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Informatica is a powerful ETL tool from Informatica Corporation, a leading

provider of enterprise data integration software and ETL softwares.
The important Informatica Components are:

Power Exchange

Power Center

Power Center Connect

Power Exchange

Power Channel

Metadata Exchange

Power Analyzer

Super Glue
In Informatica, all the Metadata information about source systems, target
systems and transformations are stored in the Informatica repository.
Informatica's Power Center Client and Repository Server access this
repository to store and retrieve metadata.
Source and Target:
Consider a Bank that has got many branches throughout the world. In
each branch data may be stored in different source systems like oracle,
sql server, terradata, etc. When the Bank decides to integrate its data
from several sources for its management decisions, it may choose one or
more systems like oracle, sql server, terradata, etc. as its data warehouse
target. Many organisations prefer Informatica to do that ETL process,
because Informatica is more powerful in designing and building data
warehouses. It can connect to several sources and targets to extract meta
data from sources and targets, transform and load the data into target
Guidelines to work with Informatica Power Center

Repository: This is where all the metadata information is stored in the

Informatica suite. The Power Center Client and the Repository Server

would access this repository to retrieve, store and manage metadata.

Power Center Client: Informatica client is used for managing users,
identifiying source and target systems definitions, creating mapping and
mapplets, creating sessions and run workflows etc.

Repository Server: This repository server takes care of all the

connections between the repository and the Power Center Client.

Power Center Server: Power Center server does the extraction from

source and then loading data into targets.

Designer: Source Analyzer, Mapping Designer and Warehouse Designer
are tools reside within the Designer wizard. Source Analyzer is used for
extracting metadata from source systems.
Mapping Designer is used to create mapping between sources and targets.
Mapping is a pictorial representation about the flow of data from source to
Warehouse Designer is used for extracting metadata from target systems

or metadata can be created in the Designer itself.

Data Cleansing: The PowerCenter's data cleansing technology improves
data quality by validating, correctly naming and standardization of
address data. A person's address may not be same in all source systems
because of typos and postal code, city name may not match with address.
These errors can be corrected by using data cleansing process and

standardized data can be loaded in target systems (data warehouse).

Transformation: Transformations help to transform the source data
according to the requirements of target system. Sorting, Filtering,
Aggregation, Joining are some of the examples of transformation.
Transformations ensure the quality of the data being loaded into target

and this is done during the mapping process from source to target.
Workflow Manager: Workflow helps to load the data from source to
target in a sequential manner. For example, if the fact tables are loaded
before the lookup tables, then the target system will pop up an error
message since the fact table is violating the foreign key validation. To
avoid this, workflows can be created to ensure the correct flow of data

from source to target.

Workflow Monitor: This monitor is helpful in monitoring and tracking the

workflows created in each Power Center Server.

Power Center Connect: This component helps to extract data and
metadata from ERP systems like IBM's MQSeries, Peoplesoft, SAP, Siebel

etc. and other third party applications.

Power Center Exchange: This component helps to extract data and
metadata from ERP systems like IBM's MQSeries, Peoplesoft, SAP, Siebel
etc. and other third party applications.

Power Exchange:
Informatica Power Exchange as a stand alone service or along with Power
Center, helps organizations leverage data by avoiding manual coding of
data extraction programs. Power Exchange supports batch, real time and
changed data capture options in main frame(DB2, VSAM, IMS etc.,), mid
range (AS400 DB2 etc.,), and for relational databases (oracle, sql server,
db2 etc) and flat files in unix, linux and windows systems.
Power Channel:
This helps to transfer large amount of encrypted and compressed data
over LAN, WAN, through Firewalls, tranfer files over FTP, etc.
Meta Data Exchange:
Metadata Exchange enables organizations to take advantage of the time
and effort already invested in defining data structures within their IT
environment when used with Power Center. For example, an organization
may be using data modeling tools, such as Erwin, Embarcadero, Oracle
designer, Sybase Power Designer etc for developing data models.
Functional and technical team should have spent much time and effort in
creating the data model's data structures(tables, columns, data types,
procedures, functions, triggers etc). By using meta deta exchange, these
data structures can be imported into power center to identifiy source and
target mappings which leverages time and effort. There is no need for
informatica developer to create these data structures once again.
Power Analyzer:
Power Analyzer provides organizations with reporting facilities.
PowerAnalyzer makes accessing, analyzing, and sharing enterprise data
simple and easily available to decision makers. PowerAnalyzer enables to
gain insight into business processes and develop business intelligence.
With PowerAnalyzer, an organization can extract, filter, format, and
analyze corporate information from data stored in a data warehouse, data
mart, operational data store, or otherdata storage models. PowerAnalyzer
is best with a dimensional data warehouse in a relational database. It can
also run reports on data in any table in a relational database that do not
conform to the dimensional model.
Super Glue:
Superglue is used for loading metadata in a centralized place from several
sources. Reports can be run against this superglue to analyze meta data.

