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Summer 1998
Texas, USA

Dear mom and dad,

I write in order to let you know that I am enlisting in the US Navy. Im
trying out for the SEALS. I know what you think about it. But right now,
after our embassy in Kenya has been bombed, they need me. Im willing
to fight for my country. I dont care about my age, I know I might me
old for enrolling in the army, but Im ready. Moreover, Im not leaving
anything here I always knew I was not going to live from rodeo and my
girlfriend and I just broke up So as I said there is nothing to keep me
Plus dad, you taught me how to shoot when I was little, and you know
Im not bad at it. I think I can be useful.
And mom, you dont worry, ok? Ill be fine, This is what I want and this is
what Im doing.
Im leaving soon so dont try to make me change my mind.
See you.

Winter, 2001
California, USA
Dear Taya,
From the minute I saw you in that bar I knew you were the woman of my
life. Its funny how at first you rejected me and I ended up helping you
to throw up. Too many shots, remember? I can0t believe you ended up
answering my calls On our first date I was the happiest man on earth,
or at least thats what I thought Because I felt something even bigger

the day we got married. Do you remember? I know it wasnt long ago
but it still feels like yesterday
Today I am writing to let you know that after 9/11 weve been requested
in Iraq. Dont worry, ok? Its only going to some months and then well
be together again.
I will always love you,

Fall, 2001
Dear marines,
First of all welcome to Iraq. Your country is proud of you, we all have
faith in you and we all thank you your service.
This is the thing; we are looking for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, one of the
Al-Qaeda leaders. Let me tell you something, it is not going to be easy.
He is protected but someone who calls himself The Butcher. Just for
your imagination, his favorite torture tool is a drill. So pray you dont
cross paths with him. You must know that your heads have a price. They
want to exterminate you as much as you all want to return home safe.
Therefore lets do it the fastest we can and go back to our families.
This is the plan: we are going to search every single house in the village
and surroundings. Everyone is going to be evacuated and those who

resist are insurgents, therefore they are the enemy; and you all know
what it means. Its going to be hard, but this is war.
Do it for your country, do it for your sons!
Good luck!
US Army

Winter, 2002
California, USA
Dear Chris,
I cant believe you are going back. You promised me it was only going to
be once. Chris I need you here, your newborn son needs you here. This
past months you were here but you werent. But you know what? Id
rather have you here like that thank back in Iraq. Please Chris Im
begging you, dont go. I know you think they need you, I mean you are
the Legend But we need you more. And you need to get help. We both
know you are not right. It is like if you were trapped in the battlefield.
You hear things; you cannot sleep Do you really think going back is
going to help you? Because let me tell you something; it is not.
I know that this is not going to change your mind, but I had to try
Anyways, I will always love you.
Be safe and for Gods sake, come back
Yours faithfully,

Iraq, 2003
Dear Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle,
Welcome back and once again thank you for what you are doing. Your
country is proud of you and has faith in you.
You have been assigned a special mission. As you know Al-Qaeda is
working with a professional sniper that goes under the name of
Mustafa. For your information he is not Iraqi; I believe he is from siria.
You must know that he participated in the Olympics and in all the
categories placed first. Well, after this brief information here goes your
mission: you have been required to take down Mustafa. You are our best
sniper and we know you can do it. Just be careful.
Lets fight for the country we want our sons to live in!
America is with you.
Thank you,
USA Army

February 2013

United States of America

Dear family,
I know you are all sad right know because you think I am gone. But you
must know that I will always be with you, in your hearts, in your
memory Always
Taya, thank you for everything you have ever done for me. Thank you
for not leaving me all the times I left. Thank you for believing in me, for
helping me and for loving me. I will always love you. Tell our sons to not
believe what they hear about me. People say Im a legend, the best
sniper the US SEALS ever had, but what people dont know is that I
remember every single one of the lives I took. Its not like I regret it, it
was war, but Im not proud of it either. Ive killed kids, women and men,
I cannot be proud of it.
As for our country, I just have to thank them all the support I have
received from them. And as I told to my sons, i would like to remain
them too that I am no hero. I did what I had to do, and I wish I could
have saved many more men Anyways thank you.
Please Taya, remember me as the man I was this last year, fully
recovered from my PTSD, totally committed to my family
I will always be with you all.
Yours faithfully,
Chris Kyle

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