Avamar 7.2 Hyper-V Data Protection

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Avamar 7.2 Hyper-V Data Protection

Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Business Challenge..........................................................................................................................................4
Solution ...........................................................................................................................................................5

Key Components........................................................................................................................................... 6
EMC Data Protection Suite................................................................................................................................7
Lab Scenario ....................................................................................................................................................8

Lab Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Environment Layout .......................................................................................................................................10
Components & Credentials.............................................................................................................................11

Backup Hyper-V 2012R2 Failover Cluster .................................................................................................... 13

Manual-Based Image Level Backup ................................................................................................................14
Policy-Based Image Level Backup ..................................................................................................................23

Restore Hyper-V 2012R2 Failover Cluster .................................................................................................... 30

Image Level Restore .......................................................................................................................................31
Granular Level Restore ...................................................................................................................................42

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 64


Avamar 7.2 Hyper-V Data Protection

Page 3

Business Challenge
Code Nebulous
Code Nebulous has seen a drastic increase in requests for customer-usable virtual machines (VM) stored and served
by a completely native Microsoft environment. This uptick in demand arises from customers discovering how versatile
VM can be in terms of quick creation for a short to mid-term project followed by an eventual tear-down of resources
used after the project.
Code Nebulous' CTO and CIO have requested that the IT team examine efficient and cost-effective ways to introduce a
robust means of empowering their internal customers with per project-based VM's followed by centralized tear-down
post-project as a competitive differentiator and as a means to keep up with the customer's demands.

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As a mid-market business experiencing rapid growth, the deployment of Windows 2012 R2 has enabled Code
Nebulous to add Hyper-V 2012 leveraging SMB 3.0 support to its business applications catalog. In so doing, their
customers have discovered that even short-term projects require complete data protection, including granular restore
of a few files two to three times a week.
Avamar 7.2 has addresses this newly emerging business requirement with its support for SMB 3.0 storage and file
serving of Microsoft VM's, or Virtual hard Disks. Now that a Microsoft Hypvr-V-based cluster shared volume (CSV), an
expensive and more difficult to deploy implementation, is no longer required, this has made this all-Windows shop a
more productive business.
The ability to centrally delete these VHD's after the project is completed is an additional boost to Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO), but Avamar 7.2's ability to maintain a separate expiration-based copy of these VM's for potential
later use is considered a fulfillment of the entire lifecycle. With Code Nebulous' backup admins leveraging Avamar's
flexible expirations, an auditor, compliance officer or even eDiscovery requests can be met long after the project has
been completed.

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Key Components

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EMC Data Protection Suite

EMC Avamar Overview
Avamar is a deduplication backup software and system, an integrated backup and recovery software and purposebuilt backup appliance solution for comprehensive backup and recovery across the enterprise. Avamars unique
client-side global deduplication technology eliminates redundant backup data that is sent over the network and
stored. Avamar deduplicates at the client, whether virtual or physical, and across sites and servers.
The Avamar Data Store has integrated high availability and reliability with RAIN (Redundant Array of Independent
Nodes) architecture, daily recoverability verification, and disaster recovery through replication. Avamar is proven to
lower costs and remove risks associated with traditional backup. Avamar is tightly integrated with Data Domain
systems through DD Boost software. Both Avamar and Data Domain are integrated and certified with VCE Vblock and
VSPEX systems.

Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V 2012R2

Avamar 7.2's latest support for Microsoft's Hyper-V 2012's SMB 3.0 is a critical differentiator for data protection of this
free hypervisor. While Hyper-V 2012, implemented either as a CSV or the more convenient SMB 3.0, offers hypervisor
access to virtual hard disks, the ability to protect this data, and restore all of it either in-place or out-of-place,
completes the lifecycle usage of data creation, data protection and project-complete virtualization resources returned
to the business with restores as needed from Avamar 7.2, the data protection component. The fact that Hyper-V has
always supported application-consistency in its applications is critical, allowing for both filesystem and application
backup as necessary.

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Lab Scenario
Image-level backup and restore
With image-level backup and restore, you install the Avamar Client for Windows and the Avamar Plug-in for Hyper-V
VSS on the Hyper-V management OS (parent partition). The Avamar Plug-in for Hyper-V VSS uses Microsoft Volume
Shadow Copy Service (VSS) technology to perform backups. VSS is a framework that enables volume backups while
applications on a system continue to write to the volumes. The VSS writer enables the creation of image backups for
virtual machines by quiescing the Windows operating system and applications within the guest for operating system
and application consistency. You can perform full image-level backups of individual virtual machines or the Host
Component, which contains the role-based security configuration for Hyper-V. Image level backups occur from the
Hyper-V management OS instead of the individual virtual machines.

