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This tale of lewdness has been locked

and sealed in a fancy, copyrighted

treasure trove belonging to the lusty
Svetlana Scarlett in the year 2015. It is
highly advisable that you do not attempt
to pilfer or purloin any parts of this
naughty story... as the contents are
most certainly hot and burning to the
However, on the bright side, Svetlana
does not believe in any of that horrid
DRM software. And as such, this book
is presented to you without any hint or

trace of the vile substance meaning you

are free to view this book on whatever
device you see fit to read it on! There
are zero restrictions... You have paid for
the tale, now please delight in the many
passages of a steamy nature wherever
you like!
And alas... you are to be told that this is
indeed a work of fiction. Any
resemblance or similarity to real-life
individuals, places, or things is purely
coincidental. Though many of you might
wish that these fanciful tales, filled with

endless carnal cravings and erotic

adventures, were true to life...

Before going any farther... please let me

forewarn you that the tome you hold in
your lascivious little hands is most
certainly one replete with smut and
indecency! Yes, the very kind of hot,
sexy, mouth-watering scenes your mother
warned you about! Those pantydropping, steamy, thigh-wetting tales
of lore...
Knowing this, you must also be told that
the characters in question are all
consenting adults above the age of 18,
and none of the sexually charged

participants are related by blood. They

are, however, filled with passionate
desires and eager wishes to be fucked
from sun up to sun down! The saucy
little women!
Inside you will discover all things filthy
and vile the only kind that are

A Note to the Naughty

Among Us
I devote this book to any and all lovers
of the lewd, nasty, and bawdy filth that
fills our world. Erotica is not a plague
or blight upon society no! It is a
wonderland of fantasy and adventure, a
place to live out those wanton dreams
we try so desperately to keep to
ourselves. Set them free and read on!

It is my aim to satisfy all those forbidden

urges which you might just happen to
Svetlana Scarlett for all the
naughty tales you can't resist...
Dare to read even more
steamy Victorian tales?

Under the Baron's Control:

Disciplining His Little Girl
The Baron Brings a Friend:
Disciplining Their Little
The King's Little Princess
The Count's Forbidden

And for those of you who would like to

read even more smutty tales... simply
click the link below to subscribe to my
spam-free and private e-mail list!
Svetlana Scarlett's Naughty
Notions E-mail List!

Tasty Contents
Summoned by the King
Mailing List
Free Samples

Summoned by the

The Letter Arrives

In a time where your birth place is held
with more importance than your own
merit, than your own character, or even
your own life... young, untouched Emma
finds herself wistfully longing to rise
above her meager station in life.

To find her status elevated above the

gutters where she was born a
seemingly impossible task.
And as luck would have it, one day the
youthful lass receives a special package
from a very handsome, well-endowed
royal member and her life is forever
changed... That is what happens when
you are... summoned by the king!

Not all days can be extraordinary. Not

most, in fact. But then again... there are
those days, those rare, unexpected days
when something quite magical happens.
You'll never know when it's coming
before hand but make no mistake,
when it arrives... the feeling is
unmistakable! Especially for a shy,
reserved lass who had long-since
thought that life held no good fortune for
her. That she would always be a lowly
kitchen maid or dirty scullion.

Something upper class society simply

spat upon. Born in the gutters, forever
destined to float among the muck.
But, you never know when lady luck
might strike in your favor... and the
pretty damsel would soon discover that
some days do hold wonder beyond our
wildest dreams... and passionate thrusts
along with it!


Nobody said virgins couldn't be
adventurous, even the shy ones. And that
is precisely what Emma was. A good
girl with a bad side. The kind your
mother would see and say, Oh honey,
you should find a girl like that! Aside
from the fact that she was dirt poor and

supposedly unfit for proper company,

that is... However, for the lower class
men, she certainly seemed to be quite a
catch. Or at least fetching enough to want
to ram their cocks into her untouched
But, given her cherubic face and calm
demeanor, no one would never suspect
Emma's lingering desires of passion and
lust. The girl hid it well, even to her best
friends. They all tried helping the 20
year old, thin Emma along by

arranging little gatherings or putting

together some kind of match-making
scheme... stupid things that Emma could
only laugh at, after blushing a bit of
course. She knew her worth was beyond
what these meager fellows could offer.
Why settle for such riffraff simply
because everyone else did?
Harboring this intent did nothing to
deter her sex-happy friends though...

