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Short Story Unit Final Test

Part I
Matching: Match each term to its definition (22 points):

1. Antagonist _____ 17.Round/Dynamic _____

2. Character 18. Setting _____

19. Short Story _____
3. Climax
_____ 20. Theme _____
4. Conflict _____ A. The perspective from which the story is told
B. A character that remains the same
5. Exposition throughout the story
_____ C. A person (or animal) that is involved in the
6. Falling Action _____ D. A brief work of fiction that can be read in a
relatively short period of time
7. Flat/Static E. A character that changes a lot throughout
_____ the story
F. The conflict is completely wrapped up and
8. Foreshadowing the story ends
_____ G. A category or type of literature
H. The most pivotal point in the story; the
9. Genre conflict is at its peak
_____ I. The time and place of the story
J. The series of events in a story
10.Irony _____ K. A character or group of characters who
oppose the protagonist
11.Mood _____ L. The atmosphere that an author creates
through the plot, characters, and
12.Plot _____ descriptions
M. When one event or action is expected, but
13.Point of View _____ the opposite is received
N. A problem in the story
14.Protagonist O. The beginning of the story where the setting
_____ and characters are introduced
P. The building events of the story that
15.Resolution introduce some kind of conflict
_____ Q. The main message or lesson of the story
R. The main character in the story who is in the
16.Rising Action center of the conflict
_____ S. A hint or clue that the author gives as to
what will happen
T. The events that start to wrap up the story
Short Story Unit Final Test
Part II
Short Answer: Read the short story, All Summer In A Day, then answer each
question below with at least a sentence. You CAN write on your story! (50

21.What is the SETTING of this story (TIME and PLACE):

22.Who is the PROTAGONIST of the story?

23.Who is (or who are) the ANTAGONIST(s) of the story?

24.Are the characters in this story FLAT/STATIC or ROUND/DYNAMIC? How

can you tell?

25.Do you believe there is any FORESHADOWING in this story? If so, write an

26.What GENRE do you think this story best describes this story?

27.Do you believe there is IRONY in this story? Explain:

28.What is the POINT OF VIEW of this story?

29.What MOOD does the author create?

30.HOW does the author create the mood?

31.What is the CONFLICT in the story?

32.What, do you think, is the THEME of the story?

33.Briefly write the PLOT of the story (you can use the bullet points to write
the main events of the story):

34.Write the events that match the PLOT CHART below as they pertain to the


2. 4.


35.What was your favorite story in this unit? Why?

36.What was your least favorite story in this unit? Why?

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