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Fluidized bed had been used in many

industrial application. Such as fluidized

bed reactor and fluidized bed
combustion. The efficiency of the
fluidized bed is significantly depend on
the drag coefficient, heat transfer
coefficient and other factors. In this
study, simulation will be used to study
this parameters and effect on fluidized

Student name: Li Li

Student ID: 211712508

Supervisor: Subrat Das

study of gassolids
fluidized bed
An eulerian eulerian

Deakin University

Acknowledgment .................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Project objective and deliverable ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Deliverable .................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Specific project aim ............................................................................................................................. 5
4 Project benefits and implications ......................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Project benefits.............................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Project implication ........................................................................................................................ 6
5 Literature review .................................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Theory of fluidization ................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Particles in fluidised bed ............................................................................................................... 8
5.2.1 Particle types .............................................................................................................................. 9
5.3 Fluidization ................................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.1 Fluidized phases ..................................................................................................................... 9
5.3.2 Fluidized bed type ................................................................................................................ 10
5.3.3Minimum fluidization velocity ............................................................................................. 10
5.4 Heat transfer in fluidized bed ...................................................................................................... 12
5.4.1 Heat transfer theory.............................................................................................................. 12
5.4.2Active particles ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.5 Computational Fluid Dynamics .................................................................................................. 14
5.5.1 Introduction of Computational Fluid Dynamics .................................................................. 14
5.5.2 Advantage of Computational Fluid Dynamics ..................................................................... 14
5.5.4 Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics ................................................................... 15

Operation process of Computational Fluid Dynamics ................................................... 16


Eulerian model approach in Computational Fluid Dynamics ........................................ 17

6 Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1Use CFD to modeling heat transfer in gas fludized bed .......................................................... 19
6.2 Use CFD to simulate a fluidized bed reactor and study its heat transfer ................................ 22
7 Result and discussion ......................................................................................................................... 27
7.1 Use CFD to modeling heat transfer in gas fludized bed ............................................................. 27
7.1.1Overall characteristics of heat transfer .................................................................................. 27
7.1.2 Different gas superficial velocity VS heat transfer coefficient ............................................ 28
7.1.3 Different particle size VS heat transfer coefficient .............................................................. 28

7.2 Use CFD to simulate a fluidized bed reactor and study its heat transfer .................................... 30
7.2.1 Overall discussion of the result ............................................................................................ 30
7.2.2 Particles distributions and hydrodynamic simulation .......................................................... 31
7.2.3 Simulation of heat transfer in fluidized reactor.................................................................... 32
8 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 34
8.1 Use CFD to modeling heat transfer in gas fludized bed ............................................................. 34
8.2 Use CFD to simulate a fluidized bed reactor and study its heat transfer .................................... 34
9 Reference ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix A ........................................................................................................................................... 38
Table of figure................................................................................................................................... 38
Symbols and units ............................................................................................................................. 39
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................... 40

There are many people for me to thanks to finish my final year project. Although their role is
different, equally important .Firstly, Dr Subrat Das he carried me all the way from begin to the
end. He support with my project with his time and patience. He had given lots of ideals during
the work process. I would also need to give thanks to all my family members, without their
support in lift I not done this.

1 Introduction
Fluidized bed is normally consist of mixture of solid particle materials and fluid with two phase
in one state. It is one of the most widely used modern technologies that increase the production
efficient of many physical and chemical industrial process. Some industrial process include but
not limit to cracking and reforming of hydrocarbons (oil), carbonization and gasification of
coal, ore roasting.
Fluidization is the process of solid particles convert from static solid -state to dynamic fluid
state by supply gas or liquid into the solid particles system. When supply liquid or gas into
pack of solid particles (granular material) pressure drop will occurs due fluid drag force on
these particles. When the velocity of fluid reach certain point the fluid drag force will equal or
exceed the gravitational force of these granular materials in the system and particles in the
system no longer rest on each other. This is the point of fluidization. The fluidized solid
particles have three main characterises that used in indusial production: fluidized solid particles
are easy to transfer between reactors; the temperature in the fluidization system is uniform; the
excellent heat transfer in the fluidization system. The application of fluidization is fluidized
bed and can be used for several purposes such as separating mixed solid particles; reactor for
chemical reaction and operating transfer mass and heat in the system. (B.Bhandari 2006)
It is a simulation and experimental based project that aim to determinant characterises of five
different granular material particle when they are fluidised. A theoretical evaluation will be
made before hands to determent these characterises. These parameter are the minimum
fluidized velocity of each granular material, pressure during fluidization of these granular
material, coefficient of heat transfer when implant heat resource in the fluidised bed. After
these a simulation software will be used, namely ANSYS computational fluid dynamics .which
not only able to indicate the aiming parameter but also can observe the situation of the
fluidization. In the end experiment will be conducted to determent weather the data match the
theoretical calculations.

2 Project objective and deliverable

The objective of this project is to understand the fluidization characteristics of different
granular material. And know how to predict the outcome of certain material based on its
proprieties. In order to optimize fluidized bed process for this kind of material.

2.2 Deliverable
Analysis and study characteristics of 5 different granular particles in fluidized bed by simulate
fluidization of these particles in CFD and perform fluidization experiment to obtain
experimental data. And compare the result from simulation and experiment. Before star any
simulation or experiment an evaluation will be made based on the theories of Fluidization.
These following data are need to be collect from simulation and experiment:
The minimum velocity of gas flow in the fluidized cause fluidization of these five granular
Pressure drop in the fluidized bed during the fluidization of these five particles.
The pressure distribution in the fluidized bed of these 5 material in each stage of fluidization;
The loosening speed of these 5 materials in fluidized bed in each stage of fluidization;
The coefficient of heat transfer in fluidized bed for these 5 materials. There are two section
need to consider for this: the speed of particles vs heat transfer and depth of mass vs heat

3 Specific project aim

The aim of this project is to study the fluidization characteristics of 5 different granular material
by using simulation software and performing experiment. There are some key factors that focus
on this project: the pressure drop, the pressure distribution in the fluidized bed, the loosening
speed and coefficient of heat transfer in the fluidization system. The design of fluidized bed
will require quantitative knowledge of fluidized bed heat transfer characteristics and fluid.
Therefore this project is necessary for helping establish the optimization of fluidized bed
process with different material.

