Sample Case Studies

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Managing Pressure, Minimising Risk

STATS Group successfully completes subsea oil line isolation in North Sea
STATS Group were contracted by Nexen UK Limited to
supply high pressure isolation plugs to provide a double
block and bleed isolation barrier for the safe tie-in of a
replacement section of the main 24-inch oil export line
from the Scott Platform. Located in the Central North
Sea approximately 155km northeast of Aberdeen, the
isolation needed to be completed without having to deoil the entire 80km pipeline.
To facilitate the double block isolation and enable a
reinstatement leak test in accordance with the pipeline
design code, STATS provided two remotely controlled
Tecno Plugs. The first Tecno Plug provided a proven
double block isolation from pipeline pressure. The
second Tecno Plug provided a local leak test boundary.
Using two plugs in this manner maintains a safe
isolation until the leak test is completed and prevents
pressurising the entire pipeline up to leak test pressure.
An expert isolation committee of a subsea engineering
and construction company, which included their global
technical risk experts, assessed the suitability of the
high pressure remote isolation plug as a double block
barrier for diver breaking containment activities. The
critical operational areas of concern were scrutinised and

the Tecno Plug was deemed to provide an acceptable

isolation barrier for the required work scope.
Prior to award of the isolation work scope STATS
conducted a detailed engineering and piggability study
to confirm the fitness for purpose of the Tecno Plug.
Further reassurance of piggability and reduction of risk
was achieved by deploying a geometry proving pig and
a high resolution Inline calliper survey tool.
The primary project objectives of safety and efficiency
were delivered to ensure a minimal shut down
period was achieved. Excellent project management,
intercompany team working and appropriate use of
isolation technology resulted in a successful pipeline
replacement that was completed in a timely manner.
Dale Millward, STATS Group director of EPRS and
subsea services, commented on the successful project:
Although not our first subsea isolation, this project is
a milestone subsea isolation project that shows how
far we and our technology have progressed since the
introduction of STATS remote isolation plug technology
10 years ago.

Double block and bleed isolation barrier provides safe tie-in of replacement pipeline section

36 Remote Tecno Plug | Dol 2 Platform, North Field, Qatar

Situated off the north-east coast of Qatar, lies the
largest single gas field in the world the North Field.
Dolphin Energy has installed two Offshore Production
Platforms, DOL-1 and DOL-2. It is gas from the North
Field which not only powers Qatars own LNG and
petrochemical plants, but is also the feedstock for
Dolphin and its customers.
The platforms handle the extraction of gas from 24
wells in total. At the time of full production in early
2008, each platform was producing some 1.3 billion
cubic feet per day of raw gas for transportation by
dedicated sealines to Ras Laffan for processing.
As part of planned maintenance to ensure safety
requirements are met ahead of schedule, Dolphin
Energy approached STATS Group to assist with
providing a safe isolation to carry out remedial
pipework maintenance on their 36 gas pipeline onboard DOL 2.
A STATS isolation technician visited DOL 2 and carried
out a site survey to gather critical information,
complete a noise survey & to aid with the selection of
the tool configuration.
STATS proposed the use of a Remotely Controlled
Tecno Plug to provide double block and bleed
isolation. A three module pigging train assembly was
deployed to negotiate the 3D pipe bends, once pigged
to the desired location the Remote Tecno Plug was
set in position using through-wall communication.
Communication is achieved using an extremely low
frequency (ELF) radio control system for reliable
tracking and accurate positioning. The Remote Tecno
Plug eliminates the need for tethers or specially
modified pig-trap doors and is ideally suited for valve
maintenance activities.
The 36 Remote Tecno Plug was loaded within a 40
launcher barrel on a 5 slope and nitrogen pigged
through two valves and around a 3D bend into a
vertical section of pipework. The plug would continue
around another 3D bend into the horizontal, passing
a further two valves, before negotiating a 45 bend.
The plug would then negotiate a final 3D bend into
the vertical riser and come to a halt at its desired set
location local to the sea water level.

STATS also provided a test boundary for Dolphin to test the

integrity of a flange joint using an In-Line Weld Test Tool on
23rd February. STATS continued to isolate the line allowing
further client testing operations before finally unsetting and
reverse pigging the plug back to the launcher on the 25th
of February.
STATS isolation services are increasingly in demand from
major operators in the Middle East and Gulf States. This is
the first time STATS have worked for Dolphin Energy but it
is the second isolation project completed in Qatar in the last
twelve months.
Mr Adel Ahmed Albuainain, general manager, Dolphin
Energy, said. Thanks to STATS Group and their professional
approach, Dolphin was able to complete this element of its
routine maintenance program, on time and without a lost
time incident. Their commitment and dedication to this
project was exemplary.

A team of four STATS isolation technicians successfully

deployed the Remote Tecno Plug and pigged it to
the set location with the assistance of Enermech.
The plug successfully negotiated three 90, 3D bends
and one 45 bend. The plug was successfully set on
the 3rd of February with an isolation certificate issued
on 4th of February.
The plug was continuously monitored throughout
client operations and remained stable for the full
isolation period.
Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

STATS Group Complete Dutch Sector North Sea Isolation Project

Pipeline engineering specialist, STATS Group, has completed an isolation project on a 16 subsea pipeline in the Dutch
sector of the North Sea on behalf of Wintershall Noordzee BV.
The isolation enabled the client to disconnect a flexible gas export pipeline so it could be replaced with a new rigid
gas export pipeline. STATS deployed its Tecno Plug tool for the isolation which prevented a costly depressurisation
of the main trunk line, and reduced environmental impact, costs and production losses.

