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w w w. c i u . e d u / a l u m n i SUMMER 2010

Graduate School

Homecoming 2010 will inspire Here’s what’s new for Homecoming 2010:

and challenge you as you hear Who would you like to talk We’ve heard it said that the
to again from your CIU sun never sets on the CIU
how God is touching lives around days? Through Virtual Re- family. We aim to prove it!
the world through CIU alumni who unions, you’ll be able to talk with For 24 hours, we’re going to have
classmates around the world during alumni from each time zone pray for
are serving just about everywhere. Homecoming 2010. CIU at a designated time.

Go to to find out more about Homecoming 2010! Registration

CIU Alumni Ministries | | 803-807-5500 Inside
From the Director
Keep It

uring this past school year we
have been engaged in a thorough
assessment and prayerful planning for
the future of the Alumni Ministries. The
members of the Alumni Association
Leadership Council have been diligent
to work alongside the staff in our “fu-
turecasting.” The big idea that our plans
for the future revolve around is the reality of CIU alumni
truly being a global family. We have alumni living and By Joan Dorman, CIU Alumni Association
investing in people groups in 150 countries of the world. Leadership Council President
And that does not come close to representing the influ- t has been a real privilege for me to serve as
ence and connections of our graduates who are praying,
supporting and connecting through technology.
I president of the Alumni Association Leadership
Council (AALC) for the past three years. I was
I meet alumni who live in one place but who have been surprised when Alumni Ministries Director Roy
called to give away pieces of their hearts in many places. King called to tell me I had been nominated to run
This sense of being a part of God’s global redemptive for president. Really, I thought I would be better
mission is bigger than how one may receive a salary or at cleaning the alumni building than leading the
where we have our mail delivered. It is the children of people who serve as liaisons between alumni and
God sharing the heart of their Father. It is the people of what goes on inside the “CIU bubble,” as the
God passing out invitations to become citizens of Christ’s students like to call it. Even though I was keeping
kingdom. Inside this issue you will see the idea of track of our Dorman tribe of nine, God thought
“GLOBAL” flowing through our plans for Homecoming He could use my 19 years of ministry in the United
and everything else we are doing. Watch the world news States and overseas, and experience as a nurse
carefully – you may well see a familiar face in Haiti, in the marketplace, to serve you.
Egypt, Afghanistan, or France. We are everywhere – by I have loved bringing real life to the meeting table.
God’s grace and in His strength. It has been a pleasure to meet many of
To God be the glory, great things He is doing – even in you and hear the needs as you serve in so many
our frail flesh! different capacities. Recently, the AALC has been
working with the Alumni Ministries staff to review
future plans and AALC governing documents. We
used an online survey to see what really connects
Dr. Roy King or is needed outside our “bubble.” Through phone
conferences and face-to-face meetings, we have
Alumni Association, Columbia International University, assembled a summary to present to the administra-
Volume V, No. 3, Summer 2010 tion. In this economy, wisdom must be used in
Upward is published as a service to CIU alumni by the Alumni planning and providing alumni services.
Ministries Office of Columbia International University.
I rotate off the AALC in September and Shirley
Editor: Peggy Lee Manoogian; Editing Consultant: Bob Holmes
Copy Editors: Karyn Brown; Cherilyn Johnson
Moreland will take the leading servant role. Merle
Designer: Tonya Daugherty
Dye, Rudy Oates and Lee Tumey will be finishing
Direct all inquiries to: The Upward magazine, Alumni Ministries,
their tenure as well. You have the opportunity to
P.O. Box 3122, Columbia, S.C. 29230-3122 vote for those who are to take their places. Please
(803) 807-5503 • take the time to follow the simple procedure
Visit our website explained in this magazine to go online and vote.
Columbia International University admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. Your voice, ideas and opinions matter and help the
AALC “keep it real.”
2 SUMMER 2010
Graduate School

Friday Saturday Sunday

 Breakfast  Welcome Session   Breakfast   Breakfast 
 Alumni of the Year Chapel   Reunions/Legacy Reunion and  Morning Worship 
 Alumni Association Luncheon  CIU Global Connections   Lunch 

