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The Importance Of A Healthy

Respiratory System

Name : Muhammad Nur Ridhwan Bin

Class : 3R
IC Number : 000514 08 1371


These days , there are many human in

this world get disease because of
gases in the air . The government had
already done plenty of ways to
overcome this problem , but none of
them worked successfully . As a
human , we must take our
responsibility to take care of our world
to ensure the survival of the humans .

Carbon Monoxide
When we breathe carbon monoxide, the gas particles are
absorbed by the lungs. They then attach themselves to red blood
cells in the same way oxygen normally does. The danger is that
blood cells bond many time faster to carbon monoxide particles
than to oxygen particles, drastically compromising oxygen levels
in your body. This can lead to oxygen deprivation, or asphyxiation

Source :

a) Car Exhaust
b) Cigarette Smoke
c) The Fumes of Kerosene Burners
d) The Fumes of Wood Burners

Types of disease :

Brain damage - this may include worsening memory and

concentration. Although very rare, some patients with severe
symptoms may develop Parkinsonism, which may include
stiffness, slow movements and shaking.

Heart damage - this may include coronary heart disease. Heart

damage is more likely if the patient is exposed for a long time.

Urinary incontinence - this is more common in women with severe

CO gas poisoning. The patient may develop involuntary leakage of
urine (passing urine when not meaning to).

Sulfur Dioxide
Sulfur dioxide irritates the skin and mucous membranes of the
eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. High concentrations of SO 2 can
cause inflammation and irritation of the respiratory system,
particularly during heavy physical activity. The resulting
symptoms may include pain when taking a deep breath,
coughing, throat irritation, and breathing difficulties. High
concentrations of SO2 can affect lung function, worsen asthma
attacks, and aggravate existing heart disease in sensitive groups.
This gas can also react with other chemicals in the air and convert
to a small particle that can lodge in the lungs and cause similar
health effects.

Source :
a) Coal combustion
b) Fuel combustion
c) Volcanic eruption

Types of disease :

Asthma : lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.

Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound
when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, and
coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the

Corneal haze : Corneal haze describes a cloudy or opaque

appearance of the cornea. The cornea is normally clear, so
corneal haze can greatly impair vision. Although the haze can
occur in any part of the cornea, it is most often found within the
thicker, middle layer of the cornea, called the stroma.

Pulmonary edema : Pulmonary edema is often caused

by congestive heart failure. When the heart is not able to pump
efficiently, blood can back up into the veins that take blood
through the lungs.As the pressure in these blood vessels
increases, fluid is pushed into the air spaces (alveoli) in the lungs.
This fluid reduces normal oxygen movement through the lungs.
These two factors combine to cause shortness of breath.

Lead is a naturally-occurring element that can be harmful to
humans when ingested or inhaled, particularly to children under

the age of six. Lead poisoning can cause a number of adverse

human health effects, but is particularly detrimental to the
neurological development of children. Lead particles in the
environment can attach to dust and be carried long distances in
the air. Such lead-containing dust can be removed from the air by
rain and deposited on surface soil, where it may remain for many
years. In addition, heavy rains may cause lead in surface soil to
migrate into ground water and eventually into water systems.
Source :
ingestion of lead-contaminated water, soil, paint chips, or
inhalation of lead-containing particles of soil or dust in
air; and
ingestion of foods that contain lead from soil or water.

Types of disease :

Fertility problems in both men and women :

Exposure to lead sources has been proven to negatively impact
fertility in humans. Lead can produce teratospermias (abnormal
sperm) and is thought to be an abortifacient, or substance that
causes artificial abortion.

High blood pressure : High blood pressure (HBP) is a serious

condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart
failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems."Blood
pressure" is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the
arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure rises and stays
high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.

Memory and concentration problems : person wanders aimlessly,

unable to remember who he is or where he came from. While
such sudden, profound loss of memory is rare, memory loss is a
problem that affects most people to a degree.Whether it's

occasional forgetfulness or loss of short-term memory that

interferes with daily life, there are many causes of memory loss.

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