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California SunSet reCordS

O nce upon a time…

there were some businessmen who
realized that being successful was not only a
matter of selling a fine product but also a matter
of winning over the hearts of their customers.
after searching for the right approach it dawned
on them that nothing on earth was more
emotional than music – the only language
everyone understands.
What could be more magical?
California Sunset Records

So they set out to find this music.

They discovered a wonderful label – Wave Music
– and found out that Wave Music reaches the
hearts of sophisticated people all over the world.

They went home happy and carried within them

the sound, the sound of success. And because
they had thought about their customers’ wishes,
their business gained soul. �
California Sunset Records

T he world’s mo
motor-vehicle co
decided they nee
music for driving.
A cool breeze an
your face… The r
collector’s item.
California Sunset Records

st renowned
eded the ultimate

nd sunshine on
record became a
California SunSet reCordS

D r. Ferdinand Froning,
Manager Product Placement: “We could not have been
more satisfied with our compilation – the stylish content
and design were perfectly in line with our brand image and
clientele. The CD was issued in conjunction with a hugely
successful Wave Music radio show presented by
Mercedes-Benz. To this day, we still have customers
asking where they can acquire this fantastic CD.” �

Company Daimler AG
Stuttgart, Germany
Purpose Give-Away for the Wave Music Radio show,
presented by Mercedes-Benz.
Project Wave Music
Collector’s Edition Volume 1
Corporate Audio CD
No. of copies 3.000
Release 2004
California SunSet reCordS

California Sunset Records

T he Queen of d
stores, the cathe
consumption wa
its 100th anniversa
They needed a g
highly valued peo
California Sunset Records

edral of passionate
s celebrating
gift for their own
California SunSet reCordS


P etra Fladenhofer,
Head of Marketing & Communications: “On the occasion
of our centennial year, it did a perfect job of fulfilling our
standards of quality while providing guaranteed
appeal for all the staff at KaDeWe.” �

Company KaDeWe – Kaufhaus des Westens

(department store)
Berlin, Germany
Purpose A gift to all employees to celebrate the
store’s 100th anniversary
Project The Beatles re-lounged by Giacomo Bondi
Corporate Audio CD
No. of copies 3.000
Release 2007
California SunSet reCordS

California Sunset Records


M aking style aff

was the mission o
furniture manufac
What did their cus
listen to when the
into a cozy sofa o
California Sunset Records


of a leading Danish
stomers want to
ey were sinking
or a pile of pillows?
California SunSet reCordS


T ilmann Strauss, Communications Manager of

BoConcept Germany: “The Wave Music multimedia CD
BoConcept – DESIGN, MUSIC & MORE was simply perfect
for our target group.
Our customers love checking out our products at home
on their PC while listening to cool music and giving their
apartments a virtual makeover with FURNISH®. In a
number of cities we had customers arriving at the store
with their own customized plans and saying:
‘This is how I’d like it.’ What more could you wish for?”
Not surprisingly, BoConcept did not hesitate
to follow up on the original idea and order

Company BoConcept Germany GmbH

Urban Design
Düsseldorf, Germany
Purpose Customer retention
Project BoConcept 2006 –
Corporate Multimedia CD
No. of copies 11.300
Release 2006
California SunSet reCordS

California Sunset Records


A famous socc
was in his early d
goalkeeper for FC
decided to build t
garden furniture e
California Sunset Records


cer star who

ays the
C Bayern Munich,
the most beautiful
California SunSet reCordS


B obby Dekeyser, Managing Partner:

“The design and content of our Wave Music CI CDs
Vol. 1 and 2 really hit home with our customers. We’d been
searching a long time for such a suitable and timeless gift for
our customers and partners. Strikingly sophisticated music
in a stylish cover – a commitment to our standards of quality
and innovation.” �

Company DEDON
Lüneburg, Germany
Purpose Customer retention
Project DEDON breezin’
Corporate Audio CD
No. of copies 3.000
Release 2006
California SunSet reCordS

California Sunset Records


A beautiful hote
Austrian mountain
for outward beau
values. This is how
message audible…
California Sunset Records


el in the
ns was looking
uty and inner
w they made their

California SunSet reCordS


R udi Huber, Hotel Manager:

“We like using the Mavida Hotel CD as a sophisticated free
gift for special clients. It is also a highly effective way of
boosting our image at trade fairs. The music is the perfect
solution in terms of a pleasant background sound for
our premises and is also integrated into our on-hold
telephone circuit.” �

Company Mavida Hotel

Balance Hotel & Spa
Zell am See, Austria
Purpose Commercial sale, customer retention tool
Project get balanced at the mavida –
selective jazz, pop and soul
Corporate Audio CD
No. of copies 1.000
Release 2006
California SunSet reCordS

California Sunset Records


C atering to the
Feinkost Käfer is
Munich and abro
If you feed the F
in Bahrain, what
would you choo
California Sunset Records


rich and famous,

s a legend in
Formula 1 circuit
kind of music
California SunSet reCordS


M ichael Käfer, Managing Partner:

“The Christmas CD sees the addition of a very special
edition to the Feinkost Käfer CD Collection. All four
volumes released to date serve as high-quality
sales products that complement our unique product
assortment. The consistently pleasant and perfectly
put-together music on the CDs provides an excellent
accompaniment for both restaurant and store. As such,
it creates a soundtrack reflecting our standards of
quality and aesthetic taste.” �

Company Feinkost Käfer GmbH

Munich, Germany
Purpose Christmas special
Project Feinkost Käfer weißblau Vol. 4
– merry jazzy christmas
Corporate Audio CD
No. of copies 5.000
Release 2007
California SunSet reCordS

California SunSet reCordS


W ould you like to give your business

a sound, too? Then take the following
three steps with us to create your own
Corporate Edition!
1 tell us about the style of music you prefer – the
beats that reflect the rhythm of your business.

2 Specify the order volume (min. order: 1,000 Cds).

3 You determine the design of your Cd. You can

either provide the artwork yourself (e.g. via a
graphic design agency) or let us take care of it in
accordance with your specifications.

Your Cd will be ready to send out in just 20 working days!

We will be happy to send you a personal offer and look

forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Benjamin Vetter
Head of Sales and distribution
California SunSet reCordS


California Sunset Records GmbH

Richardstraße 45
Germany - 22081 Hamburg

t +49 (0)40 696649-130

f +49 (0)40 696649-298
e Benjamin.Vetter@CaliforniaSunset.de
h www.CaliforniaSunset.de
h www.wavemusic.de

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