elements casings required dimensions, ready made ( extracted
from the norm C 56-85 with add-ups):
- For length : 4 mm
- For width: 3 mm
Deviations from the dimensions required for the casings and the reinforced concrete
elements after dismantling, are given in Annex III.1. U.S. Code 012-99.
Deviations from the dimensiond required by the project or by the technical prescriptions
for the fittings in the reinforced concrete elements, are given in Annex II.2 of the NE 012-99.
The following defects on the appearance and integrity of the concrete and reinforced
elements are being admitted:
o Surface defects (pores, surface segregation, local humps) with a maximum depth
of 1 cm, maximum area of 400 cm2 defect,all the defects of this type should be
limited to a maximum of 10% of the elemens surface element, on the face of
which they are located;
o Defects in the coating layer of the rebars (local segregation) with a depth less
than the thickness of the coating layer reinforcement, maximum length 5 cm, and
all such defects being limited to a maximum of 5% of the edge length.
Defects that are within the limits mentioned above may not be included in the report
written at the examination of elements after dismantling, but it will be necessary solved them
according to norm C 149/87 until the reception of the work.
Defects that exceed the above limits shall be registered in the minutes which are drawn
up at the examination of elements after dismantling, and they will be solved according to the
solutions determined by the designer and / or expert if necessary.

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The reception for resistance structure will take place on the whole building or parts of it,
according to norm C 56 - 85, Annex I.1. This reception is based on the direct examination
performed during the execution, through the interior or exterior control.
Additionally it will check:
documents certifying the quality, stipulated by the regulations in force, of the
delivered materials;
the existence and content of minutes of the quality reception for casings,
reinforcements, the elements aspect after dismantling - assessing the quality of
concrete used for the structural elements, and the existence and content of
minutes for the decisive phases;
The existence and content of quality certification documents, in case the concrete
was supplied by another construction unit;
Findings recorded during execution through the interior and exterior control;
Confirmation through records of the correct performance measures,provided in
various documents issued during execution;
Records in the book entry of concrete;
Bulletin on the quality of concrete;
Overall size and rates of level;
Various dimensions in relation to the project;
The gaps provided in the project;
Relative position on the height of the construction of vertical elements (columns,
Any other check is considered necessary.
For the reception of a resistance structure, if requested by the designer, the executant will
present to the investor the analysis bulletins for the reinforced concrete by non-destructive
testing. The designer chooses the elements and the number of tests. Non-destructive tests shall
be conducted according to norm C 26-85. Checks and the findings from the reception of the
resistance structure shall be recorded in a protocol signed between the investor, designer and
executant,stating the conclusion whether the structure is accepted or rejected.
In cases in which deficiencies in the execution structure are found, the remedial measures
will be determined, and after their execution, a new reception will be scheduled.
The cover the structural elements with other works (walls, plasters, protection, finish) is
permitted only on the basis of a disposal given by the investor or the designer. This disposal will
be available only after the reception of the resistance structure , or in some justified cases, after
the partial reception of the structure.
The examination of concretes resistance at the age of 28 days will be taken at the final
reception of the structure. The quality of concrete delivered by concrete station will be
apprecited based on the analysis results at the age of 28 days on samples taken at concrete
station in accordance with Annex VI.3 details. of NE 012-99. Following this analysis, the
possible necessary measures in order to improve the quality of concrete, will be taken.
Measures and settlements
The measurements are made as follows:
- For concrete work: the mc. poured concrete;
- To work casings: the square meters. executed by framing;
- For reinforcement works: per kg. shaped by reinforcement and assembled
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Reference Standards and Normatives
Materials and equipment used. Quality Checking. Delivery, Handling, Storage
Execution Technology
Checking the quality of works. Admissible Deviations
Measurements and settlements

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
This chapter contains the technical specifications for the execution of bituminous
waterproofing materials and some related works, in order to protect groundwater and
construction supraterane.
Waterproofing are construction works in order to prevent moisture penetration and water
meteors, or groundwater technology inside the building or the construction and ensure the
preservation of good conditions in the physical characteristics - mechanical component of
construction materials.
a) STAS 2355/2 87

-Waterproofing and bituminous materials in construction


b) STAS 2355/3 87

-Bituminous waterproofing on roofs and terraces.

c) C112 86

-Normative for the design and execution of bituminous


d) STAS 1046 78

- Bituminous setting PA 55, PA 45.

e) STAS 7016 80

- Felting of bituminous fiber glass IA 1100,


f) STAS 138 80

- Cardboard asphalt CA 300, CA 400.

g) STAS 7064 78

- Bitumen for the waterproofing type H 60/75 si H 80/90.

h) STAS 1667 76

-Heavy natural aggregates for concrete and mounting mineral


i) STAS 663 76 and

- Lead (in the form of strips).




STAS 491 70

Cardboard bituminous type CA 300, CA 400, according to STAS 138 - 80.

Felting bituminous fiber glass type IA110, IB1200, IBF1200,according to STAS 7916-80.
Bitumen saill type PA 55, PA 45, according to STAS 1046 / 78.
Bitumen for waterproofing works type H 68/75 and H 80/90 compliant, STAS 7064 - 78.
Filer limestone, according to STAS 539 - 79.
White-spirit, according to STAS 44 - 84.
Strips of lead 1,2,3 mm thick, according to STAS 491 - 70.
Zincates, according to STAS 2028 - 80.
Prefabricated concrete plates under NI production.
Other materials for protection (sand, gravel 7 - 15 mm), according to STAS 1667 / 76.

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Concrete and mortar to achieve: the concrete panta, support blanket and protection
under the rules in force.


Materials used must meet the quality standards and will be accompanied by certificates
of quality.

Handling and transport of bituminous materials will be made carefully so as not to

damage them, on short distances.

