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GILPIN COUNTY EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Adopted: February 12, 2013 Amended; July 9, 2013 Amended: September 23, 2014 Guideline; ETHICS Employees are not allowed to accept gifts which would tend to improperly influence a reasonable person in his position to depart from the faithful and impartial discharge of his public duties or which are known to be given for the primary purpose of influencing or rewarding official action taken, An employee may accept non-monetary gifts valued at no more than $60.00 per year from any citizen in the County without reporting it to the County. Relatives of employees shall not be granted contracts for goods or services unless the following conditions are met: * The County Manager shall be notified of the potential conflict of interest and shall have approved the contract. + The County Manager shall report the approval of said contract for the record at the next regular Board of County Commissioners meeting Employees are prohibited from engaging in a private, substantial financial transaction with @ person whom he inspects or supervises in the course of his official duties, or from performing an official act directly and substantially benefiting economically a business or Undertaking in which he has a substantial financial interest or for which he is engaged as counsel or agent. Employees are prohibited from diselosing or using confidential information acquired in the course of their official duties to further substantially their personal financial interests. Employees having a potential personal interest in a County contract, purchase, payment, or other financial or monetary transaction shall give 72 hours advance notice of the conflict to the County Manager in writing Other activities that may give rise to an actual or apparent conflict of interest or which may adversely affect an employee's ability to carry out assigned duties or responsibilities shall be avoided. Employees shall discuss such contemplated activities with their supervisors before engaging in such activities. Failure to disclose a conflict or acceptance of monetary gifts of any amount (e.g. gift cards, cash) or any non-monetary gifts over $50.00 will not be tolerated. a

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