Milo Baker Chapter California Native Plant Society: Grasslands

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Milo Baker Chapter April 2009

California Native Plant Society

04/04 Field Trip April 21st, 7:30 p.m.
Vernal Pools Caroline Christian is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies
& Adjunct Faculty in Biology at Sonoma State University.
04/05 Preserve/Stewardship Her research focuses on key issues in conservation and restoration,
Cunningham Marsh
and the use of applied systems to test fundamental ideas in ecology.
04/14 Board Meeting Much of her current research evaluates the effectiveness of prescribed
fire and livestock grazing as tools for managing and restoring
04/15 Submissions deadline: grassland communities that have
May Newsletter been invaded heavily by exotic plant
species. She has recently completed a
04/21 General Meeting,
Luther Burbank Art & large-scale experiment on this
Garden Center topic in northern California and is
currently evaluating the impacts
04/25 Field Trip of livestock grazing on the
The Cedars
endangered giant kangaroo rat and its
grassland habitat in central California at
Carrizo Plains National Monument.
Another focus of her research has been
to understand the ways in which exotic
In This Issue species influence the interactions among
native species. She also works with
Guest Speaker 1 non-profit Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase). 1950
organizations to
President’s Corner 2 implement Nassella pulchra science-based
Plant ID Hour 2 conservation planning and land
Invasives Corner 3
Preserve/Stewardship 3
Plant I.D. Hour begins at 6:45
Event Reports 4
Field Trips 5 Join us for Dinner before the Meeting:
Items of Interest 6
We'll gather for dinner at 6PM at Kirin Restaurant, 2700 Yulupa Ave. We hope our
Board Contacts 8
speaker will join us, but we always have an enjoyable group of fellow members and
a delicious Northern Chinese meal in any case. Please contact, Liz Parsons, 833-2063, by April 20th if you plan to attend.

The Milo Baker newsletter is available online before the printer can
produce the hard copy. For early viewing of the newsletter, please go to the

General Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa.
Milo Baker Chapter Board meetings start at 7:00pm, 2nd Tuesday nine months of the year, Environmental Center, 55 Ridgeway Avenue,
Suite A, Santa Rosa. The next Board meeting is April 14th. Anyone interested in the work of the chapter is welcome to attend!
One of my proudest moments as Milo Baker

