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The hero connection:

From Beowulf to Batman

Now that we have read and watched Beowulf, you will be writing a paper,
comparing Beowulf to traditional heroes. You will need to identify Beowulf's
heroic traits, generalize from these traits a list of typical traits for
heroes, use these traits to compare Beowulf with contemporary heroes,
as well as describe your definition of a hero, in a well-written, grammatically
correct AT LEAST TWO PAGE DOUBLE-SPACED paper. You will need to cover the
following in your paper:

• discuss Beowulf as a hero, drawing supporting details from the text

(make sure to include at least 3 examples from the text PROPERLY
• generalize from these details a list of traits that apply to most heroes
(strength, wisdom, bravery, loyalty, etc)
• use these generalized traits to compare Beowulf with contemporary
‘heroes’ (such as Batman, Iron Man, firemen, Superman, etc.)
• determine what is your personal concept of hero

We will be working on these papers in the lab for Friday and Monday. These papers
are DUE by Tuesday, September 22nd. After this date, points will be taken off for
being late.

The hero connection:

From Beowulf to Batman
Now that we have read and watched Beowulf, you will be writing a paper,
comparing Beowulf to traditional heroes. You will need to identify Beowulf's
heroic traits, generalize from these traits a list of typical traits for
heroes, use these traits to compare Beowulf with contemporary heroes,
as well as describe your definition of a hero, in a well-written, grammatically
correct AT LEAST TWO PAGE DOUBLE-SPACED paper. You will need to cover the
following in your paper:

• discuss Beowulf as a hero, drawing supporting details from the text

(make sure to include at least 3 examples from the text PROPERLY
• generalize from these details a list of traits that apply to most heroes
(strength, wisdom, bravery, loyalty, etc)
• use these generalized traits to compare Beowulf with contemporary
‘heroes’ (such as Batman, Iron Man, firemen, Superman, etc.)
determine what is your personal concept of hero
We will be working on these papers in the lab for Friday and Monday. These papers
are DUE by Tuesday, September 22nd. After this date, points will be taken off for
being late.

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