Power Mart:
Power Mart is a departmental version of Informatica for building,
deploying, and managing data warehouses and data marts. Power center
is used for corporate enterprise data warehouse and power mart is used
for departmental data warehouses like data marts. Power Center supports
global repositories and networked repositories and it can be connected to
several sources. Power Mart supports single repository and it can be
connected to fewer sources when compared to Power Center. Power Mart
can extensibily grow to an enterprise implementation and it is easy for
developer productivity through a codeless environment.
Note:This is not a complete tutorial on Informatica. We will add more Tips
and Guidelines on Informatica in near future. Please visit us soon to check
back. To know more about Informatica, contact its official website
Informatica - Transformations
In Informatica, Transformations help to transform the source data
according to the requirements of target system and it ensures the quality
of the data being loaded into target.
Transformations are of two types: Active and Passive.
Active Transformation
An active transformation can change the number of rows that pass
through it from source to target i.e it eliminates rows that do not meet the
condition in transformation.
Passive Transformation
A passive transformation does not change the number of rows that pass
through it i.e it passes all rows through the transformation.
Transformations can be Connected or UnConnected.
Connected Transformation
Connected transformation is connected to other transformations or
directly to target table in the mapping.
UnConnected Transformation
An unconnected transformation is not connected to other transformations
in the mapping. It is called within another transformation, and returns a
value to that transformation.
Following are the list of Transformations available in Informatica:

Aggregator Transformation

Expression Transformation

Filter Transformation

Joiner Transformation

Lookup Transformation

Normalizer Transformation

Rank Transformation

Router Transformation

Sequence Generator Transformation

Stored Procedure Transformation

Sorter Transformation

Update Strategy Transformation

XML Source Qualifier Transformation

Advanced External Procedure Transformation

External Transformation
In the following pages, we will explain all the above Informatica
Transformations and their significances in the ETL process in detail.
Aggregator Transformation
Aggregator transformation is an Active and Connected transformation.
This transformation is useful to perform calculations such as averages and
sums (mainly to perform calculations on multiple rows or groups). For
example, to calculate total of daily sales or to calculate average of
monthly or yearly sales. Aggregate functions such as AVG, FIRST, COUNT,
PERCENTILE, MAX, SUM etc. can be used in aggregate transformation.
Expression Transformation
Expression transformation is a Passive and Connected transformation. This
can be used to calculate values in a single row before writing to the
target. For example, to calculate discount of each product or to
concatenate first and last names or to convert date to a string field.
Filter Transformation
Filter transformation is an Active and Connected transformation. This can
be used to filter rows in a mapping that do not meet the condition. For
example, to know all the employees who are working in Department 10 or
to find out the products that falls between the rate category $500 and
Joiner Transformation
Joiner Transformation is an Active and Connected transformation. This can

be used to join two sources coming from two different locations or from
same location. For example, to join a flat file and a relational source or to
join two flat files or to join a relational source and a XML source.
In order to join two sources, there must be atleast one matching port. at
least one matching port. While joining two sources it is a must to specify
one source as master and the other as detail.
The Joiner transformation supports the following types of joins:


Master Outer

Detail Outer

Full Outer
Normal join discards all the rows of data from the master and detail
source that do not match, based on the condition.
Master outer join discards all the unmatched rows from the master
source and keeps all the rows from the detail source and the matching
rows from the master source.
Detail outer join keeps all rows of data from the master source and the
matching rows from the detail source. It discards the unmatched rows
from the detail source.
Full outer join keeps all rows of data from both the master and detail
Lookup Transformation
Lookup transformation is Passive and it can be both Connected and
UnConnected as well. It is used to look up data in a relational table, view,
or synonym. Lookup definition can be imported either from source or from
target tables.
For example, if we want to retrieve all the sales of a product with an
ID 10 and assume that the sales data resides in another table. Here
instead of using the sales table as one more source, use Lookup
transformation to lookup the data for the product, with ID 10 in sales
Difference between Connected and UnConnected Lookup

