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LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159

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LWT - Food Science and Technology

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Effect of salt and moisture content reduction on physical and

microbiological properties of salted, pressed and freeze dried turkey
Meral Yldrm Yaln, Mahmut Seker*
Food Technology Section, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gebze Technical University, 41400 Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o

a b s t r a c t

Article history:
Received 24 July 2015
Received in revised form
26 November 2015
Accepted 14 December 2015
Available online 17 December 2015

The effect of salt content, pressing and moisture content on textural, micro structural and color characteristics, adsorption isotherms and microbiological count of turkey breast meat were studied. There
were no statistically signicant differences (P  0.05) between samples including high salt-moisture and
low salt-moisture for color (lightness, redness and yellowness) and textural properties of hardness,
cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness parameters and they were determined as 59.10e65.76, 0.30
e0.28, 1.27e1.19 and 22.44e22.21, respectively. Total mesophilic aerobic counts, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus counts and yeast/mold counts of samples including low salt and moisture were detected as 3.23, 0,
2.98 (log cfu/g) and they were lower than the same counts of samples including high salt and moisture
which were found as 6.66, 6.69, 5.95 (log cfu/g) after 70 days of storage. The reduction of salt content did
not increase the growth of these microorganisms if we also decrease the moisture content of turkey meat
by freeze drying process. Increase of hardness of turkey meat by drying is not found related to shrinkages
according to comparison of air and freeze drying. Reduction of moisture content to 40% reduced freeze
dying time to 7 h from 27 h of complete drying in freeze dryer.
2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Turkey breast meat
Freeze drying

1. Introduction
The consumer demands for poultry products have increased in
recent years because of being an economical protein sources containing less fat than red meat. Producers modied the red meat
processes to poultry or other meats and created new products like
poultry ham, bacon, hot dogs and dry-fermented sausages (Barbut,
2002; Kargozari et al., 2014). Traditional Turkish meat product
Pastrami (Pastrami) is also a cured, pressed and partially dried meat
product that can be produced by poultry meat. Salt is used to
control microbial growth as if spice is used (Guler & Seker, 2009).
There is an interest to reduce salt content of processed meat
products to minimize effect of salt on hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (Askin & Kilic, 2009). On the other hand, reducing
salt content enhance microbial growth during long drying period in
uz, Soyer, & Dalmis, 2011). The effects of
conventional air drying (Ug
low salt concentration on microbial growth during long drying
period can be compensated by alternative drying methods and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: mseker@gtu.edu.tr (M. Seker).
0023-6438/ 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

reducing the moisture content of product.

Pastrami has traditionally been made by drying meat at
k, Obuz, & Akkaya, 2008). Freeze15e20  C in several days (Go
drying is a low temperature dehydration process that preserves
the taste, color, appearance, texture, and dimensions while preventing oxidation and extending the shelf life of foods but it is a
slow and consequently an expensive process. Therefore the use of
this process is restricted to high value products (Babi
c, Cantalejo, &
Arroqui, 2009; George & Datta, 2002; Lopez-Quiroga, Antelo, &
Alonso, 2012). Previously, we studied the optimal control of freeze
drying of pharmaceutical products (Sadikoglu, Ozdemir, & Seker,
2003). Freeze-drying can also be applied to expensive dried meat
products like pastrami. Complete drying of meat with freeze drier is
considered for production of soup and sauce base material (Babic
et al., 2009). Partial drying of meat with freeze drier decreases
production cost compared to complete drying and it may increase
the application eld but it has not been searched before. We
examined tness of freeze drying model of turkey breast meat with
lu, 2015).
experimental results (Cumhur, Seker, & Sadkog
Microbial growth can be decreased by salting and reducing
moisture content of meat product but these treatments also affect