Tecno Plug isolates gas export pipeline to facilitate subsea metrology spool piece installation

A four module 16 Remote Tecno Plug was pigged by STATS personnel from the K5-A platform to the subsea
isolation position 300 metres from the platform. The Tecno Plug was tracked and its location confirmed using STATS
through-wall communication system via an extremely low frequency. This was carried out by a second team of STATS
technicians on-board the EDT Protea dive support vessel.
When set, the Tecno Plug isolated a pressure of 70 bar. On completion, primary and secondary seal tests were
carried out using full isolation pressure. The pressure between the primary and secondary seals was monitored
throughout the isolation, ensuring safety critical double block isolation. With the fully proven double block pipeline
isolation in place, the section of flexible riser was safely removed, allowing a new subsea valve to be added to the
pipeline behind the isolating Tecno Plug.
Divers then attached a temporary subsea receiver to the valve which allowed the Tecno Plug to be remotely unset
and reverse pigged into the receiver. The subsea valve was then closed and tested before the temporary receiver
was removed and retrieved to the Protea DVS, complete with the Tecno Plug. The new subsea valve then provided
isolation while the permanent pipeline was successfully tied-in and re-commissioned.
The project faced many challenges - the Tecno Plug had to allow bi-directional pigging through various 5D bends
and accommodate the layered helical winding present on the internal surface of a flexible pipeline. All these factors
were considered when designing and engineering the Tecno Plug.
STATS Groups subsea business stream manager, Dale Millward, said: This fast-track project was engineered, risk
assessed, assembled and mobilised within a six week window. The successful delivery demonstrates STATS ability to
provide safety critical isolation services that enabled urgent maintenance activity to be completed, within schedule
and with minimal production outage.
Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

38 Remote Tecno Plug | Ras Laffan Facility, Doha, Qatar

STATS were required to isolate a 38
gas pipeline using a Remote Tecno
Plug to facilitate the removal of a
corroded 2 bypass branch connected
to a 38 ESDV.
The line STATS isolated was operating
at 85 Barg and produced a gas service
with 0.7% concentration of H2S.
Prior to pigging the Remote Tecno
Plug to position, a 38 high
differential Bi-Di pig was deployed a
distance of 1km to provide a water
barrier between the Remote Tecno
Plug and the pipeline gas.
During pigging operations the Tecno
Plug position was tracked and
confirmed using STATS extremely
communication system.
With the isolation confirmed, the
operator then carried out the
maintenance to remove and blind
the 2 branch from the 38 ESDV.
Before the Tecno Plug was unset
and removed from the pipeline, the
client required a pressure test of the
modified line to confirm integrity.
This was achieved by equalising the
pipeline and receiver side pressures to
90 Barg while the Tecno Plug remained
in a fully set condition. This reverse
pressure test operation created a 90
Barg test boundary to confirm the
newly installed weld.
Once the 38 ESDV maintenance was
carried out the Remote Tecno Plug
and Bi-Di pig were reverse pigged
back to the launcher and demobilised.
This successful project provided a
safe and cost effective double block
and bleed isolation, resulting in no
interruption to plant production and
preventing a costly shutdown. The safe
and efficient workscope was a result
of advanced planning, dedication and
team work between STATS and client

38 Remote Tecno Plug on-site at Ras Laffan Facility, Doha, Qatar

Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

14 Remote Tecno Plug | Natural Gas Liquids Plant (NGL-4)

STATS Group were required to provide double block and bleed isolation on a 14 inch NGL pipeline as part of a
scheduled plant shutdown, facilitating critical maintenance of an ESD valve. Qatar Petroleum approached STATS
Group to assist with providing a safe isolation at their fourth Natural Gas Liquids Plant (NGL-4) in Mesaieed Industrial
City, Qatar.
In order to undertake this operation safely and efficiently, STATS proposed the use of a remotely operated Tecno
Plug. Conventional repairs of this type would typically require the pipeline to be completely hydrocarbon free
by flaring the NGL and nitrogen purging the entire length of pipeline, in this case 40 kilometres, to enable a safe
intervention. The NGL flaring and subsequent purging of the pipeline would have added extensive operational and
procedural requirements which would have significant time, environmental and cost implications.

14 Remote Tecno Plug deployed at Natural Gas Liquids Plant (NGL-4), Mesaieed Industrial City, Qatar

The whole project was managed by a designated project engineer and co-ordinated by STATS Qatar based business
development manager. The project began by STATS deploying a specialist field technician to the workscope location
to carry out a detailed site survey, collating data and critical dimensions. Based on these findings STATS designed and
manufactured a custom built Remote Tecno Plug at their Aberdeen headquarters.
The Remote Tecno Plug was configured in a four module arrangement, as design analysis proved this to be the ideal
configuration to allow the tool to negotiate the pipeline system. A full Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) was performed
in Aberdeen in a purpose built test fixture which was created to simulate the client pipeline configuration.
Onsite, the Remote Tecno Plug was deployed from an 18 inch launcher and successfully pigged passed four valves,
a barred tee and monolithic joint before negotiating a 5D bend and setting immediately beyond the ESD valve. Once
at the desired location the plug was set using through-wall communication. Communication is achieved using an
extremely low frequency (ELF) radio control system for reliable tracking and accurate positioning. The Remote Tecno
Plug eliminates the need for tethers or specially modified pig-trap doors and is ideally suited for valve maintenance
After monitoring the set plug for 24 hours the isolation certificate was issued to verify the double block and bleed
isolation, the client then carried out the maintenance work. With maintenance work successfully completed the Tecno
Plug was used as a test boundary to perform a reinstatement pressure test. The plug was then unset and pigged back
to the launcher for demobilisation.
Qatar Petroleums head of business planning for gas operations commented STATS Group demonstrated a professional
approach throughout right from bidding, handling of technical queries, on time mobilisation of STATS resources
and contract execution. The site personnel allocated to this project deserve special praise for their commitment and
dedication, working alongside QP operations in the most co-operative manner with the utmost regards to safety.
STATS isolation and testing services are increasingly in demand from major operators in Qatar and other Gulf States.
This workscope for Qatar Petroleum is now one of many high profile contracts recently completed in the Middle East.
Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