Connected lookup receives input values directly from mapping pipeline

whereas UnConnected lookup receives values from: LKP expression from
another transformation.
Connected lookup returns multiple columns from the same row whereas
UnConnected lookup has one return port and returns one column from
each row.
Connected lookup supports user-defined default values whereas
UnConnected lookup does not support user defined values.
Normalizer Transformation
Normalizer Transformation is an Active and Connected transformation. It
is used mainly with COBOL sources where most of the time data is stored
in de-normalized format. Also, Normalizer transformation can be used to
create multiple rows from a single row of data.
Rank Transformation
Rank transformation is an Active and Connected transformation. It is used
to select the top or bottom rank of data. For example, to select top 10
Regions where the sales volume was very high or to select 10 lowest
priced products.
Router Transformation
Router is an Active and Connected transformation. It is similar to filter
transformation. The only difference is, filter transformation drops the data
that do not meet the condition whereas router has an option to capture
the data that do not meet the condition. It is useful to test multiple
conditions. It has input, output and default groups. For example, if we
want to filter data like where State=Michigan, State=California,
State=New York and all other States. Its easy to route data to different
Sequence Generator Transformation
Sequence Generator transformation is a Passive and Connected
transformation. It is used to create unique primary key values or cycle
through a sequential range of numbers or to replace missing keys.
It has two output ports to connect transformations. By default it has
two fields CURRVAL and NEXTVAL(You cannot add ports to this
transformation). NEXTVAL port generates a sequence of numbers by

connecting it to a transformation or target. CURRVAL is the NEXTVAL

value plus one or NEXTVAL plus the Increment By value.
Stored Procedure Transformation
Stored Procedure transformation is a Passive and Connected &
UnConnected transformation. It is useful to automate time-consuming
tasks and it is also used in error handling, to drop and recreate indexes
and to determine the space in database, a specialized calculation etc.
The stored procedure must exist in the database before creating a Stored
Procedure transformation, and the stored procedure can exist in a source,
target, or any database with a valid connection to the Informatica Server.
Stored Procedure is an executable script with SQL statements and control
statements, user-defined variables and conditional statements.
Sorter Transformation
Sorter transformation is a Connected and an Active transformation. It
allows to sort data either in ascending or descending order according to a
specified field. Also used to configure for case-sensitive sorting, and
specify whether the output rows should be distinct.
Source Qualifier Transformation
Source Qualifier transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. When adding a relational or a flat file source definition to
a mapping, it is must to connect it to a Source Qualifier transformation.
The Source Qualifier performs the various tasks such as overriding default
SQL query, filtering records; join data from two or more tables etc.
Update Strategy Transformation
Update strategy transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. It is used to update data in target table, either to
maintain history of data or recent changes. You can specify how to treat
source rows in table, insert, update, delete or data driven.
XML Source Qualifier Transformation
XML Source Qualifier is a Passive and Connected transformation. XML
Source Qualifier is used only with an XML source definition. It represents
the data elements that the Informatica Server reads when it executes a
session with XML sources.
Advanced External Procedure Transformation
Advanced External Procedure transformation is an Active and Connected
transformation. It operates in conjunction with procedures, which are

created outside of the Designer interface to extend

PowerCenter/PowerMart functionality. It is useful in creating external
transformation applications, such as sorting and aggregation, which
require all input rows to be processed before emitting any output rows.
External Procedure Transformation
External Procedure transformation is an Active and
Connected/UnConnected transformations. Sometimes, the standard
transformations such as Expression transformation may not provide the
functionality that you want. In such cases External procedure is useful to
develop complex functions within a dynamic link library (DLL) or UNIX
shared library, instead of creating the necessary Expression
transformations in a mapping.
Differences between Advanced External Procedure and External
Procedure Transformations:
External Procedure returns single value, whereas Advanced External
Procedure returns multiple values.
External Procedure supports COM and Informatica procedures whereas
AEP supports only Informatica Procedures.
Repository Manager

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The Repository Manager allows you navigate through multiple repositories

and folders inside the repositories. Navigating it is very similar to navigating
standard MS Windows Explorer. You have expandable tree on the left
(Navigator Window) - and list of details of the objects in the selected folder
(Main Window).