Granular level recovery

Granular level recovery (GLR) enables you to mount an image backup to a temporary file system, and then browse and
restore individual files and folders. The temporary file system mounts in the C:\Program Files\avs\var folder, where
C:\Program Files\avs\ is the Avamar installation folder. You can mount the temporary file system on the management
OS of the Hyper-V Server. However, the best practice is to use a separate, (non-Hyper-V) Windows computer or a virtual
machine to host the temporary file system. Using a separate computer or virtual machine offloads the GLR activities
from the Hyper-V host. The separate Windows computer or virtual machine must use a supported operating system.

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Lab Overview

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Environment Layout
Topology Map

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Components & Credentials

The following tables list the systems and credentials associated with this vApp environment.

Follow the mRemoteNG setup instructions to ensure access to each system is verified before continuing.

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Use the following credentials to login to the individual systems, unless otherwise instructed in the specific steps
throughout this manual.

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Backup Hyper-V 2012R2 Failover


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Manual-Based Image Level Backup

Use this lab exercise to edit the required Avamar clients and plug-ins to conduct your first Hyper V 2012R2 backup.

Log In to Avamar Administration Console


Double-click Avamar Administrator

In the Server list box, select ave-03
In the Username field, type MCUser
In the Password field, type Password123
Click Login

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Execute a Manual-Based Backup of the Hyper-V Cluster


Click Backup & Restore

In the left navigation pane, click clients
Click av-hypervcsv-01
Click the Backup tab.
Select Windows Hyper-V VSS
Click Windows Hyper-V VSS and ensure that VM's hlguest6 and wguest-01 are selected.
Click Back Up Now

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Select Backup options

Click More Options...

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Send Backup to Data Domain

Select Store backup on Data Domain system
Click OK

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Launch the Manual-Based Backup

Click OK

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Confirm that the Backup initiated

Ensure Backup request initiated.
Click Close

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Open the Activity Tab

Confirm the Status is Running and observe Progress Bytes
Note: This process may take several minutes to complete.

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Backup has Completed

Confirm the backup displays a status of Completed
Close the Activity window.

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Avamar Administration Console

Observe Activities has the Backup job that Succeeded
Capacity has utilization metrics for the Avamar & Data Domain

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Policy-Based Image Level Backup

Open the Policy Tab
Click Policy

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Backup the Hyper-V Cluster Client


In Policy Management, select Groups

Select clients domain
Click the Hyper-V client to highlight.
Click Run to initiate the backup

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Group Backup Request

Confirm Group backup request initiated.
Click Close

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Activity Monitor Progress

Click Activity from Administration Console
View the Status is Running and Progress Bytes
Note: This process may take several minutes to complete.

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Activity Monitor Complete

Confirm that the Status is Completed
Close the Activity Monitor

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Close the Policy Window

Close the Policy window.

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View statistics from the Administration Console

View System Information
View Activities
View Capacity
Minimize the Administration Console.

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Restore Hyper-V 2012R2 Failover


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Image Level Restore

Open mRemoteNG
Double-click mRemoteNG

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Login to the Hyper-V server

In Connections, double-click Hyperv-01
Confirm that Hyperv-01 tab is selected, and click Failover Cluster Manager

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View Failover Cluster Roles

In the left navigation pane, expand hypervcsv-01.vlab.local
Click Roles. Right-click hlguest6, and then select Shut Down

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Hlguest6 Powered Off

Confirm that hlguest6 is powered off.

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Open Administration Console

Click the ave-03 Avamar Administration Console
Click Backup & Restore

Select Backup

In the left navigation pane, click clients

Click Restore
In the /clients list box, select av-hypervcsv-01.
Click on the current date to view the backups taken that day.
Select the backup saveset with the date from your most recent backup.

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6. Select hlguest6
7. Click Restore

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Restore Options
Select Restore to the original Hyper-V Server
Click More Options...

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Restore Command Line Options

Select Allow virtual machine overwrite
Click OK

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Accept Restore Options

Click OK

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Restore Request
Confirm that the Restore request initiated
Click Close

Open Activity Monitor

Click Activity to view progress.
Confirm Restore Status Completed

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Power on Linux VM

Click mRemoteNG
Confirm that you are connected to the Hyperv-01 Server.
Ensure that Failover Cluster Manager is open.
Click Roles
Click hlguest6
Click Start to power on the VM to verify the restore has completed.

