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Published in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Received on 4th August 2013
Revised on 21st October 2013
Accepted on 15th December 2013
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

ISSN 1751-8687

Adaptive zero sequence compensation algorithm

for double-circuit transmission line protection
Heresh Seyedi, Saeed Teimourzadeh, Peyman Soleiman Nezhad
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, 5166616471 Tabriz, Iran

Abstract: This study presents an adaptive zero sequence compensation algorithm to improve the conventional ground distance
relays performance, in double-circuit transmission lines. The proposed approach corrects the estimated impedance by correcting
the degree of zero sequence compensation of ground distance relays. The new scheme is proposed for the standalone distance
relays and does not inherently require any communication link. However, it is applicable to all well-known pilot protection
schemes. The proposed method utilises zero sequence equivalent circuit in order to estimate the compensation term.
Afterwards, the estimated impedance is corrected by using a recursive approach. Finally, the proposed method compensates
the fault resistance effect. The simulation and experimental results verify the efciency, security and dependability of the
proposed method. The results indicate that by using the proposed method, the maloperation of the conventional distance relay
because of the mutual coupling is mostly resolved.


Double-circuit transmission lines are extensively utilised

in high-voltage transmission systems because of their
economic and environmental advantages [1, 2]. However,
reliable protection of double-circuit transmission lines is a
challenging problem. Mutual coupling effect, different
possible congurations and inter-circuit faults are the main
factors which affect the reliability of double-circuit
transmission lines [15].
Various protection schemes are presented for reliable
protection of the double-circuit transmission lines. The
presented schemes could be categorised into ve different
categories. The rst category includes non-pilot impedancebased schemes [615]. These schemes estimate the positive
sequence impedance from the relaying point to the fault point
and protect the transmission line based on the estimated
impedance. The mutual coupling between the parallel
transmission lines affects the estimated impedance and causes
a maloperation of the impedance-based schemes. The
positive and negative sequence mutual coupling impedances
are usually less than 57% of the transmission line
self-impedance. However, the zero sequence mutual coupling
may be as high as 5070% of the transmission line
self-impedance [16]. Therefore the zero sequence mutual
coupling is the main source of error [3, 16]. In the case of
far-end faults, when both lines are in-service, the
impedance-based relay tends to under-reach. On the other
hand, in the case of single-circuit operating mode, the relay
is likely to over-reach for far-end faults [6, 8]. To estimate
the accurate impedance of fault-loop, a zero sequence
compensation is suggested in [6, 7]. This method could not
be utilised in the case of single-circuit operation mode, since
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

the adjacent transmission line current is not available.

Furthermore, the zero sequence compensation method makes
the relay of the sound line to over-reach. In [9, 17], far-end
breaker operation and adjacent transmission line current
reversal scheme is proposed to accelerate the relay operation
for internal faults. In the case of evolving faults, this method
does not have reliable performance [1]. Moreover, a new
distance relay compensation algorithm is presented in [3]. In
this algorithm, the impedance estimation is based on a
recursive algorithm which compensates the estimated
impedance by using the sequence network parameters.
The second category includes pilot protection schemes [6,
1821]. In [6, 18, 19], impedance-based schemes, that is,
permissive over-reach transfer trip (POTT) and permissive
under-reach transfer trip (PUTT), are proposed. In addition,
current differential algorithms are presented in [5, 20, 21]. To
achieve reliable protection of the transmission lines, in this
method, the far-end current is required. Therefore a very
tough communication link with high bandwidth is required
for current differential-based algorithms. Generally, in pilot
protection schemes, the dependability of protective scheme is
dependent on the communication link reliability.
The third category includes cross-differential protective
schemes [1, 2224]. In this technique, the protective
scheme is based on the difference between current phasors
in the corresponding phases of parallel lines. Crossdifferential scheme has overcome the mutual coupling
effect problem [2224]. However, this method has two
major shortcomings: First, in the case of far-end faults, the
performance of this scheme is not reliable. Second, since
the current of the adjacent line is not always available, the
cross-differential scheme could be employed only when
both the lines are in-service.

