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Product: Precise- Insight- Does end to end product management

What does the product INSIGHT look like?

1. Should be an end to end Solution and Should look as good as precise SQL
2. Insight aims at decreasing The three tier Cycle time
3. Information flow tool- Collaborating across the three tiers
When to launch? - Prefer to launch at Oracle Open World-(offers wide
potential customer base)

Desired level of Functionality V.S Time given to comp

Should a basic version be launched and cover a base market?

Industry trend is that new products will be launch in an event of the delay of launch.
However, the Case study does state that half- baked product may give advantage to
the competes.

Pros of launch in
First Movers

Showcase the
product at Oracle
Open World
One year of
feedback-, So
Precise can build on
the product and
lock a customer
Next year a updated
Product can be
launched at a
reduced price

Cons of Launch in
FMA is usually
Second mover is
more prepared

Competes will get

to work on the
customer feedback
received on and
build the product
User might be
apprehensive to
use a half-baked
product due to
high Opportunity
Cost. However,
customer might
not adopt the
product without

Pros of launch in
FMA is usually
Second mover is
more prepared
Showcase the
product at Oracle
Open World
Fully developed
Product would be
available for the
Value Proposition
would be delivered
in entirety

Cons of launch in
Fully Serviced
product- Higher
Value Add

Competes may
have captured the

adequate prior
Signaling end-to
end might urge
the competes to
develop the

Harm the brand of

the company if it
launches a halfbaked product

Ability to Set
Benchmark Price

Create a buzz
around the product
in the market
Move towards
Company goal of
achieving 1 Million
Switching cost not
high due to a
growing market

Low Maintenance
cost for a single
product over
additional cost over
multiple products.

Unfinished part
wont receive
feedback and also
provide no tangible
value to the
Half-baked product
would have to be
sold at low price

Compete Pricing
may not be our
desired price , and
Precise may not
be able to charge
its own price
Leverage on the
buzz created in the

Time Cost required

to get the
applications to get
together. Company
would wait for full
product and
upgrade at one
Low Maintenance
cost for a single
product over
additional cost
over multiple

Software installed
for industry use- Can
monitor and detect
over time fulfill
Half-baked product
would mean End to
end process
management with
Therefore the
product isnt a

Software installed
for industry useCan monitor and
detect over time
fulfill other

How to Launch- Is a New dedicated Sales Force required? - What Sales

Channel is to be used?
As point of contact now is CTO/CXO, one
needs a better trained force
Sales force may get confused about
which product to launch

VARS may not take the new product, so

internal sales team may be required for
international sales

Train existing, as phase out of old
products is in the pipeline
Very expensive to hire and train new
sales force. The existing Sales Force has
established contact and trusts of the
DBA. New Sales Force would not be able
to leverage this
Existing Sales Rep have good relations
with current DB- hence can move up the
ladder and build on their knowledge of
the firms problems. Massive value
For new Sales Rep, its Very difficult to
establish to ROI
Wiser to Identify the problem related
with conversion ( Deals with CTO/Seniors
) with old sales force and remedy this
There are other channel of selling apart
from DTC, so maybe build on that, and
train existing Sales force for
international markets

PRICING_ On what basis?

Value Pricing- Please work out in small groups and Share the knowledge, because
Well wishes will go a longer way than extra marks

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