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Granular Level Restore

Connect to Windows VM

Confirm mRemote is open.

Confirm Hyperv-01 is selected
Confirm that Failover Cluster Manager is open on the Hyperv-01 server.
Right-click wguest-01
wguest-01, and then select Connect

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Login to wguest-01
Click the send Ctrl+Alt+Delete icon.

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Supply Credentials to login

In the Password field, type Password123! and press Enter

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Delete File to be Restored


Scroll down to view taskbar of wguest-01 VM.

Click Windows Explorer
Expand Local Disk (C:), and then click Avamar Docs
Right-click docu48254_Avamar-7.0-Documentation-Portfolio.pdf, and then select Delete

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Open Avamar Administation Console


Click ave-03 Avamar Administrator

Click Backup & Restore
In the left navigation pane, click clients
In the /clients list box, select av-hypervcsv-01
Click Restore
Select the most recent date where backups exist.
Select the backup saveset with the date from your most recent backup.
Select wguest-01
Click the GLR icon to mount the drive.

Select Destination Client

Select Restore everything to a different location

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Click Browse

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Browse for Restore Destination Client

1. Click "+
+" to expand clients.
2. Click hyperv-03.vlab.local
3. Click OK

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Destination server selected

Confirm that the destination is set to /clients/hyperv-03.vlab.local
Click OK

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Select Server to Restore

1. Select wguest-01
2. Click "+
+" to expand wguest-01.
3. Click OK to mount virtual Machine wguest-01.
Note: This process will take several minute to complete.

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Select File to restore

1. Click "+" to expand Disk 0 > Partition 1 > Avamar Docs
2. Select docu48254_Avamar-7.0-Documentation-Portfolio.pdf
3. Click Restore

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Restore Options
Click More Options

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Restore Command Line Options

Confirm that in the Amount of time to leave AvFS mounted list box, Dismount after restore completes is selected.
Click OK

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Initiate Restore
Click Set Destination

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Set Destination
Click Browse

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Browse for Directory

1. Click "+" to expand the Windows File System -> C:
2. Select TEMP
3. Click OK

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Confirm Destination
Confirm Save Target(s) in Directory: C:/TEMP
Click OK

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Confirm Restore Options

Click OK

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Restore Request
Confirm Restore request initiated.
Click Close

Activity Monitor
Click Activity
Confirm Status Completed for the restore job.

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Confirm File Restore


Click mRemoteNG
In Connections, double-click Hyperv-03
Confirm that the Hyperv-03 tab is selected.
Expand the Local Disk (C:) -> TEMP > Recovered Items (current date) > Disk 0 > Partition 1
Click Avamar Docs
Confirm that the docu48254_Avamar-7.0-Documentation-Portfolio.pdf is present.

Note: The restore item will be placed on the server with the GLR plugin installed, which in this case is Hyperv-03

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Restore to Original location

Right-click docu48254_Avamar-7.0-Documentation-Portfolio.pdf, and then select Copy

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Connect to Wguest-01
Type UNC path \\wguest-01\c$\Avamar Docs to connect to the original location.
Right-click, and select Paste

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Restore Complete
Verify that the location is wguest-01
Confirm that the file is now in the Avamar Docs folder

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Data Domain system support
You can store backups on either the Avamar server or an EMC Data Domain system. Backup metadata is stored on
the Avamar server. Before you can store backups on a Data Domain system, you must add the Data Domain system to
the Avamar configuration by using the Avamar Administration Console. Then you select the Data Domain system in the
plug-in options when you perform an on-demand backup or when you create a dataset for a scheduled backup. You
can also use the command line interface (CLI) to perform backups to a Data Domain system. The steps to restore
backups are the same whether you restore from the Avamar server or a Data Domain system. The restore process
determines the location of the backup and restores the backup. The EMC Avamar and EMC Data Domain System
Integration Guide provides more information about Data Domain systems in an Avamar environment, including
detailed steps to add a Data Domain system to the Avamar configuration.

Granular Level Recovery

Performance problems and other issues can occur if you install the Hyper-V GLR feature on the management OS of the
Hyper-V Server. To prepare a virtual machine or Windows client computer for GLR, install the Avamar Client for
Windows and the Avamar Plug-in for Hyper-V VSS. When you install the Hyper-V VSS plug-in, select the option to
install the Hyper-V GLR feature.

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