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The fourth category includes articial intelligence-based
protective schemes [2529]. In [25], Kohonen neural
network-based scheme is proposed. In addition, the fault
classication and distance location schemes based on the
articial intelligence method are proposed in [2628].
The last category includes other protective approaches. The
travelling wave-based approaches in [30], the special iterative
current differential method in [31], the Z-bus matrix-based
scheme in [32], the model transformation in conjunction
with apparent impedance-based approach in [33], the
wavelet transient energy-based method in [34], the
synchronised voltage measurement-based scheme in [35]
and the combination of wavelet transforms and neural
networks-based algorithm in [36] are some examples.
Moreover, the fault superimposed components-based
algorithms are reported in [37, 38].
This paper introduces an adaptive zero sequence
compensation algorithm for the protection of double-circuit
transmission lines. In this method, correction of the
estimated impedance is accomplished by changing the
degree of zero sequence compensation in ground distance
relays. The proposed method corrects the estimated
impedance in both the double-circuit and single-circuit
operating modes. This method utilises zero sequence
equivalent circuit and a recursive algorithm in order to
correct the estimated impedance by ground distance relays.
The proposed algorithm corrects the estimated impedance
by calculating a compensating term. The compensating term
is calculated by using a recursive algorithm and
compensation degree varies depending on the fault point.
This method is categorised in non-pilot impedance-based
schemes. Therefore the proposed method does not
inherently require any communication link. This method
can easily be applied to conventional distance relays and
does not require additional inputs. The simulation studies
are carried out by using PSCAD/EMTDC. In addition,
experimental studies are carried out in order to validate the
simulation results.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2, briey
presents the performance of conventional distance relays in
both cases of double-circuit and single-circuit operation. In
Section 3, the proposed algorithm is presented. Section 4
presents the simulation studies. In Section 5, the
experimental studies are presented. Section 6, presents a
brief discussion about the paper. Finally, Section 7
concludes the ndings and contributions of the paper.

2 Conventional distance schemes for

double-circuit transmission line protection
The full scheme distance relays include the ground and phase
units. Ground units estimate the impedance as follows [6]
ZR = R =
IA + mIA0


where ZL0 and ZL1 are the zero sequence and positive
sequence impedances of the transmission line, respectively.
The estimated impedance using (1), in the case of
double-circuit transmission lines, is not exactly equal to the
actual impedance from the relaying point to the fault. In the
case of double-circuit transmission lines, zero sequence
mutual coupling effect should be considered in the
impedance estimation. In this case, the impedance
estimation is formulated by using (3)(5).
VR = Z1f IA + (Z0f Z1f )IA0 + Z0mf IB0
Z0f Z1f
IA0 = IA + mIA0

Zm0 IB0
= Z1f 1 +
ZR =

IR = IA +



where Z1f, Z0f and Z0mf are the positive sequence, zero
sequence and zero sequence mutual impedances of
transmission line from the relay to the fault point,
respectively. IB0 is zero sequence current of adjacent line
and Zm0 is total zero sequence mutual impedance of the
parallel transmission lines. Equations (3)(5) are proven in
[6]. Owing to the term (Zm0/ZL1) (IB0/IR) of (5), the relay
either over-reaches or under-reaches. Mal-operation of the
relay is dependent on the fault location and double-circuit
transmission line operating mode, that is, single-circuit or
double-circuit operating mode. As previously mentioned,
one of the most popular methods for compensation of zero
sequence mutual impedance effect is to apply an
appropriate portion of zero sequence current of adjacent
transmission line to the distance relay [6, 7]. This method
compensates the zero sequence mutual coupling effect.
However, in some cases, the zero sequence compensation
method has serious shortcomings.
First, this method requires the adjacent transmission
line zero sequence current which is not always accessible,
for example, during the single-circuit operation of
double-circuit transmission line. Requirement of adjacent
line zero sequence current decreases the dependability of
the protection.
Second, this method decreases the security of sound
transmission line relays. According to Fig. 1, assume that
all relays are compensated by using zero sequence
compensation method.
In the case of close to R1 forward fault, R3 should remain
stable. The relay R3 estimates the impedance using (6).
Zseen3 =

Ia3 + mI03 + m I01


where Zseen3 is the estimated impedance by the relay R3, Ea

is the voltage phasor of the faulted phase at the relaying
point, Ia3 is the current phasor of the faulted phase at the
relaying point, I03 is the zero sequence current at the

where ZR is the estimated impedance by distance relay, VR is

the voltage phasor of the faulted phase at the relaying point, IR
is relay current, IA is the current phasor of the faulted phase at
the relaying point and IA0 is the zero sequence current. The
coefcient m is calculated by using (2).