2 off 36 Remote Tecno Plugs | MLNG-Dua, Bintulu, East Malaysia

The Petronas LNG Complex in Bintulu, Sarawak comprises three LNG plants owned and operated by Petronas joint
venture companies. This complex is one of the worlds largest liquefied natural gas production facilities at a single
location, with an annual production of 23 million tonnes.
As part of the Kumang Cluster onshore tie-in project, STATS were required to isolate 36 Trunk Lines 3 and 4 while
the lines remained at an operating pressure of 69 barg. The new pipelines to be tied-in will supply the onshore
facility with gas from the Kanowit CPP located approximately 250km offshore Bintulu. Two STATS remotely operated
36 Tecno Plugs were utilised, one in each trunk line, during the project to isolate the pipelines upstream of the
tie-in locations.

STATS isolation technician Iain Reid, prepares 36 Remote Tecno Plug for deployment

STATS Remote Tecno Plugs were configured in a three module train, to allow the tools to negotiate multiple bends
as they were pigged approximately 80 metres each to their set locations. The Remote Tecno Plugs were tracked
and accurately positioned using through-wall communication. An extremely low frequency (ELF) radio control system
sets and monitors the plugs throughout the isolation. The remote control system provides a high degree of flexibility
and eliminates the need for tethers or specially modified pig-trap doors.
The Remote Tecno Plugs were constantly monitored and remained stable and in location for approximately seven
days each while tie-in operations, which included close proximity hot work activities (welding), were completed.
Finally the plugs were unset and reverse-pigged back to the receivers for demobilisation.
STATS Group managing director, Peter Duguid, said: This project marks a significant milestone for STATS as these
are the first Tecno Plug isolations carried out in Malaysia. There is great demand for STATS isolation technologies
throughout South East Asia which we look to expand with future plans for a permanent base in region.

Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

36 Tethered Tecno Plug | Sullom Voe Terminal, Shetland

STATS Group has successfully completed an isolation
project on BPs TAQAs Brent pipeline at Sullom Voe
terminal in the Shetland Islands. BP required to
undertake a valve refurbishment operation on the 36
Brent Pipeline Pig Receiver while the pipeline remained
in normal operation.
STATS were approached to provide a double block
isolation to facilitate the valve works and proposed the
use of a 36 Tecno Plug, controlled using composite
umbilical hydraulic lines to allow the valve change out to
be carried out safely. The compact design of the single
module Tecno Plug allowed the plug to be set in the
short section of pipework upstream of the production tee
enabling export from the Brent pipeline to continue.

The compact design of the single module Tecno Plug allowed the plug
to be set in the short section of pipework

To allow deployment of a tethered Tecno Plug a temporary receiver door was used with a Stuffing Box arrangement
allowing the umbilical to pass through the system while at pressure. Once a leak test was performed on the receiver,
temporary door and stuffing box, the isolation plug was pigged with water to the set location. Accurate plug location
was determined by umbilical markings with additional positional verification confirmed by an ultrasonic signaller
from outside of the pipe.
The Tecno Plug was set at location using a hydraulic system via the umbilical and an annulus test was performed to
verify the integrity of the primary and secondary seals. Both seals were independently tested with full pipeline pressure
and monitored for 12 hours and once the verification period was completed, the isolation certificate was issued. The
STATS field team consisted of four isolation technicians as part of the workscope to provide constant monitoring of the
plug during the isolation.

The 36 Tethered Tecno Plug

With the receiver and valves depressurised and the Tecno Plug providing a verified isolation against the pipeline
pressure, the receiver was rigged away, allowing the main umbilical to be disconnected and temporary control
umbilicals were attached to ensure constant communication with the Tecno Plug, allowing the main umbilical to be
removed through the valve. On completion of the valve maintenance, further umbilical management was carried out
to allow the valve to be repositioned.
After reassembling the valve, a reinstatement service test was performed on the valve to confirm integrity at pipeline
operating pressure and the plug was unset and repositioned in the minor barrel of the receiver, while the full in-situ
testing scope was performed on the valve. On completion of the full valve testing scope, the plug was unset and
recovered fully into the receiver. With the valves closed, the receiver was isolated to allow recovery of the plug and
replacement of the receiver door.
STATS Group CEO, Pete Duguid, said: The project ran like clockwork with all parties working seamlessly together.
STATS isolation services allowed valve maintenance activities to take place efficiently and prevented shutting down
the entire pipeline. This would have resulted in a loss of time and revenue, potentially costing millions of pounds in
lost production per day.

Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

24 Remote Tecno Plug | Marnock ETAP Spur Line, Central North Sea, UK
STATS Group has successfully isolated a 24 oil export line on BPs Marnock Eastern Trough Area Project spur line
located in the Central North Sea to allow the replacement of a 16 valve.
STATS deployed its 24 Remote Tecno Plug to isolate a pressure of 60 Bar providing safe working conditions to
allow valve replacement activities. Once set the primary and secondary seal tests were carried out using full
isolation pressure.
The pressure between the primary and secondary seals was monitored throughout the isolation, ensuring safety
critical double block isolation. With the valve replaced and Tecno Plug continuing to maintain isolation, a 24 extended
body in-line weld test tool was installed through the launcher to straddle the 16 tee. The test tool was then set to
carry out the reinstatement and leak test of the 16 branch and valve.

STATS deployed its 24 Remote Tecno Plug to isolate a pressure of 60 Bar

Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

24 Remote Tecno Plug | Dunlin Alpha Platform, North Sea, UK

Fairfield Energy Ltd had a requirement to replace the two launcher valves on the 24 oil export line from Dunlin Alpha
to Cormorant Alpha. In order to undertake this operation safely and efficiently STATS proposed the use of a remotely
operated Tecno Plug. The Remote Tecno Plug provides double block and bleed isolation and eliminates the need
for communication tethers or specially modified pig trap doors. This allows the old valves to be removed without the
requirement for tether management.

