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For Immediate Release Contact: Jeff Johnston

May 17, 2010 914-466-0363 

Arcuri Kicks Off Re-Election Bid For Congress

Shares vision of returning region to historic traditions of progress and growth

Utica, NY (May 17, 2010) – Today Congressman Michael Arcuri kicked off his re-election
campaign for Congress representing the 24th Congressional District in New York, surrounded
by a large crowd of family, friends and supporters. 

Framed by the backdrop of historic Union Station in Utica, he spoke about the connection
between our region’s glorious past and his vision for growth and prosperity for the future.  

“I am here today to ask you join me as I announce my candidacy to continue as your

representative in Congress. To continue our fight to make the home of our parents fit to be the
home of our children,” Arcuri said. “Since I was first elected to Congress in 2006 my office
has worked tirelessly to build on the assets we have, and not lament on what we don’t. We
didn’t create this economic environment but I have taken concrete steps to do something about

The Congressman delivered a 20-minute speech outlining his record of accomplishments

highlighted by success stories and legislative victories that have significantly helped
manufacturers, farmers, educators, and communities across the 24th Congressional district. 

In the speech, Arcuri also discussed key issues affecting the region, such as job creation in
high tech, green energy, and manufacturing. He also talked about the economy, foreign trade
issues, natural gas drilling, education, and key victories such as stopping NYRI.

On jobs and the economy, he said, “Government doesn’t create jobs – it has to create
an environment that enables business to thrive and create the jobs. And business
works best when labor, businesses large and small and consumers are all on a level
playing field. And my role as your Representative is to ensure that that happens to keep
the playing field level. THAT is the recipe for success—that is the engine for growth and
the Necessity for job creation.”

page 2… 

“We are finding ways to strengthen our local economies by building on the foundations

of what we have. In the first half of this year alone we have seen new initiatives and

legislation that will add jobs and strengthen our communities. Real money flowing into our
region to help re-build our infrastructure and develop businesses and jobs in new economic
sectors like high tech, green energy and cybersecurity.” 

“Over $150 million will be used to begin high speed rail construction which I call the Erie
Canal of our generation. This will open the corridors from as far away as Niagara Falls in the
west, through the heart of our district to New York City.” 

Regading agriculture and farming the Congressman added, “We must continue to support our
farmers. I have fought to keep dairy pricing stable in the face of the recession and declining
exports overseas.” 

“I authored a bill to shift milk hauling costs away from dairy farmers and onto processors
where it belongs which will mean huge, much needed savings to dairy farmers.” 

He also talked about high tech and cybersecurity initiatives, “I helped lead the Intelligence
Authorization Act which strengthens our cyber security capabilities, which naturally creates
jobs locally at Rome Lab, but also will create scholarships and educational programs here in the
district at schools like Utica College and SUNY IT, that will lead to new jobs in public and
private cyber sectors.”


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