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Fig. 1 Double-circuit transmission line
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538
relaying point and I01 is the zero sequence current of the
adjacent transmission line. The coefcient m is calculated
by using (7).
m =



If the network connected to bus B is much weaker than that of

A, the denominator of (6) becomes positive. Therefore the
fault is detected in front of the relay R3 and the sound line
may be tripped incorrectly. Owing to the abovementioned
problems, zero sequence compensation method is not
recommended by most of the relay manufacturers [39]. For
more detail on formulation refer to [6].

New compensation algorithm

The proposed algorithm changes the m coefcient in (1), in

order to compensate for the zero sequence mutual coupling.
The proposed method does not require the zero sequence
current of the adjacent line when it is not accessible
during the single-circuit operation mode. Therefore the
dependability problem because of the absence of adjacent
line zero sequence current is totally solved. This algorithm
handles both the single-circuit and double-circuit operation
modes of double-circuit transmission lines.

Double-circuit operating mode

According to Fig. 1, in the case of close to R1 fault, the zero

sequence currents of faulty and sound lines ow in different
directions. Therefore, according to (5), R1 over-reaches.
To avoid this problem, m should be decreased. On the
other hand, in the case of remote faults, R1 is likely to
under-reach. In this case, the zero sequence currents of
faulty and sound lines ow in the same directions and m
should be increased to correct the estimated impedance. In
the following, it is explained how to correct the m coefcient.
According to the conventional zero sequence compensation
method, IR should be calculated as follows [6]
IR = IA +

Z0f Z1f
IA0 + 0mf IB0



Z0f Z1f Z0mf IB0
I = IA + m IA0 (9)
Z1f IA0 A0

m + Z0mf IB0 , if I . I
m =
Z1f IA0

if IA0 , IB0

IR = IA +

Zcorrected =

Ia + m IA0

Fig. 2

Single-circuit operation of double-circuit transmission line

method, inadvertent operation of the sound line relay is not

probable in this method.

Single-circuit operating mode

In the case of single-circuit operation, an induced current

ows in to the grounded circuit. This current will not pass
through the current transformers, since the CTs are located
behind the disconnecting switches [3]. According to Fig. 2,
in the case of close to R1 fault, the zero sequence currents
of faulty and sound lines ow in the same direction and the
relay R1, is likely to under-reach. Therefore, in order to
correct the estimated impedance, m should be increased. On
the other hand, in the case of remote faults, the relay R1
over-reaches since the zero sequence currents of faulty and
sound lines ow in different directions. Therefore m should
be decreased to correct the behaviour of ground distance
relay. The correction of m can be formulated by using (8)
(11). However, in the case of single-circuit operation, since
IB0 is not available, the term IB0/IA0 is calculated by using
the system equivalent circuit. Fig. 3 depicts the zero
sequence equivalent circuit for the system of Fig. 2.
The term IB0/IA0 could be calculated by using Kirchoff
voltage law equations in the zero sequence network as follows

ZT + ZT + ZL0 IA0 = Zm0 IB0 + ZT + (1 n)ZL0 I0 (12)
ZL0 IB0 = nZm0 IA0 + (1 n)Zm0 (IA0 I0 )


nZT (1 n)ZT Zm0
2 (1 n)Z 2
IA0 ZT ZL0 + (1 n)ZL0


where ZT and ZT are the impedances of left-side and

right-side transformers, respectively. Now, Zcorrected is
calculated by using (11). In the above equations, n
represents the per-unit fault location. In other words, if the
total positive sequence line impedance is equal to Z1, the
impedance from the relay to the fault point will be equal to
nZ1. The problem is that n is not known. Therefore it seems
that the calculation of IB0/IA0 in (14) is not possible. This
problem is solved by using a recursive approach.
First, ZR is estimated by using (1). This is an initial value
for ZR in which the zero sequence coupling has not, yet,
been compensated. This initial value of ZR is used to obtain


In fact, (11) is very similar to the conventional zero sequence

compensation method. However, (10) indicates that the
zero sequence compensation is applied only if the fault is
on the protected line. When the fault occurs on the adjacent
line, the zero sequence current of the adjacent line will be
greater than that of the protected line. In this case,
according to (10), compensation is not applied. Therefore,
in contrast to the conventional zero sequence compensation
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

Fig. 3 Zero sequence circuit of the system presented by Fig. 2


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an initial value for n

n R


Now, this estimation of n is applied to (14), by which the

value of IB0/IA0 is estimated. Once IB0/IA0 is calculated, it is
possible to correct ZR by using (5). Then the corrected
value of ZR may, again, be inserted in (15) to correct the
initial estimation of n. It is possible to continue this
procedure until n converges to a nal value.
Based on various simulation studies, we concluded that
only one stage of the mentioned procedure is sufcient to
derive an accurate value for the estimated impedance.
Therefore, in order to avoid the consequent delays, only one
stage of correction is applied in this work.
From the above discussion, it is concluded that by using
(10), (11), (14) and (15), it is possible to compensate for
the effect of mutual coupling even when IB0 is not
accessible because of the substation arrangement.