Global Day of Prayer CIU Global Connections: For a more detailed schedule
Around the World for CIU: Talk with alumni around the world and registration, call us at
or watch a video greeting from them.
From Friday lunch (12 noon EDT) (803) 807-5500,
 International Lunch 
to Saturday lunch (12 noon EDT) e-mail us at
 CIU Cougars Soccer Game 
CIU alumni will pray for the university when,
 Legacy Reunion at Mills House 
the clock strikes 12 noon in their time zone. or go to
 Class Reunions and  Class Reunions
Virtual Reunions   Soccer Games 
 World Dinner with Students   Campus Tours including the Alumni of the Year
 Worship through new Pine View Apartments 
the Generations   Alumni Banquet 
Alfred (‘64) and
Joy Turner (’43) Tuggy
Cash (‘57) and Ann (‘58) Godbold

2010 Homecoming URGENT—Please indicate how many registered

attendees will be eating at the following meals

Registration (including children) so we can plan well and be

good stewards:
____ Friday Breakfast
First Name: __________________________________________ ____ Friday Lunch
Last Name: __________________________________________ ____ Friday Dinner
Maiden Name: ______________________________________ Flat registration fee to participate in any part of ____ Saturday Breakfast
Homecoming 2010. Love offerings will be taken to ____ Saturday Lunch
Class Year: __________________________________________ defray the actual cost of Homecoming.
____ Saturday Banquet
Spouse’s Name: ______________________________________ Adult Registration Fee $20 ____ Sunday Breakfast
Class Year: __________________________________________ Child Registration Fee $10 ____ Sunday Lunch
Phone: ______________________________________________
Family Registration Fee $60
E-mail: ____________________________________________
____Housing with local alumni
Former Fac/Staff $10
____Will make own arrangements
Address: ____________________________________________

City, State ______________________ Zip Code ____________

Reunion—Class of _____________ Please list any special needs here: ______
Names of children attending: ____________________________

SUMMER 2010 3
Bi os of nominees
CIU Alumni Association 2010 AALC Ballot Terrace Crawford (‘02) has been in taries overseas, assisted in television Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C.
youth ministry for 15 years and news production, and established a Grady is retired from Mid-Carolina
serves as the minister of students at video production ministry at a local Electric Cooperative and the S.C. Air
Crossroads Community Church in church. Some of Adam's footage has National Guard. They have three mar-
Yorktown, Va. His passion is encour- been on the History Channel, ETV, ried sons and three grandchildren.
aging and equipping people for the and A&E. He is married to Hannah
Kingdom. He is an advocate for Rumberger ('08). Don Sarazen ('92) graduated with
mentoring and refers to it as "Life a master's degree in Teaching and a
on Life," which is theme of his blog, M. Carlyle Herring (’74) After graduat- Certificate in Biblical Studies. He Terrace is ing from CIU, Carlyle and his wife has been a public school elementary
an itinerant speaker, writer and leader Judi went to Haiti with World Team, teacher for 16 years in South Carolina
of a youth pastor network in his area. serving there from 1973 to 1977 and and in addition, taught for two years in
then as Chief Financial Officer for Chengdu, China, with International
Greg Cunningham (‘81) After Greg World Team to 1984. After leaving Schools of China. Don is a certified
earned his Bachelor of Arts degree World Team he established his finan- teacher with the National Board for
from CIU, he earned a Master of Di- cial planning practice in Miami and Professional Teaching Standards. He
vinity degree from Virginia Union was joined later by Judi who had has been married for almost 25 years
University and attended the Air Force earned her CFP® designation. They to his wife, Maryann, who home-
Institute of Technology in Boston. were in practice in Miami till 1993 schooled their four children, Christian,
Among his many ministries through when they moved their practice to Mt. 23, Bethany, 21, Timothy, 19, and
the years, Greg served as a chaplain in Olive, N.C. where they now reside. Jonathan, 8. They attend St. Andrews
the United States Air Force and direc- Carlyle was a board member and Evangelical Church in Columbia, S.C.
tor of automation for the chief of chap- treasurer of Reciprocal Ministries In-
lains from 1988-2000. He accepted ternational of Lehigh Acres, Fla., from Gretchen Wilhelm is a doctoral candi-
the call to pastor New Light Beulah 1992 to 2009. He is a Certified Finan- date and serves as an adjunct teacher
Baptist Church Hopkins, S.C. in 2000. cial Planner® (CFP®). The Herrings education professor at Columbia Inter-
He and his wife Lizzie have two beau- have two married children, Leland and national University. Gretchen also
tiful daughters, Shaundra LeNee and Leigh. serves as the musicology teacher at
Brittany NaShay. Ben Lippen High School. She enjoys
Vicki Merritt (’73) After 27 years of reading, travel, music, writing, and
Adam Erickson (’07) Adam is tackling full-time homemaking, Vicki earned a textile arts. As an educator, Gretchen
a new project with that has the poten- Master of Library and Information is passionate about using her abilities
tial to impact worldwide evangeliza- Science degree from the University of as a platform for personal, transforma-
tion. The project will contextualize South Carolina in 2000. She is a full- tional ministry and outreach. She uses
Bible stories in indigenous cultures time professional reference librarian her summers to train teachers, lead
and produce short videos using the for the main branch of the Lexington school development initiatives over-
local people, in their own environ- County Public Library in Lexington, seas, and has provided orphan care in
ment, telling the story in their own S.C. Vicki and her husband Grady various countries in Africa, South
language. Adam has filmed documen- ('73), are members of Cornerstone America, and Central America.