As a result, she'd been surprised more

than a few times by random men being
placed in front of her at the most
awkward of times! Apparently brought
over by her friends, as if they were
attempting to get some wild, rare
creatures to finally mate at last... Those
incidents turned out to be ittle more than
graceless denials for the comely girl.
She would be forced to politely decline
the ruffians, fake an illness, or sit
through what would invariably be a
tedious, boring ordeal. And all of this
courtesy of her good pals...

They didn't understand the beautiful

girl, not at all. She certainly wanted to
find a man. That much was true. But it
couldn't be done on anyone else's
terms... only hers!
Or so she thought and then one day it
showed up...

The day had started as normal as any
other. There was nothing that would
indicate today would hold any more
meaning than those before it. Emma was
used to living these kinds of days. The
average, common, bland. Everyday life,
walking about her errands without a care
in the world. Showcasing her tempting
virgin body as she went down the dingy
streets... The sexy woman was fond of
dressing to present her figure whenever

possible. Never in a slutty fashion,

however, not at all.
She simply preferred to look good.
Emma spent a good deal of time trying to
make her appearance as presentable as
possible. Being a fan of many high-end
ladies, the girl had an easy time of
keeping up with the current hot trends
and flashy attires. This led to much
jealousy and envy from her friends... and
many stares from horny men! Don't you
remember that the good girl held more

than a few lusty longings?

But of course...
There was a reason she loved
presenting her body in such immaculate
clothes, at least that she could afford.
The poor girl was forced to wash and
clean them for hours on end, just to
appear presentable. Emma wasn't dumb,
alright. She was coy, but not dumb! The

enticing lass knew exactly what each

article of clothing would do for her
svelte body. Like a carefully planned
battle assault predicting her opponent's
every move, three steps before they
could even think it. And so, when she
ventured outside while wearing a tight
dress, accentuating her pert tits... it was
all but certain!
How the men would turn and stare,
with mouths agape, drooling over her
comely breasts. How her physique held

such wide hips, yet possessed such a

narrow waist. It was a dream body!
Those juicy thighs and her succulent
rump! Emma's figure certainly wasn't the
problem in securing a man. It was her
own inhibitions which prevented her
from letting go and being free. A case of
the body is willing, but the spirit is not.
Even though she harbored endless
forbidden desires and naughty fantasies
generally about the gorgeous men she
would see devouring her body with their

eyes... the girl couldn't bring herself to

commit to any of these fun-filled sex
adventures! Some inner reservation,
centered somewhere deep in her heart
wouldn't allow it. Maybe it had been her
upbringing. Maybe it had been because
of a book she read some years back.
Nobody knew... not even dear, sweet
Emma herself.
All she did know was that her southern
slit ached to be filled! Knowing so many
others were enjoying the carnal

pleasures life had to offer... it plagued

her endlessly!
And luckily for Emma, today was
actually quite a special one, despite her
thoughts to the contrary. It would mark
the beginning of her sexual liberation.
And in the most taboo, unimaginable
manner she could never have fathomed...

You see, Emma worked as a cleaner for
a rather well to do company. She would
pace at the front dusting and cleaning,
and greeting potential clients as they
entered the building addressing
customers as they walked in the door. A
rather tedious job, but it paid the bills
and supposedly gave her an inside look
into the business, for what that was
worth. A damsel like Emma stood very
little chance of ever elevating her status

beyond a meager cleaning woman. She

herself felt that the piggish employer had
hired her on only for some eye candy
And the way she dressed... her
certainly got more than enough! The man
would sigh heavily each time he walked
into the room, looking over at Emma and
noting her flawless figure. He was a
fairly attractive man, despite his
repulsive manners. It would be a lie to
say that Emma had not had more than a

fantasy or two about the fellow and

some late night, after-hour sessions... but
that, like always, is as far as they ever
got. Stuck in the mind of this fanciful
And so, this was the kind of place she
worked in filled with horndogs and run
of the mill assholes trying to become