4 Project benefits and implications

4.1 Project benefits
The main knowledge been practice in this project is heat transfer and fluid mechanic. This
project also require some study on fluidized, as it is a new developing technology. By going
through this project some key parameter that effect on fluidization which include the shape of
particles in the fluidized bed, the density and shape of the particles. This project would also
involve use software to simulate the performance of fluidization of 5 particles in different stage.
(CFD) It would require some technical assistance from project supervisor on how to use
ANSYS computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Instruction from technician is need also need
on how to operate fluidized bed in laboratory room. Some risk and hazard during experiment
also need to be ware for safety reason

4.2 Project implication

This project is the study of characterises of fluidization when 5 different materials used in the
fluidized bed. The study not only study about the fluidized stage of fluidization but also every
stage of the fluidization. While there are some factors or parameters need to consider in this
study. How will different particles effect on the pressure lost during fluidization; the
relationship between properties of particle(material) and loosening speed ; as well as how
will the particle effect on the coefficient heat transfer .

5 Literature review
5.1 Theory of fluidization
When passing gas or liquid (fluid) through a pack of granular material in cylinder a pressure
drop will occurs due to drag force add on these particle by passing fluid. These granular
material will become fluidized when the drag force is equal or greater than the gravitational
force of the particles. At this point of fluidization the velocity of fluid namely minimum
fluidising velocity. If continue increase the fluid velocity, the pressure drop however would
not gain significantly. In the case of this, the fluidised bed will expand. (J.A.M.Kuipers 8 March

When fluidization occus Particles become

fluidized solid and fluid are mixtrued in high
drgree and high coefficient of heat transfer. It
can be used in many area such as dry moist
paricles, combustion reactor,calcination .
The temperature in the fluidized bed are
uniformed distributed , so it is a fine
environment for heat treating heat sensitive
material .
(at point of vmt is fluidization point) (fig 1 )

as shown , the particle on the right the drag force is larger than
gravertasional force(fig 2a and fig 2b)

However , fluidied bed requrie dust control and treatment to maintain its opreation condition .It
will increase cost more than capotal cost and run fluidied bed as shown :
Fine gas-solid mass transfer(excellent Require dust control and treatment
contact ion)
Fine coefficient of heat transfer
Difficult to scale up due to complex
Uniform temperature distributed
Attrition of catalyst particles
Low pressure drop
Broad residence time distribution of gas and

Able to carry high volumes fluid

(S.L.Petro 2007)(Table 1)

5.2 Particles in fluidised bed

As in any case of
always connect to
particle. These solid
particle are normally
mechanical mixture
(Fig 3)
Multitude of solid particle. Some natural solid particle are originate from many long-term
natural processes: heated, cooled , thermal dilated, coiled , chopped up change of atmospheric ,
erased by sea waves . Some solid particles are also been produce from technological process
such as grinded milled, evaporation m, crystallized sprayed and dried. In addition, some
particle just from organic origin: seed of plant. (2011 Fluidized bed)
But most solid particle in the fluidized bed are commonly consist of particle with large range
of shape and size. Because the non-organic particle that in the nature are most likely have wide
range of shape and size. However by certain manufacture process it is possible to unify the size
and shape of these non-uniform particles. The organic solid particle in the natural are normally
uniformed which mean they have the same size and shape. In this project, all particles been
used in the simulation and experiment are have same shape and size.
Beside the effect of fluidized bed parameter itself and external environment, the particles
geometrical, physical and aerodynamically are the main parameter which cause different
characteristic of fluidized bed. (2011 Fluidized bed)
They are
The true density of particle ;
Particle density in the fluidized bed with gas ( the porosity in the bed is negligible)
The bulk density of the particle ( mass per unit mass in the fixed fluidized bed)
porosity of particle in the fluidized bed (the really particle volume in the fix fluidized bed)
the average equivalent particle or known as the characteristic dimension of
the shape of particles,
particle size distributionprobability distribution of particle distribution due to their size,

The terminal of velocitywhen the force on the particle are in equilibrium. (2011 Fluidized

5.2.1 Particle types

Base on the size of different particles, Geldart had create a classification for all particles to
gain understanding of fluidized bed activities. The particle with diameter of 20 - 100 m
and density less than 1.4g/cm3 is Geldart A. This kind of particles are easily fluidized and
very intensity bed activity. Particle with larger size from 40 to 500m and greater density
from 1.4 to 4.5g/cm3. Sands is the typical particle for Geldart B, bubble can observed when
fluidized. Due to the small diameter of Geldart C particles, they are hardly fluidized due
cohesive force within each particles. They size from 20 to 30m .The largest particles are
Geldart D particles, their diameter normally over 600m. (Jonas A. England, 2011)

5.3 Fluidization
When the particle in the fluidised bed are fluidized, it is caused by sufficient gas velocity to
break up through the bed in vertical direction. In the fixed bed state, the particles in the bed
are rest on one another with many contacting point with forces applied on them.
(Gravitational force of particle by weight). The force on the particles are been speared in all
directions on the contact point on the particles.
When the bed reach its minimum velocity, the solid particle would be in state of equilibrium,
the gravity drag force are equal, in the result of this, they will floating, and moving. The
contacting duration of each particles would be reduce significantly and the force of them
are completely small and weak, then these particle will in state of fluidization.
In this state, the movement of particles are always in chaotic, and increasing velocity could
increasing particles distance as well as bed high .The pressure drop in this state across the
bed is constant and equal to bed weigh. It can be obtained be reach minimum fluidization
velocity in the bed. (2011 Fluidized bed)