24 Remote Tecno Plug provides double block and bleed isolation

Following a site survey, STATS carried out a piggability study on the oil export line and trialled the Remote Tecno
Plug onshore with a client witnessed factory acceptance test (FAT). The test was performed a purpose built test
fixture which was created to simulate the offshore pipeline configuration. The shutdown was scheduled for up to 80
days and as the Tecno Plug was the primary isolation on the export pipeline, the request was for the Tecno Plug
to be capable of meeting this scheduled duration. STATS configured the plug in a three module train to allow an
additional module to house a contingency battery unit.
On-site, the Remote Tecno Plug was function checked and loaded into the launcher before pigging to the set
location with a mixture of water and nitrogen. The Plug was tracked and accurately positioned using through-wall
communication. An Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radio control system sets and then monitors the plug throughout
the isolation. On issue of the isolation certificate, valve change out and maintenance activities could commence.
Once the new valves were installed STATS provided a bespoke 24 In-Line Weld Test Tool with an extended body and
additional locking module to test the newly made-up flange joints. The extended body allowed the In-Line Weld Test
Tool to straddle both flanges of the new valves.

24 Remote Tecno Plug maintains isolation while In-Line Weld Test Tool provides localised leak test of flanges

As there was a difference in the bores of the new valves, a standard In-Line Weld Test Tool once deployed with test
pressure applied would have moved due to the differential pressure areas. The lock module was set prior to each test
to prevent the test tool from creeping. The In-Line Weld Test Tool was moved to, and retrieved from the test areas
using a modular stem bar arrangement allowing the tool to be placed exactly in one of the three test locations. As
part of the planned maintenance scope the operator also replaced a 1.5 pig signaller which STATS pressure tested
with a separate 1.5 Flanged Weld Test Tool. On successful testing of all valves and flanges the Remote Tecno Plug
was unset and reverse pigged back to the launcher for demobilisation.
Head of Intervention and Isolations at STATS Group, Dave Vernon, said: This successful workscope has marked a
new milestone for STATS, our Remote Tecno Plug was constantly monitored and remained stable and in location for
seventy-two days while maintenance operations were completed, this is now the longest duration remote isolation
in STATS history. He continued We have developed a good relationship with Fairfield Energy Ltd and are currently
discussing the use of STATS isolation technology for future maintenance activities.
Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

20 Tethered Tecno Plug | North Everest Platform, North Sea, UK

STATS were approached by AMEC to propose an isolation solution to allow maintenance and replacement works on
three maintenance valves and one ESD valve on a 20-inch gas import line onboard the North Everest platform.
After a detailed site survey and piggability study, STATS proposed the use of a tethered Tecno Plug pushed by stem
bar to location from a temporary launcher as the best solution. As the pipeline had no pigging history, this method
was considered as the least risk laden option rather than pigging a remotely operated plug from the pig trap. This
alternative method was proposed based on detailed analysis during the Front End Engineering process including the
piggability study which revealed potential issues for the route of the pigging run. These issues could have prevented
the Tecno Plug from reaching the desired set location.
The detailed Front End Engineering process includes generation of a project design premise, pipestress analysis,
piggability study, FMECA, operational procedure and risk assessment. This package produced by STATS identifies and
mitigates operational risk and reassures clients by providing detailed analysis of the internal conditions and geometry
of the pipeline prior to carrying out the isolation, guaranteeing the optimum solution is always delivered.
Prior to carrying out the isolation the
pipeline pressure was reduced to 6
barg. With the ESD closed and sealant
injected, the maintenance valve was
then closed to provide a temporary
pipeline isolation, this allowed the
temporary launcher to be installed
inboard of the ESD valve and a team
of STATS technicians to break out
the piping. A weld repair scope was
also required and the STATS team
removed the first 90o bend with clam
shell cutting tools.

Tecno Plug set in riser top flange

STATS also provided gas bags to act

as a vapour barrier while a new 1500#
flange was welded into the line. The
new flange was then pressure tested
using a STATS Flanged Weld Test Tool
before reinstating the new bend and
launcher valves.
With the temporary launcher now
in place and fully pressure tested
the valves were opened and the
Tecno Plug was deployed into
position outboard of the valves and
hydraulically set to provide pipeline
isolation. Once set and monitored the
stem bar was disconnected and the
valves were replaced. As the pipeline
pressure was only 6 barg, the Tecno
Plug was installed in the reverse
direction, this provided full isolation
while also providing a test boundary
to pressure test the integrity of the
reinstalled valves. A full pressure
test at 208 Barg was then conducted
between the temporary launcher and
the Tecno Plug before the plug was
unset and recovered back into the

ESDV being rigged out

The valves were then closed and

allowing the pipeline to be reinstalled
and returned to operation.
Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

20 Tethered Tecno Plug | Yanga Platform, Republic of Congo

STATS Group has successfully completed a 20 inch
valve change-out on the Yanga platform offshore from
the Republic of Congo. STATS were contracted by
Halliburton on behalf of Total E&P to provide pipeline
isolation services in order to replace a launcher valve
located downstream between the Yanga export and
Sendji production lines.
The Sendji production line was to remain live and online
during the valve intervention works. Following a full site
survey STATS proposed the use of a of a 20 inch Tethered
Tecno Plug as the primary isolation, with an additional
modified 24 inch Tecno Plug deployed to isolate the
launcher door and provide umbilical management.
Once the valve change-out was complete and with the
Tecno Plug continuing to provide safe isolation, STATS
deployed a 20 inch In-Line Weld Test Tool to carry out
a leak test on the reinstated flange joint. Due to the
timely completion of the isolation and valve changeout, the operator carried out an additional change-out
of three valves, saving the operator time and providing
a cost-effective solution.
STATS Group managing director, Peter Duguid, said:
Without STATS isolation proposal, the alternative
solution for carrying out valve change-out would be
to shut down the entire pipeline, resulting in a loss of
time and revenue for the operator, potentially costing
millions of pounds in lost production per day.

