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FDA on Process Validation ((2010):

The collection and evaluation of data, from
the process design stage throughout
d ti
hi h establishes
t bli h scientific
i tifi
evidence that a process is capable of
consistently delivering quality products

Purpose: to demonstrate SISPQ
Strength, Identity, Safety, Purity, Quality
Includes product attributes & data integrity

Installation Qualification (IQ)

Verifies the aspects of a facility, utility, or equipment
that can affect product quality adhere to approved
specifications (e.g. construction, materials) and are
correctly installed

Operational Qualification (OQ)

Challenges the functionality of critical components,
to show they are capable of operating within
required limits and tolerances

Performance Qualification (PQ)

Testing the overall capability of the equipment or
system using practical and statistically relevant
samples in a normal operating environment

Assume this aseptic

p filling
g line has
already been installed as you see it
A group will be created for each
station to analyze and propose an
Q/OQ approach to validate that the
line can package the clients products
30 minutes in groups
3-5 minutes to report afterwards

q p
processes,, and p
that are in scope
Critical Quality
y Attributes ((CQA))
imparted to the product and/or data at
each station
Critical Process Parameters (CPP)
that allow control of the CQA
Critical In-Process Controls (CIPC)
monitor CQA or CPP at each station

Process as demoed for the aseptic

filling line, with the following stations:
Vial washing pre-configured program
Sterilizing tunnel fixed speed
Powder filling dry antibiotic powder
Checkweighing pre-fill and post-fill
Stoppering with 20mm full-insertion
Crimping 20mm aluminum seals with a
green top,
top tear-off

Product client bought line to run:

Molded vial sizes: 10, 15 & 20mL
Fill weight
g range:
g 250mg
g 2.5g
g of
antibiotic dry powder
Minimum throughput
g p desired:
120, 100, & 80 vials/min respectively

at o sta
da d reqs:
eq s
(5min @ 320C, laminar flow,
discharge 25C)

As suggested on the form handouts:

Materials of Construction, Welds, and Lubricants
(product contact)
Major hardware components (model #s, serial
#s, design / nameplate ratings, etc.)
Major software / automation components (what
controls & monitors the equipment?)
Calibration for critical instrumentation
GMP/Quality System programs (Maintenance,
Calibration, Logbooks, SOPs, Training, etc.)
Drawing, wiring & code walkthroughs
Any other important environmental & installation
considerations relevant to product quality

Critical Quality Attributes (CQA)

Critical Process Parameters (CPP)
Critical In-Process Controls (CIPC)
y these as p
part of your
Ask: why is this station here?
Ask: what controls can an operator
manipulate and why might they do so?
Ask: what do the sensors do and why?
A k what
h is
i at risk
i k if a component fails?
f il ?

Out of scope for the workshop, but

think about:
Normal operating ranges of
equipment + line as a whole
Bracketing worst case input
parameters for testing
Number of replicates to demonstrate
process delivers consistent
quality for each (or across) products
Statistical Approaches & Sampling

1) Briefly describe your station and its CQA, CPP,

and CIPC
2) IQ Teams: assume installation is already
completed and the instruments are calibrated.
Wh t needs
d IQ for
f your station?
t ti ?
3) OQ Teams: describe what functionality needs OQ
y those relevant to the CPP,, and CIPC))
4) Consider what process and product combinations
will need to be run for your station to demonstrate
its performance in delivering product of
acceptable CQA under normal operating
conditions (PQ)
Note: Mssrs.
Mssrs Stoicovici,
Stoicovici Collins,
Collins and Melamud will
walk around to each station to answer any
questions you may have

Contact Information
Paul A. Melamud
Validation Manager
973-656-0248, x2008

Scott Collins
Senior Validation Manager
973-656-0248, x2110

QPharma Inc.
22 South Street
Morristown, NJ 07960

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