Another part of Emma's job involved

receiving and distributing a large
number of packages (there's a sexual
joke in there somewhere, she always
thought) each day. It was only to
expected for a business like this. They
needed all sorts of things, every day. She
was more than happy to inspect each box
or parcel before giving it the final ok,
whereupon she would set it aside for
whoever it was addressed to.
None of this seemed strange or out of

the ordinary. And again, why would she

suspect otherwise? But on this day...
there arrived a rather peculiar package.
One with a dark pink sticker attached to
the front of it. This was the only reason
young Emma even bothered to take a
second look at the item. Any other day or
color and it would have been passed
along without another thought. But, that
Hmm... She mused aloud, lifting it up
to inspect the weight. It seemed light

enough. What do we have here?

The cute girl held the object up to here
ear, for some odd reason. As if she were
expecting a ticking clock or perhaps a
woofing puppy. She heard neither of
these, but there was no disappointment
written across her face. A quick twisting
of the box allowed her to see the first

And here was the most unusual part of

it all... her name was written on the
front! The package had been addressed
to the lovely lass! The one with that
great ass and intoxicating smile. It was a
wonder even more packages weren't
addressed to the heart-stopping beauty.
What the... Emma whispered, slowly
positioning the parcel in front of her for
a closer examination. And here she took
a moment to look around the room, as if
perhaps some one were playing a trick

on her. This was a most unfamiliar

situation, after all. But, there appeared to
be no one looking over suspiciously at
her, or peeking out from behind a plant
or nearby doorway with a goofy grin.
No, no, it seemed to be a legitimate
package for the girl.
However, there was no return mailing
address. No from sender information,
only her name splayed across the front.

That being the case, she took it upon

herself to slide open the tabs and look
inside. A risky move for the sheltered
girl, it seemed. Though her heart was a
flutter with anticipation of what it might
be. And already fantasies of secret
lovers and large manhoods flitted about
in her mind...
Oh my! She called out with a great
deal of shock upon seeing the contents.

A simple note. Plainly written, not

ornately dressed up in the least.
Could it be? She whispered, still in
disbelief. No, it couldn't be...
But indeed it was. A little letter,
addressed to the attractive woman with
her sexual longings aching to be

Emma held it tightly to her chest,

already deep in day-dream. Something
had obviously tickled her fancy.
Oh my... She blushed, her southern
slit beginning to moisten.
It's not every day that a shy girl
receives a letter like this. And one so
bold! It was beyond unheard of! For the
letter in her hand contained a very

naughty, a very lewd, a very tempting

request for a girl such as Emma and
from a man well beyond her means, that
much she could tell by the ornate stylings
of the package and card. The spark of
passion was fast ignited in her belly
along with her tingling pussy. For her
lady bits had already begun to warm at
the thought of actually living out this
fantasy... the very one which had been
described to her in this missive!
A steamy message sent forth by

someone of a very handsome, muscular

nature... He had written the seductive
girl a string of dirty requests and
simply ended the message with a
meeting place and time for the plump
girl to arrive for a night of unadulterated
passion! A royal decree, it seemed. Not
so much a request, but an order as it
were. Commanded by the king!
Emma smiled to herself, tucking the
missive away into her pocket she just
hoped her gushing erotic liquids

wouldn't get it too damp until later


It was not every day that a girl of
Emma's type received this type of
request. And make no mistake about it,
that is precisely what she had! For the
letter was not a bill, nor a shopping list
from her mother... no, no, no!
The note she received held something
far lustier than any of those such things.

For inside the letter, she had been told a

very naughty message, and then
instructed to visit a rather secluded
place in which she could act out the
wanton acts described in the letter. Oh
my, and how the words had made her
thighs wet with excitement! She'd never
expected anything like this to occur...
especially not to a girl like her!
Summoned by the king!