How to Vote: Please note that by Mail Option: Tear off the attached
2010 AALC Ballot voting online and registering for ballot and mail it along with your
Member at Large Homecoming online, you are
helping Alumni Ministries to
Homecoming 2010 registration
by July 6, 2010 to:
Choose just FOUR: save approximately $10,000
 Terrace Crawford in printing/postage costs. Alumni Ministries
Columbia International University
 Greg Cunningham EZ Online Option: Simply go online 7435 Monticello Rd

 Adam Erickson
to and Columbia, SC 29203
submit your choices by July 6, 2010.
 Carlyle Herring
You will also see a link to register
for Homecoming online. Deadline is July 6!
 Vicki Merritt
 Don Sarazen
Please call (803) 807-5500 if you have any questions.

 Gretchen Wilhelm
4 SUMMER 2010
Ruby’s Scripture
Alphabet support groups that meet in
her home once a month. It brought tears to my eyes – how
She says, “They are young precious Ruby’s spirit is, and how
women who are just seeking encouraging just to be with her. She
love Miss. to know the Lord’s will and told me how much she loves CIU.
I Ruby. Every-
one loves Miss
to follow Him and they’re
so responsive. I say to them,
She shared with me how when she
can’t sleep, she quotes the Scripture
Ruby. Ruby ‘I’m not in authority, but I’ve alphabet. I asked her what she
Rikard Wilcox is a remarkable, spe- had the experience and I love meant. She said that she quotes a
cial woman. She touches the heart to share it with you.’” verse for each letter of the alphabet
of every person she meets. Her love until she gets sleepy. She encour-
for the Lord is so deep and she lives Ruby had been living alone, even at aged me to put the verses on a card,
her faith in a most humble way. the age of 93, until early March and keep it handy on the visor of
when she had a mild stroke affect- my car so I could quote them every
Ruby (‘37) and her sister Elizabeth ing her ability to live independently. day. We went through the list one
Rikard Sessions (‘43) are integral by one and it just amazed me how
members of the Praying Ladies; a I had the joy and privilege to visit sometimes with her eyes closed,
group of women who meet monthly her since then and came away with she’d quote the Scripture, and how
to pray for CIU. Their love for CIU, a deeper love for her and apprecia- much peace it brought her.
for the faculty, staff and students tion of how Scripture is so much a
is evident in their daily lives. You part of her daily life. Even though She wanted to get well quickly so
may recognize their maiden name her body was weak, her spirit and she could return home again. She
because of Rikard dining room, in encouragement were strong. was concerned about the group of
the CIU cafeteria, which is named young ladies that she teaches and
after their parents, Lewie and She asked if I would pray for her mentors weekly and hoped she
Bertha Rikard. and I did; then she said she would could resume soon.
like to give me a benediction:
Ruby met the love of her life, John, Hebrews 13:20-21 She thanked me so much for
while at CBC. Since they were not 20
coming. I came away so blessed
allowed to announce their engage- May the God of peace, who by Miss Ruby and I’m determined
ment before graduation, the day through the blood of the eternal to memorize Ruby’s Scripture
after John graduated from CBC, he covenant brought back from the Alphabet, and I challenge you
and Ruby got engaged and six days dead our Lord Jesus, that great to do the same. You’ll find your
later they were married. They had Shepherd of the sheep, 21equip copy attached to the center of
48 wonderful years together, and you with everything good for this edition of Upward.
were able to serve in six different doing his will, and may he work
pastorates. After John passed away, in us what is pleasing to him, Peggy Lee Manoogian
Ruby’s love for serving others through Jesus Christ, to whom Upward Editor
never stopped. She has four be glory forever and ever. Amen.