5.3.1 Fluidized phases

Fluidized bed can be classified by the number of phase it have. Such as a bed with more than
one solid phase is a multiphase system. The figure 4 on the left is a typical example of
multiphase fluidized bed. In this bed there are two solid phase particles sand and biomass with
three type of particle defend by its
particles diameter .Figure 5b shows
that, bed with one single phase the
relationship between superficial
gas velocity and pressure drop in
the bed until it reach the minimum
linear .However the relationship
for multiphase system is not linear
related. It is difficult to predict the
minimum fluidization velocity for
multiphase (Jonas A. England,


(Fig 5a and Fig 5b)

5.3.2 Fluidized bed type

There are two type of fluidized bed based on observation of bed expand activity. One of know
as bubbling fluidized bed (BFBs). While the gas superficial velocity is exceed minimum
fluidization velocity of this bed, bubble would formed at the bottom of bed. These bubble like
structure can assist with the mixture condition and increase efficiency of fluidized.
While gas superficial velocity keep increase after bubbling stage, Solid particles in the bed
would carried out by gas flow in the bed and back to bed due to gravity. It is known as
Circulating fluidized bed. CFD can provide very heat transfer and chemical reaction between
gas and solid particles due to long constant time. (Jonas A. England, 2011)

5.3.3Minimum fluidization velocity

The most commonly used method to determent the transition phase fluidized from fixed bed
to fluidization stage is by observing and measure the pressure drop across the bed as function
of fluid velocity . As been shown below a curve of characteristic shape of bed of pressure VS
velocity. (2011 Fluidized bed)
By plotting the relationship between the pressure drop and the superficial gas velocity can
determine whether a fluidized bed is fluidized. When gas pump into fluidized bed through
granular material, particles in bed would experience drag force and buoyancy force due to
pressure. The pressure drop in the bed is proportion to superficial gas velocity. When pressure
drop is high enough to cause drag force and buoyancy force balance gravitational force of
granular material. At this point, granular material is fluidized and in an equilibrium stage
pressure drop become constant cross the bed even further increase gas velocity.
(Brian Y Lattimer, 2012)

When minimum fluidization velocity is

reached, the pressure drop and gas velocity
curve will bended and pressure drop did not
change even velocity increase.
(Fig 6)
Minimum fluidization velocity and pressure drop are key for characterizing and understanding
operation and design of fluidized beds. By performing experiment or using related correlation
pressure drop can obtained.
The most simple form of pressure drop cross bed is :



The pressure drop cross the bed can be calculated by

Pb=(1- mf)( s g ) gHb

The Voids fraction defines


Since the pressure drop is propositional to the gas velocity the pressure drop, and it knows as
Ergun relation can be written as:


150(1 )2

ug * vg
1.75(1 ) g * vg 2
Hb *
( s * dp)2
s * dp

When let equation 1 and equation 2 are equal the minimum fluidization velocity can be written
as following expression:

Re mf

dp * vmf * g
(33.72 0.049 Ar )0.5 33.7

Where the expression of Ar can be written as

g * d 2 p * g * ( s g)

Where the parameter in the above equation:

Pb is the pressure drop cross fluidized bed;
Hb is the bed height;
mf is packed bed porosity ;
p is density of solid particles;
g is the density of fluid, in this case, it is the density of gas;
g is gravitational acceleration ;
S is the shape factor of particles which cannot experimentally obtained, it need to be obtain
from data base;
Ar and Remf are the Archimedes number and a modified Reynolds number;
vmf is minimum fluidization velocity ;
dP is diameter of the solid particles.
The minimum fluidization velocity can be express as
s s
s s
mf . g
mf . g

(d ) (

) (

Where Re<20
The meaning of minimum fluidization velocity and free fall velocity of particle are identical
in physics. (All particle in bed are floating around rather than rest on one another). In order to
obtain most accurate minimum fluidized velocity for particular particles average of the direct
measurement need to be taken. (2011 Fluidized bed)

5.4 Heat transfer in fluidized bed

5.4.1 Heat transfer theory
As been mention above, the mixture properties of gas and particle are important to the process
of fluidization, as well as the coefficient of heat transfer of the fluidization. They are all main
contribution process to the efficient of fluidised bed application. (Physical and chemical
process). The heat transfer in fluidized bed can by classified into various categories: the heat
transfer between gas and particles, heat transfer between particles in the bed and bed wall, heat
transfer between fluidized particles itself and so on. No matter what kind of heat transfer study
on, they all intensive with fluidized bed. (John C. Chen, 1998)
Such as in a case of particles been uniform fluidized, the temperature between different high
has not much difference (normally not over 2-5C). However, the difference of temperature
would be over hundred or exceed 1000C if it is a mean bed. And the temperature of gas is

same as the temperature of particle in the fluidized bed when it escape from bed. This
observation show that the particle have great heat exchange ability with gas when fluidized.
This intensive heat transfer is because the solid particle in the bed have very large specific heat
transfer surface (3000 to 45000 m2/m3), even outweigh the defect of small heat transfer
coefficient (6-25 W/m2C) of solid particles. The large heat capacity of solid particle is another
parameter that cause the small temperature difference between gas and solid particles.
The coefficient of heat transfer of solid particle between heating source in the fluidized bed can
be calculated as (2011 Fluidized bed)


* ( * c * )

dp is particle diameter;
wb is the average air speed in the fluidized bed
c are the density, heat capacity and conductivity of gas.

