Art of War Reaction Paper

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PATAWARAN, Joanna Maria D.

April 11, 2016

11139145 | Mr. Delos Santos


Why is War considered an Art?

I am sure you are going to get a lot of answers on as to why war is an
art because the leader or commander in chief is an artist that holds a brush
and every move he makes is the stroke for which it colors the events that
happens in a war. But I want to make this paper about my opinion on and not
just something I picked up from searching the internet. I am a firm believer
that war is defined by the decisions made during its period and decision
making is an art. I consider decision making an art because once something
has been implemented or decided, there are numerous outcomes that can be
derived from it, just like how a piece of art is open to infinite interpretations.
Decision making is influenced by historical events which how wars start in
the first place. Wars only start because there is an event that comes before
it. Just like how many movies, paintings, music and other forms of art are,
they will be an influence of something. The Spoliarium was made because an
event has happened and Juan Luna wanted to memorialize it in a form of a










interpretation is that it is about a rape that happened on the watch of the 3

influential men in the Philippines, which resulted to a death of an actress. But
again, all these are open to interpretation. Which is why art is considered
beautiful, it tickles ones mind and imagination. Just like how every decision
we make, the strategies and tactics we cook up, tickle our minds. Wars are
executed by how someone interprets an event and what the outcome can be
because of this past event. The moves of China in the West Philippine sea is
an event that can trigger a way. However, just like art, this event is open to
everyones interpretation. And what we choose to do, our decision, is a birth
of many succeeding outcomes, whether good or bad.

Another point, war can be paralleled with what happens in our daily
lives. From the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, that in itself is a
warzone. So making sure every tactic to get the day going is beneficial for
oneself. Life will throw out a bunch of situations wherein that any decision
made will put oneself in compromising position. The art in here is evading or
lessening the disastrous effect by analyzing all strategies and weighing each
one in order to pick out the most beneficial strategy. The art in the way we
mix and put together from the concoction of choices we need to come up
with a decision is what will save us in our day to day lives.
Lastly, in a totally unrelated matter from all the ones I have explained
above, war is sex. War is sex and sex is art. I mean this not only about sex as
an act but also about sex as sexuality. Every day people from the LGBT
community face the war against ignorance and bigotry. It takes an artist to
master the art of enduring the talks of small minded people. Slowly but
surely, the LGBT community is paving the way for change in our country. It is
a battle that still has a long way to go.
Sex, the act itself, is also both art and war. Dancing to the tunes of
each others bodies but at the same time, trying to establish dominance is a
challenge. Finding a balance between planning and spontaneity for the
events that are about to occur is difficult. It is always going to be a hit or a
miss for both parties. The art in this war is trying to get to know the
significant other. What do they like? What makes them tick? How can you get
them to do the things you like? These are all the things that needs planning
and execution.
I guess that my point is, that everything is war because it involves
decision making, the influence of historical events, and the multiple
scenarios that come after the decision. Whether the issue is political, social
or just plain day-to-day living, the components of war is found. The art is in
tying up all the factors that affect these issues in order to come up with an
action that best benefits the cause. Everything is open up for interpretations,
each event, each decision, each outcome, that is why there is beauty in

every situation. No one really knows how to explain why war is an art
because everyone has their own opinion and definition. No one knows how to
put it into words wherein everyone will agree that thats the ultimate
definition. The only thing I need to know that war is basically life and that life
is art. And this is what I repeatedly tell myself everyday, each time I open my

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