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Newsletter Issue 12 - May 2008

From the Master


I have always been a great fan of the music of Flanders and Swann - my late father in law was on
the same staircase at Christchurch Oxford as Donald Swann. I recall a line from one of their songs
……"the wisdom of winter is madness in May" …..

Throw yourself into your Master's Year and accept every invitation was the collective wisdom of
last winter. The frantic schedule of engagements and opportunities to represent the Company
hovers between magic and madness when you live in Cornwall/the Isles of Scilly and by May have
left me dizzy and breathless.

This said, it has been an unfailingly enjoyable experience with disproportionate pleasure coming
from small things such as the chance to exercise my free Cornish bus pass in the Metropolis.
……."hold very tight please, ding, ding"….. when not walking between the City and my London
beach hut.

Even the least articulate of the multitude of speeches I have sat through …… "twas on the Mon-
day morning the gas man came to call (?!)"…….. have not been without interest. The eating and
drinking …." Have some Madeira M'Dear"…… is certainly not for the fainthearted and the attach-
ed resumé of recent and upcoming events from our own Company alone, would provide perfect
fodder for the fertile and entertaining minds of those two heroes of half a century ago.

Casting your eye to the News from the Court you will see in particular we have had the great
pleasure of welcoming new students, Freemen and Liverymen to the Company with more in the
offing adding distinction and vibrancy to the Company and our ability to fully represent our pro-
fession within the Square Mile.

The City of London is a happy cacophony of confusion with the Liveries a Commonwealth of
good intent. You wouldn't have expected to hear this from a Cornishman, but a Master's Year half
a century forward from our heroes' heyday does give credence to one of my favourites from the
immortal "At the drop of a hat" ……. The English, the English, the English are best, I wouldn't give
tuppence for all of the rest"…..

"…..Oh Tempora, Oh Mores, Oh Times, Oh Daily Mirror!...." 1
News from the Court Recent Events

The weeks before the April or Accounts Court meet- The Annual Livery Banquet as with a number of
ing are trying times for the Clerk in that his book other Company events in this particular year was a
keeping skills are tested to the limits and he wishes he little different. The Master's Cornish theme ran like a
had availed himself of the opportunity of doing that O thread through the various aspects of the evening - a
level (remember them?) in Double Entry Bookkeeping. Cornish grace (English translation thoughtfully
The documentation put before the Court was, thanks provided), something from the Duchy on the menu,
to the efforts of the auditors, in sound order if not musical entertainment by the Tresco Syncopators and
always totally comprehensible to all members of the their quite marvellous tenor banjo player and a couple
Court. George Bernard Shaw's observation that, 'all of Cornish speakers (happily speaking English) in the
professions are a conspiracy against the laity' applies as Master and his principal guest (and the Lord Mayor
much to accountants as to architects. When the Locum Tenens) Alderman Sir David Brewer CMG.
accounts for the last financial year were tabled and
questions asked by those adventurous enough to do It was a memorable evening in the course of which the
so, it emerged that the outcome for the year had been Master presented the Company's donation for the
satisfactory - there had been a modest surplus after a Lord Mayor's Charity, the Master's lady presented Sir
busy year for the Company. David with a splendid chocolate in the design of the
Cornish coat of arms and Sir David presented the New
Among the other business before the Court was the City Architecture Award for 2007 to the owners,
installation of William Murray as a Liveryman and the architect and contractor for the winning building - the
rather quaintly titled binding of two new students of new office block at 55 Lime Street. None of the
the Company - Dan Slavinsky who was 'apprenticed' to recipients appear to have had any obvious Cornish
Past Master Brian Waters - and Daniel Malinki who was connections. The official party withdrew from the
apprenticed to Dorian Crone. Dan has his first degree Egyptian Hall to a rendition of the slightly seditious
from Nottingham while Daniel obtained his Part 1 'Trelawny Lives'.
qualification from University of Kent. They are both
currently employed at CZWG. The Master of Students
held out the prospect of further new student members
- it is hoped that Liverymen from outside the Court
will be prepared to act as Mentors for the new intake.
If you find the prospect of taking on this role daunting
be assured that it is straight forward - a phone call to
the Clerk should allay any concerns you may have.