5.4.2Active particles

Ignore the small heat transfer coefficient of gas to particle, the gas and solid particles
temperature are equal even it is very close to distribution plate. With the distance of five
times of solid particles diameter, the difference of
temperature will decrease around 100 times. Just in seconds,
the gas temperature in the bubble will turn to the same
temperature as solid particle temperature. The equalization
of temperature even can happen with distance as far as 10mm.
In the case of a fluidized bed has chemical reaction, the active
solid particle react with the gas in the fluidized bed and
release heat to the fluidized system which is a complex
process. The active particle been heated up by contact with

heat source in the bed. Simultaneously, evaporation ounces as well. The efficient of this
initial process are completely relay on the heat transfer of solid particle and bed. When
reaction started, the particle temperature rise up and have process of reverse heat exchange
to the system. This chemical reaction process is governed by mass transfer. (The reaction
surface of particle between gases in the bed). The mass transfer mechanisms of fluidized
bed system toward to particle is depend on molecular diffusion and transport result of most active particles are inhabit the emulsion phase, so mass
transfer increase with increase of size of inert bed material . (2011 Fluidized bed)
(Fig 7)
2. The two parameter that govern the mass transfer mechanisms are: packages of particle that
contact with fresh gas from external environment, and the movement of these packages are
determent by bubble flow in the bed; the other is the velocity of percolate pass by emulsion
with velocity of vmf .

5.5 Computational Fluid Dynamics

5.5.1 Introduction of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics is a simulation system that can predict heat transfer,
fluid flow behaviour, and mass transfer or any other fluid related activity and
parameter. All the simulations were done by computer solve mathematical equations
that correlate to parameter or fluid activity. The computer based simulations can
perform millions of calculations and predict behaviours of fluid that interested in
engineers and scientist .Most of the simulations can only allow them to study the
phenomena but not accurate predication. Navier-stokes equation is a typical
governing equation that used in CFD simulation. This equation can be modified to a
more simple form by removing viscosity to yield the Euler equations. Additional
simplify can be done if necessary down to Potential equations by the same method.
(SKumar Pandey 2010)

In most simulation cases, CFD would been given boundary conditions and specific geometry
to solve complex nonlinear governing equations to linear form results. The result include but
not limit to heat transfer coefficient, temperature, pressure moist condition. The simulation
can allow engineers to study phenomena, design new product, and improve the performance
of existing design.

5.5.2 Advantage of Computational Fluid Dynamics

CFD had been designed and develop for many decades to assist with problem solving in their
design with simulation and predict result rather than physical testing with equipment and
operating conditions. They can obtain information from a complex cases with complex
boundary conditions. It is also been widely used in industrial area and research file because
of the following advantage of a CFD: (Park. 2009)

Low cost, high efficiency: The cost for performing simulation is relatively than real
experiment. The cost for obtaining and operating physical equipment is expansive
when obtain vital design data. However, the cost in simulation can be significantly
Flexibility: it is easy to change the parameter without change any of them in real lift.
It can allow researchers and engineers repeat simulation forever until meet their
Fast The simulation can normally perform millions of calculations in as short time
without experiment. It can give engineers advantage in time when test their design
Wide range in information: The CFD simulation can provide engineers the fluid
hydrodynamics or any other related parameters in different region of the operating
system. Unlike experiments in real life, limit of region can be studied.
Can simulate fluid cases in real life: Most fluid problem or fluid related problem can
be experimental solved. However, some case may not able or easy to obtain such
condition. CFD simulation can use governing equation to provide theoretically result
in any conditions
Reliable: CFD can provide result that match with the experimental closely .Coding
and program are improving rapidly, it will be more reliable in the future.

5.5.3 Limitation of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Although CFD simulation can provide perfect engineering and researching base with its
advantages , some limitation still need to be considered and resolved in the future study
Physical models- CFD simulation require real life physical model to process its task (such as
heat exchanger, fluidization, turbulence, etc.). The accuracy of CFD result is depend on the
physical model it based on.
Numerical errors-CFD simulation is using numerical method to solving governing
equations, so numerical errors are exist. (Errors cannot be resolve only can be minimize)
Round-off error: it is due to the finite word size provide by computer. Another one is
truncation error, it is caused by the numerical model been used (appropriate numerical model
can minimize this error).
Boundary conditions-CFD is based in real physical model, appropriate boundary conditions
are necessary for the simulation to obtain accurate result.

5.5.4 Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics

CFD not only can be used to simulate blood flow in blood veins, so biomedicine
engineers also can use it to study circulatory and respiratory system in human or
animal body .

Due to the high temperature and difficulty in visual exam of liquid steel, it is hard to
perform quality control. However CFD can be used to simulation the flow of liquid
steel in the vessels and improve the quality of steel products.
In glass industry control and measure the flow quantities is a difficult task, but with
the simulation done by CFD all the manufacture process can be evaluate and
Marine engineers also use CFD to study occasion actives such as weather, occasion
CFD can be used to simulate the flow behaviour and performance in any flow related
equipment, so designers can analysis their designs for chemical industry. The
equipment like Fluidized bed, heat exchanger and stirred tank. (SKumar Pandey

5.5.5 Operation process of Computational Fluid Dynamics

For the convince of user who are new to CFD simulation software, most CFD software on
market would provide them with the simulation process done by experience users present
with their interfaces and result of simulations. Any CFD simulations have three main
elements to process. (SKumar Pandey 2010)
1 Pre-processing
2. Solver
3. Postprocessing Pre-Processing
In this process CFD operator uses its means to transform the flow problem into an
appropriate form and can be understand by solver. The most common tools such as TGRID,
DM, and GAMBIT. Pre-process including the following steps:

Built the geometry for the flow system or simulation environment

Create appreciate mesh for the geometry and divide into many smaller with no
overlapping sub-system
Define suitable boundary condition and continuum conditions for the simulation
(gravitational force, pressure, etc.)