P resident's Report

April 2009
President was seeing CNPS Fellow Betty Guggolz
accept the Ernestine I. Smith Lifetime
Environmental Commitment Award with Betty
Burridge (of Madrone Audubon) at the SCCC
With spring arriving in all its flowering beauty, the Awards dinner on March 7th. There is more about
Milo Baker Chapter has a full plate of activities this event on pg 4.
and outings scheduled. Check out the field trip I brought Betty Guggolz to the dinner, and fellow
calendar and plan to join us as we see blooms CNPS Fellow Liz Parsons brought her back to
around the county. On April 4th, Wendy Smit will Cloverdale, after an overnight stay at Liz’s Casita in
lead the hike around Red Hill at the Mayacamas Kenwood.
Mountains Audubon Sanctuary in my place, since I During the ceremony, while Betty and I sat with
need to attend my kids’ Odyssey of the Mind state nominees of the other environmental awards being
tournament. I have been leading hikes for Madrone presented, Beth Robinson and Katy Redmon
Audubon to visit historically documented plants tended the CNPS table, Gary Hundt took pictures,
from Guggolz days (Betty and Jack on Pine Flat and Liz Parsons networked with other organization
Road) since spring 2005, after the fire. It is a rich members over dinner. Thanks to all for showcasing
serpentine area that continues to surprise us. CNPS at this event!
Thank you Wendy and Pat Sesser for substituting! º Lynn Houser
Serpentine geology always seems to bring good
plant diversity. That’s why we always jump at a
chance to get out to Pepperwood Preserve because Plant I.D. Hour
the soil and topographic diversity make the flora
exciting. On April 11th, we will have a booth at the The flowers are
Pepperwood Preserve Wildflower Festival. This is out in abundance, but do
a family-friendly event that will feature hikes and you know what they are?
you can get to know the wildflowers. On July 24- Come see what is blooming
25, we will co-host a Vegetation Workshop with in Sonoma County this
Pepperwood and do some surveying, building on spring. Arrive up to an
the Mayacamas Mountains survey data from a few hour before the April 21st
years ago. Thanks to Steve Barnhart and Peter General Meeting, and bring
Warner for organizing this with Julie Evens at the specimens of plants you
state office. want to identify. At Plant
Out on the Santa Rosa Plain, the Adopt a Vernal I.D. Hour you can see
Pool project with the Laguna de Santa Rosa plants up close and key
Foundation is in full force! Volunteers are them to species, while getting to know fellow Milo
monitoring three Federally Listed endangered Baker Chapter members. Plants that you key out or
plants (in blooming order): Sonoma Sunshine learn with friends are easily remembered! Bring in
(Blennosperma bakeri), Sebastopol Meadowfoam some mystery plants to challenge us.
(Limnanthes vinculans) and Burke’s Goldfields I’ll bring in the dissecting microscope and
(Lasthenia burkei) on private and public lands. This some flowering plants from the local area. You can
project offers opportunities to see and document bring your dinner if you want to, a hand lens and a
both natural and created vernal pools and learn copy of Jepson or Sonoma Co. Flora if you have
about how to estimate quantity and percent cover. them. One of each will be available plus some other
Long-term, annual monitoring of these populations floras. Keying is worthwhile and challenging for all
is key to understanding how to ensure their of us, but it’s fun to work through them together,
survival. and learn what distinguishes this plant from that
The March Newsletter was very late due to an one.
oversight on my part and a change of staff and º Lynn Houser
missed communication at Clone Printing. You can
be assured that your newsletter will arrive on time! RENEW ONLINE
It takes a real team to put this publication together, Renew your CNPS membership online using a
credit card. As an option, set it up to renew
and I’d like to thank Katy Redmon and Gary Hundt
automatically year after year. It is quick, easy,
for making it such a great newsletter. Of course,
convenient, and reduces renewal mailing costs.
your submissions make it all possible! Click on the JOIN button.
Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter – April 2009 Page 2
Nature Conservancy Invasive Species Initiative

I nvasives Corner Plants USDA gov

Global Invasive Species Database,
UC Davis invasive plants, UC Berkeley invasive
Water Wise Gardening, Computer Fun for plants
Plant Nerds, and a List of Invasive Plant Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working
Websites Group
I went on a computer search for "waterwise" sites to º
see what plants they were endorsing for our
gardens. I found several sites with good advice