Compensation of fault resistance effect

The performance of proposed method, similar to the

conventional distance relays, is affected by the fault

resistance. Fault resistance effect is compensated by using

the proposed method in [3]. Fault resistance affects both
real and imaginary parts of the corrected impedance
calculated by (11). Its effect on imaginary part depends on
voltage angle at the sending and receiving ends. Fault
resistance majorly affects the real part of corrected
impedance and its effect on imaginary part, may be
ignored. For an internal fault, X/R ratio of the calculated
impedance by (11) should be equal to X/R ratio of the
protected line [3]. Therefore the real component of
corrected impedance is calculated as follows
Zcorrected = Rc + jXc


=  Rcomp = c
Rcomp R


Zcorrected = Rcomp + jXc


where R and X are the total positive sequence resistance and

reactance of the transmission line, respectively. Zcomp is the
compensated value of the corrected estimated impedance.
Rc and Rcomp are the real part of corrected and compensated
value of the estimated impedance, respectively.

Fig. 4 Flowchart of the proposed algorithm

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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116

doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

Summary of new algorithm

Based on the discussions of Sections 3.13.3, the owchart of

the proposed algorithm is shown in Fig. 4. According to the
owchart, when both lines are in-service, the adjacent line
zero sequence current is used in order to correct the m
coefcient. Nevertheless, the proposed method does not
require the adjacent transmission line zero sequence current
in the case of single-circuit operation, where the zero
sequence current of the adjacent transmission line is
Major time delay of proposed algorithm is due to phasor
estimation stage, where the full-cycle Fourier lter is
applied. Therefore, time delay for the proposed method is
estimated to be around one period of power system
fundamental frequency, since the delays related to the other
parts of the algorithm can be neglected. Accurate time
delay of the proposed method is reported in Section 5.2
based on the experimental results.

Simulation studies

To validate the performance of the proposed method,

comprehensive simulation studies are carried out. The
system which is shown in Fig. 1 is simulated by using
PSCAD/EMTDC software. A 200 km and 230 kV
double-circuit transmission line, with system data listed in
Table 1, is the transmission line under study. In addition,
tower conguration of tested transmission line is depicted in
Fig. 5.

Simulation results

4.1.1 Case 1: equal source impedances and

double-circuit operating mode: In this case, both
local and remote sources have the same impedances. Single
phase-to-ground fault is simulated in different locations of
transmission line protected by relays R1 and R2. Table 2
presents the performance of the relay R1. First column of
the table lists different fault locations. Second column
presents the actual impedance. In addition, the estimated
impedance by conventional distance relay is listed in
column 3. Column 4 presents the corrected impedance by
using (11). The last column is dedicated to the new m
coefcient. Initial amount of coefcient m is equal to
According to the results of Table 2, the proposed scheme
by updating the value of m coefcient, corrects the
estimated impedance. In the case of far-end faults, that is,
n = 0.8 and n = 0.9, conventional distance relay seriously

Fig. 5 Conguration of the transmission line tower

Table 2 Simulation results of case 1



(Ea/Ia + mI0)






tends to under-reach. However, the corrected impedance is

sufciently accurate using the proposed method. Therefore
the dependability of the transmission line protection is
improved. Fig. 6 depicts the zero sequence currents of the
protected and adjacent lines, IA0 and IB0, respectively, for
n = 0.6. According to this gure, IA0 is greater than IB0
during the post-fault conditions. Therefore m is updated by
using (10).
4.1.2 Case 2: equal source impedances and
single-circuit operating mode: In this case, one of the
transmission lines is isolated from other parts of power
system and grounded at both ends. Single phase-to-ground
fault is simulated in different locations of the in-service
transmission line. Table 3 presents performance of the relay
R1. The conguration of Table 3 is similar to Table 2. The
comparison between the proposed method and our pervious
work is presented in the last column. In addition,
comparison between the performance of the conventional
distance relay and proposed method for n = 0.9 is shown in

Table 1 Characteristics of the simulated system

transmission line length, L
transmission line positive sequence impedance,
transmission line zero sequence impedance, ZL0
transmission line mutual zero sequence
impedance, Zm0
left-side transformer impedance, ZT
right-side transformer impedance, ZT
equivalent positive sequence impedance, seen
from bus A
equivalent positive sequence impedance, seen
from bus B

200 km

Fig. 6 IA0 and IB0 for n = 0.6

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538


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Table 3 Simulation results of case 2


(Ea/Ia + mI0)


Corrected [3]







method. On the other hand, in the case of single-circuit

operating mode, conventional distance relay over-reaches.
According to Table 4, the external fault is detected in the
rst zone of conventional distance relay. By reducing the m
coefcient from 2.8712.7 to 1.540.71, the impedance
estimation is corrected and security of the protection system
is improved.

