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A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap forRadhas Ayurvedic Soap works

The statistical data become organized, condensed and intelligible t
h r o u g h classification and tabulation. It enables the analysis is the process of
planning thedata in an ordered from in such a way to combined them with the
subjection of thestudy. Interpretation is the analysis in form of suggestions.
Coding and Tabulation
Tabulation means a systematic presentation of numerical data in a columnsand rows
in accordance with the some salient features for characteristics.The important statistical tools
used in this study are:Percentage analysisBar diagramPie Chart
Percentage analysis
Percentage analysis is used to find out the percentage of respondents from the totalnumber of
respondents, respondent to question.Percentage = Number of
ObservationTotal no: of observation X 100
Bar diagram
Bar diagram is the most common type of diagrams used in practice. A bar is a
thick l i n k l i n e w h o s e w i d t h i s s h o w n m e r e l y f o r a t t e n t i o n . T h e
y a r e c a l l e d o n e dimensional because it is because it is only the length of the
bar that matters andnot the width

A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap forRadhas Ayurvedic Soap works
Pie diagram
Pie diagrams are very popularly used in practice to show percentage break
downs.The pie chart is called because the entire graph look like a pie and the
componentsresemble slice cut from pie.The survey is done as per the given objective, to
find out the level of awarenessamongst people in Kollam district on the brand
RADHAS Ayurvedic Soap. So theo u t c o m e o f s u r v e y a n d i t s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n i s
d o n e t h r o u g h E x c e l t o o l s a s g i v e n below.
Everything finding is comprised of three parts.1. Question.2. Outcome from survey i.e. data
interpretation.3. Analysis of outcome.
1.Brand Recognition of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap forRadhas Ayurvedic Soap works

The 28% o0f the respondents are saying that brand recognition is v
e r y important, 22% saying that brand recognition is moderately important,
245%saying that brand recognition is less important for choosing a brand.

Still there exist a great chance for new players to enter into the market and cancompete with big
giants in soap manufacturing and marketing.
1.Importance of price in choosing Radhas Ayurvedic Soap Inference:

The majority of the respondents are saying that the price of the
b r a n d i s slightly important or some what important in choosing a brand.

The price is slightly important in influencing the customer for purchasing

that product , if there is some USP or any other features which is smartly attractivethey will only
look for over all quality rather than price.

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