The flow problem like flow viscosity, heat transfer, pressure would be with non-linear govern
equations and calculate in each cell. The prediction accuracy is significantly depend on the
number of cells in the mesh. With smaller mesh the more accurate the solution will be.
(SKumar Pandey 2010) Solver
It the process which calculated the govern equations and produce predicted data result for
next step. The govern fluid equations would be solved by FLUENT with finite-volume
method. So FLUENT is able to simulate with many different physical models, such as
laminar or turbulent, compressible or incompressible, viscous or inviscid etc. The fluid

govern equation are non-linear and coupled, the solver will continue perform calculation in
iteration loop until a liner solution is obtained. (Bakker, 2002) The following are the main
step in solver stage:

Use simple function to estimate the flow related unknown variables.

Substituted the estimated unknown variables into the govern equation of flow and
calculation in next stage
Perform mathematical manipulations and obtain the result data. Post-Processing
In the final step CFD will analysis and interpret obtained data to visual images or animations
show how will the flow behaviour. The obtained data can also be export and process by other
post processing software such as TechPlot, Ensight, and Fieldview. (Bakker. 2002).The
following are the main step for post-processing. (SKumar Pandey 2010)

Display the simulation system with mesh or geometry

Give all related properties related contour plot
Contour plot of all the properties
Vector plots
2D &3D surface plots
X-Y plots with different properties
Analysis particles activity
Create convergence for simulation.
Evaluated manipulation
Create animations

5.5.6 Eulerian model approach in Computational Fluid Dynamics

The most commonly used model in solving multiphase model in FLUENT IS Eulerian model.
In each phase of the simulation a set of continuity and momentum will be solved. The
pressure and exchange coefficient are used to couple flow related govern equations. The
couple method or patterns are depend on the phases which they are in. For example, in gassolid fluidized bed, the manner of handle gas phase is different from mixture phase. The flow
kinetic theory in fluidized bed is used to obtain granular flows properties such as temperature
viscosity, pressure, temperature and so on. Moreover, the type of mixture model can also
determine the momentum. The function in FLUENT' can be self-define and customized to
calculate momentum exchange with their own manner. Eularian model is design to calculate
equations in a sinter penetrating continuum phase rather than a complex mixture phase. The
identical particles in the system with respect particle properties (such as density and size). In
such manner and apply suitable boundary conditions and jump conditions to each phase

interactions, the balance of energy, momentum can be built in each phase. (Painet al., 2001).
For Eularian multiphase model, the solid phase momentum balance cannot obtained without
assumptions or certain averaging techniques. Because in solid phase no equation is available
for approximate resultant continuum and some parameter is lacking (normal stress, viscosity).
Eularian multiphase model has wide range of applications such as fluidized bed in this
project, suspensions of particles and bubble columns. (SKumar Pandey 2010)

6 Methodology
6.1Use CFD to modeling heat transfer in gas fludized bed
6.1.1 Theory and equations
An Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase gas-solids fluidized was built to modeling the hydrolytic and
heat transfer coefficient. The pressure and viscosity are determined by fine particle flow
kinetic theory while the model for gas phase turbulence is a sub mesh scale. (RYusuf, Moren,
The heat transfer coefficient in this simulation is determined by energy balance equation in
each phase of the fluidized bed. The energy balance is showed as below:
Gas phase energy balance

( g * hg* g )
( g * hg* g * uj , g )
( k s*
) av Ts Tg

Solid phase energy balance

( s * hs* s )
( s * hs* s * ujs)
( k s*
) av Tg Ts


hn Cp , ndTn

To simplify to energy balance equations, the expression of heat transfer coefficient of

interphase volumetric and thermal conductivity that take effect are required.
Thermal conductivity in gas phase
Due to the presence of other phase in the phase study in, the effective thermal conductivity is
different to its microscopic thermal conductivity. An expression were introduced based on the
model of Zehner and Schluender can be written as:

K g ,l (1- (1 g ))

k gm

K s (1 g )( * a (1 )C )

k gm


2 a 1 b a b 1
0.5(b 1)


1 (1 )2 a b 1



The effective thermal conductivity would also effect by its turbulent components in this
phase even the sub-mesh scale turbulence is obtained .So the sub thermal conductivity can be
determined by following expression:

ks ks , coll ks , kim
Where the turbulent components thermal conductivity is:

kg , tur

tur * Cp.g Where the constant turbulent number Prandtl is 0.7

Thermal conductivity in solid phase

While use kenotic theory of granular flow to calculate the thermal conductivity in the solid
phase can be shown as the expression of temperature of granule particles in the bed.
Hunt had introduce a new mechanics model to calculate effective thermal conductivity based
on the particles movement and neglecting particle collection:



s * cp , s * dp * *


32 g 0

Where go is the expression radial distribution.