Fig. 7 Comparison of conventional distance relay and proposed

method (n = 0.9)

Fig. 7. Initial amount of the coefcient m is equal to

From the results of Table 3, the proposed scheme corrects
the estimated impedance. In the case of far-end faults, that is,
n = 0.8 and n = 0.9, conventional distance relay seriously
over-reaches. However, the corrected impedance is
sufciently accurate using the proposed method. Therefore
security of the transmission line protection is improved.
According to Fig. 7, for n = 0.9, the conventional distance
relay detects the fault in zone 1. Nevertheless, by using the
proposed method, fault is detected in the correct zone.
Moreover, comparing with the results of fourth and sixth
columns of Table 3, it is concluded that although the
calculation procedure of the proposed method is much
simpler than that of [3], it is more accurate.
4.1.3 Case 3: equal source impedances and external
fault: In this case, external single phase-to-ground fault is
simulated. Table 3 presents the performance of relay R1.
The conguration of Table 4 is similar to Table 2.
According to Table 4, in the case of double-circuit
operating mode, the estimated impedance by the
conventional distance relay is greater than its actual value.
Therefore the relay is likely to under-reach. Nevertheless,
the impedance estimation and dependability of the
protection system is improved by using the proposed

4.1.4 Case 4: Weak remote source and single-circuit

operating mode: In this case, the remote source is
weaker than the local one. The local and remote source
impedances are equal to 10.1181.46 and 20.2281.46 ,
respectively. The results are presented in Table 5 for n = 0.8
and n = 0.9, where the over-reach problem is serious.
According to Table 5, the conventional distance relay
over-reaches. However, similar to the previous cases, the
proposed method improves the impedance estimation and
security of the protection system.
4.1.5 Case 5: weak local source and single-circuit
operating mode: In this case, the remote source is
stronger than the local one. The local and remote source
impedances are equal to 20.2281.46 and 10.1181.46 ,
respectively. The results are presented in Table 6 for n = 0.8
and n = 0.9, where the over-reach problem is serious.
Table 6, conrms the validity of the proposed method.
According to Table 6, in the case of n = 0.9, the
conventional distance relay detects the fault in n = 0.8.
However, the impedance estimation is corrected by using
the proposed method, where the m coefcient is changed
from 2.8712.7 to 2.132.27.
Table 5 Simulation result of case 4


(Ea/Ia + mI0)






Table 6 Simulation result of case 5



(Ea/Ia + mI0)






Table 4 Simulation results of case 3



(Ea/Ia + mI0)






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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116

doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538
Table 7 Simulation results of case 6


(Ea/Ia + mI0)




6.32 + j65.65
6.32 + j65.65
6.32 + j65.65
6.32 + j65.65

14.71 + j60.12
24.24 + j60.13
35.69 + j59.63
45.85 + j59.46

16.19 + j65.13
27.28 + j66.55
40.92 + j67.12
53.52 + j67.9


6.27 + j65.13
6.41 + j66.54
6.46 + j67.12
6.53 + j67.91

4.1.6 Case 6: effect of fault resistance in single-circuit

operating mode: In this case, the performance of
proposed method in the presence of fault resistance is
analysed. The simulations results for different values of
fault resistance are shown in Table 7. In this case, a single
phase-to-ground fault is simulated at n = 0.9 for various
amounts of fault resistance.
According to Table 7, since the accurate value of
transmission line reactance is estimated by the proposed
method, the fault resistance effect is totally compensated.

current and estimated reactance signals are shown on the

oscilloscope as outputs.

Experimental results

Considering restrictions in the space of this paper, the results

of two cases are presented here. Fig. 9 presents the

Experimental studies

To verify the accuracy of simulation studies, the experimental

studies are carried out. The proposed algorithm is tested on an
experimental prototype setup. The experimental prototype
setup is depicted in Fig. 8.

