Block 2 Exam

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Block (2) Exam

Reading Part 1

Classifying vocabulary

Look at this list of words. Write three of the words under each of the headings
:in the boxes below

library usually

mechanic documentary always journalist

straight footballer comedy




cinema go

sometimes corner bank cartoon



Reading Part 3

Read and answer the questions

Questions 1 5
Read the text and answer the questions. For questions 1 5 write your answers
.in the spaces

I. Introduction

The Arctic Ocean

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and coldest ocean in the world. It
stretches from the North Pole to Asia, Europe, and North America.
The Arctic Ocean is mostly covered in sea ice all year. It is home to
penguins, walruses, polar bears, and whales. Because the ocean is
so cold, few plants and animals can live there.
II. Size and Temperature
The Arctic Ocean covers 5.4 million square miles. It is smaller than
all other oceans. It is also the shallowest ocean. The temperature of
the Arctic Ocean stays around 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees
Celsius). The large amount of sea ice in the ocean stops its
temperature from changing too much. However, much of the ice in
the Arctic Ocean is melting because of global warming.
1. What is the Arctic Ocean covered with?

2. What kind of animals lives in the Arctic Ocean?

3. What is the size of the Arctic Ocean?

4. Why does the ice melt in the Arctic Ocean?

5. The Arctic Ocean isnt a good place for animals and plants.

Writing Part 1


Word completion
Read the descriptions of some words. What is the word for each one?
The first letter is already there. For questions 1 5, write the words in the

Someone who stops fire

f___ _______


Someone who repairs cars



Someone who works in a hospital



Someone who flies planes



Someone who looks after our teeth


Writing Part 2
Jumbled sentences
Look at these sentences. They are wrong because the words are not in
the correct order. Write the sentences with the words in the correct
order. Use full stops and capital letters where necessary.
1. to dentist going do like the - you

2. going to - play is on she a - watch Saturday

3. the - right the supermarket on is library of the

4. visited their - boys london teachers the museum- with

5. science learn - the body about we in session the human


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