M.Y. Yaln, M. Seker / LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159

the texture of meat product. There is limited research papers in the

literature about the effects of salt and moisture content varied with
air drying on textural properties of meat muscle (Ruiz-Ramrez,
Arnau, Serra, & Gou, 2005; Ruiz-Ramrez, Serra, Arnau, & Gou,
2005) while there is no study about texture prole analysis (TPA)
of freeze dried turkey meat as pastrami. Beside texture, color of the
meat products gives important information about the quality. Babi
et al. (2009) studied the color properties of completely freeze dried
and rehydrated chicken meat, Canto et al. (2012) examined the
effect of hydrostatic pressure on color of refrigerated Caiman tail
uz et al. (2011) studied the effect of salt content on
meat, and Ug
color properties of muscle. However, the effect of moisture content
varied with freeze dryer on color of turkey meat has not been
studied before. The other important safety and quality issue is the
microbial stability of foods having a strong correlation with water
content and water activity (aw). The relationship between water
content and aw is demonstrated by sorption isotherms which are
used for product development, shelf life prediction and determination of package requirements depending on the products sensitivity to moisture gain or loss. Comaposada, Gou, Pakowski, and
Arnau (2000) analyzed the effect of salt content on desorption
isotherms of pork meat but the effect of salt content on the
adsorption isotherms of freeze dried turkey meat has not been
In this study, TPA and color parameters, microstructure analysis
with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), the adsorption isotherms and microbiological count of freeze dried turkey meat
including high salt-moisture or low salt-moisture were studied to
determine if it is possible to produce a low salted turkey meat
product by reducing moisture content in freeze dryer without
reducing microbiological and physical quality.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Raw material and sample preparation
All measurements were made on Bolca (Bolu, Turkey) brand's
turkey breast meat which was stored at 4  C until usage. The meat
samples were prepared for salting process after removing the fatty
parts and cutting parallel to ber direction. The thickness of the
samples were determined as 10 mm for only salted products (S) and
20 mm for salted and pressed products (SP) by an electronic digital
caliper (Fred Fowler Co., Newton, MA) because the samples become
thinner after pressing.
Samples were placed between 10 mm thickness of coarse salt
layer and salted to different salt levels (4e5% and 7e8% on dry base)
with dry salting. After salting process, the samples were washed
and dried on paper towels to eliminate excess salt. Samples were
pressed with weight of 10 kg which is put onto each sample with
dimensions of about 60  90  20 mm (approximately 80 g) for
16 h. Meat samples release some water with pressing. Moisture
content of products was measured according to method of
Wiklund, Kemp, Li, and Wu (2010) and salt content of samples was
determined by Mohr's method (Kirk & Sawyer, 1991). Table 1 shows
the name of the samples with their salt and moisture contents.
Salted and salted-pressed samples were freeze dried until
desired moisture contents with a pilot scale freeze drier (VirTis
Ultra 25 Super XL, New York, USA). In all experiments, the freeze
drier shelf temperature was maintained at 40  C for freezing and
20  C for drying step. Heat ows perpendicular to ber direction. In
drying step the chamber pressure was set at 10 Pa.
2.2. Texture prole analysis (TPA)
Textural properties of samples were examined using Texture

Analyzer Model TA Plus (Lloyd Instruments, Hampshire, UK) with

1 kN load cell and data was interpreted using Nexygen (NexyGen
Plus, Lloyd Instruments, Hampshire, UK) software. Cylindrical
subsamples (14.5 mm diameter and 10 mm height) were prepared
from every meat sample by using a sharp cylindrical apparatus. A
double compression test was applied to 30% compression of their
original height with a cylindrical shaped probe of 25 mm diameter.
The crosshead speed was set to 0.5 mm s 1.

2.3. Microstructure analyses

Microstructures of samples were observed by SEM (XL-30 SFEG,
Philips, Eindhoven, Holland). S and SP samples were completely
freeze dried until constant mass. Samples with dimension of
5  2  5 mm were coated with gold by using Sputter Coater
SC7620 (Quorum Technologies Ltd., Lewes, UK) before the analysis.

2.4. Color measurement

Color values of samples were measured by using a Konica
Minolta CM-5 colorimeter (Osaka, Japan) according to CIELab system (L*: lightness, a*: redness, and b*: yellowness). Measurements
were evaluated at four points in central and lateral locations of
samples and average results were given.

