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10.2 Ambition

10.1 Collocations

Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

beaten head quit road setting spend trial
A: I hear that youre 1
off on a
backpacking tour of the world tomorrow.
B: Yes, Ill be gone for a year so Ive 2
my job.
A: Wow! Thats a lot of time to 3
travelling. Are you ready for the trip?
run last year so
B: Yes. I did a small 4
I know what to take.
off to first?
A: Where do you 5
B: Well, Ill start in France, but I want to travel off the
A: Interesting. How will you travel?
B: Ill get lis from people. Im sure Ill be OK.
for weeks at
A: So youll be on the 7
a time?
B: Sure, but Ill have plenty of time to explore.


Put the letters in brackets in the correct order

to make a synonym of a word or phrase in each
sentence. Underline the word/phrase.
1 Anne set off on her journey to the Arctic Circle.
(bardmeek no)
2 I think theres a safe hidden behind that painting.
3 This room is immense. Well have plenty
of room to practise our dance.
4 I love reading adventure stories of epic
expeditions to undiscovered lands.
5 The final scene was so thrilling. I was on the
edge of my seat!
6 Hes really grasped programming very quickly.
Replace the underlined words with synonyms.
1 Could you estimate the cost for me?
2 I wish my sons wouldnt squabble all the time.
3 Peters been ostracised by his colleagues.
4 Her directions were very straightforward.
5 Theres a considerable amount of work to be done.
6 Lets get rid of this chair. Its really cumbersome!
7 They sauntered down the path, hand in hand.

Underline the correct alternatives.

1 One great performance and you could be an
overweight/over there/overnight success.
2 Shes always hankered on/in/after a job in TV.
3 Some people enjoy being in/on/around the
4 I just crave/covet/care a bit of peace.
5 You can learn a trade on the job by being/
serving/going an apprenticeship.
6 You have to buy/send/pay your dues in any career
before you achieve success.
7 My boss holds me in high/top/big esteem.
8 Its nice to be the middle/centre/whole of
9 Its nice to build a reputation and have/be/go
renowned for doing good work.
10 Annies set down/on/in becoming a model.
Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 Aer that musical Zaid really struck the big time.
2 I think Katerinas locked her heart on being a chef.
3 I found my lost car keys behind the sofa. What a
strike of luck!
4 Look at Samantha, always holding the limelight!
5 I havent heard that band you like. I guess they
were a once-hit wonder.
6 When I was younger I had a flaming desire to be
an astronaut.
7 I got my promotion at last. Just goes to show that
hard work pays up.
8 Maras become world famous now. Shes become a
saga in her lifetime.

10.3 Negotiating

Complete each sentence with one word. The first

letter of each word is given.
1 You cant always get your own way. You oen have
to make c
2 In many markets around the world, youre
to get a better price.
expected to h
the decision to a later
3 Could we d
date? We still havent made up our minds.
4 Harriet knows nothing but manages to
her way through life successfully.
5 Business partners should probably establish
early on.
common g
when you give
6 Cant you be more t
feedback in future?

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Focus on make

Match the underlined phrases with their

meanings a)n).
1 Im afraid I wont be able to make it
tonight. Im not feeling well.
2 Its going to take a long time for
me to make up for forgetting my
mums birthday.
3 Stop screaming! Youre making a
fool of yourself in front of everyone.
4 You usually get what you want, but
this time youll have to make a
5 Hannah made a point of thanking
me for my, help which was nice.
6 The waitress spilled coffee all down
my top. Then, to make matters
worse, she stood on my foot!
7 I know you dont normally upgrade
people to business class, but can
you make an exception?
8 Im so tired, I dont know how Im
going to make it through this
lesson without falling asleep!
9 Jemima made out that shed done
all the work, but it was actually
Ahmed who did it.
10 I know youre busy but can you
make time for me tomorrow?
11 These instructions just dont make
sense. Who wrote them?
12 Were finding it hard to make ends meet
these days, with Rob being out of work.
13 Selina makes simple pieces of cloth
into beautiful dresses.
14 A: Ollies doing his own ironing.
B: Is he? That makes a change.
a) be easy to understand
b) solve a problem by accepting you
cant get everything you want
c) be present/arrive
d) be sure to do a particular thing
e) survive
f) look silly
g) compensate for
h) afford to pay bills, etc.
i) its different and better than normal
j) deal with something in a different
way to usual
k) pretend
l) to make a situation worse
m) change one thing to something else
n) put aside time to do something when
youre busy

Complete the spidergram with the phrases from Exercise 7.

Phrasal verbs

Verb + noun

Set phrases







Complete the sentences with the correct form of phrases from

Exercise 8.
1 Im worried Im going to fall off the stage and
in front of everyone.
2 The plane lands at 10p.m. and the last trains at 10.45p.m.
Im not sure Ill
3 My cats really ill. Im not sure shell
the night.
4 Sophies got money problems at the moment. She has to do
two jobs just to
that youre too tired to
5 Dont
clean the house. You slept for nine hours last night!
6 I never seem to have time to do exercise but its my fault.
for it.
I should
7 A: The woman at the tax office was really helpful.
. Usually the people there
dont seem very interested in helping anyone.
8 Lets see what weve got in the fridge. Im sure we can
whatevers there
saying hello
9 Dr Sharma always
to his staff each day, which is nice.
10 I want to go to New Zealand, but my girlfriend wants to go to
and agreed on
the USA so weve
11 How am I going to
and breaking Tariqs phone?
12 We dont usually allow dogs into the shop but we can
this one time.
13 Benjamin proposed but his girlfriend turned him down. And
, it was in front of his entire
to you?
14 Does this exercise
I dont understand what I have to do.

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10 Use the clues to complete the crossword with words and phrases from Unit 10.












1 large in size, e.g. a garden (9)
4 strongly desire something (5)
5 not heavy (11)
6 pretend something (6)
10 negotiate a price (8)
11 have one big success and be unable to repeat it
(3, 3, 6)
12 delay something (5)
15 rapidly become well known (5, 2, 4)
18 become popular in a very short space of time
(6, 2, 9, 7)
20 take all the attention (3, 3, 9)

2 a practice event (5, 3)
3 thrilling, e.g. a book, film (8)
7 become very skilled at something (6)
8 ignore (4)
9 leave, e.g. go on a journey (4, 3)
13 hide (7)
14 possess a strong desire to achieve something (4, 11)
16 embark, e.g. on a journey (3, 3, 2)
17 travel by car (2, 3, 4)
19 a long, carefully organised trip, oen to somewhere
difficult or dangerous (10)

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