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Fix for mouse focus bug.
Load / Save buttons remember last touched file and path.
Guitar emulation support added. Need a hack for GH2. Thanks to cottonvibes, si
lent-circuit, Knaiffi, lazyk, and everyone else who helped test and gave me info
on the guitars.
Save / Load buttons added. May still need some work.
Sensitivity and flip settings now work properly for pressure-sensitive button bi
Fixed a bug with Windows Messaging and Raw modes and lock state buttons.
Fixed LilyPad not reading the keyboard when in DirectInput mode and a game isn't
actively reading pad input.
Minor change to how force feedback is used that might work better with some bugg
y DirectInput drivers.
Second force feedback dropdown menu is now disabled when no force feedback devic
es are detected.
Fixed another DS2 native mode instead of analog mode bug.
Removed "analog as digital in digital mode" option to save display space. It's
now always on.
Improved "disable pad" handling - such pads should now always say they have noth
ing pressed.
Removed invisible cursor and some other random code cleanups.
Fixed a pair of bugs that would set the pad to dualshock 2 native mode instead o
f analog mode. Most games didn't seem to mind. Silent Hill 4 objected vocifero
usly, however.
Added support for what (Seems to be) the leave dualshock 2 native mode command not sure if I got the syntax right. This alone would also have fixed Silent Hi
ll 4.
Fixed "-1" being displayed on Test Device screen when a pov controller is in the
up position.
Added slightly better handling of setting bit masks. Not sure it'll have any pr
actical effect.
Added GSDX + MTGS hide cursor hack.

Fixed clipping rectangle not being removed when using a mouse and background mon
itoring. Note that you have to have a hack enabled or a device in Windows messa
ging/raw mode for this to work properly. I recommend mouse users just bind a ke
y to "mouse" and use that instead.
Added the option to use different force feedback effect functions. The constant
function should be fine for most people, but some devices/device drivers are fu
nky and use different functions for different motors.
Motors had been flipped. Fixed.
Fixed newly bound force feedback devices initially displaying 0 sensitivity.
Added "Test FF" button.
Added option to allow multiple bindings to a single direct input object (Doesn't
work with windows messaging or raw input. Does allow you to configure multiple
force feedback axes independently).
Fixed key release event. Thought event=0 was key up, 1 was key down, but 2 is a
ctually key down. Only seems to matter when navigating through save states. No
tice that SSSPSX makes the same assumption I do. This is what happens when plug
in specifications are incomplete. :)
Right shift sent to PCSX2 as a generic shift when using an input mode that disti
nguishes between the two shift keys.
Fixed bug that would cause LilyPad to ignore slight movements of analog axes.
64-bit dll fixed. No longer fails to load, complaining about being unable to fi
nd MSVCR80.dll.
Removed a couple older pretty ineffective hacks that had been aimed at increasin
g stability when pausing emulation. Note that they are not the hacks listed on
the first configuration screen.
Changed center for analog sticks from 127 to 128. Not sure which is correct, or
if it's actually in between, but other pads plugins all seem to use 128. Shoul
dn't make any noticeable difference.
Modified handling of some PS2 pad configuration commands. May now work in some
games that didn't recognize it as a dualshock 2 controller (Or as any controller
Fixed issue with not saving some settings on the general screen to file.
Added simple but nasty hack to prevent potential crash when quitting by closing
the command window while the emulator is still running. Issue was that I was tr
ying to cleanup my DirectInput objects when the dll unloaded, and (apparently) t
he DirectInput dlls had already been unloaded.

Added option for monitoring game devices when in the background. Mostly added b
ecause I always forget to refocus the emulator window after changing to another
Fixed handling of mouse buttons 4 and 5 under Windows messaging.
Escape will now always cause emulator to stop (Even when keyboard mode is disabl
ed), as long as the GS window is being subclassed (Any hack enabled or keyboard
or mouse in raw or windows messaging mode). Wasn't working under Windows messag
ing mode.
Raw input keyboard mode should no longer cause crashes the instant you bind anyt
Mouse cursor not being hidden in Windows messaging mode fixed.
Dropped SIO support. Even if the PAD functions are supposedly depricated, doesn
't look like SIO will be used by PCSX2 any time soon, and I'm not sure the code
was correct, anyways.
Will now save general settings for pads 1 and 2 even when no controls are config
ured for that pad.
DirectInput devices are a bit more responsive when binding them in the config sc
Controls for disabled devices and inactive devices (Due to mode settings) are no
w hidden.
Bindings for unplugged DirectInput devices now displayed.
DirectInput device testing windows added.
Refresh devices button added.
Fixed a pair of bugs with psx plugin's pad 2 handling.
Added an option for analog axes to act like the d-pad in analog mode. This may
be useful with ancient psx games that don't support analog mode. The option has
other uses, but not many. Mostly added because I wanted to take up more space
under the general tab and it was trivial to implement.
Spruced up general tab's layout a bit.
Added option to start with a mouse not captured, even when mouse is bound to key
s. Also added an option to start with the pad in analog mode. Both these optio
ns are just meant for the lazy, as the same thing can be achieved by pressing th
e mouse and/or analog buttons whenever you start the emulator. Starting with a
pad in analog mode might also help with some dual shock-only games and loading s
tates, though it may cause issues with some older games.
Added "disable screensaver" option. Only works when application is in foregroun
Windows keys now ignored when keyboard is in Direct Input Mode.