2.5. Sorption isotherms

Sealed glass jars which were containing different saturated salt
solutions (LiCI, MgCI2, Mg(NO3)2, NaCI, BaCI2) to provide aw between 0.11 and 0.92 were used for gravimetric determination of
adsorption isotherms (Greenspan, 1977; Rahman & Sablani, 2009).
Triplicate subsamples were taken from completely freeze dried
meat samples and they were placed into the jars within weighted
petri dishes (Bell & Labuza, 2000). Small quantity of toluene was
also added to each jar to inhibit fungal activity (Kaymak-Ertekin &
Gedik, 2004). Adsorption isotherms were determined at 15  C with
temperature controlled cabinet having 1  C accuracy. The samples
were weighted until desired equilibrium water content to be
reached when the weight changes was as small as 0.001 g.

2.6. Microbiological analyses

Salted-pressed samples including low salt content (SP1) and
high salt content (SP2) with high moisture and salted-pressed
samples including low salt content with low moisture (SP3) were
used to analyze the effects of salt contents and moisture contents
on microbial counts of freeze dried products during the storage.
Samples were individually overwrapped with polyvinyl-chloride
lm (thickness: 0.04 mm) by an impulse sealer. A 10 g of sample
were transferred into a stomacher bag under aseptic conditions,
and homogenized with 90 mL of sterile physiological saline (0.85%
NaCI) in a laboratory blender (BagMixer 400 V W, Interscience,
France) for 3 min. Serial decimal dilutions were prepared in the
sterile physiological saline and 0.1 ml of appropriate dilutions was
spread in triplicate onto agar plates. Total aerobic mesophilic (TAM)
bacteria count was enumerated on a Plate Count Agar (PCA, Merck)
at 30  C for 72 h. Yeast and molds were incubated aerobically on
Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, Merck) at 25  C for 5 days. Micrococci
and staphylococci were determined on Mannitol Salt Phenol-Red
Agar (MSA, Merck) by incubation at 30  C for 48 h. Enterobacteriacea were incubated on Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar
(VRBD, Merck) at 30  C for 48 h in anaerobic conditions.

M.Y. Yaln, M. Seker / LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159


Table 1
Salt and moisture contents of samples (C1, control; S1, low-salted; S2, high-salted; SP1 and SP2, low-salted and high salted also pressed and dried to 42% moisture; SP3 and SP4,
low-salted and high-salted also pressed and dried to 33% moisture).


Salt content (%, dry matter)

No salting

Pressure treatment


2.7. Statistical analyses

Statistical analysis was performed with the SPSS software
(version 15 for windows, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The data were
subjected to analysis of variance to determine the effects of
different salting, drying level and pressure treatments on related
parameters. The differences between microbiological results were
evaluated for signicance (P < 0.05) by Duncan's multiple range
test and all analyses were carried out at a 95% level of condence.

Moisture content (%), by wet weight

After salting

After pressing


71.06 1.10
69.23 1.50


After drying
41.48 1.83

33.12 1.28

(by dry weight) salt levels. Time required to reach the salt levels of
0.052 0.004 and 0.08 0.005 g salt/g ids (initial dry solids) was
measured as 4 and 9 min respectively for samples of 10 mm
thickness while it was measured as 9 and 30 min respectively for
samples of 20 mm thickness. The moisture content of all samples
decreased after salting step (P < 0.05) due to moisture diffusion and
it decreased further during pressing step due to mechanical forces
(Table 1).
3.2. Freeze drying

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Salting and pressing processes
Turkey breast meat samples having 74.84 0.44% (on wet basis)
of moisture and 19.81 2.82% (on wet basis) of protein content
were left to salting. The salt content of samples increased with time
due to diffusion of salt into samples with concentration difference
of salt in medium and samples. Samples were salted to 5% and 8%

It took 27 h to dry non-treated samples completely but moisture

content was reduced to 40% at 7 h. There was a sharp decrease in
moisture content up to 15% moisture content and then drying rate
and water removal slowed down because sublimated vapor passes
through a dry layer with increasing thickness over time and water
is progressively more bound at the end of the process as drying
proceeds. When only desorption of highly bound water takes place,
freeze-drying kinetics are very slow. Therefore, complete drying

Fig. 1. Effect of salt and moisture contents and drying type on TPA parameters of dried turkey meat samples. Error bars represent the standard deviation of four samples' measurements (C1, control; S1, low-salted; S2, high-salted; SP1, low-salted pressed and dried to 42% moisture; SP2, high-salted pressed and dried to 42% moisture; SP3, low-salted
pressed and dried to 33% moisture; SP4, high-salted pressed and dried to 33% moisture).