20 Valve Prior to Change-Out

Client representatives, including installation OIMs, were highly impressed with the efficient, safe and professional
manner, in which the STATS team carried out their tasks and feedback from the client was extremely positive.
The six day operation was worth a six-figure sum and is STATS first project completed in the Republic of Congo.
Mr Duguid added: The successful workscope gave us a platform to demonstrate the capabilities of our technology
and we hope it may lead to similar projects in the Congo on behalf of Halliburton and Total E&P.

Newly installed 20 Valve, one of 4 valves replaced during isolation workscope

Tecno Plug is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

3 BISEP & Tecno Plug | Tern Alpha Platform, North Sea, UK

TAQA Bratani Ltd required an isolation solution to
facilitate pipework replacement of a 3 instrument air line
on board the Tern Alpha Platform without the necessity
for a platform shutdown.
STATS Group proposed the use of a 3 BISEP and Tecno
Plug assembly to provide a double block and bleed
(DB&B) isolation. To allow deployment of the BISEP,
full bore access was obtained by hot tapping into the live
line by using a STATS supplied mechanical tie-in clamp
and ball valve.
Once hot tapping operations were complete and the pipe
coupon recovered into the hot tap machine, the ball valve
was closed allowing the hot tap machine to be removed.

The BISEP was then fitted to the ball valve and housed
in a pressure competent launcher.
Leak testing of the launcher confirmed pressure
integrity allowing the ball valve to be opened and the
BISEP deployed into the pipework towards the flow
to be isolated.
Hydraulically setting the BISEP compresses the spherical
head and resultant radial expansion pushes the seals
out against the pipe bore. The twin compression seals
provide a facility to bleed and monitor the intermediate
annulus. The seal annulus port proves and monitors the
seal integrity before and during intervention work.
After performing validation tests on the BISEP, STATS
confirmed successful DB&B isolation and an isolation
certificate was issued to the client. The pipework was
then cut and removed from behind the BISEP with a
clamshell cutter. In order to allow removal of the clamp

and hot tap penetration from the system, STATS then

installed a temporary launcher with a pre-installed 3
Tecno Plug. This allowed the BISEP to be retracted and
the Tecno Plug to be deployed and set beyond the hot
tap penetration to provide a new DB&B isolation barrier.
On verification of the Tecno Plug isolation, the
tie-in clamp, ball valve and BISEP assembly was
removed from the air line, the pipework was then
cut to remove the hot tap penetration while the
Tecno Plug provided isolation.
To allow a tie-in point for the new valve and pipework, a
mechanical flange was fitted to the cut pipework behind
the Tecno Plug. A valve and temporary launcher
and strength pressuretested against the back
of the Tecno Plug to
confirm integrity of the
new flange joints and
mechanical flange.
could then be unset
and retracted into the
and removed with the
isolation and allowing
replacement pipework to
be connected, completing
the operation. Two STATS
technicians carried out
within five days, including
the cold cutting and hot
tapping activities while
fully operational. STATS
multi-disciplined technicians routinely perform complete
workscopes including additional onsite machining
services such as hot tapping, cold cutting or flange facing
services, resulting in reduced costs and accommodation
requirements for the operator.
Paul Davies, Project Engineer at STATS Group,
said:The BISEP dramatically increases safety
over traditional line stop methods, while the dual
compression seals are more compliant than traditional
cup seals, particularly in mature pipework that may
suffer from pitting or corrosion.
Operators can make significant savings by performing
maintenance or repair work without the need for
a shutdown. The single entry point of the BISEP
reduces costs and operational timescales by providing
a verified double block and bleed isolation through a
single intervention point, without the need for additional
bleed ports.
BISEP and Tecno Plug are Trade Marks of STATS (UK) Ltd

18 BISEP & 32 Tecno Plug | OSC, Terengganu, East Malaysia

The successful deployment of STATS Groups BISEP
isolation technology prevented the costly shutdown of a
Malaysian pipeline and allowed it to maintain uninterrupted
gas production at full operating pressure of 78 barg.
Pipeline engineering specialist STATS was approached
by PETRONAS Carigali to provide double block and bleed
isolation services to allow replacement of two welded flange
valves at the Onshore Slug-Catcher (OSC) at Terengganu.
The OSC forms part of the Angsi field which is situated off the
east coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the South China Sea and
is a joint venture between PETRONAS subsidiary PETRONAS
Carigali Sdn Bhd and Exxon Mobil Exploration and Production
Malaysia Inc. Dehydrated compressed gas from the Angsi
complex is transported 166km via the 32 pipeline to the
OSC in Kertih, Terengganu.
To allow gas production to be maintained, STATS was
required to provide two simultaneous isolations to ensure
the receiver, valves and 18 kicker line, were fully isolated
to facilitate the valve replacement workscope without
interrupting production flow. STATS positioned a 32 Tecno
Plug which was pushed to the set location with a hydraulic
extension and tether control system.
This purpose-built system was installed into the receiver and
then activated once inside the closed receiver. The Tecno
Plug was positioned with millimetre accuracy in a short
section of pipe spool inboard of the production tee, and once
successfully set and tested STATS installed an 18 BISEP.
This patented technology was deployed through a single hot
tap penetration complete with slab valve into the receiver
kicker line, which fully isolated the launcher and enabled
easy replacement of two 18 kicker valves.
These simultaneous double block and bleed isolations
enabled the two 32 motor operated valves to be renewed
with zero interruption to production. All isolation tools
deployed in this workscope were designed, manufactured
and factory acceptance tested (FAT) at STATS headquarters
in Aberdeen, Scotland.