All materials for waterproofing in rolls will be stored at least under sheds and will be
spared any from blows.

During the storage process its necessary to take all the measures to guard against fire,
according to the rules in force.

At terraces and roofs
Warm waterproofing will only be executed at a temperature above + 5 C. Under this
temperature works can be executed only in compliance with the norm C 16 - 84.

The temperature of bitumen mastic in the boiler will not exceed 220 C, and when
sticking the layers, it will be between 160 C and 220 C.

Support surfaces for application against the vapor barrier or waterproofing will be
monitored and checked, if corresponding STAS 2355 / 3 - 87 and conditions of Section
3.5 of norm C 112 - 86 on the slopes, eliminating asperities, strengthening state and
drying support, fixing leaking pipes, clips for holding the elements of the board and other
similar works.
Vapor barrier against the layers and the diffusion or waterproofing will be applied to
holders of concrete or mortar cement, after seeding with emulsion or bitumen solution
with 300 g/sqm.
The seeding layer of bitumen will run on a well cleaned and dried support layer, only
when outside the temperature goes up to + 6 C and with bitumen emulsion on the wet
support layer only on temperature above + 8 C.
Layers for vapor diffusion comprised of bitumen perforated felting IBP 1200 or 1100,
provided under the vapor barrier, covering rooms where humidity exceeds 60% or under
waterproofing applied over the thermal insulation, sensitive to moisture, provided with
concrete sheets, will be applied without sticking, with 5 cm overlaps and placed with the
blinds on the support.
Layers of diffusion will not be applied on eaves and on a radius of approx. 25 cm round
the mouths of drainages.
Communication with the outside of the diffusion layer under the covers of attics will be
made of the strip of perforated bitumen felting (IBP) of 50 cm width, placed at 1 m
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The vapor barrier will be applied on a concrete layer over the diffusion layer , glued and
coated with bitumen mastic with overlapping of 7-10 cm and must completely cover the
lower layer of thermal insulation.
Protection with bitumen sheets of the thermal insulation plates made of rigid materials,
will run in the workshop or factory by soldering boards with a minimum 1.5 kg /sqm hot
bitumen mastic, lying it on sheets with bitumen.

During thier installation on the roof, the thermal insulation boards will be applied with the
unprotected side, in hot bitumen mastic coverage against vapor barrier, which will not
exceed the temperature of 150 C during sticking.

The waterproofing made of multiple layers for terraces and roofs with the inclination of
Max. 20% will be made up by sticking the bitumen sheets,on the whole surface, with
bitumen mastics prepared with more than 30% filer minerals, with the softening point 1b
according to the inclination (up to 20% bitumen 80/90 H).
To implement on the roofs surface the waterproofing, the rolls of bitumen sheets will run
on the support surface and it will be cleaned by energetic brushing, afterwards it will be
left a time for relaxation and correcting sheets.

The technology and the conditions of waterproofing layers are mentioned in the norm C
112 - Article 86. 3.20.2 - 3.20.6.

Waterproofing for vertical elements (Attic, ventilation systems, baskets, etc..) will run with
tailored dimensions strips, rolled on the layer of hot bitumen, from the bottom up,
overlapping the gorges in steps of 40 - 50 cm.
At the corners, edges and other places where bitumen sheets may not be rolled, it is
accepted to apply by tension the mastic on the bitumen sheet, with immediate sticking
and pressing, controlling the adherence and continuity in these places.
At the attics with the height up to 60 cm, the waterproofing will be turned on the
horizontal part of attic, minimum 10 cm and in the case of a greater vertical height, it will
rise up to 50 cm and it will be fixed with bolts and platbanda, shot at distances of aprox.
50 cm.

The protection of waterproofing for vertical elements on routes, will be done with cement
mortar M 100 T approx. 30 mm thick, reinforced with rabitz on the network of steelconcrete 6 mm to 25 cm.

The sealing at the punchings will be based on the elements diameter and its physical
and mechanical requirements as follows:
In cold and without vibrations punchings, with a diameter less than 200 mm and flanges,
the waterproofing will be applied on welded flanges and will be pierced with mobile
flanges with screws.
In cold and without vibrations punchings, with a diameter less than 200 mm and without
flanges, the sealing of waterproofing with vertical elements will run after the filling of the
gap with mortar round the element, with two layers of cloth or fabric glued with mastic
bitumen and splice element with wire or necklace.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
the expansion joints with rebord are tight and insulated under C 112 - 86 paragraphs 3.24
- 3.24.2.
assembly drain mouths, connecting insulation, lead and collar mounting pipe plugs, etc..
will be under the same law, the 3.25, 3.26 - 3.26.7
On terraces, heavy protection (exterior) of gravel 7 - 15 mm, will be layed in a uniform
layer 40 mm thick.

The composition of insulation waterproof on the terrace: the number of layers, the type of
cloth, the feltings, blanket, will be detailed in the project especially for insulation.
Other construction elements of the terrace will be run in accordance with detailed plans
of the project (thermal insulation, protection board blankets, etc.).