SUMMER 2010 5
Dr. Glen O. Foster (’66) has been a missionary with Baptist Inter-

’40s national Missions, Inc. for more than 38 years and is still active in
missions. He served in Costa Rica and Puerto Rico establishing
Spanish churches. He also served as founder and president of Em-
manuel Baptist Theological Seminary in Puerto Rico and vice pres-
June Gustafson (’49) recalls that
ident of Puerto Rico Baptist College. He has been married to
her days at CBC were some of the
Glenda Helaine Foster for more than 42 years. They have three
greatest days in her life! When
Don Hoke took her and a group to
the campus from an InterVarsity meet-
ing many years ago, she decided to attend
CBC instead of nearby Wheaton College or
Moody, and has never regretted that move. She met her husband
Gordon the first day of school. They served for 55 and a half years
as missionaries and have four children, seven grandchildren and Larry (‘74) and Brenda Zachary (‘66) McEntire recently cele-
10 great-grandchildren. Gordon went to be with the Lord over brated 10 years since Larry had a heart transplant that saved his
five years ago. Their son Dan and daughter Grace Harding life. They are friends with their donor family whose son, Paul
graduated from CIU as well. She would love to hear from Hickey, was killed in a tragic car accident. He was an organ donor
her classmates and friends. and Larry got his heart. Paul was 26 years old and most impor-
tantly he was a wonderful Christian. Larry continues to pastor and
he and Brenda speak on organ donation and their testimony any
time they can. If you want more information on organ donation or

’50s are on an organ donor list, they would love to talk with you. They
are thankful for every day they have been given.
Hubert (’51) and Bettie Addleton’s son Jonathan was nominated
to be ambassador to Mongolia. A career member of the U.S. Senior Roger and Rachel (Anderson) Williams (’70) became grandpar-
Foreign Service since 1984, Jonathan served as counselor for Inter- ents as their oldest daughter Sara Bentley and husband, Jeremy,
national Development at the U.S. Mission to the European Union in gave them a grandson. Their youngest daughter, Joy, and husband
Brussels, Belgium. After Senate confirmation and swearing in, he Nate Yetton are still very much involved in music and have their
took up his post in the capital, Ulan Bator, in September 2009. ad- own music company, Sensibility Music. Joy will be the voice on all Oscar Mayer ads for the next five years. Roger and Rachel are
still at Mount Hermon Christian Camps and Conference Center in
Barry Moore (’58) celebrates the 50th anniver- California, enjoying their ministry.
sary of Barry Moore Ministries. Celebrations
will be taking place all over Canada throughout Tamara Dean (’74) is the new director of the Fairhope, Ala. li-
the year. A Number of former teammates, asso- brary. Tamara was appointed to the top spot after serving as youth
ciates, and board members will be present at services coordinator at the library for the past eight years. Fairhope
the different locations. Specific information is located on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay in southern Ala-
can be obtained at Barry bama. Before beginning her work at the library, Tamara served in
was Alumnus of the Year in 1989. the administration of three Christian schools in Alabama.