BISEP deployed, valve removed

STATS comprehensive in-house certification of all equipment

included hydraulic function testing and pressure testing of
the isolation tools. The FAT was performed in a purpose-built
test fixture to replicate the clients pipeline, including system
configuration and pipe schedule. All testing was witnessed
by an independent verification body.
STATS Groups business development manager for South
East Asia, Chris Lilley, said: This project marks a significant
milestone for STATS. We have previously installed remote
controlled Tecno Plugs in Malaysia, however, this is the first
time that our patented BISEP and hydraulically operated
tethered Tecno Plug technology has been used in Malaysia.
STATS isolation services are increasingly in demand
from major operators in Malaysia and the workscope for
PETRONAS Carigali is one of many high profile contracts
completed in the Far East.
BISEP and Tecno Plug are Trade Marks of STATS (UK) Ltd

2 off 14 BISEP | Galeota Point Terminal Facility, Trinidad

BPTT approached STATS to hot tap and insert a Double
Block and Bleed isolation Plug in two 14 crude oil
pipelines, located in the Galeota Point terminal facility.
Maximum system pressure to be isolated in this
operation was 20 Barg / 290psig.
STATS after completing successful 14 tapping
operations used their patented BISEP technology to
achieve isolation on the piping system to allow for the
tie-in of piping spools for the TSP Metering Project.
The entire intervention and isolation operation was
carried out safely, while the system remained live and
at full system pressure. STATS BISEP dramatically
increases safety over traditional line stop technology
by providing a fully verified double block and bleed
isolation through a single hot tap penetration. This
approach also significantly reduces time and costs.
(Single fitting, welding, inspection, scaffolding, and
crane costs).
Isolate Pipeline Using STATS 14 BISEP
STATS installed the BISEP then performed validation
tests on the tool to confirm successful double block and
bleed isolation, STATS then issued an isolation certificate
to the BP client.
Client Performs Valve Change Outs & Tie-Ins
On the successful isolation of the pipeline and
isolation certificate issued the BP client completes
the required scope.
Remove BISEP
On completion of client work scope the new installations
/ valves and pipelines were pressure tested against
STATS BISEP. On completion of test the BISEP was
unset and removed.
Install Completion Plug & Blind Flange
Using the Hot Tap Machine STATS installed a Completion
Plug into the tee fitting, this allowed removal of the slab
valve. A ported blind was then fitted & pressure tested to
successfully complete the scope.

Weld on 14 Split Tees & Pressure Test
In this occasion STATS provided weld on fittings for this
job application. The tees were welded by BP personnel
on site with the presence of a STATS representative.
Once the welding had passed inspection the tees where
pressure tested by STATS personnel.
Slab Valve Installed & Tested
STATS provided a fully certified and tested slab valve for
the isolation work. Once the tees had been tested STATS
personnel installed the slab valve and performed testing
to confirm fully operational use.
Install Hot Tap Machine & Complete Tapping Operation
Using STATS Hot Tap Machine STATS personnel completed
successful hot tapping operations.
BISEP is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

10 BISEP | Brent Bravo & Delta Platforms, North Sea, UK

Innovative, ground breaking and even, on occasion,
not possible, just a few of the references to the
recently completed Brent Bravo and Brent Delta Cell
Fill Line Replacement Project. Early in 2005, STATS
were awarded the contract by Shell / Sigma 3 to isolate
for removal and replacement of the cell fill lines of the
Brent Bravo and Delta platforms based on the isolation
methodology submitted.
STATS had gained significant experience of working in
the Brent Field based on our long involvement with
providing isolation and testing services and addressing
integrity issues including the cell fill lines and the
import / export system of Bravo and Delta. The scope
was operated under the Shell Upgrade Project by a
dedicated team known as the IMPACT Project. During
its execution, it was the single largest project being
undertaken by Shell in the North Sea. The original scope
of work was to undertake the removal and replacement
of all thirty two 10 NB cell fill lines situated within
the utility shafts of the platforms, sixteen lines per
platform. The original plan was to isolate all sixteen
lines at once but this strategy was reviewed and
revised. Based on the overall risk, a single line at a
time strategy was adopted.
The cell fill lines connect the import / export manifolds to
the individual storage cells of the gravity base structure.
The only isolation device present for each line was a
butterfly valve where the cell fill line was connected to
the manifold. These valves were original items in place
from the time the platform was commissioned and
their sealing performance could not be guaranteed.
The average cell fill line was approximately 30mtrs
long and each storage cell contains 10,000m3 of
fluids, consisting of produced water, crude oil and a
small volume of gas, at the time of project execution.
In total across both platforms, an estimated 1,000
metres of piping was initially scheduled for removal
and replacement.

Pipework Deconstruct. Deep inside the platform leg, 100m (328ft)

below sea level. Fully trained rope access technicians perform
operations on line-fed breathing apparatus.

Unlike a typical isolation plug project whereby the plug is generally deployed via an existing plug launcher /
receiver, or a temporary launcher mounted to a suitable valve within the system, the cell fill lines had no means
of access into the lines. This scope required an entry into each line to be created first.
Considering existing hot tap technology, particularly line stopping methods, as a method of creating an access
point and isolation, it was deemed that the robustness of the line stopping equipment was not acceptable to
the project. This decision was based on the fact that line stopping utilises a single passive seal over which the
operator has little or no control of the sealing performance. STATS chose to implement their isolation philosophy
of dual active seals with an annulus that could be used for test or bleed purposes, in essence a Double Block
and Bleed (DBB) system.
This led to the development of the BISEP, the first stage of the isolation process, providing a barrier against
the associated storage cell. However, this was an interim isolation to allow the formation of a full bore valved
access point above the initial hot tap.
In reviewing the operation, it was considered that due to the condition of the manifold valves there was the clear
potential that when venting and draining the line contents above the BISEP, the remaining fifteen cells could
cross communicate the manifolds and continue to feed and pressurise above the BISEP.