Emma arrived to the palace right on
schedule. She always was a punctual
girl (a trait she could control, despite
being of lowly blood), and evidently this

was no time to deviate from that.

However, she had dressed the girl in a
bit more provocative clothes than
normal. Well, much more as it were!
Emma was a knockout! Though they had
some tatters here and there... she felt that
there was a reason the king had decided
to summon her of all people!
Her form-fitting dress... clinging to her
wide, full ass for dear life! Oh my, how
it fit every curve and contour of her body
so perfectly! No man could possibly

resist her tempting figure, or so her

friends had said. The fact remained to be
seen, as she approached the fancy
building. A tall mansion of sorts. The
king had requested to meet her here, at
his home in one of the many palaces he
held control of. Although the structure
seemed very elegant! The kind of place
only the richest of the rich would ever
set foot in. Emma thought she herself
even looked a bit out of place.
The girl? A guard asked her, quite

She nodded meekly.
To the highest tower! He barked,
pointing at the nearby steps.
But the lusty longing between her thighs
drove the nervous girl onward and
upward as she trudged forward, up the

stairs and set her sights for the highest

The nervy girl took a moment to preen
herself. Fixing her hair and looking
down to check her enticing breasts and
making sure every piece of the attire
appeared immaculate. She needed to
make a good first impression, after all.
She reached a door at the top. One man

posted outside. He took one look at the

girl and smiled, before BANGING
loudly against the door. So hard and
forceful that she nearly faltered, falling
down the steps. But the young lass
managed to maintain her composure.
Suddenly there came a sudden jarring,
and there before her, the door began to
open. It was time... And so Emma
stepped out and into the ornate, polished
floor and moved forward. Now, more
than ever, she questioned if it seemed

too good to be true. Being here at this

opulent place... meeting some lofty
figure... how could it even be possible!
She was just a simple, frightened virgin
after all. Things like this weren't
supposed to happen to girls like her
and yet, here she was!
Emma took one last chance to glance
down at her dress. Yep, it was time...

And with that, she approached the inner

door, just as instructed... the girl then
raised her hand into the air where the
fingers curled downward, presenting her
knuckles in an apprehensive manner.
She took one big breath and...
Turned to run! It was all too much for
the girl. She shouldn't be in a place like

this! She couldn't be! Summoned by the

king or not! It was a dastardly place! She
wouldn't be someone's whore! How
could she have allowed herself to get
into such nonsense! It was ludicrous!
Emma wasn't the kind of girl to go
around meeting strange men... no!
And so the thin girl darted to the rear,
hoping to escape before anyone else
took notice of her presence. And so just
like that, she turned and...


There she found herself colliding with
what felt like a solid steel wall... but
rather warm, as it were. A kind of heated
barricade. The impact sent her
sprawling to the rear, bouncing off of the
obstruction. The girl thought she would
surely plummet to the floor in shame, but
it was not to be so.

For she felt a strong, yet gentle, set of

fingers wrap tightly around her wrist
pulling her upright to stop the shameful
tumble, in mid free-fall. Quite an
impressive feat, indeed.
Emma had shut her eyes during the
collision, unsure of what was even
taking place. Aside from letting out a
dull OOF! When first hitting the object.

Oh, good morrow there, intoned the

manly voice, belonging to the stranger
who had just saved the girl from
imminent doom, or so it seemed.
Emma, at last, after a moment to catch
her bearings opened her eyes.
I'm so embarrassed... so sorry, she
whispered, just then looking up at the
man. Oh my god!

Surprised? The handsome fellow

It's... it's you? She asked, quite
And it's you, isn't it? He grinned. I
thought I recognized those.

The man gestured at the girl's chest,

letting his intention be well known. He
couldn't take his eyes off those
impressive funbags. Large, perky,
suckable things they were.
Yeah, I guess it is, she said, forcing
herself to smile, as her heart raced with
delight. For the man appeared even
better looking in person than he did in
the tapestries! This is... where you
live? Emma asked, partly just to fill the
silence and partly in disbelief.