Reed (’74) and Shirley (’75) Bryant live in Matthews, N.C. where

’60s Reed owns a remodeling company. He retired from teaching Bible

at West Charlotte High School after 25 years. They are excited
about teaching a Shepherd Group for young couples in their church,
where they are incorporating many lessons from Buck Hatch’s
Jerry (’62) and Susan (Wood) Albert (‘66) retired from working
Marriage and Family Life class. They have two grown sons and be-
with Child Evangelism Fellowship and moved to Minnesota in Au-
came grandparents for the first time last March.
gust 2008 to be near their daughter and her husband who have six
children. They home school one of the children who has special
needs. Their son and daughter-in-law had their first child in July. Andy (‘75) and Ellie (‘74) Silman are in
With seven grandchildren they are totally enjoying being full-time Brevard, N.C. where Andy has pastored
grandparents. Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (PCA)
since 2006. Daughter Shannon Holland is
Allen and Lois Heatherly (’64) live in
married to a PCA pastor in Houston, Texas.
Reseda, Calif. They enjoyed a family
Son Campbell is a PCA pastor in Zachary,
reunion with their son Nathan Paul and
La. They enjoy five wonderful grandchildren.
Kathryn, his wife, and their four
children who are missionaries in Costa
Rica with Four Square International. Joining them were daughter Craig and Patty (Duke) (’75) Cameron have two children,
Rebekah Rejoice Ronning, her husband Jon, and their three chil- Aaron, 26, and Casey, 23. Patty is retired from Civil Service
dren who live in Seattle, Wa. at Ft. Rucker, Ala. after 26 years. She taught kindergarten for
five years, was in the Army Reserves for six years as a supply
specialist, and graduated from Troy State with a degree in
6 SUMMER 2010
Dave (’76) and Martha (Rupp) Macomber (‘76) served more Scott and Sharon (Gruber) MacLean (‘88) have been in Italy for
than 16 years in the Philippines. They have relocated to Texas 10 years. They serve as church planters with CrossWorld (formerly
where Dave works in a Filipino church plant. Martha works with known as UFM International) in northern Italy. They have one
an organization that provides support and resources for families daughter, Karis Joy.
with Third Culture Kids (TCKs).
Molley (‘89) and Naomi Cooper are still liv-
ing in Lithonia, Ga., in the Atlanta metro area.
They minister as assistant pastor for missions

’80s and Christian education in a Liberian commu-

nity church called Caring Believers Bible Fel-
lowship Church (CBBF). Sr. Pastor Peter
Pam Herrington (‘82) retired after 32 years of teaching high Nehsahn is also from Liberia, West Africa.
school, six of which were at Ben Lippen in Asheville, N.C. Please pray with them as they seek God’s di-
Her mother is in the early stages of dementia and has had rection about returning to serve Him in Liberia and to lead them to
a number of health problems the past two years. Pam feels someone who would partner with them.
the Lord has given her a chance to serve Him in a new way.
She is living in Lufkin, Texas about three minutes from David (’89) and Lana (’94) Cromeenes are stationed at Fort
her mother. Stewart, Ga. where David is an army chaplain. They just recently
moved back to the states from an overseas tour in Germany. David
George (‘83) and Kathy Ridgeway (’83) have settled in the will be deploying this year for the third time. Pray for him as he
Chicago suburbs after retiring from the Navy chaplaincy in 2006. ministers to the soldiers.
They have been caring for parents and grandparents. Their son
Christopher just completed a master’s degree at North Park Semi-