It was with great pleasure that Giles Murphy - son of

founder member, Stuart Murphy - was elected to the
Freedom of the Company under the revised member-
ship rules. He will be installed to both the Freedom
and (being already Free of the City) the Livery at the Following a few weeks later was the annual Peter
Election Court Meeting in July. Milo Memorial Lecture - another break with
tradition. Organized, orchestrated and compered by
The Court was pleased that Past Master Michael Wel- the 'youngest Liveryman', William Murray this followed
bank has joined his fellow Past Master John Owen- the April Court Meeting at Drapers Hall and was
Ward as a Deputy. He has been appointed to that role something of a double header. The main part of the
in the Billingsgate Ward by the incoming Alderman for lecture was given by David Nixon - British architect
following the recent by-election. Michael’s schedule, and principal of Altus Associates in Los Angeles. He
already packed with committee meetings is about to founded the London office of Future Systems with Jan
get a whole lot busier. When he has found out what Kaplicky before relocating to California and becoming
the job entails he has promised a piece for another involved in the architecture of space. His topic 'An
newsletter to explain the role of a Deputy. Architect's Guide to the International Space Station'

presented a thorough review of the station and his surplus funds being given as a donation to the RNLI.
predictions for its future. The lecture was attended by Janet Kelly will tell us something of the way in which
over 150 and was followed by a black tie dinner in the station - which has more callouts per year that any
Drapers' Hall with further talks (between courses) coastal station - operates. Talks are underway to
given by David Nixon on 'Britain at the Crossroads' and strengthen our links with the Station. Book early on
Jonathan Firth of Virgin Galactic on 'Space for the enclosed calling notice as places are limited.

Sadly, the astronaut and oceanographer Dr Paul Scully- Common Hall for the Election of the Sheriffs and
Power was prevented from attending by a family ber- other City officers will take place on Tuesday 24
eavement. A prepared message was read and many of June. It will be followed by a lunch at Farmers’ and
his stunning images of the earth taken from space were Fletchers’ Hall thanks to a kind invitation from the
shown. The theme of the evening was Extreme Arch- Fletchers’ Company to join them at what is always a
itecture II: A Space Odyssey - this follows the lecture relaxed occasion on which we have the opprotunity to
in 2007 organized by William Murray which dealt with mingle with members of other Companies. A calling
the architecture of the Antarctic. There's always the notice for this and the Common Hall on Monday 29
deserts and oceans for future years. September is attached - you are asked to respond as
quickly as posible so that we can be sure to obtain
places for the lunch which has been priced at £46.00.
The Company's Architectural Study Trip to South
India in February is featured in a brief report and a
sheet of photographs (the latter courtesy of Tom Ball) On Sunday 29 June there is a visit to the North
which appears elsewhere and on the Blogsite Weald Airfield Museum organized by Stephen
( and a Wagstaffe. This is a good opportunity to bring the
full diary of the trip written by Mervyn Miller has been family to a very reasonably priced event. A calling
posted to the website. Given the prevalence of what notice giving details is attached for your attention.
the Master called 'intervening variables' a good and
educational time was had by all.
The Election Court Dinner and Annual Service
Coming Events will be on Tuesday 8 July. The service will be at St
Lawrence Jewry and will be the last occasion on which
David Burgess will officiate. David has been our Hon-
orary Chaplain since 1989 and has been a real friend to
A number of events have been planned with more in the Company over that period. It would be good if the
the pipeline. The Master’s weekend Visit to the Company were able to give him a rousing send off by
Isles of Scilly - 16 to 19 May is fully booked and filling the Church on this occasion. The sermon will be
promises to be great fun for those attending. preached by the Cornish Reverend Canon Michael
Bourdeaux - presumably in English!