When keyboard mode is set to disable or Windows messaging, setting the left or r
ight windows key to the ignore list works.
Can no longer edit text in force feedback box.
Added "Clear All" button.
Now poll devices that claim they don't need to be polled - might fix issues with
some POV objects, or might not.
No longer need to reload plugin when selecting cancel to restore old settings.
Left/right sticks now labelled differently in the ListView control.
Fixed a couple memory leaks that would occur when switching from LilyPad to anot
her plugin. Not exactly a huge problem.
L2 in Direct Input devices (keyboard, mouse, and game devices) no longer thinks
it's the analog button.
Keyboard navigation in pad config menu fixed.
Removed some redundant strings, shrinking dll size marginally.
Hat switch horizontal axis and horizontal flipping fixed.
Added force feedback support. Fixed handling of POV devices and binding more se
nsitive axes. Added ability to invert both axes independently for POV devices.
Revamped config screen.
Fixed d-pad axes causing start and L3 buttons to be locked down (Introduced bug
in 0.4.0. Previously overwrote second pad instead). Fixed analog axes setting
d-pad directions.
Fixed handling of devices that claim they need to be polled but then indicate th
ey might not really need to be polled when I try to poll them.
Added lock buttons button. Don't see any use for it, but I already had it in th
e back end anyways.
Fixed some mouse/focus/cursor locking/emulation pause/unpause issues.
Doubled the number of (total, not bound) direct input devices allowed before bin
ding problems occur. 2048 should be more than enough for anybody. Limit should
n't really exist, but I'm lazy.
Changed default keyboard and game device modes to Direct Input.
Fixed handling of direct input objects with the same instance ids (Again. Works
this time). Keeping buttons pressed when unfocusing window no longer locks the p
ressed buttons. Added lock input/direction buttons instead. Modified how directi

ons are added (max forward + max forward + max left = max forward + 1/2 max left
now, instead of max forward + max left). Slightly modified sort order again.
Fixed handling of direct input objects with the same instance ids. Improved sort
order slightly. Fixed unfocus/refocus behavior when using a mouse. Fixed minor
direct input key mapping bug with the number keys. Note: Old inis are not compat
ible with this version, so old settings may be lost. No need to delete old inis
yourself, however.
Start, select, and L3/R3 now work as they should and no longer mirror L1/R1/L2/R
2. Also halved what sensitivity means for analog sticks, so sensitivity behaves
more consistently (Sticks report from 0 to 255 for each axis, while the dual sho
ck direction buttons report from 0 to 255 for both left and right, so one should
be scaled).
Minor fix. Resizing emulation window when mouse is bound (And temporarily releas
ed with a "Mouse" button) works properly now, and I remember the state of the mo
use when window loses focus.
Can now bind buttons to release/capture the mouse. A couple other changes in the
way some keys are handled.
Quick fix: SIO adds an extra parameter that (As I understand it) means I should
be loading a different set of configuration data from my ini file. Unfortunately
, the config screen can be called before you're told this value, when a plugin i
s first selected. Anyways, the error caused by selecting the plugin and then con
figuring it in the full plugin list screen before it was initialized by PCSX2 ha
s now been fixed.
Just noticed SIO specs are over a year and a half old...Perhaps they'll never be
used. Should have checked that in the first place. LilySio sounds funny, anyway
Added preliminary SIO support (Successor to pad plugins). I'm not sure I'm handl
ing the new parameters correctly. Doesn't matter until the next version of PCSX2
is out, anyways. An (untested) 64-bit build is also included, also for the next
version of PCSX2.
Fixed a couple PS2 messages I wasn't handling quite properly.
Changed the layout slightly.
Improved cursor hiding. Should never see it again...Hopefully.
Fixed a bug that could prevent the second pad from doing anything.
Added PSX emulator support. For some reason, some psx emulators fail to list Lil
yPad, but it works in PCSX, at least.
Added a "play nice" mode. When everything is set to DirectInput mode or disabled
, and neither of the close hacks are enabled, I automatically disable some of my
more intrusive code. There is no feedback to the user indicating this mode is i

n use. This less intrusive mode is required to run with some PSX emulators, as o
therwise, we can run into an interesting "pass control off to someone else who a
lready surrendered control of it" condition on application closure or when you p
ause emulation (PCSX2 handles this much better, avoiding this issue). Play nice
mode will still work when keys are set to be ignored.
Reduced CPU overhead significantly, at the cost of a bit of memory. Pad overhead
is low enough that it doesn't really make much difference, but my old direct in
put code was pretty bad.
I now only get input from Direct Input devices that have commands bound to them,
and I only get input from those particular buttons/axes. Not sure how much of a
difference this really makes.
POV sliders may now work properly.
adds a bunch of fixes. I accidentally broke the ignore feature before my last re
lease. It also fixes a bunch of binding issues. Pressing a key/button will now c
ancel binding to an axis. Escape can no longer be bound in DX keyboard mode. Esc
ape will cancel binding a key, but I don't recommend it, as it will also close t
he dialog window in raw mode, and I'm not sure there's a simple work around.
Fixed a couple of other binding issues, fixed key passing to the emulator (For F
2/F3/F4) when keyboard is set to raw but you have no keys configured. Also, igno
red keys are no longer sent to the emulator.
Added POV slider support...Kinda. As I have no POV slider, nor am I sure how the
y're supposed to work, they probably are not working properly. Does a pov slider
tell you what direction you are facing, or what direction you should be facing?
Should it act like one circular axis, or a direction at full throttle at the sp
ecified angle, which would require two axes? It's not right as it is, as it does
n't wrap around properly, among other things.
Three releases in one day is a bit much. I undoubtedly don't spend as much time
testing as I should, and like to get minor bug fixes out fast...
Added a hack to prevent the cursor from appearing on unfocus/focus. Not sure why
there was a problem before, but now I use an invisible cursor instead of hiding
the existing one. Seems to work much better, though when you move the mouse qui
ckly, you can still occasionally see flashes of the cursor.

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