nary and will continue working with Great Commission Ministries.
Daughter Erika and husband Justin are involved with Mercy Min-
istries in Washington, DC. They are doting grandparents to their
first grandchild, who was born in September 2009. They are cur-
rently involved with a young church plant. Jack (’98) and Lynne Brooks (’89) are beginning their 10th year
pastoring Georgetown Evangelical Free Church near Lexington,
Byron (‘85) and Heather (Greenway) (‘01) Ky. Jack helps conduct EFCA ordination councils in their region
Bullard, and their daughter Anna, welcomed and Lynne works for a local school district as an occupational ther-
Brandon David to the family on June 25, 2009. apist. Their son Alex is a freshman at Eastern Kentucky University, majoring in philosophy and communication, and is considering the
ministry. Daughter Claire turned 9 years old in February and at-
Jim Halstead (’87) was nominated for tends Providence Christian Academy. She is a Brownie and plays
Teacher Honor Roll at Meadowbrook Elemen- on an Upwards basketball team.
tary School in Fort Wayne, Ind. He teaches the children with
care and empathy and communicates as often as necessary with Gary and Judi (Hay) (‘90) Ogle have
parents regarding any issue that may arise. He has a very patient been missionaries with Village Missions
and loving manner when dealing with the children he serves. for 16 years. They are currently serving a small church in rural Colorado. They have
been blessed with three boys, Jonathan, 12,
Mark Brooks (’87) has been appointed as Josiah, 9, and Caleb, 5, who are home-
the new chief of the Marion, N.C. Police schooled. Life as a missionary/pastor is
Department. Mark has nearly 25 years in never dull and includes activities such as
municipal law enforcement, including more branding cows (Judi uses her nursing degree to give the immuniza-
than 21 years of service in the city of Shelby, tions to them), helping with harvest and being the pastor to a very
N.C. Mark says, “I am humbled and honored large area with no other gospel witness. They would love to hear
to be selected to serve the city of Marion and from past acquaintances.
recognize that it is a huge responsibility.” Mark is married
to Katherine and has two children and three step-children. Mike and Lily Todd (’91) are living in the Miami area, where Mike serves in missions mobilization with TEAM and teaches
Bible part time for Davis College. Lily works in the Fine Arts
Roger (’88) and Laura Dye are living in Winnsboro, S.C., for department of Dade Christian School, where their son Mark
home ministry assignment, working hard to get back to their attends kindergarten.
beloved Chile. Their support continues to be a prayer issue. The
children enjoyed seeing a good snowfall for the first time. Deanna Mark (‘91) and Shelly (‘90) Vivian have been serving in Perth,
is playing varsity soccer. Isaac overextended his knee running hur- Western Australia for seven years. Mark is associate pastor at Bull
dles. His time with the trainer now is probably a better education Creek Westminster Presbyterian Church. Shelly teaches Bible and
than he would ever get in regular practice. Hudson will represent church history at Rehoboth Christian College. They have three
his class in Math Olympics with another classmate, and Suzy never children, Kyle, 14, Tyler, 11, and Aynsley, 7. They’d love to hear
seems to have a bad day. from friends.

Continued on page 8.

SUMMER 2010 7
Class Notes continued from page 7.

Tim (‘91) and Susan (Hotchkiss) (‘92) Driscoll have been

missionaries in northern Japan for 15 years as church planters.
Pray for their financial support as they return to Japan after
home assignment in California. Pray also that their family,
which includes three sons ages 15, 12 and 11, will feel at
Steven (‘00) and Sarah (‘99) Curry are in Detroit, Mich., where
home in this new area.
he serves as a curriculum director for a charter school system with
Chuck and Cris Peters (’92) welcomed home two adopted boys more than 1,800 students. He was recently appointed as the interim
from Ethiopia. They are Tyson Fikadu, 4, and Tatum Abush, 2. The high school principal through the end of the school year, while
boys join older sisters Tally, 11, and Tristen, 9. continuing as curriculum director. Please pray for endurance, creativity and opportunities to share God’s truth as he seeks to
serve the Lord by providing a great education for these inner-
Todd and Debbie Kramlich (’93) are in their 16th year in Europe city students. Pray that Sarah will be able to keep things running
as missionaries. After serving in Sweden for 12 years as principal smoothly at home with their three children and church involve-
of the Torchbearer Bible School, they are now with Janz Team Ger- ment.
many working with camps and youth evangelism. Debbie is slowly
working on an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership through the Korn- John (‘03) and Annie (Bogert) (‘03) Meade have been living in
tal site of CIU in Germany. They have seven children ages 1 Louisville, Ky. since graduation. John received an M.Div. and is
through 13 years and the school age children started in German now pursuing a Ph.D. in Old Testament from Southern Baptist The-
schools this fall. ological Seminary. This fall John completed his comprehensive
exams and will now begin writing his dissertation. In April, they
Howard Jr. (‘94) and Stacie Rae Lederfind were blessed with the birth of a daughter, Charis Elisabeth. She
have been married 19 years. They have two brings daily joy with her sweet, easy-going spirit.
children, Joel and Ainsley Rae. They hit the
“20 years in youth ministry” mark this past
year and are still loving it. They have been David (’04) and Emily, Eliana and An-
serving at Liberty Baptist Church in Ellenboro, thony Cetola, welcomed Alisa Kathleen to
N.C. for the last 11 years and also as the associ- their family. Alisa (pronounced ah-LEE-
ational youth director. sah), means “great joy or happiness,” or
“noble, full of truth.” It is a variant of the
David and Ginger (Singleton) (’98) Taylor name Alice, Emily’s grandmother. Kathleen
welcomed their first child, son Caligan Leath, means “pure” and is Emily’s middle name.
on Oct. 3, 2009. David, Ginger and Caligan
live in Floyd, Va. where David serves as pastor
of The Presbyterian Church of Floyd and Gin- Jonathan and Grace (Goodhew) (’04)
ger now enjoys being a stay-at-home mom. Meyer hope to join Operation Mobilization in Belgium this August. Please pray for
them in this huge transition as they trust
Chris (’98) and Heidi (Almack) (’99) Tuggy God for the finances and think about how
adopted David Abijah Cameron Tuggy on April they are going to prepare their two little
11, 2009. He was born on April 9, 2009. They are girls (3 1/2 and 2) for life in a different
currently living in Irmo, S.C. Chris works from country. One big plus is that they already have family living in Bel-
home for a company called Craneware gium, so the girls will have the chance to get to know their other
and Heidi is a stay-at-home mom. grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Jonathan is an MK born and raised in Belgium.