Thanks to the generosity of The dinner following the service will be in Carpenters’
the Directors of Rolfe Judd Hall - the first occasion on which the Company has
and the willingness of Mark used this venue. The Master has pulled off the prover-
Grove of the Cook and The bial masterstroke in getting David Higgins - the Chief
Butler (the caterers for a Executive of the Olympic Delivery Authority as his
large number of our lunch principal speaker. Given the profile of London 2012
and dinner functions) to and the architectural interest in the various venues this
provide the food there is to is not an occasion to be missed. The dinner is also the
a Lunch on the SB occasion at which we entertain two RNLI Coxswains.
Ardwina moored in St This year they are, you will not be surprised to learn
Katherine’s Dock on Friday 13 June. The speaker is (thought it is a coincidence), from the West Country.
to be Janet Kelly - the Station Commander of the
RNLI’s Tower Lifeboat Station adjacent Charing Cross We will also be presenting the Company’s annual
Pier. We are charging £25.00 for the lunch with all award to the person or persons who make the most 3
The Master Elect has made tentative arrangements for
significant contribution to fundraising for the Architects his Master’s weekend to take the form of a visit to
Benevolent Society. Each year the ABS commissions a Dresden on the weekend of 2 to 5 October. Further
high profile Architect to decorate a pair of large details wil be sent out once these have been finalized.
porcelain platters, one goes to the award winner, the
other joins a collection which is held by the Society on
behalf of the Company. This year’s award is to be dec- The Carol Service is to be held again in conjunction
orated by Eric Parry. A calling notice accompanies this with the Company of Furniture Makers on Wednesday
newsletter. 10 December. The Clerks of both Companies are
trying to reslove the problems caused by the increasing
popularity of the event. Standing room only at St Mary-
A number of other events are still in the planning stage le-Bow is one thing, a similiar situation at the Hall for the
and details will be made available as soon as possible. subsequent supper is a different proposition. Alternative
arrangements are being looked at but the use of a venue
A late afternoon visit to St Pancras Station foll- other that the Furniture Makers’ Hall are likely to
owed by a drink - perhaps at the famed champagne increase the cost to an unattractive level.
bar - is planned for Thursday 24 July. It is hoped that
the architect responsible for the reconstruction and
rebuilding of the Victorain station, Alastair Lansley, will Finalized details for the 2009 Architectural Study
be able to give a talk of the work carried out. Trip to the West Coast of the USA are available
and have been sent out. The trip taking in Phoenix,
Arizona (for Taliesan West), Los Angeles and San
The Installation Court and Lunch will be held on Francisco and incorporating a one day train ride (a rest
Tuesday 16 September at Salters’ Hall - please mark and relaxation break) between LA and San Francisco is
the date in your diaries now and await further details. for 15 days in the US and, compared with similar tours
which are run by commercial organizations, represents
extremely good value. Our research shows that the
Open House Weekend is scheduled for Saturday only comparable tour content-wise comes in at almost
20 and Sunday 21 September. Stephen Wagstaffe twice the price for a shorter period (once economy
and Patricia Stefanowicz will once again be co-ordin- class flights are taken into account).
ating the stewarding of the City Churches. They will,
as always, welcome volunteers to help for a morning Karen Bergenthal – whose name you will see on the
or an afternoon stint on one of the days. itinerary and booking form – is the wonderful lady
from Milwaukee who organized the Company’s trip to
Chicago, Pittsburgh and Fallingwater a couple of years
Common Hall for the election of the Lord Mayor will ago. Her husband is an architect and she has an amaz-
be held on Monday 29 September. There will be ing network of contacts which enable those who travel
lunch to follow the event about which more details will with her to get access to a range of buildings (including
be available in the near future.. You are asked to apply private houses) which are not on the normal tourist
for your passes for Common Hall when you return the beat.
form for the June 24 event.
The itinerary and a booking form which needs to be
returned direct to Karen are attached. It would be
The Master and Wardens will be taking part in the Lord helpful if you could let the Clerk know – by email – if
Mayor’s Show on Saturday 8 November. The you are booking. This will allow him to keep track on
Pageant Master has advised that tickets (at £26) to numbers so that he can do all possible to ensure that
watch the show from the grandstand adjacent St Paul’s the group reaches the size required to make the
Cathedral are now on sale. They can be obtained from numbers work (20). As normal with these trips, we
Ms Samantha Lee,, Ltd (Lord Mayor’s Show), will invite participation from outside the Company as
Midsummer House, 405 Midsummer Boulevard, Milton we find that the presence of others always seems to
Keynes MK9 3BN (tel: 01908 300106) Cheques should add an extra dimension to the group and to keep costs
be payable to Ltd. They can also be within the given limits.
obtained at using a credit card.