Repository Login
Repository Manager
Folders main contain Nodes (subfolders) - Sessions, Batches, Sources,
Targets, Transformations, Mapplets (reusable sets of transformations) and
Mappings. They in turn may contain corresponding individual repository
objects - sessions, batches, sources, targets, transformations, mapplets and
mappings, as well as shortcuts, batches, and session logs.

Interface is simple and intuitive, For example, to see the properties of an

object - right-click on it - and select Properties. To create a new repository choose Repository-Create Repository (you have to run in admin mode to be
able to do this). Etc. You can reorder the columns in the main window by
dragging, and sort by any column (just click on the corresponding header).
The set of columns in the main window is different for each kind of the node
or object.
Note: PowerMart Repositories are standalone. PowerCenter repositories can
be standalone, local, or global.
You can work with:

Repositories - create, backup, copy, restore, upgrade, and delete

Users & Groups - (choose Security menu) - Create, edit, and delete
repository users and groups, assign and revoke repository privileges
(on a group or user level), and folder permissions, view locks - and
unlock objects, versions, and folders. Privelege types:
o Session Operator
o Use Designer
o Browse Repository
o Create Sessions and Batches
o Administer Repository
o Administer Server
o Super User
Folders - (choose Folder menu) - create/edit/delete folders inside
repositories, copy within a repository or between repositories. Folders
can be shared or not shared.
Reports - add/remove reports
Import/export repository connection info
Analyze source/target, mapping, shortcut dependencies.
Search by keyword
View properties of repository objects
Customize the Repository Manager (add, edit, remove repositories in
the Navigator, edit repository connection info, view/hide windows)

Below the Navigator and the Main Window you may see two more windows:

Dependency window - to see dependencies for a selected object

(source-target, mapping, shortcut dependencies).

Output window - shows what is happening.

Designer Client Application

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Designer consists of several tools (choose Tools menu):

Source Analyzer - (choose Sources menu) to import or create source

definitions for flat file, Cobol, ERP, and Relational Databases. Note double-click on the title-bar opens a pop-up to edit definitions.
Warehouse Designer - to import or create target definitions (choose
Targets - Generate/Execute SQL, or Targets-Create to create
Transformation Developer - to create reusable transformations.
Mapplet Designer - to create mapplets (reusable sets of
Mapping Designer - to create mappings (m_somename).


Navigator - to connect and word with multiple repositories and

folders, copy objects and create shortcuts.
Workspace - to view/edit sources, targets, mapplets,
transformations, and mappings.
Output window and Status bar
Overview (choose View-Overview) - optional window - to simplify
wiewing workbooks containing large mappings or large number of

Warehouse Designer - Import Tables:

Edit Table's Definitions:

Mapping Designer - creating mappings:

Mapping Designer

Example of a mapping

Overview window

Note: you can open several workspaces (workbooks) - choose Window - New
Window, and then select appropriate tool.
To make a mapping:

Switch to the Mapping Designer

Choose Mapping-Create - and enter a new name (m_xxxx)
Drag a source table from the navigator to the work space. Note, that
the designer will also automatically create and show a Source Qualifier
transformation (this is a temp. table created by Informatica Server).
Drag a target table to the work space
Drag one-by-one fields from source to target - thus creating graphical
connections. Note - you can also delete connection by selecting it and pressing DEL button.
Choose Layout-Arrange

Note: Source has only Ouput ports, Source Qualifier has both input and
output ports.
Here are some transformations:

Advanced External Procedure - ...

Aggregator - to do things like "group by".
ERP Source Qualifier - ...
Expression - to use various expressions.
External procedure - ...
Filter - to filter data.
Joiner - to make joins between separate databases, file, ODBC
Lookup - to create local copy of the data.
Normalizer - to transform denormalized data into normalized data.
Rank - to select only top (or bottom) ranked data.
Sequence Generator - to generate unique IDs for target tables.
Source Qualifier - to filter sources (SQL, select distinct, join, etc.)
Stored Procedure - to run stored procedures in the database - and
capture their returned values.
Update Strategy - to flag records in target for insert,delete, update
(defined inside a mapping).