During waterproofing works (where appropriate and where not using waterproof concrete
additive), with or without pressure, its mandatory to follow the regulations in STAS 2355 / 2 87
and in the norm C 112 - 86 head. 4.8 and the details of the project.
Waterproof insulation will be executed on the total height of the underground walls.
Protection for the vertical waterproofing will be made of masonry, at least 12.5 cm thick.
The protection for the vertical waterproofing will be made of concrete elements,which will
be fixed with distance elements in order not to punch through the waterproofing.
Waterproofing works, most of them being hidden works, their quality will be checked by
execution phases, ending the proceedure, in which the result was the following:
quality of support - stiffness, adhesion, , humidity, findings made under the rules in force;
quality waterproofing materials under certificates of quality;
positioning and anchoring parts matalice (if applicable);
primer quality and correct soldering of each layer of waterproofing, including other related
construction works;
collect flanges and tie plates related to punchingsr;
Its being checked tinsmithing works for ensuring tightness required (covers, etc.) and are well
anchored and attached with groves properly executed; drain holes that are grilled and function
normally in the casting of water locations of the highest terrace.
Verification before the work of waterproofing.
Before starting the waterproofing works have made the following checks:
- Checking the termination phase made previously (PV reception quality layer support
- Checking smoothness of layer support, as one admitted deviation of 5 mm. on a surface
checked with straight edge of 2 m in any direction;
- The existence of dilatations joints 2 cm. width on the contour
- The existence of quality certificates for materials and semi-included in the waterproofing;
- The existence of technical approvals for products and processes new information;
- Quality materials and correspondence delivered to the project;
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- The support layer by checking the smoothness, porosity and cleaning it;
- The existence of the support layer slopes mouth leakage

Checking during the execution of the waterproofing works.

After checking of smoothness, if you find some bumps will be corrected with cement mortar and
thermal insulator will be protected by bitumen sheets or film of special mortar. Before applying
a layer of hidro-insulater will check the moisture of the layer support.
During the execution should be checked:
- Correct soldering sheets;
- Width of overlaping sheets (7-10 cm. Longitudinally, at least 10 cm front) permitted 10% of
spreadsheets with petrceri with at least 5 cm longitudinal and 7 cm min. front);
- Compliance with the direction of mounting sheets, up to 20% slope be mounted parallel to the
eaves, but over 20% only in the long line of bigger slope
- Connecting correct insulation horizontal with the vertical;
- Tinsmithing for roofs must be connected with the waterproofing and well attached to the
- The communication with the atmosphere of the diffusion layer underneath sorts, covers, or
Checking the completion of works.
- Tightness waterproofing by flooding with water for 72 hours to roofs with slopes up to 7%
inclusive. The water will exceed at least 2 cm. highest point;
- Tightness room where flooding will be done within 72 hours, the water layer thickness is 3.6
- For constructions exposed to hydrostatic pressure of groundwater, by providing measures of
backpressure, , leaving waterproofing for 48 hours under maximum pressure;
In case the samples by flooding can not be made, verification is done by hammer and visual
surveys in any doubtful points;

Layers of waterproof insulation on horizontal and vertical (including Amos, diffusion layer,
etc..) Is measured and shall be reimbursed to the surface real mp executed.

Concrete slabs are measured and reimbursed to the surface mp executed.

Thermal insulating mp of executed surface area.

concrete of slope (if applicable) are measured and reimbursed mc real executed.

punchinginsulation of pipes, ventilation systems etc.. the piece is measured.

The metal plates: covers, loops, etc.. is measured and shall be reimbursed to m.

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420


- Generalities
-Standards and reference normative
- Materials and equipment used. Checking quality. Shipping, handling, storage
- Execution Technology
- Ensuring quality works. Permissible deviations
- Measurements and settlements.

This specification includes the technical specifications for execution of works of embankments.
Works to support piles enclosure, digging inside and dewatering will run on the basis of the draft
prepared by SC-GEO-ING-SOFT SRL
Any other works of embankments, field engineer should take into account the forecast
standards and rules in force.
Field engineer by using their own laboratory or a laboratory authorized to do all the tests and
meet all requirements arising from those
Specifications and on-demand of designer,field engineer must do additional tests besides those
required by these specifications.

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
Field engineer will use construction methods and management systems to ensure compliance
with these specifications.
Specifications shall not be limited, but any modifications or additions may be made only with the
opinion of the designer * and / or inspector.
In case the works are not in accordance with specifications, field-engineer may shut down the
works and indicate the actions required to be made at the expense of field engineer.
When the work is being executed will only use material recorded in the project. Any proposed
substitution must be motivated by the executor and approved by the Designer * and class
master / investor.
a) in accordance with Romanian legislation




STAS 1243

Land foundation. Classification and identification of land

C 56-85

Normativ to check the quality of construction works and

related facilities

LAW 10/1995

STAS 10493-76

Marking and signaling points of settling and supervision

for construction and land travel.