In this case the particle collisions is unelectable, so the thermal conductivity for solids phase
should consist of both particle collision and granular flow kenotic theory, so the expression
can be written as:

ks ks , coll ks , kim
The thermal conductivity contributed by collisions is introduced by Gelperin and Einstein is

s (1


ks , coll
kgm 0.18
ks , kim
0.28(1 s )
Heat transfer coefficient in interphase
The heat transfer coefficient of interphase volumetric is the intermedium of the energy
balance equation for these two phases

6 1 g gp

Where gp is determined by the heat transfer coefficient of gas particle in the bed
agp * dp
(7 10 g 5 g )*(1 0.7 Re p * Pr ) (1.33 2.4 g 1.2 g )* Rep Pr 3

6.1.2 CFD model simulation set up

In this case study, the subject is the heat transfer given by an immersed vertical tube in the
fluidized bed. This fluidized bed is known as Winder system, it is a bed with diameter of 0.2m
and the bed height is variable depend on the solids particles volume fraction and many
immersed tube with different in length. In this simulation, the system is simplified to a 2D
fluidized bed 0.1m in wide with a constant temperature near by the inlet jet .Some boundary
conditions were set as below. The temperature at the minimum velocity is 298K and the
pressure within the bed was 1bar. In both phase, they been set to have no slip. The courant
criterion is used to calculate the time step. The material thermal properties are shown in the
table below, (RYusuf, Moren, 2005)
In this simulation, a very fine mesh is necessary to place perpendicular to the wall heat source
to determine the temperature gradients near the wall. While the distance from the wall is
increased, the mesh size is increase as well. From research, it is suggest that: for the most
accurate result, the cell need to be divide to sub-cell till a mesh dependent result is observed.
The research also state that with 7 sub-cell with size of 7.812*10-5 is the most appropriate one.
In this simulation, there were 26*50 computational cells used to calculate the average heat
transfer coefficient:

gkg Tg
sks Ts



Tw Tb

(Table 2)
(Fig 8)

6.2 Use CFD to simulate a fluidized bed reactor and study its heat
6.2.1 Theory and equations
This case study can be used in industrial fluidized simulation as the averaged equations
involved in Eulerian multiphase model. Different hydrodynamic equations would be applied
respect to its phase.
There some boundary conditions and assumptions need to be made before the simulation:
The gas phase of the fluidized is in ideal condition and incompressible
the fluidized bed is built in a 2D model and not symmetric
assume not heat transfer exist between different solids phase of the bed
the heat flux produced by solids particles is assume to be constant
In this case study a set of equations were introduced to imply the heat transfer and drag force
in each phase related with apocopate term. The viscosity and stress are governed by granular
temperature which change with time passing and bed height. The solid and gas phase equations
were developed by using Eularian multiphase model with standard method. The solids volume
fraction and gas volume fraction should sum up equal to one. (Y Behjat, 2007)

g s 1

g+2=1 s=1
This equation can be further divide into solid and gas phase as:

g g
( g gvg ) 0
s s
( s svs ) 0
The momentum equation of gas and solid phase can be express as:

g gvg ( g gvgvg ) *g fgs g gg


s svs ( s svsvs ) *s fgs s sg

The interaction force between solid and gas is represent by fgs, it is determined by the transfer
of momentum between these two phases. In this case, in order to simplify the simulation, only
take the effect of drag and buoyancy force. So fgs can be express as below:

f gs sPg Fgs vs vg
Fgs is the drag force coefficient which need to experimentally obtain. Two approach bad been
developed to calculate drag force coefficient in different stage of the fluidization.
The first stage is while at begin, the solids volume is highest and Ergun equation is needed.
While the second stage the volume fraction of gas and solids are in equilibrium, so gas volume
and Reynolds number are used to determine the thermal velocity .The Syamlal:
O'Brien drag model in second phase is calculated by thermal velocity as below expression.

Fgs (

3 s g g
) | v s vg |
4vr 2 dp
v r

Where vra is

vr 0.5( A 0.06Rea [(0.06 Re ) 0.12 Re (2 B A) A2 0.12 Rea(2 B A) A2 )])

Gidaspow had also introduce a model to calculate the drag force coefficient


3 s g g
CDs | v s vg | * g 2.65

While g>0.8

( s )2 * ug
s * g
Fg 150
| v s vg |
While g0.8
g * ( dp )

Some similarity can be seen from the equations above and further research suggest that the
equation to calculate thermal momentum can be simplified as below:

3(1 e)(

Cf* )
s * s * s* s(dp dp)2 g 0 | v s vg |
2 ( s * (dp ) s * (dp) )
Where g0 is the distribution factor and can be determined by:
3dp dp
g 0 = 2

g g (dp dp) 1 dp

There two stress in the fluidized bed so for different solid volume fraction the stress can be
express as:

- Ps p I p s

g *g

- Ps v I v s

g *g

Granular temperature can be determined by the granular energy and increase while temperature
rise. Different solid particles movement have different granular energy. So granular
temperature can directly reflect the bed activity .And granular temperature is a different
parameter form solid phase temperature. The following equation is for determine granular

( s s ) ( s s vs ) s : vs q g
2 t

Although, a granular energy equation was develop, the granular temperature is still an unknown
parameter. Research suggest that with the theoretical explanation of the suspension of solids
particles with multi-size. In addition, based on the granular particle flow theory, the mixture
particle properties is equal to granular properties (temperature). The granular temperature
equation below is based on the assumption of the local granular energy is overrun and ignore
the effect of gas diffusion and conversion. (Y Behjat, 2007)

K 1 * s * tr ( Ds ) [ K1 2tr 2 ( Ds ) 4 K 4 * s ( K 2 * tr 2 ( Ds ) 2 K3 * tr 2 ( Ds ))] 2
2 s K 4

The internal gas energy balance equation can be written as temperature of gas

g gCpg ( Tg vg * Tg ) Hg Hrg

The thermal conductivity in solid phase is consist of direct contact conduction and gas wages
trapped in solid particle indirect conduction. In this simulation the heat conductivity is ignore
as it is very small. So the heat diffusion is negligible in this one and the solid phase thermal
conductivity has expression below:

s sCps (

T s v s * Ts ) * s * ksTs Hrs Hs

The different in solid phase and gas phase of its temperature is known as the heat transfer
between these two phases:

Hg g 0 (Ts Tg )
The expression of the relationship between heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number can be
written as:

g 0

6kg * s * Nu
d p 2

It is assume that the particle and gas porosity range is from 0.35 to 1 and the Reynolds number
is considerable high, so Nusselt number can be written as