As part of the London Festival of Architecture (20 June
of general interest to 20 July) Dennis Sharp has been involved in co-
curating an exhibition entitled ‘Vancouverism: New
The Company are now institutional members of Westcoast Architecture and City-Building’. The exhibition
DOCOMOMO UK and, as such, its members will be is to be at Canada House, Trafalgar Square and runs
entitled to attend their events at reduced rates. the from 24 June to 31 August (10.00-18.00).
Clerk will try to keep you advised of events as and ‘Fresh approaches to high-density urban architecture in
when they are notified to him. this dynamic city are explored in this specially
commissioned exhibition. It will focus on recent works by
Those interested in livery halls may like to know that architects Bing Thom, James Cheng, engineers Fast +
the Fishmongers’ Company is having two open days on Epp and the dean of Canadian architects, Arthur Ericksen.
Monday 16 June and Monday 14 July There are to be
two tours on each day (at 10.00am and 2.30pm) lasting Indian travels
approximately one and three quarters of an hour each.
Tickets are £5.00 per person to include refreshments
and a booklet on the Company history. Please apply in Things would have been clearer if we had been able to
writing enclosing a cheque payable to the Fishmongers’ arrange the trip for follow the progress of Deccani
Company Charitable Trust to: The Tours Administrator, architecture chronologically. Sadly, geography and
Fishmongers’ Company, Fishmongers’ Hall, London distances which, coupled with indifferent road net-
Bridge, EC4R 9EL. works and surfaces, made progress by bus necessarily
slow and did not permit us this luxury. Our expert
guide, Dr George Michell did his best to give us a
The Sheriffs Ladies have arranged a concert at St John’s picture of the time scales at the outset; it was a lesson
Smith Square on Monday 16 June in aid of the Lord he was going to need to reiterate on various occasions.
Mayor’s Appeal. The performance will be by the
award winning Arman Trio and is to start at 7.30pm. We moved from Hyderabad to Bidar the capital of the
The programme includes Hadyn’s Piano Trio in G 15th century Bahmani sultans boasting a 13th century
major (Gypsy Trio), Beethoven’s Piano Trio in B flat mosque and then on to Gulbarga and Bijapur on the
Opus 11 and Dvorack - Piano Trio in E major Dumky). approach to which we found the perfect place for the
Tickets are available through Sheriff Ian Luder at Pancake Day races - a mystifying experience to the few gathered locals. Then to Badami, Pattadakal and Aihole
- the first was the capital of the Chaluka dynasty which
ruled the Deccan from the 6th to the 8th centuries
On 15 January many members of the Company gather- with exquisite rock cut temples carved into the red
ed at the City of London School for Boys to mark the sandstone. In Hospet we had two full days exploring
unveiling of two plaques in the School’s entrance hall. the World Heritage site that is Hampi - our expert
The first commemorated the roles played by Stuart guide had spent many years at part of the team reveal-
Murphy and Tom Meddings - both Old Citizens - in ing the riches of this vanished kingdom.
creating the new home for the School. The second
recorded the setting up of a Visual Arts Sixth Form Another long drive took us to the delights of Chick-
Scholarship in Stuart’s name by members of the maglur and a day off before we headed for Belur and
Company. Jane Murphy and her children Giles and Halebid from where the Hoysala dynasty ruled from
Sarah were present to hear Past Master Brian Waters the 11th to the 13th centuries. Finally on to Mysore
(in whose year as Master the scholarship was set up) from where there were excursions to Somnathpur and
and the Head Master talk about the importance of the Srirangapattana. At this stage the group split - some
scholarship which had given its recipient Yates Norton heading home, others for the joys of various parts of
- now in the second year in the Sixth Form - the Kerala. A full account of the trip written by Dr Mervyn
opportunity to win a place at Cambridge to study in Miller is posted on the website and is recommended
the Facultry of Architecture and History of Art. Yates reading. A selection of Tom Ball’s photos are on the
spoke eloquently in thanking the sponsors for the opp- next page.
ortunity the scholarship had given him, His time in the
Sixth Form would not have been possible without the The Clerk: 82, Muswell Hill Road, London N10 3JR
Ph / Fax: 020 8292 4893
email: 5 6

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