about how one can limit the amount of water
expended in the garden. <> was reserve Stewardship
one of the better ones. The plant list and exposition
were quite extensive. This site had many natives, CUNNINGHAM MARSH
and did not include many invasive plants on their WORK DAYS
list of recommended plants. However, I did find WHEN: APRIL 5 and MAY 17, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Sweet alyssum, Pyracantha ssp, and Pride of WHERE: Parking limited. Please carpool or
Madeira - Calipc listed invasives. "Water Wise meet at 8:30 at Sebastopol Safeway near the Rite-
Gardening for the Pacific Northwest" by Rod Smith Aid side, to be at Marcia's house (next to the marsh)
was a site with good advice, but no plant list, unless by 9 a.m. Please just gather yourselves for
my aged scanning ability missed it. The site list that carpooling.
seemed to have NO restraint was the one put out 1460 Big Cedar Ln., Sebastopol - 2nd house, end of
by the Sonoma County Water Agency through the road on right (116 to Bloomfield to Lone Pine, right
California Urban Water Conservation Council in on Big Cedar, or 116 to Lone Pine, left on Big
concert with the Environmental Protection Agency. Cedar)
Over a thousand plants are exhibited here, and the Any Questions: 707-829-3808-
profiles of the many invasive plants listed include
no mention of their behavior, but lots of advice PARK IN DRIVEWAY ONLY....not on road
about how to cultivate them! I'm waiting for a call WORK: We have completed all the major planting
back from our water agency on this. for the near future, however, we need:
When I can find a contact e-mail address, I let them Careful weeding within the endangered Pitkin Lily
know that they have listed questionable plants. exclosures,
Most of the time, when I get a response, it is Planting of 40 1 gal. special plants,
accommodating. Once I got a prominent gardener Weeding all areas with new plantings outside the 5
who must have spent a good half hour composing established hedgerows,
an e-mail upbraiding me for my undemocratic Removing all hardware and protection from plants
plant attitude. Well - yeah.... that did not survive (We will record what did and
Anyway, if you haven't been overwhelmed by tons did not survive),
of e-mails from Move On asking you to this or that Cutting back vegetation along existing paths,
with your vast free time, you too can play detective Walking the field looking for any oaks that are
on line, and advocate for the planting of native coming up, flagging them and protecting them
plants of our area - in our area. I am making a before mowing.
resolution today to transfer the time I've been In general, we are getting the area ready for the
spending on computer solitaire onto what my son year.
calls a "plant nerd mission." Next time you see me, We really need your help! Come see what we have
ask me if I've done it. The road to Hell..... done, and be a part of this important restoration
Here is a list of some of the sites I google for We'll work until 12ish.
research: If you would like to work later, bring a lunch.
California Invasive Plant Inventory or -Calipc- in Bring gloves, any favorite hand tool, and water.
general Snacks and water will be provided.
Calphoto Heavy rain???? cancels
Calflora ºMarcia Johnson, Steward, Cunningham Marsh
CDFA Encycloweedia

Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter – April 2009 Page 3

was involved in plant salvage operations and pre-

inundation vegetation studies on Warm Springs
vent Reports Dam, and helped determine the routing of the
wastewater pipeline to the Geysers. In 1988 Betty
was named a fellow of CNPS, that organization’s
SCCC’s 2009 Environmental Awards highest honor. Today she continues to serve as
reviewer on the State CNPS Rare Plant Scientific
Dinner Advisory Committee, and to share her knowledge of
Here are some excerpts from an article by Portia Sinnot, several decades with local CNPS members and
SCCC Awards Chair, published in The Empire Roport, Laguna Foundation members on the historical
an online publication of local news) vernal pool plant populations." . (Full Article at:
March 7th, Sebastopol. The Sonoma County
Conservation Council, the Sierra Club Sonoma county-environmental-awards/)
Group and 170 activists attending the Sonoma
County Environmental Awards Dinner gathered at
the Sebastopol Veterans Auditorium to honor nine
individuals and two local programs working to
protect the environment. David Keller was awarded
the Environmentalist of the Year. Cotati Creek
Critters was awarded Outstanding Environmental
Education Program.
Betty Guggolz of the California Native Plant Society
and Betty Burridge of Madrone Audubon Society and
Redwood Region Ornithological Society were both
awarded the Ernestine I. Smith Lifetime
Environmental Commitment Award.