STAS 1242/1

Land foundation. Principles of geological research,

technical and geotechnical land foundation

STAS 9824/1

Measurements land. Drawing on the field of civil

construction, industrial and agricultural


Normativ for constructions on cold weather and related


Law on quality construction

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

"Earth for stuffing" - materials that are derived from excavation or are being carried and
that can be compacted according to specification.
"Material unsuitable for filling - any of the following materials:
perishable materials;
Materials from swamp areas;
Logs, logs, mud, or mud;
Materials that are suspected to spontaneous combustion;
Materials in a ice state
Clay of liquid limit exceeding 80 and / or index of plasticizer exceeds 55 determined
according to STAS 1913 / 4 - Land foundation. Determining the limits of plasticity;
Materials with a sulfur content (such as SO4) soluble in water above 0.1%;
Materials defined as failure by Consultant;
Materials having a degree of moistening greater than the maximum allowed;
For cohesive earth water content will not exceed allowable limits of plastic pamat multiplied by
Before the work of embankments, field engineer by his expense, wil conduct the marking in
accordance with the project.
Field engineer is responsible for maintaining all the drawing and if necessary their restoration
and relocation.
Preliminary Papers
Before the work of embankments, will perform the following preliminary works:
removal of leaves, branches, grass, weeds, and others;
removal and storage layer vegetation;
dry land;
dismantling of existing structures;
preparation and approval by the class master the procedures for execution of works of
Where necessary, Field engineer must remove all trees, shrubs with roots and will carry the
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
material in accordance with the rules and charge it. Field engineer should respect the legal
The layer of ground vegetation will be removed from the site and reuse it in the store will be in
temporary storage. These deposits will not exceed 2m in height.
Existing structures will be demolished to a depth of 1m below the platforms.
Underground structures, basements, foundations will break under the project.
Field engineer may begin work only after the embankments of the preliminary details of the
The execution will be received by inspector for approval at least 8 days before the work of
embankments. These should include information on the program for embankments, including
equipment used in excavations, transportation, udara, compaction.
The works of embankments can not be done when soil is frozen, or contain snow or ice. The
works of embankments will be interrupted if the terms of these specifications are being
Excavation works
To avoid crashing banks, which could lead to accidents and / or stops the flow of work is
required the following conditions:
Maximum digging depth unsupported in narrow spaces:
Land weak cohesive: 0.75m
Land East: 1.25m
Land loud and very loud: 2.00m
Field engineer is responsible for ensuring stability of banks and where necessary reduce
these limits defined above, especially if the presence of water in these areas.
Temporary banks should be stabilized (in connection steps) before the filling operations and
compaction, labor costs, materials and equipment used for this purpose will be provided in unit
prices of Field engineer .
To start work on excavations, inspector will verify the proper execution and completion of
preparatory works.
Execution of excavation work is done, usually mechanized excavation manual being used only
where use of mechanical means is unjustified in terms of value for money. During execution
digging must be considered in the following aspects:
1. maintaining the natural balance of the land around the hole a sufficient distance so as
not to endanger the surrounding buildings;
2. when pouring the concrete foundation or the equalization is done immediately after the
digging operation, excavation will be stopped at a higher rate of at least 30cm than the final
rate, to prevent modification of physico-mechanical characteristics of the terrain beneath the
sole foundation ;
3. digging large long will organize so that for any phase of work, bottom of digging be
given one or more points to ensure the collection of water;
4. Field engineer will take all necessary measures to evacuate the water collected in the
digging arear;
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
5. mechanized digging should not exceed the projected profile of digging; for this purpose
will stop digging with approx. 30 cm above the share of the project as the following to be
executed manually;
6. during execution, Field engineer is required to request geotechnician on this site,
reaching quota foundation to determine whether the nature of the land meets the foundation of
the project;
7. If in the bottom of the hole, cracks appears, the necessary means will be taken by
Designer / class master;
8. if superficial damping due to atmospheric precipitation, bottom of the hole must be left
to dry before starting bet.
Conditions for the site:
Field engineer:
1. Will not begin any work until after receipt of the site and parts of level based on a
protocol signed by the Investor / Consultant, Designer and Contractor.
2. Before beginning work, will consult with authorities on the position and types of routes
(pipeline) groundwater that may be encountered.
Information on local networks of utilities:
For the entire site will indicate routes of any existing utility networks in operation: water
supply, sewerage housekeeping, pluvial drainage, electricity, telecommunications, gas, etc.. For
pipelines near enclosure, will check their proofness.
Vegetablee earth excavation :
Field engineer:
- Will excavate least 10cm - plant surface layer of the digging and / or a size determined by the
Consultant. Will excavate a minimum depth of 30cm layer of vegetation in areas that will provide
planting and keep excavate material for reuse;
- Excavated earth will be deposited in designated places in hald. This will be kept separate from
other materials. Maximum distance that will be transported will not exceed 60m.
- The spreading and leveling a ground layer of vegetation in the usual thickness of 10cm or
30cm to the areas indicated on the plans for planting shrubs and grass.
Enforcement Foundation
Will run according to dimensions, profiles and levels specified in plans. Field engineer
will take all decisions necessary to solve technical situations where local collapse / banks in the
scoop areas, and they will connect in steps, filling will be done/ compaction material properly
filled with concrete or if it can not achieve compaction , all these measures will not involve
changes to the net volume of work.
Before beginning work, will check the drawing on the ground and form in the permitted
tolerances, according to STAS 9824 / 1 "Measurements land. Drawing on the field of civil
construction, industrial and agricultural.
Portant layer
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If the level indicated by the land does not meet the requirements of the project, will
announce the designer / consultant who will determine how to continue the work.
Impropers layers of earth and rocks found in the massive site will be removed and the resulting
gaps will be filled with concrete as indicated or Consultant.

Water Discharges
The presence of underground water on deep excavations is a factor which brings
many sources of risk to be taken into account in the design and implementation work.
Dewatering goal is to remove water from the excavation and ensure working conditions in the
The main methods by which the removal of water from underground excavations are deep:
- Pumping water directly penetrate through the walls and bottom of excavations;
- Lowering the overall level of underground water through wells or filters aciculare-filters made
before excavation;
- Achieve watertight barrier to prevent water entering the underground excavation.
Choosing the most effective method depends on many factors, which include: the size and
especially the depth of excavations, the nature and thickness of layers of earth, the size of the
water pressure in each layer, the presence in the vicinity of buildings and utilities; time the
excavation will remain open.
If the underground water level is above the bottom layer of digging, SC-GEO-INGSOFT SRL will prepare a draft of dewatering, which will detail the work of management,
collection and disposal of premises and water infiltrated water from rainfall. The project will
contain all necessary means lowering groundwater level below the rate of final excavations
and maintain this level during the execution of the works inside.
If differences between the underground water level and the lower layer of digging risk of
too much debt must be discharged, which is leading to excessive training material, may not be
Technical solutions for achieving dewatering will choose depending on the particular
site and will correlate with performance technology works from inside enclosure.
It will run a system of drains to gather in the waters of the base, where they will be evacuated
by pumping system and led to the drainage of the locality.
Drains will be lined with filter material to avoid excessive involvement of the fin material
foundation of the land. In this purpose, base from which discharge water will be arranged for
the pumps that do not result in fine material.
The pump is made before the work and will be adapted as required, during execution.
In choosing and applying the method of dewatering is required for basic conditions, such as:
* Decreased level of underground water must be constantly under control, to avoid variations
that may affect the stability of excavations and construction work continuity and stability of
adjacent buildings;
* Excavation must always remain stable, without sliding to occur in banks or excessive
swelling of the base;
* When the water bearer layer is a granular uneven ground, it can behave as an inverse filter,
able to prevent the loss of land by pumping, if this does not occur, the filter should be done
conversely around Putul discharge to prevent Whatever the involvement, particularly in sandy
dust and fine sand;
* The pumping must be provided with the capabilities and sources of energy reserves;
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
* Dewatering method should not affect nearby buildings;
* Method should be chosen to avoid excessive loss of land from adjacent mountain of the
excavations, where the water flow through the walls of excavations.