Experimental prototype

The relay is designed by using MCU (LPC2368_ARM7TDMI)

processor. General features of used MCU include 512 kB
ash memory, running up to 72 MHZ and 64 kB SRAM.
Input data derived from PSCAD is programmed into the
ash memory of the MCU. The trip command, voltage,

Fig. 8 Experimental prototype setup

Fig. 9 Experimental results for n = 0.9 and single-circuit operating mode

a Voltage signal, kV
b Current signal, kA
c Estimated reactance,
d Trip and current signals
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538


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Fig. 10 Simulation results for n = 0.9 and single-circuit operating mode

a Voltage signal, kV
b Current signal, kA
c Estimated reactance,
d Trip and current signals

experimental results for n = 0.9 and single-circuit operating

Figs. 9a and b present the input voltage and current signals,
respectively. In addition, the estimated reactance and trip
signals are shown in Figs. 9c and d, correspondingly.

Furthermore, for comparison, the output signals of

simulation studies for this case are presented in Fig. 10.
Comparison between the results of Figs. 9 and 10 validates
the performance of proposed method. According to Fig. 10d,
the trip signal is generated about 61 samples after fault

Fig. 11 Experimental results for n = 0.6 and double-circuit operating mode

a Voltage signal, kV
b Current signal, kA
c IA0 and IB0, kA
d Trip and current signals
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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116

doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

Fig. 12 Simulation results for n = 0.6 and double-circuit operating mode

a Voltage signal, kV
b Current signal, kA
c IA0 and IB0, kA
d Trip and current signals

inception. In this work, the sampling rate of 40 samples per

cycle is used. As previously said, the full-cycle Fourier
phasor estimation method is used. This method requires at
most one period of power system fundamental frequency
for a complete transition from the pre-fault to the post-fault
condition. Therefore major time delay is due to the phasor
estimation method and the proposed algorithm requires only
21 samples for impedance estimation and correction. As a
result, total delay is estimated to be around 30.5 ms for the
50 Hz system. Moreover, the experimental results for n =
0.6 and double-circuit operating mode are depicted in
Fig. 11. Figs. 11a and b present the input voltage and
current signals, respectively. In addition, the zero sequence
current of protected and adjacent line are depicted in
Fig. 11c. It should be notied that in Fig. 11c, the
timescales for IA0 and IB0 are different. However, the
amplitude scales are the same. Finally, the trip signal is
shown in Fig. 11d.
In addition, for comparison, the output signals of
simulation studies for this case are presented in Fig. 12.
Comparison between the results of Figs. 11 and 12
validates the performance of proposed method.


This work presents a new scheme for double-circuit

transmission line protection. The proposed adaptive zero
sequence compensation scheme has some signicant
advantages in comparison with the conventional distance
and other proposed schemes in the literature. The following
important features should be considered about this work:
The proposed method, corrects the estimated impedance, in
both double-circuit and single-circuit operating modes.
The proposed scheme uses fewer numbers of equations in
comparison with our previous work.
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

The compensation term is not dependent on the

impedances of local and remote sources.
According to Table 3, the corrected impedance is
sufciently accurate in comparison with [3] and the
conventional distance approach.
To validate the accuracy of the simulations studies, the
proposed method is tested on an experimental prototype setup.


This paper presents an adaptive zero sequence compensation

scheme for double-circuit transmission line protection. The
proposed method has the ability of compensation, in both
the single- and double-circuit operation modes. In the case
of the single-circuit operating mode, the proposed method
does not require the zero sequence current of the adjacent
line. Extensive simulation studies are performed to validate
the performance of the proposed method in different
operating conditions including the double-circuit and
single-circuit operating modes. In addition, the impact of
important parameters such as the impedances of local and
remote sources, fault resistance and fault location are
investigated by several simulations. The proposed method
utilises fewer numbers of equations in comparison with our
previous work. Despite fewer numbers of equations, the
results are more accurate. Based on comprehensive
simulation studies, it could be concluded that a reliable
protection scheme for double-circuit transmission lines is
proposed. In addition, the proposed method is not
dependent on the impedances of both local and remote
sources and does not affected by fault resistance. The
obtained simulation and experimental results validate the
effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Based on
experimental studies, it could be concluded that the
proposed algorithm could be implemented on an
experimental prototype setup. In addition, the time delay of

& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014
the proposed scheme is acceptable. Finally, it can be
concluded that the proposed algorithm is qualied for being
applied to transmission line protection.


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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2014, Vol. 8, Iss. 6, pp. 11071116

doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0538

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