An additional means of isolating the cell fill manifolds was required to ensure that the group of four cell fill lines were
protected from the other cell fill groups. This led to the development of a floating polymeric grout material that would
fill the manifold from the top down displacing inventory through the butterfly valves towards the cells. The polymeric
grout was formulated to float in seawater. To try to formulate the grout to float in crude oil would have compromised
the structural properties of the material. To ensure the manifolds were oil free, the cell group and manifold were
exported to water prior to grout injection.
Filling from the bottom up had the potential to pressurise the manifold itself, which could only be managed by venting
any pressure increase to production with an associated risk of affecting the fill profile in the manifold. Filling from
the top down meant that during the grout injection process, no pressure increase could occur as the displaced fluids
would be managed by the storage water make up system.
With the grout compound engineered, a means of actually deploying the material into the manifold was required.
STATS extensive experience of pumping grout into repair clamps was reviewed and led to the detail engineering of
the injection process to ensure the 1,500 litres per manifold was injected effectively. The manifold end flanges were
hot tapped to provide injection and tell tale ports and a multi-pump arrangement was utilised injecting from both
ends of the manifold. The injection process was both temperature and time constrained with a point of no return
once the process was underway, careful planning and close liaison with platform operations throughout ensured the
success of these scopes.
The cell fill manifolds were injected in pairs leaving two manifolds and associated cells available for ongoing production
and export while the new piping system was connected to a reduced capacity new manifold system sited above the
old import / export system in the utility shaft.
The second phase isolation was engineered as a tethered isolation plug, a Tecno Plug, with the hydraulics and test
functions operated through a five core umbilical. These Tecno Plugs were multi-module articulated items designed
specifically for the operation using STATS isolation plug technology. The set location for the Tecno Plugs was the
utility shaft penetration, a short section of piping cast into the concrete structure of the platform. A plug set at this
location allowed all of the inboard piping to be removed. Again, the Brents project posed unusual problems. To
reach this set location the Tecno Plug had to be pigged through the cell fill lines which included negotiating bends.
Isolation plugs are typically designed for pipeline service where the usual minimum bend radius is 3D. For the cell fill
lines, where the piping was designed to ASME B31.3, the elbows were all long radius (1.5D) with Brent Delta having
double elbows configured back to back and sometimes offset at 90. Brent Bravo utilised single 1.5D elbows but had
the added complexity of a spectacle blind (confirmed as reduced bore by camera inspection and UT measurement)
directly between the utility shaft penetration and the elbow.
These slight, but critical differences in the platform
piping required two distinctly different pigging disc and
centraliser arrays to be developed for the Tecno Plugs,
the devil was in the detail.
In addition to the differences of the lower piping
arrangements for each platform, the utility shaft
penetrations differed between platforms also. Brent
Bravo had a reduced bore, coupled with a reduced length
set area; the target for pigging to location was +/100mm. Furthermore, should the set zone be overshot
during pigging, the piping bore changed again, this time
increasing as the pipework weaved its way across the cell
roof structure. Brent Delta has a continuous bore with a
much longer potential set location.
As a further restriction to the operation, a pigging pressure
limit was imposed to prevent any damage being caused to
the lines or any of the existing repairs, significant onshore
trialling allowed the pigging disc arrays to be fine tuned
to minimise the pigging pressure requirement and also
verified the reliability of the system.

An additional service that was utilised was an inspection

camera to confirm the bore condition of the penetration.
As these lines were Brownfield, and had been out of
service for some time and had been hot tapped, it was
felt that some visual survey data would be beneficial
prior to the deployment of a Tecno Plug. Preliminary
camera inspection runs highlighted the presence of
swarf and scale debris within the penetrations. This
would have likely proved to be detrimental to the sealing
performance of the Tecno Plugs. To address this by
conditioning the line, gel pigs and a debris suspension
gel system was deployed to remove the contaminants
and flush them into the cell. After the gel pig run had
been completed, the camera was redeployed to confirm
the penetration was clear of any debris.
As the piping was Brownfield, the possibility of not
being able to achieve a leak tight seal was considered.
Although all of the onshore trialling and verification
had been performed in test fixtures constructed using
sections of old piping removed from Brent Charlie with
excellent performance, the real deployments may not
have been so effective. To ensure project progression,
an isolation bypass acceptance criteria was developed.
This criteria was supported by analysis software that
could be assess, quantify and verify the isolation
performance ensuring that the isolation was safe and
within project acceptance criteria prior to any breaking
of containment.
The whole scope was performed with both platforms in full production including individual cells isolated with
destructed pipework while export was ongoing.
The early development and testing of the isolation tooling had necessitated the fabrication of various test
fixtures. However, as the enormity of the task ahead became increasingly apparent and the need to implement
the scope with a multi-disciplined offshore team, personnel safety was always considered paramount. The
scope was to be executed in a confined space environment (the utility shaft) some 70 metres below sea level.
To this end, a large scale test fixture was developed and fabricated to provide representative piping and
conditions of both Brent Bravo and Brent Delta. This test fixture allowed the offshore teams to perform full scale
operations in realistic conditions, i.e. on ropes, wearing Breathing Apparatus and using radio communications,
the training highlighted the physical demands of the operation and the need for a high level of fitness for
all personnel involved. In fact just getting to and from the worksite involved negotiating approximately five
hundred stairs. The in-depth onshore training programme was developed to cover every aspect of the offshore
scope, including third party specialist instruction for the onsite machining equipment.