Charles Westbrook (‘98), serving as pastor of Anders Rasmussen and Amy Nelson (‘05) were married on July
Saluda River Baptist Church in West Columbia, 25, 2009. They are serving in a community of Muslim refugees in
S.C., has recently completed a book titled, Fresh Portland, Ore. while preparing to return to a remote region in Cen-
Daily: A Full Year of Dated Daily Devotions. tral Asia within the next year or two.
Drew (’05) and Allison (Perrow) (‘03)
Jim (‘99) and Barb (Borawski) (‘95) Seffinga Arrington welcomed their second
taught in an English immersion school in Lima, Peru in 2008. daughter, Elizabeth, on Dec. 25, 2008.
They were hoping to be there all of 2009, but weren’t able to as They currently live in Mannheim, Germany,
the Lord closed the door. In November 2009 it was discovered where Drew is stationed as an Army
that Jim had kidney cancer. He had one kidney, which had the chaplain.
malignant cancer, removed Jim works for Moody Publishers
and Barb is teaching in public school in the Chicago-land area. Greg (’05) and Victoria Goebel moved to Woodstock, Ga. in 2007, where Greg serves as
rector of Resurrection Anglican Church.

8 SUMMER 2010
Jeff (‘05) and Dana (Bowers) (‘04) Jackson joyfully welcomed Corey (‘06) and Kimberly (‘07) Cook welcome their first child,
their first child, Luke Daniel, on Sept. 9, 2009 via emergency C- Savannah Jo-Ella Michelle Cook.
section. After some initial breathing problems, Luke is healthy and
growing. Praise God. John Y. Park (’07) started a ministry helping people with photog-
raphy. It has provided him with opportunities to share the gospel.
Erich (‘05) and Kelley (‘06) Schindler have been serving in
Taipei, Taiwan with Shepherd’s Staff Mission Facilitators for al-
most three years. They spent one year as TEFL teachers and co- William and Tori (Bryant) Easom (’08) wel-
leaders of an English outreach at a Taiwanese church, and are now comed Ayden William to their family. Ayden
in language school (Mandarin Chinese) full time and are co-leading was born on Jan. 18, 2010 and is a blessing
a bilingual Alpha course at their church. and a joy to all. We celebrate with them.

Lee (‘05) and Charity (McKillop) (‘06) Charley (’09) and Sarah (Anderson) (’10)
Myers recently moved back to South Carolina Scruggs were married on Jan. 2, 2010. It was a
from Kentucky, where Lee received a Master of very joyous occasion as many family members
Church Music degree from the Southern Bap- and friends from all around were able to attend
tist Theological Seminary. Lee is now the min- and celebrate with them. Jay and Diana Ander-
ister of music at First Baptist Church of son (CIU’s Accounting Department) and
Newberry. Lee and Charity will celebrate five Peggy Lee Manoogian (CIU Alumni Min-
years of marriage in 2010. istries) are the proud parents.