M.Y. Yaln, M. Seker / LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159

Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of freeze dried turkey meat samples a: Dried raw meat, b: Dried salted meat c: Dried salted and pressed meat.

requires longer time.

3.3. Texture prole analysis
The standard deviations of TPA parameter values were high
because of the moisture distribution in central and lateral locations
of dried meat products due to different level of drying at these
points. Freeze dried control samples (C1) had signicantly lower
hardness values than highly salted samples (S2) as shown in Fig. 1.
Increasing salt level enhanced hardness as it is indicated by higher
hardness of SP2 samples than hardness of SP1 samples (P < 0.05).
Ruiz-Ramrez, Arnau, et al. (2005) also found that air dried and
cured muscles with higher salt content had higher hardness value
than muscles with low salt content. They explained the hardness of
samples including higher salt level by compaction of the myobrillar structure and inhibitory effect of NaCl on calpains activity.
The effect of salting on hardness of freeze dried samples was found
smilar to hardness of air dried samples. There was no statistically
signicant difference between hardness of pressed and nonpressed samples having same salt content (P  0.05). Garcia-Gil
et al. (2014) indicated that high pressure treatment of 100 MPa
affected softness. Hardness was not affected by pressing force we
applied but greater forces may change the hardness of samples.
Decreasing moisture content increased hardness so that there was
a negative relationship between hardness and moisture content
(P < 0.05). Ruiz-Ramrez, Serra, et al. (2005) indicated that hardness
of cured loin products dried by air increased with drying and they

explained the reasons of that as shrinkage with water loss during

the drying. We dried our samples by freeze drying so effect of
shrinkage on hardness is not expected so closer contact and interactions of proteins can be reason for enhanced hardness with
reduction of moisture.
Effect of salt levels, pressing and moisture levels on cohesiveness was not found statistically signicant (P  0.05). Although the
difference was not signicant, the drier samples showed less actual
cohesiveness value. Ruiz-Ramrez, Serra, et al. (2005) reported that
there was a positive relationship between moisture content and
cohesiveness of dry-cured loin products and they stated that the
high energy is needed to compress harder samples and consequently this energy broke the protein interactions and reduced the
The springiness increased with presence of salt in sample and
application of pressure, but this changes were not statistically signicant (P  0.05). Springiness and moisture content showed a
positive relationship for salted and pressed samples; however, it
should be noted that the difference was not important for lowsalted samples (P  0.05) while it was important for high-salted
samples (P < 0.05). Ruiz-Ramrez, Arnau, et al. (2005) founded a
positive relationship between moisture content and springness of
cured muscles dried by air.
Control samples had signicantly lower chewiness values when
compared to high salted samples (P < 0.05). Increasing salt level
enhanced the chewiness values at high moisture content. Application of pressure also increased the chewiness values; however

M.Y. Yaln, M. Seker / LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159


Fig. 3. Effect of salt and moisture contents and drying type on color of dried turkey meat samples. Error bars represent the standard deviation of four samples' measurements (C1,
control; S1, low-salted; S2, high-salted; SP1 and SP2, low-salted and high salted also pressed and dried to 42% moisture; SP3 and SP4, low-salted and high-salted also pressed and
dried to 33% moisture).