Nu (7 10 g 5 g )(1 0.7 Re



Pr ) (1.33 2.4 g 102 g ) Re




Consideration for boundary conditions

Some values of variables are need to be apply and use through the entire of the simulation.
The simulation start with a fixed bed (solid particles have zero velocity) and the superficial gas
velocity is uniformed through the bed. (Same in each spot of bed) The initial temperature of
both gas and solid particle were set to 380K. The wall inlet is heated up with constant
temperature and constant velocity. The bed is operate in a constant pressure in atmosphere
The gas velocity consider to be vertical with not horizontal vectors. The expression below this
the equation of vertical gas velocity given by gas jet.

vt , w

6us * s , max
vs , w
* s * sg0 3 n

6.2.2 CFD model simulation set up

The main contribute equation in this simulation would be solved by a, method called SemiImplicit Method for Pressure Linked equation (SIMPLE), it is designed for Eularian multiphase
simulation by discrete pressure linked equations. This method can divide all related parameters


into finite controllable variables. Such as the solid volume fraction, granular kinetic flow and
mixture phase density. The simulation would study the center of the mesh point of the bed
based on these parameters. The velocity of the bed was calculate on the cross over mesh of the
bed with controlled solid volume surface. The condition in the bed is constant and do not
interact with outside environment. The grid size for this simulation is 55*200 to ensure right
answer and each mesh can be investigate independently. (Y Behjat, 2007)

(Table 3)

7 Result and discussion

7.1 Use CFD to modeling heat transfer in gas fludized bed

7.1.1Overall characteristics of heat transfer
A freely bubble fluidized bed experiment was processed to analysis the heat transfer coefficient
with in it .In the one of experiment, the inlet jet was set near the heated wall as it been simulated
to study to study the relationship between heated walls heat transfer coefficient and
hydrodynamic. At inlet jet, the superficial velocity of gas is 1.2m/s and cause forming of bubble
in the wall vicinity. The thermal conductivity at solid phase was obtained by Kuipers model.
The figure below had shown the rise and formation of bubble in the bed with contours. Also
shows the time takes bubble leave bed is 1 second. It also shows the volume fractions of solid
phases and heat transfer activities at bed height of 0.15m respect to temporal variation .Because
the solids particles bed were contact with the heated wall at the beginning, so the initial heat
transfer coefficient is at the highest point. Initially, the heat transfer coefficient is very high as
the bed comes in contact with the heated wall. (RYusuf, Moren, 2005)

(Fig 9)
(Fig 10)

7.1.2 Different gas superficial velocity VS heat transfer coefficient

The graph below had shown the heat transfer coefficient take effect by the gas velocity at inlet.
The particle of the fluidized bed is 400m . Due to unpredictable bed activity at begin of the
simulation, the data was record 3 second after simulation started. The average heat transfer
coefficient result was from last 2 second of the simulation. The graph shown the heat transfer
coefficient was rising up with the increase of gas superficial velocity. The experimental and
simulation suggest the similar trend for heat transfer coefficient. (M Hamzehei,2009) As seen
in the figure, the heat transfer coefficient increases with gas velocity up to a certain point before
levelling down. Both simulations and experiments conform to this trend. The value is different
is because the simulation is a modified 2-D fluidized bed, but in real life is 3D. Furthermore,
it is necessary to simulated more model with longer period to revive more reliable result.

(Fig 11)

7.1.3 Different particle size VS heat transfer coefficient

The graph below had shown heat transfer coefficient two particles with different size in a
fluidized bed while increase their gas superficial velocity. The Fig. 6 shows the trend of heat
transfer coefficient against gas superficial velocity for two type particle different in size. Both
for experimental and simulated result at a given gas superficial velocity, the smaller particle
tend higher than larger particle. (RYusuf, Moren, 2005) It is because the smaller particle size
the larger contact area with the environment, in result this, the heat transfer coefficient is higher.
For reason for difference in value of perdition and simulation is stated in first discussion the
quantitative difference between predictions and measurements persist due to reasons cited
before. Even though, the simulation result follow the similar trend as the experimental result.

(Fig 12)

7.2 Use CFD to simulate a fluidized bed reactor and study its
heat transfer
7.2.1 Overall discussion of the result
In order to show the simulation can predict the correct tend of the bed activity , the simulation
result were necessary to compare with experimental data from literature research .As the figure
13 show below as set of experimental data and simulation data were compared base on the bed
expansion vs time period. (Y Behjat, 2007)Two model of simulations had been compare with
the experimental data and the graph suggest that Syamlal-O'Brien and Gidaspow have 7.7%
and 10. % difference for time vs bed expansion ratio
Both simulation model had given right trend of bed expansion ratio vs gas superficial velocity
however the result given by SyamlalO'Brien model is more close to the experimental result.
However, it does not necessary mean SyamlalO'Brien is better than another, it is because it is
more suitable to this kind of simulation.
In figure 14 is the result of experiment and simulation on the solid particle viodage on cross
section against time. At gas velocity of 0.38m/s. both simulation and experiment were start
recording after 5 to 10 second as the bed activity was not obvious. The graph suggest that in
either simulation or experiment the bubble had merge in the middle of the bed and move up to
bed surface. However difference still can be found between experimental results on the solid
volume fractions. Gidaspow simulation model shows higher error in predict bubble activity,
thus SyamlalO'Brien summation model is more appropriate to predict hydrodynamic in this

(Fig 13)

(Fig 14)

