Early Warning System

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Science, politics and practice

With advertisements showing A/Cs working on inverter or other alternatives to the already energy deficit
Nepal. Technology has definitely made a gigantic leap in the modern world to sophisticate our lives as
well as to ease it. It was not a decade ago when a generation before us had to walk an hour or else wait an
hour just to get 20 liters of water for our family. While the babas on our family had no shame on getting
a bath with the communities other babas. But for aamas it was a different story. Getting up rite in the
morning taking a bath and with it finishing the household choirs that was likewise necessary and all
before the sun even thought of getting up.
But today its a whole different chapter, with aamas transforming into moms and the whole above
mentioned activity just transformed in a flick of switch of the electricity, we are happy, more likely our
moms are happy. The transformation is definitely not only limited in the house hold activities only, with
telles showing from Sonam Kapoor in Prem Ratan Dhan Payo to the propagandish Baba sleeping in a
well-ventilated box claiming he did not absolutely breath for a week along with other national as well as
global information in that specific order. Yes! Technology has been the butler that we always wanted.
In the much arid region of Kavrepalanchok a place just above Bhakunde its a different story.The place
well known for its oranges , in the dry season is now a days known for its drought. To see the extent of
how drought has transformed the society is people have started to incline for not marrying their daughters
in the area. Huge socio changes has been seen in the area. People with much better economy than the
others residing there are selling their plots and have started to migrate. In similar context of the sociobond between the residents are weakening as frequent quarrels and brawls occur just for an additional
Jerry can of water.
There were lots of Muls before in my time, but now they are only stories says _________an old woman
or old man. The only remaining one is Thulapokhari which too seems to get declining in its
discharge.There are about 100000 aquifers like these in the Mid-Hills of Nepal.The story is not only for
people of Thulapokhari but same throughout Nepal. An institution jointly co-ordinating with ICIMOD
has been acting together to bring technologies to the real needy ones to revive the springs and aquifers. In
the monsoon region the excess water is collected in the ponds which are dug . The stored water then
percolates to the aquifers below revitalizing it. The recharged aquifers are then used in the drier period.
About 60-80 % of aquifers have been recharged using these technologies.Its not a solution in fact is just
we a ripple in the ocean- Says Mr.. ko sharma.. What we forgot is people are just foe rgetting the roots
where they were from . Before people used to take water for food and house hold purposes just in the
limit. We used to clean ponds and Wells near our houses . It was not just a cultural procedure but was
linked with environment preservation as well.But now the wells are full of dumps and waste.So how
could we bring back to the previous standards again to conserve water resources and environment with a
much better sustainable way.
Basically what they do is they dig up a pond in the upper reaches of the settlement,then in the monsoon
season with excess surface water accumulates in the pond for storage.The water then revitalizes the
aquifers which
which in the dry season could be utilized. Its not rocket science what we are doing here, we are just
using techniques that were present quite a few generations back which are now forgotten says Dr.

Deepak Gyawali who has been leading the organization NWCF(Nepal Water Conservation Foundation)
for water resource preservation.
The unregulated and haphazard use of natural resources is the main reason for these types of climatic
issues that we are seeing here. While educated and resourceful people are using pipes and constructing
reservoir tanks in their own houses but people with low economic standard are left stranded. With the
only way of collecting water from the streams are too getting harder and harder due to their declining
It takes about

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