Monitoring of excavations
It must draw up a project monitoring of deep excavations in urban areas on tracking
behavior over time to all premises in the area of influence of the work. This project will be part of
a project's overall objective.
Monitoring will include, in all cases, make measurements topometry. Through the project will be
- Location of reference landmarks;
- Location of settling marks;
- The measurements in accordance with the provisions of STAS 2745-90, Appendix B.
Settling marks will be made according to STAS 10493-76 and be located so as to be visible
during the execution of works.
Location of marks will be set in conjunction with the excavations.
Marks will be placed on structural elements (eg wall buried) as well as building and land within
the zone of influence of the excavations.
Project monitoring will include, as required, and appropriate means to measure the variation of
underground water level in the area of influence of the excavations.
Project monitoring may also include a system for dealing with wall to support the excavations.
In drawing up the measurement will provide the required measurements after performing
special events that may occur during execution and which are felt in the area, such as:
- Earthquakes;
- Explosions;
- Annual rain frequency 1 / 1 (most rain in a year).
Where deep excavations with widths greater than 20 m, terminated based in marne or clay
formations, it is recommended to conduct measurements of movements of excavations, from
excavations and construction achievement.
Report containing the results of measurements should be forwarded to the beneficiary
and designer within 5 days of the end of phase measurements. The report will be interpreted by
the designer, who will determine any necessary measures. These measures become mandatory
for the manufacturer during the execution of the work.
Deep excavation in urban areas is a work of particular, for geotechnical and
hydrogeological conditions play a preponderant role.
In the technical phase of the project or project phase single geotechnics expertise will need to
assess the accuracy of the solution adopted to geotechnical risks identified.
During the execution of work, expertise geotechnics will determine the extent to which
the land encountered are consistent with those recognized by the research foundation of the
land and the need to adapt technology or project implementation in these circumstances, to
reduce risk to an acceptable level.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

Removing material
Excavated material inappropriate for stuffing or in surplus will be removed from the site. The
consultant may askethe field engineer to withhold inappropriate material on the site for use as
material for decorating the end works.
Culvrts for water and pluvial drainage tubes will be diverted as indicated in the plans. If
during excavations meet drainage tubes or underground channels which consultant should be
informed and will ask for instructions.
If groundwater is encountered routes other than those indicated in the plans will be informed
both the designer and consultant, the competent authorities and shall obtain instructions from
Draineged disused encountered during excavations will be removed.
Foundations unused / unfit encountered during excavations works will be removed.
Archeological Discoveries
If during excavation works, archaeological objects are discovered, it will immediately
stop work near them and will notify local authorities under the law.
Stuffing Works
It spread and levels filling of land in many layers of loose 250mm. Stuffing is made so that
water can drain freely on the surface above. Will recover compacted stuffing where deteriorated
during the execution of works.
Each layer of filling will be carefully compacted and consolidated to at least 95% of
maximal density measured in Procter test for the degree of compaction under STAS 1913/1383. The degree of filling moisture should be between + / -2% of optimum moisture content for
granular material and between 0.8 and 1.2 times the plastic limit of cohesive materials.
Execution of excavations works during cold
Enforcement works excavations during cold will comply with all provisions norm C1684 "Normativ for a bleak time of construction works and related facilities" for this type of work.
Some provisions of the norm are given below in the specification
Running digging
Will be started immediately after natural icing or raising superficial layer, so as to avoid a new
freezing it before digging and especially before the casting of foundations.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
When digging with dewatering methods, water pumped will be removed immediately, in order
not to form ice around the point of work.
Excavation equipment for digging during cold, excavators ,scarifiers, bulldozers will be
examined carefully at the end and beginning work claning the debris of the earth.