L-R: Betty Burridge, Rue Furch, Betty Guggolz, and Portia Sinot

As the two Bettys accepted their awards, each

spoke about the importance of science in advocacy
and conservation.
In the early 1970’s, Betty Guggolz was a rare voice
Betty Burridge (top, center) and Betty Guggolz, (right),
receive much applause (Jenny Blaker, center) as they walk
in our county, advocating for plant conservation.
up to the stage for their Lifetime Commitment Awards. As she recalled in her thank you speech, she would
get up in front of the Board of Supervisors and the
Mrs. Guggolz of Cloverdale was nominated by Gary
Hundt and Lynn Houser of the Milo Baker Chapter, City Councils and tell them they had to do plant
California Native Plant Society (CNPS): “Betty Lovell surveys and consider the impacts to rare plants.
Guggolz has been a tireless advocate for plants and She learned the laws and the flora to make her
ecosystems threatened by development in Sonoma point. Betty Burridge was more of a generalist
county since the early 1970's. She founded the local naturalist, she said, and when she saw that Betty
Milo Baker chapter of the CNPS. Betty monitored
was so active with CNPS and speaking up for the
many of the rare and threatened plant locations
first identified by the pioneering SRJC botanist Milo plants, she decided to specialize in birds.
Baker, providing field data invaluable to support Seeing CNPS and Audubon and our commitment
listing several plants under the federal and state to science and advocacy getting such a prominent
endangered species acts, data for CNPS’s acknowledgement is news we can use. Thank you
authoritative CA Rare and Endangered Plants to Gary for writing Betty Guggolz’s nomination, to
publication, and for the Flora of Sonoma County.
Katy for my nomination, and to everyone for
She frequently contributed plant information to
local Environmental Impact documents and Timber supporting the SCCC.
Harvest Plans, and was often consulted by state and º Lynn Houser
local agencies on land-use and resource
management issues. She fought for and obtained
conservation easements to preserve threatened
species on Rincon Ridge and Cunningham marsh,
Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter – April 2009 Page 4
Lake Sonoma Recap indicate which part of the day you would like to
Field Trip Report
Several hiked the trails surrounding Lake Sonoma The Cedars, Sonoma County's
on February 28th with Doris Golden leading the Remarkable Serpentine Canyonlands
way. There was no shortage of Digger Pines (Pinus Saturday, April 25, 9:30am-4pm
sabiniana), Pacific Madrone and various species of Hidden miles behind locked gates in rural
Quercus in the area. In addition to signs of wild pig northwest Sonoma County and forming the
activity, the hikers were greeted by flowering extreme headwaters of the two main branches of
manzanitas and Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium Austin Creek and several tributaries of the
montanum). A few mused that the trail should have Wheatfield Fork of the Gualala River, lies a huge
been renamed the Wild Onion Trail due to the massif of ultramafic (serpentine) rock called The
many Allium growing underfoot. As they bagged Cedars. Its 2,000'+ ridges are deeply eroded,
the steep climb up Bummer’s Peak, they found Iris forming steep canyon walls, numerous waterfalls
douglasiana, Star lily (Zigadenus fremontii) and Indian and cascades, ephemeral, intermittent and
warrior (Pedicularis densiflora). The intrepid hikers perennial creeks, and fascinating travertine
continued down the trail towards Lake Sonoma seepages and formations. Massive barrens and
spying stands of Milkmaids (Cardamine californica), talus slopes alternate with old-growth Sargent
Buttercups (Ranunculus), and Shooting star cypress woodlands, forming an intricate mosaic of
(Dodecatheon) along the way. In addition to the vegetation, with 7 of its plants found no where else
striking inflorescences, California Maidenhair fern in the world, while others have their only Sonoma
(Adiantum jordanii) and California polypody fern County populations here.
(Polypodium californicum) grew along moist dirt Roger Raiche will lead 20 participants to explore
walls between the roots of trees and by small some of this remote area that he co-owns with
streams. Although the weather cooperated David McCrory. Expect to see Western azalea,
throughout most of the fieldtrip, during the last California lady-slipper orchid, purple-leafed stream
minutes the hikers had to quickly trek back to the orchid, and other spring flowers.
cars due to the rapidly graying skies. Participants will meet at 9:30 at the bakery in
ºJade Nguyen Cazadero and then proceed into the canyon in
vehicles with 4WD. We will probably leave the
canyon about 3:00PM, which will get folks back to
their cars by 4:00 at the latest. We will need some