Yep. My little home away from. Perks

of being a king. Come inside?
What! She shouted. Right now?!
Don't we--- oh... Emma caught herself
mid-sentence, as her mind was in a filthy
place and had mistaken the man's
comment for something entirely
different. A kind of lewd filling was on
her thoughts... coming inside? Go right

ahead! Oh, yes, sure.

My name is King Roarcock, in case
you forgot, the handsome man replied.
A real debonair fellow.
Oh, I remembered... Emma gushed,
eyeing over his impressive physique. It
was love at first flex! Emma, in case
you forgot.

I surely didn't...
And with that, the two entered into the
man's luxurious abode. The door shutting
behind them with a quick thud.

Drink? Roarcock asked, bringing
over two glasses of some strong
Why thank you, Emma replied.
And in the next moment, they were
clinking their glasses together sipping

down the tasty stuff.

She looked on as Roarcock devoured
her body with his eyes. Scanning up and
down all the tempting, irresistible
curves. And she in turn, did the same to
his physique. He'd stripped down to a
simple shirt. One which showed his
copious muscles in bold relief.
Emma, he began. I hope you know

why you're here...

I think so... She replied. But...
No buts! Roarcock intoned. I want
to fuck you. I want to fuck you hard, right
here and now. Your body is just so
goddamn sexy! I need it now! I need my
seed in you!

The horny girl did all she could to keep

from gasping at the comment. It was the
boldest thing she'd ever heard said to
her! Aside from that one comment
Roarcock left on her message... but it
was also the greatest thing she'd ever
had the pleasure of being involved in!
How she wanted to have Roarcock
remove her clothes and ravage her
body... to finally feel that thick manhood
in her southern slit!
I thought you might... She smiled

coyly. Her inner thighs were already wet

with shots of her pre-cum dripping out,
soaking her undergarments in the
Well then, let's get underway...
Roarcock smiled, setting the glass down.
Take off your dress, show me those
perky tits!
Emma obliged all too willingly, though

somewhat hesitant, as she'd never

presented her body to a man before. The
thought of him rejecting or hating her
figure was quite the concern. But, she
knew the chance had to be taken and
by the way he dirty talked to her during
the process, it certainly seemed that he
was more than happy with unveiling!
Oh god... He gushed, stretching a
hand out to touch her recently exposed
breasts. They were still tucked away
beneath a sexy lingerie top, but the

cleavage provided by the top was

incredible! Displaying those feminine
globes of perfection! These are...
perfect, he continued, licking his lips.
Do... do you like them? Emma asked,
averting her gaze from his passionate
But, Roarcock didn't bother answering
her. Not with his voice anyway... the hot

man's reply came in the form of his face

lowering down, where it was inserted
between her tits! She could feel his
warm tongue extending out, licking her
Oh my! She gushed, reveling in the
glory of her first sexual encounter, or at
least the start of it. King... I... I'm...
Oh I know what you are, Emma, he

whispered. And I want to take it from

Ahhh... She moaned, feeling his hand
gripping her right breast. The relief of
him realizing she was a virgin, and not
only that, but being turned on by the
fact... was more than she could bear!
Her inner, terribly forbidden desires
were finally being fulfilled! She knew it
would be only a short matter of time
until he stripped down, pulled her
panties to the side and rammed his large,

throbbing cock into her enticing cunt.

Just how her friends had described a
few of her naughty encounters... but this
one would actually be true.
Put your hand here, King commanded
the waif-like girl. She then felt him grasp
her dainty hand and drag it across his
body, over the rippling abdominals, and
lower still... lower and lower! Until
she... she felt the expanding shaft in his
pants! The way it prodded against the
material, dying to escape and fuck the

lusty girl.
She groaned heavily, her eyes bulging
intensely. The first time she'd ever felt a
cock in her life! Even if it was just
through the pants... Emma could sense
the hardness, the length, and the
thickness. It worried her for a moment,
wondering how something so large and
imposing would fit into her untouched
pussy. But, she left that to the capable
hands of King Roarcock, as he continued
to suck and fondle her breasts.