To create a transformation, simply click on the corresponding transformation

icon on the transformations toolbar - and then click in the workspace
between the tables. The Designer adds a new transformation.

Chose Layout-Link Columns, drag needed fields from Source Qualifier to the
Transformation, double-click on the title bar of the transformation to edit the
In the "Edit Transformations" dialog box you can check/uncheck necessary
options (I/O ports, Group-By), add new ports as necessary, edt the
expressions for each port (and validate them).

You can click on the Expression field - and edit expression in the Expression

You can chain transformations. You can do joins between tables in different
databases using "Lookup" transformation to create local copy of the data. You

connect transformations by dragging with the mouse from port to port.

Server Manager

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Sessions are sets of instructions for Informatica Server when and how to
move data from sources to targets.
Server Manager - a client application used to create and manage sessions
and batches, and to configure session connections. You can monitor multiple

Informatica Servers, navigate through folders and repositories. Here is what

you can do in Server Manager:

Monitor, add, edit, delete Informatica Server info in the repository

Stop the infomratica Server
Configure database, external loader, and FTP connections
Manage sessions and batches - create, edit, delete, copy/move within
a folder, start/stop, abort sessions, view session logs, details, session
performance details.


Navigator & Configure windows

Status bar

- Note:As usual you can dock/undock the windows by double-clicking the

title bar and/or dragging.
- Note: Cancel button - appears at the bottom-left when the program
communicates with the Informatica Server.
- Note: Server Manager can mark a session invalid if something is wrong.
You can open session properties, edit, and try again.
- Note: you can create/customize toolbars.
To create a session in Server Manager:

Select a Repository in the Navigator - and connect to it.

Choose "Server Configuration - Database Conections" - and add
connections to sources and target.
Choose "Server Configuration - Register Server" - to connect to the
In the Navigator - open a folder with mappings.
Choose Operations - Add Sessions (or click on "Add Session" button)
and select the mapping.
You will get a session Wizard:

Monitoring and Running a Session:

Select the Informatica Server in the navigator - and choose Server

Configuration - Monitor - to toggle the monitor window. Then you
can choose Server Requests - Start/Stop polling, or you can choose
Server Requests - Session overview - to refresh the monitor.

Running the Session:

Select the session wit the mouse - and choose Server Requests Start (or click on the start button on the toolbar).

Organize sessions in a batch:

To create a batch choose Operations - Add Batch (or click on the

corresponding button on the toolbar).
Once you created and opened the batch - you can add seesions into it
by dragging them into the batch. You can reorder them inside the
batch, or you can check the Concurrent option to run the sessions
concurrently inside the batch.
You start the batch the same way as a session - select it - and click the
start button (or choose Server Requests - Start).

Informatica Repository Manager
Q. What type of repositories can be created using Informatica
Repository Manager?
A. Informatica PowerCenter includeds following type of repositories :

Standalone Repository : A repository that functions individually and

this is unrelated to any other repositories.
Global Repository : This is a centralized repository in a domain. This
repository can contain shared objects across the repositories in a
domain. The objects are shared through global shortcuts.

Local Repository : Local repository is within a domain and its not a

global repository. Local repository can connect to a global repository
using global shortcuts and can use objects in its shared folders.
Versioned Repository : This can either be local or global repository but
it allows version control for the repository. A versioned repository can
store multiple copies, or versions of an object. This features allows to
efficiently develop, test and deploy metadata in the production

Q. What is a code page?

A. A code page contains encoding to specify characters in a set of one or
more languages. The code page is selected based on source of the data. For
example if source contains Japanese text then the code page should be
selected to support Japanese text.
When a code page is chosen, the program or application for which the code
page is set, refers to a specific set of data that describes the characters the
application recognizes. This influences the way that application stores,
receives, and sends character data.
Q. Which all databases PowerCenter Server on Windows can connect
A. PowerCenter Server on Windows can connect to following databases:

Microsoft Access
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft SQL Server