With the Lord Jean Ramsey ’52

January 2010
Sarah Jane White ’52
Janet MacKay Short ’71
Joseph Medina ’74
December 2009
Fronia Fender ’36 Betsy Edwards ’74
August 2008 Bruce Shelley ’52 (Alumnus March 2009
of the Year 1987 and former staff)
Kathryn Eastman Finger ’38 E. Fay Bennett ’79
February 2009
February 2010 November 2009
Marjorie Loomis Dubert ’54
Gordon Standridge ’48 Terri Hagerman Forrest ’83
January 2010
1994 December 2009
John Justice ’54
Gorman Armstrong (Spouse June Beth Blithe Guy ’86
February 2005
Fischer Armstrong ’51) May 2009
2003 Bernice Allen Baldwin ’56
December 2009 Penny Miller Hoffman ’99
Berenice Johnson Powlison ’51 February 2010
February 2010 Paul Morrison ’57
March 2009 Aimee Elisabeth Powell ’07
Leslie Sapsford (Spouse of January 2010
Caroline Kreimann Sapsford ’51) Patricia M. Jordan Kistler
(Spouse Benjamin Kistler ’60) Hudson Taylor Armerding
Elva Brownlee ’52 (former CIU Board Chairman)
October 2009 December 2009
John Garrett Crane III ’70
Olivia Branch ’52 Arthur F. Glasser (former staff)
June 2009
March 2010 December 2009
Howard Short ’70
Richard Poyorena ’52 Edith Karin Gustafson Hathaway
January 2010
March 2010 (former staff)
December 2009

SUMMER 2010 9
Upcoming CIU Events

May 15 — 8:30 a.m. Undergraduate Aug. 23-29 — Dr. George Murray at Harvey Cedars
CIU Commencement Bible Conference – Harvey Cedars, NJ
May 15 — 11:00 a.m. Seminary and Graduate
CIU Commencement Aug. 26 — President Bill Jones speaking at
CIU Convocation – 10:50 a.m.
May 15-22 — President Bill Jones – Eastern
Europe Mission Trip Sept. 12-16 — President Bill Jones –
Middle East Mission Trip
May 22 — Dr. George Murray at Ambassadors for
Christ – Paradise, PA Sept. 17-19 — Homecoming 2010

June 4-6 — Dr. George Murray at Chinese Bible Sept. 24-26 — Dr. George Murray at Lebanon
Church of Greater Lowell – Presbyterian Church – Winnsboro, SC
Chelmsford, MA
Nov. 5-7 — Dr. George Murray at Chinese Christian
June 6 — President Bill Jones at Gateway Baptist Church – Somerset, NJ
Church (Morning Worship Service) –
Irmo, SC Nov. 6-7 — President Bill Jones at Hines Chapel –
McLeansville, NC (336) 621-1385
June 29 — Dr. George Murray at Christar –

Find us on !
Reading, PA

July 25-30 — CIU Week at America’s Keswick

President Bill Jones and President
Emeritus Robertson McQuilkin will be
featured speakers. Reservations for
the week can be made directly with Keswick. Are you on Facebook®? Stay connected with CIU
Aug. 22 — Dr. George Murray at Grace Chapel – alumni by joining our group. Follow this link:
Havertown, PA

10 SUMMER 2010
Dwight Riggs (’65)
Judging Worship Music:
Eight Standards of Excellence.
How can appropriate worship
music be selected? Through
in-depth examination of six
major passages of Scripture,
Riggs presents eight standards
that challenge many assump-
tions about today's worship music. Kumiko Jean Takeuchi (’78) says about her life and ministry
(quoted in the book Engaging
Our World): “The Lord has
blessed me abundantly beyond
Roger Dye (’88) my basic needs or even beyond
¿De Donde Vinimos? my imagination. For the last 20
Where Did We Come From? years, I have focused on sci-
ence. I have strived to make
The Scientific Evidence for life better for people physically
Origins (Science - Philosophy and emotionally. God has blessed me with the
- Cosmology - Biogenesis - means and opportunities to engage in global evan-
Transmutation - Fossils) gelization without being distracted with earthly concerns. I would like to focus on God in what-
ever I do for the next 20 years, should He allow
me. I would like to strive and impact spiritual
lives of the lost. If this is not the American dream
Del Birkey (’57) from God’s perspective, then what is?” Engaging
The House Church: A Model Our World: Christian Worldview from the Ivory
for Renewing the Church Tower to Global Impact is available online.
was first published in 1988
by Herald Press and has been
considered one of the first
authoritative books to address house church theology and practice in a full manner.
Since then, the years have brought about significant challenges and changes within
Christ’s church. As a result, a 2009 revision has been released as an e-book titled The
House Church Book: Non Emerging New Testament Prototype.

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SUMMER 2010 11

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