this differences were not great (P  0.05). The chewiness values

increased by drying samples at low salt content (P < 0.05) but this
effect was not observed at high salt content.
On the other hand, samples with low salt-moisture content
(SP3) has similar cohesiveness, springiness and chewiness values
with samples including high salt-moisture content (SP2), but has
slightly lower hardness values which is not statistically signicant
(P  0.05).
3.4. Microstructure analyses
In addition to water loss, salt diffusion caused higher gaps in
salted samples when compared to raw muscle (Fig. 2a and b).
Moreover swelling of bers and disrupted muscle structure
occurred because of the salt diffusion. Sultana et al. (2008)
observed that salting of meat caused partial solubilization of
myobrillar proteins and consequently it weakens the myobril
structure for frozen and chilled beef with the application of sodium
chloride and bicarbonate solution. Wang et al. (2014) indicated that
salt addition led to degradation or denaturation of membrane and
proteins linked the membrane to the myobrils in dry-cured duck
ret, Guillou, and de
products. According to Duranton, Simonin, Che
Lamballerie (2012), injection of salt solution (3% salt w/w) to pork
meat caused less visible but intact bers. Salted samples subjected
to pressure treatment showed more compact and distrupted
structure than other samples (Fig. 2c). Garcia-Gil et al. (2014) reported that dry-cured ham muscles being subjected to high pressure were more compact than samples being not subjected to high
pressure (500 MPa) because of the interstitial space reduction. They
also stated that the increase of hardness value could be related to
compact structure of meat samples in addition to interstitial space

3.5. Color measurements
Salting of turkey meat samples did not affect the L* and b* values
(P  0.05) as shown in Fig. 3. Curing agents stabilize the color of
meat products but usage of NaCI alone could not provide enough
stabilization. The a* values decreased after salting (P < 0.05) but
uz et al.
increasing salt level did not affect a* values signicantly. Ug
(2011) found that increasing salt concentration from 3 to 9% did not
affect L* and a* values, but increased b* values.
The L* and a* values of freeze dried meat samples were not
affected by pressing procedures (P  0.05). The b* values were
reduced by pressing of samples including low level of salt while
they were not affected at high level of salt. Overall effect of pressing
on b* values was not statistically signicant. Canto et al. (2012)
found the effect of high hydrostatic pressure on refrigerated
Caiman tail meat as loss of color caused by the oxidation of
myoglobin and changes in the myobrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins resulting in alterations to the surface of the product. Higher
pressure and different material in their study can be reason for their
different result.
Reducing moisture content of samples did not affect the L*, a*
and b* values (P  0.05). According to Babi
c et al. (2009),
completely freeze drying increased the L* and b* values but it did
not affect a* values of chicken breast meat. Their different result
may be due to completely drying of samples and absence of salt and
pressure treatments.
On the other hand, the L*, a* and b* values of samples including
high salt-moisture (SP2) and low salt-moisture (SP3) were not
different (P  0.05).


M.Y. Yaln, M. Seker / LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159

Fig. 4. Moisture adsorption isotherms of dehydrated low-salted pressed and highsalted pressed samples.

3.6. Sorption isotherms

The equilibrium moisture content changed slowly with increase
of water activity upto 0.4 while a step increase at aw between 0.4
and 0.6 and exponential increase after aw of 0.6 were observed
(Fig. 4). The equilibrium moisture content of sample including high
level of salt was similar to one which has low level of salt at aw
below 0.4; however, it was higher after aw of 0.6. The aw of saturated NaCI solution was reported as 0.75 by Lioutas, Bechtel, and
Steinberg (1984). They stated that NaCI binds a small amount of
water at aw below 0.75 because of crystallization and a large
amount of water at aw above 0.75. Muscles adsorbed less moisture
below this point. Therefore, water sorption of samples including
high level of salt were greater than the samples including low level
of salt above aw of 0.75. Iglesias and Chirife (1976) indicated that the
high protein content of meat products caused mostly the binding of
water. They also explained that the number and availability of two
types of hydrophilic groups (polar side chains and the carbonyl and
imido groups of peptide bonds) are responsible for the water
adsorption. Water was adsorbed on polar side chains in monolayer
at low humidities but adsorbed on peptide linkages in multilayer
form at higher humidities.
3.7. Microbiological analyses
There were signicant increases in TAM counts of salted-pressed
samples including low salt content (SP1) or high salt content (SP2)
with high moisture at day 28, 42 and 70 (Table 2). After 70 days
storage, the mesophlic aerobic counts reached high values. The
initial TAM counts of SP2 samples was higher than TAM counts of

