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The uses and abuses of junk mail

by Andrada Pavel
It was not only once that I got excited for recieving an email. While hoping
that someneone contacted me for a job, or an old friend wanted to say
hello, I opened my inbox only to witness the sight of junkmail. Huge
discounts, free matresses and what not. And when normal mail is
outnumbered by junkmail, I tend to get unhappy. I dont really see any use
for this kind of advertising and I find it abusing and unuseful.
But first things first. What is junkmail? Junkmail is that mail that you dont
want, nor need, that mail that usually goes directly to the spam file of your
email, but sometimes get through right into your imbox. It promotes
scams, false products, or real shiny glamourous things. The thing is, you
never remember to have subscribed to getting such emails, and thats
because you never did.
Most junkmail promote false things. We usually recieve these type of
emails because of cookies, which means that the sites we access gather
information about us, our consumer behavior, and also our email adresses.
In my opinion this is dangerous because of the insecurity of my private
information. If its that easy for them to find out my email, how long untill
they will know my bank account?
Secondly, getting mail that you dont want is plain annoying. Even if you
unsubscribe from some of their newsletters, they still find a way to send
the junkmail. Its not only annoying, but it doensnt even fit your interests.
Lets say you looked online for a gift for your pregnant sister. Get ready for
a lot of spam mail full of cradles discounts. You dont need any of the stuf
they want to ofer you, and you cant do anything about it.
Also, most of these discounts are fake. Their only interest is that you click
on the links they insert in the email, so that youll be redirected to sites full
of malware that can steal your private information. For me its easier to
recognize junkmail, but for many people, especially of older age, the
oferts may sound tempting enough to open the email. Therefore, there
have been a lot of cases in which old people lost a lot of money because of
not being able to recognize junkmail.
The downside to this type of mail is also that at some point you just
consider everything thats not coming from someone you actually know a
spam email. Serious advertisers have a lot to sufer, because potential
costumers loose their trust.

I dont think theres any pro arguement when it comes to junk mail. Only,
maybe, for the ones that come from real advertisers, promoting real
products and services. For them, junkmail is important, so the people will
learn about their companies. Otherwise, junkmail is only a typa of cyber
bullying, a reason of annoyance, and a time consuming business.
Thats why uses and abuses becomes using for abusing. I believe there are
laws against this type of cyber scam, but people that make this kind of
sites know how to hide their online presence. The only thing we can hope
for is that awarness will be raised, and junkmail will eventualy cease to

Gramatic (verb) 5 itemi

Vocabular 4 itemi giving itn away

Gofman, Brown, Levinson

How communication interracts with peoples faces

Positive face an individuals desire to be liked, approved of, respected,

appreciated by others
Negative face individuals desire not to be impeded or afected in our
independence, desire to have the freedom to act as one chooses
Ex: Question directive act (order, suggestion)
Directivele ataca simultan fetele ascultatorului
Linguistic politeness: Relatiile intre vb si asc in termeni de: power (verbal

power), distance (regarding the relationship), imposition

Communication simple, clear, direct if it isnt, there is a lack of
politeness because you have to satifly the desire to understand, to transfer
Politeness consists of verbal strategies used by speakers and writers, to
best achieve their communicative goals in a particular context. To
understand politeness it is necessary to understand the term face.

Positive politeness manifests:

if the speaker notices or attends to hearers wants interest for their

approval of the hearer
use in-group identity markers
common ground
make jokes
ofer/promise be cooperant
be optimistic
give and ask for reasons
use hearers language/dialect

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