In total, approximately 80 people (both shifts from both platforms) completed the onshore training programme (the
full offshore team from technicians to construction superintendents). In addition to the core operation, specialist
onsite machining was involved and the Rope Access technicians also attended OEM training.
The main training programmes were also witnessed by OIMs, Offshore Supervisors, Project Team Leaders, Technical
Authorities and the Project Engineering Team. Attendance and completion of the onshore training was deemed a
pre-requisite for being included in the offshore team.
As the project progressed offshore, the platforms were nearing their EoFL (End of Field Life), with Brent Delta
proposed as the first platform targeted for Cessation of Production. The original strategy of replacing all of the lines
was reviewed. Considering the reduced production profile of both platforms the reinstatement strategy was revised.
This new strategy meant that only four cell fill lines were to be replaced which was considered sufficient for platform
production purposes. The redundant cell fill lines would be isolated and disconnected from the redundant manifold
system leaving each individual line with a full bore valved entry point for any subsequent access requirements
as required by the Decommissioning Project for any cell sampling or remediation works. The manifolds were fully
capped using STATS LC-01 connectors.
On completion, the project end state left all of the original manifolds and pipework completely isolated from the
final hydrocarbon production system of the platform. The new cell fill lines and manifold system are the only piping
carrying hydrocarbons in the shaft.
For the duration of the project, the STATS team had no LTIs, a commendable achievement and a reflection
of the professionalism of the whole team and their attitude towards delivering a quality project in a safe and
effective manner.
To quote Shell, More hot tapping has been used on this project than in the whole of Shells previous history and the
pioneering plugging technology has been pivotal. Above all the projects six month safety and competency training
programme is second to none.(1)

1. Extract from Technology & Innovation Shell World website

BISEP and Tecno Plug are Trade Marks of STATS (UK) Ltd

6 BISEP | Theddlethorpe Terminal, Lincolnshire, UK

Oil and gas engineering specialist, STATS Group,
has completed a pipeline isolation project at
Theddlethorpe gas terminal in Lincolnshire on behalf
of Wood Group PSN and Conoco Phillips.
STATS technicians deployed its patented BISEP
isolation technology to allow the replacement of a
blow-down valve in an environment of extreme
temperature ranges.
The workscope included installing and strength
testing a 6 x 6 hot tap clamp, grouting the void
between the clamp and pipeline to reduce corrosion
issues and installing a full bore 6 300# ball isolation
valve, which was left in-situ post completion.
A hot tap machine was installed and tested to
confirm pressure integrity before the hot tap was
performed and the BISEP deployed to isolate the
pipe and allow recovery and replacement of the
blow-down valve.

BISEP deployed providing double block and bleed

isolation allowing valve changout

STATS Project Manager Steve Gardiner said: Our technicians had to overcome grouting and hydro testing problems
associated with the low temperatures on site but the project was completed on schedule and within a four week time
The pipeline temperature made the selection of suitable materials challenging but working alongside our seal
suppliers, a material was identified that would perform well in the extreme temperature ranges identified by the
client (-29C to 32C).
Our BISEP tools allow dual seal isolation of a pipeline through a single entry point and an increasing number of
clients are discovering the benefits of this unique isolation technology.
STATS Group supply a range of products and services for piping and pipeline isolation, intervention, inspection, repair,
connection and testing workscopes. All products in the STATS portfolio is designed, manufactured, assembled and
tested in-house at the companys purpose built headquarters and workshop at Kintore, near Aberdeen.

6 Hot tapping operation providing single penetration to deploy BISEP

BISEP is a Trade Mark of STATS (UK) Ltd

3 BISEP | Piper Bravo Platform, North Sea, UK

Wood Group on behalf of Talisman Energy UK,
required an isolation to be conducted on a 3 inch
Air Line on-board the Piper Bravo. The isolation
would facilitate a deconstruct workscope allowing
replacement of pipework and include the addition of a
new valve to the system. The platform was currently
in shutdown so STATS were required to provide an
isolation solution to meet the platform challenges
before production resumed.
Typically isolations to piping are routinely carried
out using STATS Tecno Plugs, deployed into the
system through an existing launcher / receiver, or
a temporary launcher mounted to a suitable valve
within the system. However, as the air line had
no means of access for deploying a Tecno Plug,
STATS proposed the use of a 3 inch BISEP. STATS
patented BISEP provides double block and bleed
isolation deployed through a single full bore hot
tap penetration.

BISEP deployed into air line

On arrival at the platform STATS Isolation Technicians began the workscope by fitting the mechanical hot tap clamp
and ball valve to the air line, with the integrity confirmed the hot tapping was performed to provide access for the
The BISEP was deployed into the air line to provide double block and bleed isolation. With the line isolated the
pipework section could be cut and removed from behind the BISEP.
In order to allow removal of the clamp and hot tap penetration from the system, STATS then installed a temporary
launcher with a pre-installed 3 inch Tecno Plug. This allows the BISEP to be retracted and the Tecno Plug
deployed beyond the hot tap penetration and set to provide a new isolation barrier.

Temporary launcher and 3 Tecno Plug installed

With the Tecno Plug isolation verified the hot tap clamp, ball valve and BISEP assembly could be removed
from the air line, the pipework was then cut using a clamshell cutter to remove the hot tap penetration. The
Tecno Plug is now providing line isolation.
To provide a tie-in point for the new valve and pipework a mechanical flange was attached to the cut pipework behind
the Tecno Plug. The new valve and a temporary launcher were then attached and pressure tested against the back
of the Tecno Plug to confirm integrity.
The Tecno Plug could then be unset and retracted into the temporary launcher and removed with the new valve
providing isolation. The remaining workscope was then completed to tie-in the remaining piping spools before the
platform finished shutdown.
BISEP and Tecno Plug are Trade Marks of STATS (UK) Ltd

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