SP1 samples. This should be a result of higher initial microbial

count of samples or contamination during processing. SP1 samples
had higher TAM counts than SP2 samples after 42 days of storage.
Increase of TAM counts with reduction of salt content must be
result of increased water activity and reduced antimicrobial effect
uz et al. (2011) produced partially dried beef samples
of salt. Ug
with air drying and found that increasing salt content reduced the
initial TAM count of dried beef samples. They did not examine
microbial growth during storage. Reduction of moisture content
with longer drying in samples including low salt and moisture
(SP3) decreased the TAM counts compared to SP2 samples.
Micrococcus/Staphylococcus counts were not detected in SP1, SP2
and SP3 samples until 42 day. After this day, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus counts reached detectable levels in SP1 and SP2 samples
and increased from 42 day to 70 day; however, in SP3 sample no
Micrococcus/Staphylococcus count was found. SP1 samples had
higher Micrococcus/Staphylococcus counts than SP2 samples after
42 days of storage. Reduction of moisture content with longer
drying in samples including low level of salt (SP3) caused lower
count of Micrococcus/Staphylococcus.
Initial Yeast/Mold counts of samples were not detectable level,
they reached that levels after 70 days of storage. SP1 samples had
higher Yeast/Mold count than SP2 samples and SP3 samples had
the lowest count at the day of 70. These results show that, reduction
of moisture content is more effective than high level salting process
to reduce growth of TAM, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus and Yeast/
Mould counts. Enterobacteriaceae counts were under detectable
levels (<2.00 log cfu g 1) during all storage period.
4. Conclusions
Increase of hardness of turkey meat by drying is not found
related to shrinkages according to comparison of air and freeze
drying. Reduction of moisture content to 40% reduced freeze dying
time to 7 h from 27 h of complete drying in freeze dryer.
Physical properties (color, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness
and chewiness values) of freeze dried turkey meat including high
level of salt-moisture (SP2) and low level of salt-moisture (SP3)
were similar, so salt and moisture content of freeze dried samples
can be reduced without negative affect on the physical properties.
Samples including low level of salt (SP1) had higher TAM,
Micrococcus/Staphylococcus and Yeast/Mold counts than samples
including high level of salt (SP2) after 70 day of storage. SP2 samples had higher equilibrium moisture content than SP1 at water
activities above 0.6 according to their adsorption isotherms. On the
other hand, TAM, Micrococcus/Staphylococcus and Yeast/Mold

Table 2
Microbial growth during storage (log mean cfu g 1 standard deviation) nd: not detected (<2.00 log cfu g 1), different capital letters (A-D) in the same row indicates signicant differences between storage times (P < 0.05) while different lowercase letters (a-c) in the same column indicates signicant differences between different samples
(P < 0.05); (SP1 and SP2, low-salted and high salted samples also pressed and dried to 42% moisture; SP3, low-salted pressed and dried to 33% moisture).
Storage (days)


Total mesophilic aerobic bacteria count (log cfu g

3.30 0.12Aa
3.25 0.09Ab
4.88 0.02Cb
3.39 0.14Ab
3.35 0.06BCa
2.98 0.14Aa
Micrococcus/Staphylococcus count (log cfu g 1)
Yeast/Mould count (log cfu g 1)




3.66 0.08Bb
4.03 0.05Bc
3.46 0.09Ca

7.28 0.09Cc
4.78 0.10Cb
3.89 0.05Da

8.02 0.04Dc
6.66 0.03Db
3.23 0.15Ba


6.51 0.02
4.72 0.01

7.80 0.04
6.69 0.05



7.38 0.06c
5.95 0.05b
2.98 0.26a

M.Y. Yaln, M. Seker / LWT - Food Science and Technology 68 (2016) 153e159

counts of SP3 samples having low level of salt-moisture were lower

than those counts of SP2 samples. It can be concluded from these
results that, salt content of freeze dried turkey meat can be reduced
by reducing moisture content in freeze dryer without negatively
affecting microbial quality.
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