F ield Trips of the participants to have 4WD cars or trucks to

access the canyon. Bring lunch and water.
RSVP Natasha Granoff,
Vernal Pools of Sonoma County 542-9670
Saturday April 4, 10:00am – 4:00 pm (ish)
On our vernal pool trip this year, we will visit three May/June Outings
sites, guided by Gene Cooley, DFG Botanist. May 9, Mammoth Rocks near Goat Rock:
We will carpool promptly @ 9:30 a.m. from the Join Conservation Chair, Michael Hogan, for a trip to
Sebastopol Community Center parking lot to the one of the finest and most diverse coastal prairies on the
first site which is on private property. Light Sonoma Coast.
walking involved.
June 6, Estero Americano
The second part of the trip will begin at 1:30 and
has a separate sign up. This site involves more
June 20, Sweetwater Springs:
extensive walking over uneven ground. Directions
hike and Douglas fir pulling party
will be sent with confirmed sign up.
Members only, please. Space is strictly limited and
June 21, Harrison Grade Ecological Preserve
priority will be given to members who were unable
to participate last year in order that, eventually, ºNatasha Granoff
everyone who wants to will have a chance to
experience these special places. Please sign up to
attend by contacting Mary Abbott, or 707-823-7203. Remember to

Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter – April 2009 Page 5

Meet at the San Andreas trailhead for Mt Burdell.

