District Advisory Board Minutes 7:00-9:00 P.M.: Monday, May 10, 2010

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District Advisory Board Minutes

Monday, May 10, 2010

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Johannsen Support Services Center (JSSC) 2407 LaPorte Avenue

Time Topic Presenter Pre-Meeting Material

Budget Update Dave Montoya, Budget Manager See below.

The Education
Accountability Act of
2009 (SB 09-163)
This bill aligns accountability Chuck DeWayne, Director of SB 09-163 Summary
and accreditation systems Curriculum, Instruction and http://tinyurl.com/yd4vm42
into a single system that Assessment
meets federal standards. It
SB 09-163 more information
also changes School
Accountability Reports
(SARs) to School
7:20- Performance Reports, and SB 09-163 School District Accountability
8:10 specifies the contents of the Committees (DAC)
new performance report. http://tinyurl.com/y8qtouh

Please review and be prepared to vote on the

Kim Redd, DAB Exec attached proposed DAB DAC Proposal.
DAC/DAB Org Chart.pdf
DAC/DAB Roles&Responsibilites.doc

Updates Please review and be prepared to vote on the

•DAB attached proposed DAB Suggestions for
Subcommittees Terri Sunset, DAB Chair Improving Science in the District and the
•District Positive Positioning for Future Funding.
Committees DAB Science Suggestions.doc
Funding Recommendations.doc
•DAB Survey
8:30- Results See attached DAB Survey Results
•PSD 101 Cathy Kipp, DAB Secretary
8:40 DAB Survey 2010.xls

Officer Election for
8:40- 2010-11 Terri Sunset, DAB Chair and
9:00 •Board Update Cathy Kipp, DAB Secretary
2010-2011 DAB Meetings

1. Monday, August 30, 2010

2. Monday, September 13, 2010
3. Monday, October 4, 2010 (PSD 101)
4. Monday, November 1, 2010
5. Monday, December 6, 2010 (Legislative Forum)
6. Monday, January 10, 2011
7. Monday, February 7, 2011
8. Monday, March 7, 2011
9. Monday, April 4, 2011
10 Monday, May 2, 2011

Budget Update – Dave Montoya, Budget Manager

The budget situation has improved slightly for the 2011/2012 school year, and it appears that the district
will only be short $8 million instead of the up to $12 million we have been planning for. The district has
decided it is better to go ahead and continue planning at the $12 million cut level so that additional cuts will not
have to be taken the following year. Our obligations will be increasing with flat revenues, so it makes sense to
continue with the proposed cuts at this level.

• 4.5% target for schools – instructional level 4.5%
• PSD departments – 8-10% - non instructional 5%
• Special Ed and ELA cut at a lower percentage
• 2.5 million through specific identified cuts

PSD enrollment numbers may experience some small growth next year (maybe 147 of 125,000 students).
Liberty is growing. Through the next several years we are looking at flat or small increases in enrollment.

One time funds are being used to reduce the ongoing financial commitments of PSD. We have also saved
money in areas such as energy management and have been able to reduce the energy budget.

Education Accountability Act – SB 163 – Chuck DeWayne, Director of Curriculum, Instruction &

This new act has changed the accreditation process. The district is still waiting to get some information
from the state. Basically, the state of Colorado will accredit the district. The district will get a status based on
data, primarily C-SAPs, but also the graduation and dropout rates and ACT scores. The district sends plans out
to the schools based on these scores. Performance plans will all be the same format although the data in each
will be different. School plans will be written by each school, again all plans will have all the same format,
each with different data. PSD used to have more control over process. Now the process is more data driven
with more consistency.

These plans will also be used as performance indicators. It will be now be worse for schools and school
districts if parents/kids opt out of taking the CSAPs.
School Accountability Committees (SACs) are part of this new legislation. More parents are required to
be on the committees than staff. The chair or co-chair must be a parent or community member. They will work
on items such as spending priorities, performance targets, the school plan, and more.

