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ESPECIFISTA Page 2 * Issue 1

MAY 1ST, 2010
We would like to introduce our humble publi-
Especifista is a sporadic publi-
cation Especifista brought to you by members and
cation by Amanecer: For a Popular A-
friends of Amanecer: For A Popular Anarchism.
narchism. Especifista aims to start a First it would make sense to introduce our-
conversation with those involved in diffe- selves —we are a group of mostly workers and some
rent struggles, be in the community, in students spread throughout California. We are a ma-
labor or any other, about the roots of so- jority people of color. And we share common dreams
ciety’s ills, the possibility of fundamental and visions of a new world.
change and how we can achieve it. We hope you share these too: a world where
Especifista is a publication by people control their workplaces communities and land
anarchists, that is to say, people who be- and where all basic needs are met; where power and
lieve that society should be organized in a participation flow from the bottom upwards; where sys-
manner that provides for all based on their tems of profit, white supremacy, patriarchy and impe-
needs, and where the power and deci- rialism are uprooted and one in which we live
sions flow from the bottom up, in a real sustainably with the planet.
democratic way. Together and as individuals we’ve struggled
We selected the name Especi- and organized - meeting with our co-workers to con-
fista because it best describes our political front the bosses, knocking on doors to talk about hous-
perspective. ing issues, marching for the rights of immigrants and
Especifismo is a practice of a- our undocumented compañer@s; working with the
narchism originated in South America, family members of those abused by the police; and ral-
and first theorized by the Federacción lying up fellow students against the attacks on public
Anarquista Uruguaya in the 1950’s. education.
With other parallels in the anar- We’ve had sweet victories and bitter defeats.
chist movement, it is based on the idea But this is not enough.
the anarchists should primarily be in- We believe that this vision can only be
volved in the struggles of the people, not brought about by the mass movements de los de
to control them but to preserve their de- abajo, by those from below and the building of poder
mocratic and radical character. This is popular, the popular power.
called social insertion, and comes from But as those who actively seeking to con-
the belief that popular movements are not struct this vision, we need a political home. We need a
only the hands of revolution, they are also space to carry each other through between the ebbs
its brain. and flows of the movement, to deepen our analysis of
Anarchists should organize into the struggle and the systems of power we struggle
their own, specifically anarchist organiza- against, where we can build our politics and create
tion to theorize and strategize about their strategy and that can act to share our ideas with oth-
involvement in the social movements and ers whom we are in struggle with.
to learn from them. With Especifista we hope to add our contri-
The organization of anarchists bution to these goals, however modest.
should also be a voice for the principles Passed by hand to those we work and or-
of solidarity, democracy and anti-capita- ganize with first and foremost, we hope this publica-
lism in the popular movements. tion can be the beginning of a dialogue with those we
With Especifista, we aim to add share these values with.
to the voices that continue to promote
these principles inside social movements. “We carry a new world, in our hearts. That
world is growing this minute.”

This publication aims to be the beginning of a

conversation. If you want to to continue talking,
please contact us:
Crunchy Life Bites Text by Angelica Nieves Art by Pedro Ribeiro

You an also contact one of Amanecer’s locals


Los Angeles:

San José

Oakland/San Francisco

Visit us online at: Capitalism is the crap Obama is the air freshener Revolution is the shovel

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