Q. Which all databases PowerCenter Server on UNIX can connect to?

A. PowerCenter Server on UNIX can connect to following databases:


Infomratica Mapping Designer

Q. How to execute PL/SQL script from Informatica mapping?

A. Stored Procedure (SP) transformation can be used to execute PL/SQL
Scripts. In SP Transformation PL/SQL procedure name can be specified.
Whenever the session is executed, the session will call the pl/sql procedure.
Q. How can you define a transformation? What are different types of
transformations available in Informatica?
A. A transformation is a repository object that generates, modifies, or passes
data. The Designer provides a set of transformations that perform specific
functions. For example, an Aggregator transformation performs calculations
on groups of data. Below are the various transformations available in

Application Source Qualifier
External Procedure
Sequence Generator
Source Qualifier
Stored Procedure
Transaction Control
Update Strategy
XML Generator
XML Parser
XML Source Qualifier

Q. What is a source qualifier? What is meant by Query Override?

A. Source Qualifier represents the rows that the PowerCenter Server reads
from a relational or flat file source when it runs a session. When a relational
or a flat file source definition is added to a mapping, it is connected to a
Source Qualifier transformation.

PowerCenter Server generates a query for each Source Qualifier

Transformation whenever it runs the session. The default query is SELET
statement containing all the source columns. Source Qualifier has capability
to override this default query by changing the default settings of the
transformation properties. The list of selected ports or the order they appear
in the default query should not be changed in overridden query.
Q. What is aggregator transformation?
A. The Aggregator transformation allows performing aggregate calculations,
such as averages and sums. Unlike Expression Transformation, the
Aggregator transformation can only be used to perform calculations on
groups. The Expression transformation permits calculations on a row-by-row
basis only.
Aggregator Transformation contains group by ports that indicate how to
group the data. While grouping the data, the aggregator transformation
outputs the last row of each group unless otherwise specified in the
transformation properties.
Various group by functions available in Informatica are : AVG, COUNT, FIRST,
Q. What is Incremental Aggregation?
A. Whenever a session is created for a mapping Aggregate Transformation,
the session option for Incremental Aggregation can be enabled. When
PowerCenter performs incremental aggregation, it passes new source data
through the mapping and uses historical cache data to perform new
aggregation calculations incrementally.
Q. How Union Transformation is used?
A. The union transformation is a multiple input group transformation that can
be used to merge data from various sources (or pipelines). This
transformation works just like UNION ALL statement in SQL, that is used to
combine result set of two SELECT statements.
Q. Can two flat files be joined with Joiner Transformation?
A. Yes, joiner transformation can be used to join data from two flat file
Q. What is a look up transformation?
A. This transformation is used to lookup data in a flat file or a relational
table, view or synonym. It compares lookup transformation ports (input

ports) to the source column values based on the lookup condition. Later
returned values can be passed to other transformations.
Q. Can a lookup be done on Flat Files?
A. Yes.
Q. What is the difference between a connected look up and
unconnected look up?
A. Connected lookup takes input values directly from other transformations in
the pipleline.
Unconnected lookup doesnt take inputs directly from any other
transformation, but it can be used in any transformation (like expression)
and can be invoked as a function using :LKP expression. So, an unconnected
lookup can be called multiple times in a mapping.
Q. What is a mapplet?
A. A mapplet is a reusable object that is created using mapplet designer. The
mapplet contains set of transformations and it allows us to reuse that
transformation logic in multiple mappings.
Q. What does reusable transformation mean?
A. Reusable transformations can be used multiple times in a mapping. The
reusable transformation is stored as a metadata separate from any other
mapping that uses the transformation. Whenever any changes to a reusable
transformation are made, all the mappings where the transformation is used
will be invalidated.
Q. What is update strategy and what are the options for update
A. Informatica processes the source data row-by-row. By default every row is
marked to be inserted in the target table. If the row has to be
updated/inserted based on some logic Update Strategy transformation is
used. The condition can be specified in Update Strategy to mark the
processed row for update or insert.
Following options are available for update strategy :

DD_INSERT : If this is used the Update Strategy flags the row for
insertion. Equivalent numeric value of DD_INSERT is 0.
DD_UPDATE : If this is used the Update Strategy flags the row for
update. Equivalent numeric value of DD_UPDATE is 1.

DD_DELETE : If this is used the Update Strategy flags the row for
deletion. Equivalent numeric value of DD_DELETE is 2.
DD_REJECT : If this is used the Update Strategy flags the row for
rejection. Equivalent numeric value of DD_REJECT is 3.

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