Ground transportation during cold

Transport digging the earth during cold should be over before you start to freeze, in accordance
with the table below:
Air temperature (C )
Start Time of freezing (min)
- 10
- 15
Running fillings during cold time
Fillings may be compacted and run-during cold time through manual or mechanical if the
following conditions:
Technologychal Process and temperature
conditions in Duration
Digging, transporting distributing in filling + 1 C.
The total execution
and compacting unfrost earth.
Digging earth for filling in the settlement of + 1 C.
Duration of digging
areas in which the land is not frozen
The settlement of land filling on land or the + 1 C.
When settling layer..
lower unfosted layer
On reaching the critical temperature mentioned in the table, the execution of fillings stops taking
measures to protect digged areas and those who are realized by stuffing.
All the performance of the fillings should be concentrated on small portions of land, work
to be carried out without interruption so that the end of the day portion of the work to be
completely finished.
At setling and compacting layers will prevent breaks in execution and setling will be thin layers
of 20 cm and will rotate with their compaction.
Regardless of the exterior temperature of the filling works will stop completely during rain or
snow, and the fillings should be protected by ditches and dams against washing.
Checks before starting work
Before starting digging the following checks must be made:
a) The PV deliver - reception - and a place for all terminals, with a possible and keeping
potential routes buried;
b) The existing geotechnical study on the foundation of land which contains information on:
c) land stratification;
d) the thickness, nature, cohesion and moisture layers;
e) the rate of groundwater;
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
f) the rate of groundwater;
g) The existence of the details of execution that include:
h) the general plan of foundations;
i) the plan of digging (pad);
j) details of execution foundations;
On completion of works for digging foundations, will check for each one of size and quotas
made the land and nature.
Stuffing materials
Will be sent soil samples to laboratory for testing according to the instructions
Consultant / engineer Geotehnician. Each sample of cohesive granular soil will weigh 25kg and
soil samples uncohesive composed of coarse gravel. Soil samples will be taken according to
STAS 1242 / 1 - "Land of the foundation. Principles of geological research, technical and
geotechnical land foundation.
Field engineer will be informed after receiving the results of laboratory tests on:
1. The type of filling materials approved;
2. Maximum moisture content at which the filling material will be subject compactarii.
Works of compaction
It will provide the ground for filling compacted tests with a frequency of one attempt every
400m2 for each layer of filling. The test results will be accepted a minimum standard deviation
of 95% of the dry density determined by the standard Proctor test.
Permissible deviations
1. Deviations on the accuracy of the site and rate level:
c) The horizontal axes of foundations: 10 mm;
d) The vertical plane in the quota level: 10 mm;
2. Dimensional tolerances of the elements.
a) In the horizontal plane:
- Heights up to 2 m 20 mm;
- For the entire height of 2 m 30 mm;
b) tilting towards the vertical edges:
- 1 m to 3 mm;
- For all height: 16 mm;
(a) Allowable deviations from the degree of compaction specified in the project:
(b) vertical systematization: Average 10% 15%;
(c) around the foundations and basements: average 5% minimum of 8%;
(d) in ditches pipeline: average 5%, minimum 8%;
6. Measures and settlement.
And settlement measurements are made at mc

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

This specification includes the technical specifications for execution of works in reinforced
concrete container for liquids.










10 1667-76






Cements. Physical Tests. General.Indications

Cements. Physical Tests. Determination Of Fineness Of
Cements. Physical Tests. Determination Of Fineness Of
Cements. Physical Tests. Determining Time Of Intake
Cements. Physical Tests. Determination Of Heat Of
Steel Hot Rolled Concrete. General Technical
Conditions Of Quality.
Steel Concrete Cold Wiredraw. Wire Pulled Matte.
Water For Mortar And Concrete.
Testing laboratory of concrete. Tests of reinforced
concrete. Determination of mechanical resistances.
(replaces STAS 1275-62
Natural Aggregates Heavy mortar and concrete with
mineral binders.
Construction waterproofing works. Terminology.
Construction bituminous waterproofing materials
Bituminous waterproofing materials on roofs and
terraces. Technical conditions of quality.
Ground foundation. Tracking compaction by topographic
construction methods.
Water supply. Tanks of reinforced concrete and prestressed concret. Design prescriptions and construction

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
Natural Aggregates for heavy mortar and concrete with
16 4606-70
mineral binders. Testing method
Steel Wire and wire products for pre-stressed concrete.
17 6482/1-73
Rules for quality check.
Steel Wire and wire products for pre-stressed concrete.
18 6482/2-73
Smooth wire.
Steel wires and wire products for pre-stressed concrete.
19 6482/3-73
Stamped wire.
Steel wires and wire products for pre-stressed concrete.
20 6482/4-74
Prefabricated elements of concrete, reinforced concrete
21 6657/1-76
and prefabricated concrete. General technical conditions
of quality.
Construction actions. Classification and grouping
22 10101/OA-77
actions for civil and industrial constructions.
Civil and industrial constructions. Calculation elements
23 10107/0-90
and composition of concrete, reinforced concrete and
pre-stressed concrete











C 112-75



C 170 -74


Seismic design code-Part I.

Normative for strenghthening the weak foundation
ground by mechanical methods.
Normative for the design and enforcement of buildings
founded on poor land.
Technical Instructions to determine the compaction for
housing, social - cultural and industrial construction by
topographical methods.
Cements. Physical tests. Determination of hydration
Code of practice for the execution of concrete works,
reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete.
Regulation for the execution of pre-stressed concrete
Technical Instructions for the application of concrete and
mortar by guniting in the execution of construction works
or repairs and reinforcement.
Normative for the design, execution and reception of
thermal insulation of industrial and civil construction.
Normative for the design and execution of waterproofing
made of bituminous materials in construction works.
Technical Instructions for the protection of reinforced
and pre-stressed concrete elements, located in
aggressive environments of industry of sulfuric acid and
Technical Instructions on the use of mixtures of cement
based on epoxy resin to fix the defective on construction

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

3. Technical conditions for casings:

-For the walls of reinforced monolith concrete it will be provided the progressive casing of
one of the faces with panels mounted up to 1m high in progression with the concreting.
- It is recommended that the connection of the casings not to cross the wall. In case this
is not possible, its mandatory to adopt solutions in order to check and seal the crossing
areas crossed by using connections.
-Irregularities from the dimensions of the project will be 30% lower than the
corresponding irregularities for elements made of usual concrete.
- For the dimensions which have no specified deviations in the project, the appropriate
deviations corresponding to the 9th limit class of precision according to STAS 6657/176 of "prefabricated elements of concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed
concrete, will be adopted. General technical conditions of quality "
- Before mounting casings from monolithic concrete walls it will be verified:
o The correct position of rebars at the connection with the foundation mat
o Joint cleaning and removal of concrete with weak adherence
o Mounting sealing parts at joint
4. Technical conditions for fittings:
Manufacturing, storage and installation of rebars will be in accordance with the norm NE
012-99 - ANNEX II. 1 with the following additional specifications:
- Distance pieces made of plastic or mortar, will be used.
- Fittings disposed on the two sides of the wall will be maintained at the distance
mentioned in the project using distance pieces made of steel.
It is forbidden to bend the fittings, if they do not fit the contour of the wall, only
with the agreement of the designer the execution of brackets on the length of the
joint, will be accepted.
Manufacturing, storage and putting into work of pretensionate fittings, will be in
accordance with the norm C21-77.
5. Technical conditions for concrete:

The fresh concrete malleability required for putting into work will be in Q3,
corresponding to a compaction of 5 .. 9cm (degree of compaction between 1.04
and 1.10)
Minimum strength of cement is given by the mark and the concretes
impermeability prescribed by the design but not less than the values shown in the
table below:

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

Height of liquid
stored column

Technical Conditions


Maximum W/C ratio
Minimum dose of 0...16
cement kg/mc for
Minimum class of concrete
Maximum W/C ration
Minimum dose of 0...16
cement kg/mc for
Minimum class of concrete
Maximum W/C ratio
Minimum dose of 0...16
cement kg/mc for
Minimum class of concrete




Aggressiveness conditions
No aggressiveness
or weakly





















The maximum values for the W/C ratio required, in order to achieve the impermeability
condition are as follows:
Impermeability degree
Maximum W/C ratio


Defining the composition of concrete will be made based on the results of preliminary tests,
conducted under the provisions of NE012-99 norm.
Preparation, transport and putting into work will be done in accordance with the technical
prescriptions, supplemented with the following specifications:
- The transport of concrete on distances greater than 100m will be made only with
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
- Casting will be in continuous layers not exceeding 0.5 ... 0.6 m in height and will avoid joints
other than those stipulated in the project.
- The interval between casting of two successive layers of concrete should not exceed 1 .. 3
hours (when using delaying additive) depending on local conditions and time of the cement
setting. If you exceed this range, before resuming concreting on the old layer of concrete it
will be set a layer of cement mortar 1:3 in thickness of 1-2cm.
- Compacting concrete will be done in accordance with the norm NE-012/99 at a maximum of
15 minutes after the casting. Distance between the formations of casting and the vibration is
determined accordingly. Concrete surfaces shall be maintained wet until the age of 14 ... 28
days, depending on exposure conditions.
- It is recommended to protect the foundation mat by covering it with a layer of water or a
layer of sand kept in wet state.
- For the walls it is recommended to protect the concrete with tarpaulins against the action
of wind and sunlight.
- The quality of concrete placed in work will be done according to the norm NE012/99
6. Indications on the execution of containers
Execution of containers made of reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete will take
into account the norms NE012/99si C 21-77, filled with these instructions.
The execution of works will be entrusted only to enterprises properly equipped that have
technical staff highly qualified, with experience in carrying out such works. The containers
execution will be based on preject design and details, specifications and technology files,
aiming in particular the achievement of compact and uniform concrete structure. For this
purpose it will fulfill the following requirements:
- The material components will be spared of impurification and degradation.
- Machinery compaction will have the size correlated with the thickness of the item, the
distance between fittings and thickness of successive layers of concrete to allow a proper
vibration; their number will be settled in order to assure reserves in case of failings.
- A concreting plan will be done in order to ensure a continuous casting, also stating the
number workers formations.
- Necessary facilities for water supply and for its discharge, will be provided, for the
checking of tightness in deadlines;
- On cold weather it will be avoided pouring concrete, the execution of waterproofing and
protection through guniting.
- Before the start of each phase of work will be verified:
- Quality of work performed before the phase
- If the equipment necessary for the concreting, pre-stressing and guniting, work
- If the workers formations have acknowledged the instructions in the technical files.
In containers located on land in panta and those founded on earth sensitive to damping, it
will be taken into account the group of measures for upgrading the site and by the norm of P72000 on the foundation on land susceptible to wetting.
In case the location of underground water is over the foundation mat level, measures for
dropping the water level of at least 0.50m below the foundation share will be applied. The
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
lowered water level will be maintained until completion of work
7. Checking the quality of works, repair, operation and maintenance
The quality of works is checked during the execution, for each category of works in hand and
separately on the container in general, before and after the application of the protection layers.
Checking tightness is done by the filling with water test, according to STAS 4165-74,
Water supply, concrete and pres-stressed concrete tanks .
When checking the quality of works:
It is recommended the prior remedy of deficiencies that may have visible consequences

on the tightness.
The filling will be slow (24hrs minimum)

- In the case of divided containers all the compartments will be filled, checking the
tightness of walls by successive emptying.
- It is recommended to avoid maintaining the container partially filled with water for a long
- Moisture stains on the walls (except for memory areas) are allowed in the case they will
be faterwards plastered on the inner face, in this case, loss of water can be a maximum
of 0.50 l / day and mp. wetted surface.
- In containers founded on earth sensitive to damping,it is necessary the


remediation of any visible defects that could lead to leaking. (Max height of filling. 1m)
- In the case of reduced water loss , the remediation will be made with a suspension of
clay or cement in water, with the acceptance of the designer.
- Proof of tightness by filling with water is done before applying plasters and is
independent of the binding nature of the liquid stored.