7.2.2 Particles distributions and

hydrodynamic simulation
This discussion is about solids particle activity
while they all uniform distrusted in the bed with
constant gas velocity pump into the bed.
(Vg=0.38m/s). These activity was predicted by
two drag force model .The colours in a t=1s
suggest the bed high was increased while bubble
can be observed. The bed high then drop while
bubble left the bed. From graph a, b, c, d suggest
that when bubble was formed at the bottom of
the bed was very small and became bigger
bubble while rise to top of bed. In the result of
bed wall defect and contact with other bubble in
the bed, the target bubble looks stretched. Both
simulation model had given similar result. (Y
Behjat, 2007)
The graph in figure 16 suggest that when inlet
jet speed is 38cm/s volume fraction of solid
phases were different because of particle . (M
Hamzehei,2009)The particles with much larger
diameter tend to expand more at bottom of the
bed and less intensive bed activity near top of
bed. Furthermore, reactor with bimodal
particles has greater bed expansion when
mono-dispersed particles was used in the

(Fig 15)

(Fig 16)

7.2.3 Simulation of heat transfer in fluidized reactor

The discussions in this part is about the heat
exchange between solid phase and gas
phase .while gas pump into bed with constant
velocity. The heat transfer coefficient of these
two referring phases were analyzed while
polymerization reaction is the heat and
hydrodynamic source .Two different bed reactor
were investigated with same initial bed height
The polymerization reaction had cause the
temperature increase in reactor. However,
temperature is not uniform distrusted, at the top
of bed highest temperature can be observed from
the figure 17 a. Inversely, figure 17b shows the
gas temperature is more uniform distributed by
the observation of less hot spot.
Simulation results for the reactor with. Figure
18 has shown the effect of gas superficial velocity on bed temperature .The trend of the graph
suggest that bed with higher gas superficial velocity, bed tend to have higher heat zone due to
frequent heat exchange between these two phases. Furthermore, this graph had also show that
the temperature at bed height of 0.6m is almost constant that is due to in solid phase, particles
rarely reach these height. (Y Behjat, 2007)
In figure 19, it had shown the influence of inject gas superficial velocity on heating zone of
solid phase. The trend suggest that the higher heat transfer coefficient in solid phase can be
obtained by increase gas superficial velocity similar as figure 18. In the result of that however,
the solid phase would have less temperature, as more heat exchange merge during this period
and particles loss heat to gas. A temperature peak of solid phase can be observed at bed height
of 0.55m. It is result of large solid volume fraction in that area with higher contacting area



8 Conclusions
8.1 Use CFD to modeling heat transfer in gas fludized bed
In this simulation, an Eulerian multiphase modeling is used to simulate 2-D bubbling fluidized
bed to study different factor effect on heat transfer coefficient. The solids volume fraction and
bed hydrodynamics near the vicinity of the wall can effect on the heat transfer coefficient
significantly .Two solids thermal conductivity models were used in the simulation. The result
suggests that bed with higher gas superficial velocity or smaller particles can obtain much
higher heat transfer coefficient. (RYusuf, Moren, 2005)The result value of simulation is fair,
as difference can be found when compare to experimental result. Further research and
simulation is necessary to predict the heat transfer coefficient in the fluidized bed with 3D
modeling. So the capability of the simulation software can be fully developed and more
accurate result is expected.

8.2 Use CFD to simulate a fluidized bed reactor and study its
heat transfer
A 2D fluidized bed was built to simulation the model of transfer coefficient and
hydrodynamic .the first stage research suggest that Eulerian multiphase is the most appropriate
simulation approach for this project study . The Eulerian multiphase approach consist of solidgas phase equations and momentum equations. A compare was done between simulated result
and experimental result of bed expansion vs time. The result graph shows the simulation model
can predict the bed activity quite well.
It also successfully predict that the formation of bubble is at the bottom of the bed and these
bubble would travel to the top of bed with other bubble to form one bigger bubble.
The predictions made by SyamlalO'Brien and Gidaspow model have very similar outcome.
However, SyamlalO'Brien has more closed result experimental result.
The fluidized bed with larger particle diameter tend to have larger volume fraction of solid
phase at the bottom of the bed and few at top of bed.
Furthermore, also can observed the fluidized bed with mono-particles tend to have less bed
expansion and activity when compare to bimodal particles
At last the analysis result of hydrodynamic behavior in solid and gas phases shows the
temperature has significant change when closer to the reactor due to the heat source in the bed

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Appendix A
Table of figure
Figure number

Figure page


Figure 1

Figure 2(a,b)

Figure 3
Figure 4


Figure 5
Figure 6


Figure 7
Figure 8


Figure 9
Figure 10(a,b)


Gas velocity vs pressure

Force experienced by solid
Particles in fluidization
Multiphase fluidization
Single phase vs multiphase
Gas velocity vs pressure
Bubble in fluidized bed
Set up for CFD gas fluidized
Solid Volume fraction graph
Solid volume fraction
against time

Figure 11


Figure 12


Figure 13


Figure 14


Figure 15


Figure 16


Figure 17(a,b)


Figure 18


Figure 19


effect of gas velocity on

heat transfer coefficient
Effect of particle size on
heat transfer coefficient
Bed expansion vs gas
bed expansion vs bed
Volume fraction in
reactor bed
Solid volume fraction vs
bed height
Reactor bed
hydrodynamic Vs bed
Heat transfer coefficient
VS time
Heat transfer coefficient
VS bed height

Symbols and units

Bubble-Wall interaction for asymmetric injection of jets in solid- gas fluidized bed
CFD modelling of heat and mass transfer of fluidized bed dryer
CFD Modeling of Heat Transfer in Gas Fluidized Beds
CFD modeling of hydrodynamic and heat transfer in fluidized bed reactors
CFD simulation of pharmaceutical particle drying in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor
Comparison of fluidized bed flow regimes for steam methane reforming in membrane
reactors: A simulation study
Computational study of heat transfer in bubbling fluidized bed with Geldart A powder.
Comparison of fluidized bed flow regimes for steam methane reforming in membrane
Reactors a simulation study

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