Like it? He laughed.

Oh god yes! Emma moaned, arching
her back as he shoved her down onto the
Would you like me to fuck you with
that big dick? He asked, knowing the
answer all too well. But still, it always

felt better hearing the girl say it herself.

I... I... oh fuck, yes I do! Emma
gushed, biting her lip.
In that case, Roarcock nodded. Let's
get these off.
And with that, he reached down, taking
hold of Emma's pants giving them a

sudden tug toward the floor.

She gulped heavily...

Those tight pants slid down her legs
with the greatest of ease... tortuously
slow! King Roarcock made sure to savor
each and every inch of her thighs.
Planting a kiss on them now and then,
licking here and there. Each time sending
a shiver of excitement to the girl's
greedy gash and gush of sexual liquid
from that seductive love den. Never had
she felt so aroused in her life!

The way he moaned for her body... how

she longed for his! Emma's hands,
almost against her will as it were,
extended out squeezing his chest and
abs, exploring any part of his hard body
that she could find. And at times, he
would drag her hand back down to his
crotch and force the girl to feel his
growing manhood.
Mmm, purple... Roarcock grinned,

referring to the color of her panties. That

seductive piece of clothing hugging right
around her well-padded pussy! The
delectable treat right there for the taking!
You like them? She asked, clueless
as to how she should respond. It seemed
as good an answer as any, at the time.
Like them? He smirked. I'm going to
fuck you in them!

And with that, Roarcock reached up

and began to pull his shirt from his body.
A moment later, Emma was greeted to
the sight of his lean, ripped body. And a
little bit below the belt-line, she could
see the hard cock forming a tent shaped
Do you... do you want to? She asked,
once again clueless.

Get it out? You'd better believe it,

lady... Roarcock smiled. Reach over
here Emma and take my pants off. Show
me how much you want that cock! Be a
good girl and I'll fill your little holes
with it...
Oh god! She gushed, instantly
lurching forward, undoing his pants
whereupon she removed them, right
along with the boxers, in one lightening

fast motion. Holy fuck! She screamed

at this sight of his unimpeded, fully
engorged cock.
The size of it! Emma gasped. I've
Don't worry, baby, he assured the
virgin. I'll make it go in nice and

And there he stared down at the girl's

tempting body... the way he craved her
flesh! It was incredible to see. The sheer
frenzy of lust in his eyes surpassed
only by her own. After a brief moment of
sexual tension, the two locked lips in a
wet, sexy kiss. His hot lips turning her
on ever more.
It was here that the young woman felt
the shaft of his cock slide up against her
thighs. He was inching it closer! Such a

heavy, thick dick! Emma looked down,

nearly fainting with shock, yet so hopeful
and eager to have it thrust inside her
Oh just fuck me! She cried out.
I fully

plan to, wench! Roarcock

And here, with one hand
her right boob, with her
out on her back, and the other

hand pulling her panties to the side... she

watched as he aligned his massive boner
with her juicy pussy...
Ready for it, little virgin? He
God yes...!
And with that, he rocked his hips

forward spreading her lips apart with

the head of his shaft, Pre-cum already
flowing from the end of his cock. She
felt it parting her southern slit... the
sensation imbuing her with such joy and
happiness! The erotic thrill of a lifetime!
Fucked by a king! And it was only just
Look at that cock fucking you, he
whispered, taking hold of her tits.
Watch it slide into your wet
pussy....doesn't that turn you on?

Fuck yes, it does King Roarcock!

Emma cried out, arching her back, dying
to have even more man-meant rammed
into her feminine hole.
Impatient little thing, aren't you! He
The way he teased her clit with the

thumb... such a miraculous experience!

Inching in a bit more dick each time...
she watched as the head of his cock
disappeared entirely into her pussy.
Emma felt the popping sensation as the
ridge of his manhood entered inside. It
caused her to shudder with delight.
Oooh... The girl groaned, wriggling
like a worm on a hook.

