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Romeo and Juliet

Study Guide Act II
Act II, Scene I and II:
1. What does Mercutio say about blind love?
Mercutio states, Love that is blind cannot hit the mark. By this statement, Mercutio
means that misdirected blind love does not reach its intended target, as in the case of
2. When Juliet appears on her balcony, what does Romeo compare her to?
Romeo uses a metaphor to compare Juliet to the sun. Romeo then compares her eyes to
two absent stars in the sky.
3. How does Juliet speak, yet[say] nothing?
There are many ways to interpret this statement. Romeo is referring to her talking on the
balcony, yet he is does not hear all of her words because he is struck by her incredible
beauty. Romeo refers to her eyes and the volumes they speak without regard to her
4. When Juliet leans her cheek on her hand, what does Romeo say?
Romeo states, Oh that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek.
5. Unaware of his presence, what does Juliet ask Romeo to say?
Juliet asks that Romeo would deny his father and refuse thy name. Juliet is lamenting
over the fact that Romeo is a Montague.
6. In a sentence or two, explain what Juliet says about names.
Juliet is expressing that it does not matter what a persons name is, a rose would still be a
sweet smelling flower if it were called by another name. She is comparing Romeo to a
rose and states that it is just a name and not the person within.
7. Juliet asks how Romeo got into her place. The orchard walls are high, and Romeos life
would be in danger if her relatives were to find him there. What is Romeos response to
these questions?
Romeo states that it was love that allowed him to leap over the orchard walls. He also
states that love will protect him from her kinsmen because with love, a man can do

8.. Why is Juliet embarrassed?

Juliet is embarassed because Romeo has heard her talking out loud. She was not aware
that he was in the tree line and could hear her.
9. Juliet is going to send someone to Romeo on the following day for what purpose?
Juliet intends to send a messenger to see if Romeos intentions of marriage are true. She
also wishes for her messenger to gather the details of the marriage and return to her so
that she may prepare and be ready.
10. Summarize the Scene.
- Romeo hears Juliet talking
- Juliet professes her love and so does Romeo
- They plan to marry

Act II, Scene III:

1. What has Friar Lawrence been out gathering in his basket?
Friar Lawrence is gathering herbs and flowers in order to make medicine.

2. Explain lines 21-22: Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,/ And vice sometime
by action dignified?
Friar Lawrence is telling a parable (moral story). The quotation means that at times
something that is virtuous (or good intentioned) will turn to vice (or something that is
evil) or bad if not used properly, whereas, vice is sometimes justified through actions and
sometimes becomes a good thing. Think of the clich, too much of a good thin..
3. When Friar Lawrence sees Romeo, what comment does Friar Lawrence make about
seeing Romeo so early in the morning?
Friar Lawrence assumes that something is on his mind that caused him to awaken so
early in the morning. The Friar then determines that he has not been to bed and thinks
that he has spent the evening with Rosaline.

4. What does Friar Lawrence mean when he says to Romeo, Young mens love then lies
not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes?
Friar Lawrence is stating that young men often lust after the beauty of women; in
other words, men fall in love with the way a woman looks and not the person the woman
truly is.
5.. Friar Lawrence agrees to perform the marriage ceremony for Romeo and Juliet for
what reason?
Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet because he feel it will unite the two
families that have been fighting for many years.
6. Summarize the scene.
- Romeo goes to see Friar Lawrence
- Friar Lawrence questions him about his love for Rosaline and then Juliet
- Romeo asks the Friar to marry Juliet and him as soon as possible.

Act II, Scene IV:

1. According to Mercutio, what kind of man is Tybalt?
Mercutio states he is the Prince of Cats and a skilled fighter. Mercutio thinks he is very
sneaky like a cat. Mercutio also thinks that he is a fashion-monger and one who is
extremely well-mannered.

2. What is the nurse saying to Romeo?

The nurse is questioning Romeos intentions with Juliet. The nurse is trying to determine
if Romeo is genuine and truly wishes to marry Juliet.

3. How will Romeo see Juliet at night? Who will he get to help him?
Romeo will use a rope ladder to climb over the walls at night. The nurse will have to
hang the ladder over the wall for Romeo to do this. Romeo will get the nurse to help him
and his man (servant).

4. Summarize the scene.

- Tybalt has sent a challenge to Romeo
- Mercutio expresses his dislike for Tybalt and the way he carries himself
- Mercutio insults the nurse
- Romeo and the nurse prepare for the wedding night

Act II, Scene V:

1. The nurse is supposed to be gone only a half hour, but she is actually gone for how
The nurse is gone for almost three hours. The endless waiting is frustrating to Juliet who
states that if the nurse were younger, she would move much more quickly. Thus is one of
the only times that Juliet will speak ill of the nurse. This statement may demonstrate her
lack of maturity based on her impatient attitude.

2. How is the nurse behaving that is frustrating Juliet?

The nurse is stalling and is not answering Juliets questions. Juliet is becoming upset at
the game the nurse is playing. The nurse begins by telling her wait until she catches her
breath. Then she tells Juliet information that she knows.

3. Summarize the scene.

- Juliet waits impatiently for the nurse
- learn of the wedding plans
- See some of Juliets kid tendencies

Act II, Scene VI:

1. What does Friar Lawrence mean when he says, Therefore, love moderately; long love
doth so?
Friar Lawrence makes this statement to serve as a warning. He tells the two lovers they
should love slowly in order for their love to grow and last for a long time. He warns that
loving too quickly leads to a burned out love. This is an ironic statement that he makes
that seems to go against everything that he has just done.

2. Romeo and Juliet are to be married by Friar Lawrence, do you think the friar did the
right thing? Why or why not?
- This is an opinion statement, you need to formulate/compose your own response.

3. Why do you think Romeo and Juliet decided to marry? Do you think it is a wise
- another one of those opinion statements

4. Summarize the scene.

- Romeo and Juliet are married by the Friar
- Juliet tells her family she has gone to confession (another example of irony)

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