Cho-Wa Ingredients and Health Benefits

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Cho-Wa ingredients and health benefits:

Green Tea (leaf)

Green tea has been credited with providing a wide variety of health benefits, these claims are listed here:
"Stopping certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
"Preventing/treating cancer
Treating multiple sclerosis
Preventing the degradation of cell membranes by neutralizing the spread of free radicals (which occurs during the process of oxidation).
Reducing the negative effects of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) by lowering levels of triglycerides and increasing the production of HDL
cholesterol good cholesterol. Increasing fat oxidation (helps the body use fat as an energy source) and raising metabolism.
Joy Bauer, a New York City nutritionist, says [the catechins in green tea] increase levels of the metabolism speeding brain chemical
" Japanese researchers claim if you drink five Chinese cups of green tea a day (equivalent to one U.K. mug), you'll burn 70 to 80 extra calories.
Dr. Nicholas Perricone, an anti-aging specialist, appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and told Oprah's viewers they can lose 10 lbs. in 6
weeks drinking green tea instead of coffee.
The major concern with drinking too much green tea is the caffeine it contains. Too much caffeine can cause nausea, insomnia or frequent

Rhodiola (root) - Very effective for improving mood and alleviating depression. Research shows that it improves both physical and
mental performance, reduces fatigue, and prevents high altitude sickness.

Ginkgo (leaf) - Ginkgo extract seems to have three effects on the human body: it improves blood flow to most tissues and organs; it
protects against oxidative cell damage from free radicals; and it blocks many of the effects of PAF (platelet aggregation, blood clotting) that
have been related to the development of a number of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and CNS (Central Nervous System) disorders.
It has many alleged nootropic properties, and is mainly used as memory enhancer and anti-vertigo agent.

Epimedium (aerial) - Species of Epimedium are alleged to have aphrodisiac qualities.

Astragalus (root) - It is used as a general tonic as well as a specific immune system enhancer. It is known as 'Huangge qi' (qi or chi
being the word for energy) as it is used to build a patients' defensive energy. Traditional Chinese medicine records Astragalus as having
benefits in cases of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and respiratory infections. It is often used in conjunction with other herbs. In a
1994 Italian study (Morazzoni, Bombardelli) breast cancer patients were given a combination of Iigustrum and Astragalus. Patients given this
mix showed a decline in mortality from 50% to 10%. In another study of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer all undergoing
chemotherapy, the group taking the dual herb mix showed an average life span increase of 130%.

Lycium (fruit) - A sweet tonic decoction made from the fruits is used to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. It acts mainly
on the liver and kidneys. The fruit is taken internally in the treatment of high blood pressure, diabetes, poor eyesight, vertigo, lumbago,
impotence and menopausal complaints. The root bark is a bitter, cooling, antibacterial herb that controls coughs and lowers fevers, blood
pressure and blood cholesterol levels. It is taken internally in the treatment of chronic fevers, internal haemorrhages, nosebleeds, tuberculosis,
coughs, asthma etc. The plant has a long history of medicinal use, both as a general, energy restoring tonic and also to cure a wide range of
ailments from skin rashes and eyesight problems to diabetes. A tonic tea is made from the leaves. The fruit of many members of this genus is a
very rich source of vitamins and minerals, especially in vitamins A, C and E, flavanoids and other bio-active compounds. It is also a fairly good
source of essential fatty acids, which is fairly unusual for a fruit. It is being investigated as a food that is capable of reducing the incidence of
cancer and also as a means of halting or reversing the growth of cancers.

Euphoria Fruit - Euphoria contains several vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, and large
amounts of vitamins A and C. A recent study on euphoria fruit also identified and quantified phenolic compounds in the fruit, such as Gallic
acid, corilagin, and ellagic acid, indicating that the fruit may have antioxidant, chemo-preventive, and liver protective properties.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Euphoria longan is considered to be sweet and warm energetically, and is associated with the Heart
and Spleen meridians. It is used primarily to tonify the Blood. Blood tonics are generally used for symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness,
palpitations, pale face and tongue, and poor vision. In addition to the above symptoms, Euphoria fruit is also used to nourish the spirit,
encourage restful sleep, reduce anxiety, and calm an agitated mind. No wonder it is called Euphoria!

Ginger (rhizome) - For hundreds and even thousands of years, the spice we know as ginger has had great impact to the practitioners of
Chinese, Japanese, and Indian medicine. The nausea reduction effects of ginger have long been known, and some recent studies suggest that
ginger can be effective against nausea and vomiting associated with chemo.
The effects on circulation
Ginger is also thought to be good for circulation. Ginger is believed to aid circulation by helping the body sweat, and this can be an important factor
in fighting colds and flu. Ginger is even being studied as a possible way to reduce the incidence of heart disease. It's not certain whether these
possible heart benefits are a result of the increased circulation produced by ginger, or if there is another mechanism at work.
There is much anecdotal evidence of ginger's reported health effects in traditional folk medicine. Those health benefits are the subject of ongoing
research, and many clinical studies are currently underway. Ginger also helps control motion sickness.

Tangerine (peel) - Tangerine peels have more potent health benefits than the juice and could have powerful cholesterol-lowering potential,
a new study shows. Previous studies have shown numerous health benefits from drinking citrus juices like orange and grapefruit juice -- including
their anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Studies have also hinted at a cholesterol-lowering capability in juices. But disease-fighting
flavonoids -- antioxidants found in foods -- are packed in higher concentrations in citrus peels than in juice, research has examined flavonoids found
in citrus peels. The compounds, known to researchers as polymethoxylated flavonoids, are similar to plant pigment antioxidants found in citrus
fruits. The most common of these super-flavonoids -- tangeretin and nobiletin -- exist in orange and tangerine peels, and in smaller amounts in the
fruits' juices, explains Kurowska.

Liquorice (root) - Powdered liquorice root is an effective expectorant, and has been used for this purpose since ancient times.
Shiitake (fruiting body) -See below
Reishi (fruiting body) - See below
Maitake (fruiting body)-Maitake - Grifola frondosa - See below
Most of the 'medicinal' mushrooms have the ability to enhance immune function by stimulating cell-mediated immunity, or, in simple terms these
mushrooms seem to switch-on the cells of our immune system, called T-cells, which have significant cancer-fighting properties. Japanese scientists
believe that the

Maitake mushroom could be one of the most potent of all medicinal mushrooms.

In Asia, a variety of dietary products have been used for centuries as popular remedies to prevent or treat different diseases. A large number of
herbs and extracts from medicinal mushrooms are used for the treatment of diseases. Mushrooms such as

Ganoderma lucidum

(Reishi), Lentinus edodes (Shiitake), Grifola frondosa (Maitake), Hericium erinaceum (Yamabushitake), and Inonotus
obliquus (Chaga) have been collected and consumed in China, Korea, and Japan for centuries. Until recently, these mushrooms were largely
unknown in the West and were considered "fungi" without any nutritional value. However, most mushrooms are rich in vitamins, fibre, and amino
acids and low in fat, cholesterol, and calories. These mushrooms contain a large variety of biologically active polysaccharides with
immunostimulatory properties, which contribute to their anticancer effects. Furthermore, other bioactive substances, including triterpenes, proteins,
lipids, cerebrosides, and phenols, have been identified and characterized in medicinal mushrooms.

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