I tems of Interest From Highway 101 in Novato, take the

Atherton/San Marin exit, go west on San Marin for
2.3 miles, turn right on San Andreas. The trailhead
CNPS Marin Field Trips: is near the end of this short street, park by the
Sunday, April 19, 2009, 10am roadside.
One name that is missing from virtually any and all Wildland Weed Field Courses (Cal-IPC)
lists of magical floral wonderlands is the At Mountain Home Ranch, a 300-acre secluded retreat
miraculous Glide Tule Ranch, a vernal pool with so center with comfortable conference facilities, located 20
much color that you can easily become color- minutes northeast of Santa Rosa.:
blinded by endless vistas of some of the most May 13 - Biology and Identification: Know your
vibrant and brightest colors imaginable, produced Wildland Weeds! - Training in the biology and
by 4 Subspecies of lovely blue Downingias, carpets reproduction of invasive plants. Topics such as:
of Goldfields (Lasthenia sp), masses of Woolly Taxonomy and resources - steps to identify a plant
Starfish (Hesperevax caulescens) endless seas of you don't know; Verification - where to send
Oregon woolly marbles (Psilocarphus oreganus), samples; Vouchering techniques; Creating your own
and many other wondrous and rare species of herbarium; Botany 101 - a hands-on look at plant
Vernal Pool plants. parts, OR an advanced topic. Focus on particular
Adding to its mystery and allure is the fact that species of importance in this region. Cal-IPC has
Glide Tule Ranch Vernal Pool is open to the public received 6.0 hours of "Other" DPR continuing-ed
one day a year, and only one day a year. So, the credits for all Biology & Identification courses.
vast majority of amateur botanists have never even May 14 - Advanced Herbicide Control Methods
heard of Glide Tule Ranch, much less visited this for Wildland Weeds – In-depth instruction on the
enchanted and fantastic floral exposition. mechanism of herbicidal control, and practical
Directions: Glide Tule Ranch is located about 15 demonstrations of herbicide control methods,
miles south of Davis in Yolo County, and is part of taught by leading invasive weed experts.
the Southern Yolo Wildlife Area, a large protected Participants can expect to emerge with a deeper
area to the west of Sacramento. To get there, take understanding of and ability to implement
Interstate 80 to Davis, and exit at the Mace Blvd herbicide control approaches, including:
Exit. To reach the meeting site, drive south on Mace Formulations and modes of action; Selectivity and
Blvd, which becomes County Road 104, to County adjuvants; Herbaceous plant control ( spray to wet,
Road 35 (one mile south of Putah Creek). Turn left low volume, thin line, and wick); Woody plant
(east) on Road 35 and drive to County Road 106. control: ( basal bark, cut stump, and hack and
Turn right (south) on Road 106 and go for about 3 squirt); Calibration of spray equipment; and Safe use of
miles to County Road 38A, where there will be herbicides
signs for driving into the Wildlife Area. Featured instructors include Bob Case, CNPS; Joe
Since it's a long-distance drive that takes DiTomaso, UC Davis; Ken Moore, Wildlands
approximately 2 hours to reach from Central Marin Restoration Team; Dina Robertson, URS Corporation;
County, let's plan on having an informal car-pool. Jon Roncoroni, UC Cooperative Extesion; Guy Kyser,
To partake in that, meet at 8am at the parking lot UC Davis; and others..
for the Larkspur Ferry Terminal. Course formats are a combination of full-group sessions;
break-out rotations of small groups for hands-on training;
Tuesday April 21, 2009, 9:00 am
and Q&A sessions, which participants may use to ask for
SAN ANDREAS TRAILHEAD – MT. general and project-specific advice.
BURDELL OPEN SPACE PRESERVE All courses include lunch, snacks and reference material.
This hike should coincide with the peak of the local Preregistration required!
spring wildflower season, expect to see masses of Only $45 per course, thanks to special grant funding, for
grassland wildflowers and various serpentinite-soil "restoration volunteers" (if weed management is not part
specialties! of your professional work and you volunteer for an
The hike will be led by Doreen Smith. organized restoration effort.) Regular fees per course are
If participants are willing, we will learn to key some $145/$165 (Cal-IPC member/non-member.) !
species, so make sure to bring your copy of either More information is available online at
edition of Howell's "Marin Flora". If you don't
already own a copy, it will be for sale at the See you in the field! Heather.
trailhead at the start of the hike.
Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter – April 2009 Page 6
ANDERSON VALLEY WILDFLOWER Riverkeeper Stewardship Park
SHOW Saturday-Sunday, April 25-26 Volunteer Days
What: Enjoy time on the Russian River working
The Anderson Valley with other volunteers to restore healthy riverbank
Unity Club is sponsoring habitat. No experience necessary
this show at the When: Every Wednesday. Event cancelled when
Mendocino County there is enough rain to need a raincoat.
Fairgrounds in Boonville. Time: 8:30 - 11:30 am, please join us for all or part
of the time.
Many wildflowers are Aster chilensis &
Erigeron divergens
Bring: water and gloves - wear sturdy shoes.
collected and identified. Where: 16153 Main St., Guerneville, located on the
There are plants and books for sale, a tearoom north bank of the Russian River directly upstream
offering good food, and a raffle which funds of the pedestrian bridge.
scholarships for high school students for college or For more information, contact Victoria Wikle at 865-
camp. Admission is free. The show is open from 2474 or See the website at
9am to 4pm right on highway 128 in the middle of or call Don
town. McEnhill at 217-4762, or e-mail him at