They are required to meet at least quarterly, although timelines (especially at the beginning of the year)
may dictate the need for additional meetings. The SACs are required to have representation from all groups (eg.
English Language Learners, gifted/talented, English Language Learners, etc.). There will be some variability
on how these committees are run from site to site, but minimum standards must be adhered to.

Schools are encouraged to have multi-year looks and multi-year plans. Current 2010/11 plans were
written earlier this year. New plans should continue to be tweaked from existing work – not starting over –
even though there will be a new format.

There will be training and support for SACs from PSD (PSD 101 would be a good place to have some
training also). Our plans may also look a little different because our district has Student Based Budgeting.

We still want idea sharing, teachers need to feed ideas into the SAC.

Employees or spouses of employees can’t be a parent rep on committee. This includes subs. (This
information was later checked by a thorough reading of SB 163 and by checking with State Senator Bob Bacon
and we believe it is incorrect. The SACs do not appear to have this restriction although the DAC - see below -

The District Accountability Committee (DAC) is required to consult with the SACs in a substantive
manner. A minimum of 8 people are required to serve on this committee: parents representing GT, Special Ed,
Title 1/ELL, Charter Schools, a business person, a teacher, a school administrator, and the Director of
Curriculum and Assessment. Concern was expressed over the lack of general parent representation in these

The DAC is responsible for reviewing achievement trends, school plans, budget priorities, district goals,
district plan, monitoring reports, and Charter applications.

Updates and Recommendations

District Accountability Committee Proposed Recommendations – Kim Redd

This proposal recommends that the DAB have a representative serve on the District Accountability
Committee (DAC). It also suggests that several “at large” parent or community representatives serve on the
DAC so that general interests are served in addition to just representatives of special populations. It also
requests that PSD committees have DAB representation and a close collaboration between the DAB and DAC.
The DAB unanimously agreed that the recommendations for the District Accountability Committee be
forwarded on to the PSD Board of Education and administration.

Science Proposed Recommendations – Rob Petterson, Academic Subcommittee Chair

The DAB Academic Subcommittee suggests that more attention be given to the delivery of science
curriculum in PSD. The delivery of the curriculum is widely varied from school to school. The list of
suggestions also includes that the issue of delivery versus success in science at schools be studied. The focus on
science education should be for preparing kids better for post-secondary success. A complete set of
recommendations from the Academic Subcommittee regarding science is attached.
The DAB unanimously agreed that the science recommendations be forwarded on to the PSD Board of
Education and administration.

Positive Positioning for Future Funding Proposal – Kim Redd

This proposal is intended as a recommendation to help better explain the financial situation of PSD to
the community. The proposal includes crafting a clear message which is repeated through multiple channels to
make sure the community understands the funding issues. This proposal is attached.
The DAB unanimously agreed that the recommendations for the Positive Positioning for Future Funding
Proposal be forwarded on to the PSD Board of Education and administration.

2011/2012 Officer Elections – Terri Sunset, DAB Chair

We are fortunate this year to have two people who volunteered to be DAB Chair-elect for 2011/2012:
John Lynn and Kim Redd. John and Kim each gave brief statements about why they would like to be DAB
Chair-Elect. Ballots were passed out to all voting members. After the counting of the votes, Kim Redd became
the 2011/2012 Chair-Elect.

DAB Survey – Tami Weininger, DAB Chair-elect

The results from the April survey of DAB members gave us the following results:
• DAB members find the information presented at DAB meetings valuable.
• We need to do better at letting DAB members have dialogue with one another.
• We need to have presenters come back to DAB and follow up so we know the outcome of the
various issues we give feedback on.
• DAB members don’t feel valued the DAB is valued by PSD administration.

Terri thanked those who worked on issues with the DAB Executive Committee this year. She also
stated that anyone interested is welcome to participate on this group.

PSD 101 – Tami Weininger

An e-mail will be sent to those who have signed up to help with PSD 101 so we can begin planning.
Please let us know if you would like to help or if you have ideas for any of the breakout sessions.

It was suggested earlier at this meeting that School Accountability and District Accountability
Committees be a PSD 101 topic.

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