The final tightness checking is made after the application of plasters and final layers of

protection. The sample is made by filling the container with water and is considered satisfactory
if no spots appear on the outside. May skip the examination if the evidence provided to verify
the tank tightness unplastered gave satisfactory results (maximum loss of 0.25 l / day and mp
wetted surface) and not finding spots of moisture
8. Remedy of execution defects
Dislevelments, concrete segregated areas, areas with open fittings or with insufficient
coverage, will be remedied in accordance with the "technical instructions on the use of mixtures
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
of cement based or epoxy resins to fix the defective construction works C149-78 or by injection
of cement milk.
Near the crossing pieces it is recommended that to make the injection of cement milk or
mixtures based on epoxy resins.
Cracks can be remedied by injecting epoxy resin in accordance with the application of this
method. The solution will be given following the analysis of the cracks causes.
Solutions to remedy the defects of execution other than those mentioned above, will develop
after the analysis of the causes that have generated the defects and with the approval of the

9. Operation and maintainance

Operation, maintenance and periodical checking of the container is made in accordance with
the rules of operation and maintenance developed by the operating company for each recipient,
based on the designers indications.
In case of failure, the operating company will ask the designer to analyze the causes and
develop solutions to remedy.
Re-working of the container will be made only after the necessary evidence.
In containers founded on lands with great compressibility or earth-sensitive to damping, its
mandatory to to periodically check the compaction marks in order to detect any loss of water.
All data concerning the exploitation, the defections occurred and the remedial measures will
be recorded in a notebook attached to the book building.

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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420

- CHAPTER 1 Trial piles

1.1. - According to STAS 2561/4-85, will run the sample loadings of piles on site, their
number is 2 (two).
Position the test pile on site will be determine by agreement with the contractor during
1.2. - The sample loadings on site consists mainly of sample loading piles proposed axial
compressive and horizontal applications.
The program will be finalized with the manufacturer and the unit will perform those
1.3 .- The pilots of the sample will be run under surveilance a qualified technical staff,
recording the results in a special register the following:
- Position of the piles;
- Equipment used in the execution and characteristics;
- Geometric characteristics for the pile executed;
- The material that has been executed the pile (Class of concrete, reinforcement, etc.).
- Other observations during the execution;
- Presumed load in the pilot project;
- Annex shall stratigraphic column based on the recognition of land
pilot hole digging, according to Appendix B - STAS 2561/4-85
1.4 .- The test piles will be protected during loading of shocks and vibrations.
1.5 .- loading sample piles will be made after reaching a prescribed class C20/25 in the


2.1 .- The drilled piles will run with recoverable tubing with concreteing in dry, having the
following geometrical characteristics:
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
-Diameter D = 1000 mm 1200 mm respectively
- Length H = 15.00 + 0.50 = 15.50 m
- Tilt - vertically.
2.2 .- The concrete section of the pile are:
- Mark concrete C20/25;
- Minimum dosage of cement-400 kg.cement / mc;
- Mark cement CEM II / A S-32.5R;
- Bad aggregate sorted;
- Consistency in tasarea cone 15-18 cm;
- Reinforcement BST 500S - longitudinal bars in the carcasses
BST 500S - in fret.
3.1 .- The geometry of the piles are under point 2.1..
3.2 .- The concrete section of the pile are in paragraph 2.2. and data from the designs for
3.3 .- Conditions for execution of drilled piles.
The drilled piles of large diameter are high-tech works and mostly with hidden aspects.
Therefore surveilance and immediate management of these works should be entrusted to staff
with experience in this type of work aimed at compliance with the project's specifications and
the norms in force.
For each pile in hand are completed drilling and concreteing sheet of pile in accordance
with the model in Annex B of STAS 2561/4-85.
3.4 .- Phases of execution of the drilled piles with large diameter are:
- Running digging to quota of platform work;
- Drawing on field position axes pilots;
- Installation of equipment in position;
- Digging hole;
- Cleaning bottom hole drilled;
- Introduce carcass reinforcement;
- Concreteing (measures to prevent segregation in the dry concreteing, quality control of
concrete in the casting, number of samples to determine characteristics);
- Training the pile head and reinforced what is anchored in infrastructure.
3.5 .- To avoid landsliping at the mouth of drilling and penetration into the hole, will be used to
protect, short tubes.
3.6 .- To prevent the training ground and forming of holes in the ground around it will follow that
lip tubing while digging to be constantly below drilling cover strip.
3.7 .- At concreteing, pouring of concrete will be done through a funnel central axis of the pile,
prolonged with tube for routing concrete long enough, so do not hit the concrete fittings.
Prohibiting the downloading of concrete from the mouth drilling.
3.8 .- For every 5 feet of concrete placed in the work will take samples of concrete.
4.1-Deviation limit permitted in the position of the piles at the level of foundation matt comparing
to the one in project is 8 cm.
4.2 .- Deviation limit permitted to tilt pile axis is vertical to 2%.
4.3 .- deviation limit for the pile diameter is 2 cm.
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S.C STRUCTURI DESIGN S.R.L; J40/14427/19.08.2005; C.U.I 17885420
4.4 .- deviation limit for the rate of the pile is 20 cm.
4.5 .- Deviation limit for the quota pilot head is 5 cm.


5.1 .- The main objectives pursued in the execution phase of the pile on the execution of quality
control are specified in STAS 2561/4-85, Table 8, which specifies the nature of control and who
makes it.
Among them include:
-installation of drilling equipment to control the position of equipment by executing;
-during and after digging field engineer, client and the designer controls the nature of
land made by examining the land surface and draws a geological profile that compares with the
known research in the field geotechnic opinion;
- To control the depth of the hole and cleaning of the bottom hole drilled;
- Verify the composition of the carcass reinforcement, the execution of welds by the
beneficiary and executor;
- Before pouring concrete to control the amount of concrete to ensure a continuous
casting, complete the pile, based on the volume necessary considering the nominal diameter of
the hole;
-Its being kept a strict record of the volume of concrete placed in the work and
compare to the volume determined in terms of the preceding paragraph;
- It follows that the level of concreteing would be over the base level of recovered
tubing ;
- During the execution of the pile will always follow the rules for executing technical
security work.

Ing.Andrei Adam

Telefon/Fax : +40212402959;;

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