Saturday, April 18, 2009 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Organized by Volunteers of the East Bay Cotati Creek Critters
Creek Stewardship Days
Regional Parks Botanic Garden Saturday, April 11, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Meet at
The Botanic Garden is located at the intersection of
Cotati City well lot no. 2, Lakewood Avenue,
Wildcat Canyon Rd. & South Park Drive
Cotati. See for Creek
near the Brazil Building in Tilden Regional Park in
Stewardship Day guidelines, directions and a map.
Berkeley (admission is free)
Special Earth Day Creek Clean Up
California shrubs, trees, perennials. Find many
Sunday, April 26, 10 a.m. - 1p.m. at Falletti Park off
plants that are not available in a nursery.
Gravenstein Way, Cotati. Details and directions
Horticultural advice gladly given! Come and
from or 707 792 4422.
explore the Garden.
Buy some plants to take home. Please bring boxes Exploring the Byways, Bikeways and Habitat of
to carry home your treasures and an umbrella if it the Southern Laguna watershed: Saturday, April
rains. Refreshments available. Proceeds directly 4, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. A gentle bike ride to explore parts
benefit the Garden. of the Southern Laguna de Santa Rosa watershed
510-841-8732 or 888-327-2757 option #3 ext. 4507 around Cotati, with choices of route length and
stops to enjoy the countryside. Kate Symonds, a
biologist who works in a habitat restoration
Riverkeepers Dinner program with the US Fish & Wildlife Serve, will
Please join Don McEnhill , the Riverkeeper and the give us an overview of the vernal pool landscapes
Riverkeeper Park volunteers for dinner on and valley oaks we pass along the way. Helmets
Tuesday, March 10 at the Rainbow Cattle and bikes in good working order are essential, and
Company. The volunteers have planned chili (with you are responsible for your own bicycle safety.
and without meat) and the trimmings for dinner. This is part of the Sonoma County Bicycle
Donations are welcome. The donations, a portion Coalition's "Spandex-free bike rides" series and the
of the bar proceeds and all the “model train” Cotati Creek Critters Inside/Outside Nature
money goes directly to support the Park. Education series. Contact
To learn more about the Riverkeeper and the Park or 707 792 4422 to register and for details and
visit http://www.russianr directions.
If you have questions you can reach me by return
email or call me at 865-2474

Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter – April 2009 Page 7

We invite you to join CNPS
Milo Baker Chapter Officers & Board of Directors 2009-10

President, Lynn Houser, 568-3230, Name________________________________

Vice President, Liz Parsons, 833-2063,
Secretary, Patricia Sesser, 528-9197, Address______________________________
Treasurer, Jim Piercy, 539-3441,
Book Sales, Wendy Smit, 431.7913, City/Zip______________________________
Conservation Chair, Michael Hogan,
Cunningham Marsh, Marcia Johnson, 829-3808, Phone________________________________
Director at Large, Lea Davis, 538-1499
Director at Large, Beth Robinson, 490-4951, Email________________________________
Director at Large, Joan Schwan, 823-0446, Chapter affiliation:
Director at Large, Cindy Tancreto, 528-9225, † Milo Baker (Sonoma County)
Field Trips, Natasha Granoff, 542-9670, † Other county ______________________
Hospitality, Becky Montgomery, 573-0103, Membership category:
Hospitality, Liz Parsons, 833-2063, † Student or Limited Income…….… $25
Invasive Plant Chair, ML Carle, 792-1823, † Individual………………………….$45
Legislative Chair, Katy Redmon, 762-3961, † Family, Group or Library………….$75
Membership/WebAdmin., Gary Hundt, 542-4972, † Plant Lover………………….……$100
Newsletter Editor, Katy Redmon, 762-3961, † Patron…………………………….$300
Plant Sale, Liz Parsons, 833-2063, † Benefactor………………………..$600
Poster & T-Shirt Sales, Wendy Smit, 431.7913, † Mariposa Lily………………… ..$1500
Programs/Lectures, April Owens, 528-3387,
Publicity, Leia Giambastiani, 322-6722, † New Member † Renewal
Rincon Ridge Park, Lynn Houser, 568-3230,
SCCC Rep., Wendy Krupnick, 544-4582, Make check payable to CNPS and mail to:
Southridge Preserve, Jeffery Barrett, CNPS, 2707 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
SRJC Representative: OPEN
SSU Representative, Frederique Lavoipierre, 829-0751, To pay by credit card or for more info call
Vine Hill Preserve, Sarah Gordon, 833-1243, 916.447.2677 or visit

Milo Baker Chapter U.S. Postage Paid
P.O. Box 892 Santa Rosa, CA
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Permit #470

Lilium pardalinum ssp. pitkinense

Pitkin lily

Newsletter & Web Site Info:

Send newsletter submissions to:
Katy Redmon,
Deadline for inclusion in the May
Newsletter is April 15.
The chapter web site
contains a wealth of information plus
current and archived newsletters.
To receive notification of the online newsletter,
or for newsletter mailing/membership issues,
contact: Gary Hundt,

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