That's it, sexy thing! He roared. No

more teasing, no more taunting... you
deserve the whole thing, don't you! You
want it all, don't you?
Hell yes, I do! Fuck me! Fuck me
hard! Pound me through the floor!
Emma blurted out in disbelief, not even
able to comprehend that she was actually
saying the words.

And here Roarcock thrust his cock

forward... hard and true, penetrating
fully inside the girl. From tip to base and
everywhere in between!
Ahhhh... They moaned together,
loving the sensation of his big cock
stuffing her tight pussy the way those
untouched sugarwalls gripped his shaft,
squeezing out bits of pre-cum each time
he pumped in and out. And pump, he did!
Hard, fast, and relentlessly!

Emma's body shook from the force of

his insertions, but she loved every
moment of it. Digging her nails into his
back and chest, goading him on.
The two were lost in a fuck-fest of epic
proportion! The erotic thrill of a
Harder! She shouted.

Deeper! Roarcock replied.

Yes! Yes! They screamed together.
And here it happened...
Emma felt that familiar sensation of an
impending orgasm in her little pussy

and just then, with Roarcock's cock

inserted entirely into her cunt, she felt
her legs spasm uncontrollably
quivering and shaking right as a burst
of sexual liquid exploded from her sex.
God I'm coming! I'm coming! She
shrieked. And the man showed no signs
of slowing down, as he pinned her body
harder than ever, ramming his cock in
and out.

It looked like he wanted a turn to blow

his load as well...
You fucking sexy girl! He bellowed.
Now you want my cum in you, don't
you? You want this billionaire cum
inside your cunt, don't you!
Oh god, yes! Emma replied, biting at
her lip. Don't stop fucking me until you
fill my pussy with your load! Don't stop,

please! Please, don't!

I don't fucking plan on it! He barked.
And with that, he pumped forcefully
into the feminine slit... several more
times, as hard and fast as he could
suddenly Emma felt an explosion of hot
liquid spewing forth into her pussy!

Oh my god, I feel it! She yelled.

Fuck! Roarcock cried out, collapsing
forward onto the girl as his cock
emptied out its contents into her abused
hole. You feel all that hot cum inside
you, Emma?
I do! I do! It's so sexy... I never
thought it would feel this good!

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you

had a baby in you now, Emma.
What do you mean, King Roarcock?
Well, I did just fuck the shit out of you
without protection. And that's a fuckton of cum leaking out of your cunt. I
filled you to the point of overflowing.
It's only reasonable to expect a baby

Oh... Emma thought to herself.

Good heavens, yes! Roarcock
nodded, as she clamped down onto his
dick and squeezed out the last drop of
his sperm.
I'm glad you summoned me! She

sighed, her body melting into a pile of

relaxation and satisfaction.
The End

I do so hope you have enjoyed this

little tale of naughtiness...
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Or check out Under the Baron's
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Svetlana Scarlett believes in three

things: Fine drinks, passionate love
making, and rough fucking.
She is not one to shy away from the lusty
topics of the day... believing everyone
should revel and bask in the glory of
their own perversions, without fear or
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Now Please, Enjoy a Sample

Under the Baron's Control

And so it begins...
The door stays locked until you can
learn to obey, came the stern, virile
voice just as the heavy wooden object
slammed shut.
The young and petite girl, Lady

Morgana Moress, was once again cast

into the cold darkness that was her new
home (if it could even be called such a
thing). Terribly unfortunate life
circumstances had dictated that she be
brought to this monstrosity which
attempted to pass itself off as a manor.
The home of Baron Broodclaw. An
older, albeit handsome, yet terribly strict
man. A fellow who demanded the utmost
respect and obedience. But, it just so
happened that Lady Morgana Moress

was not the kind of woman to give such

a thing so easily. Her unruly ways and
impudent manners were what caused this
treatment to begin with. Being shut away
in a remote corner room of the abode
with only a bit of dim candlelight and
some brilliant moon beams shining in
through the high window to illuminate
the space.
And, as the untouched girl scanned her
surroundings, noting how bleak and
dismal they all appeared, it occurred to

the forlorn damsel that life had not

always been so disastrous for her...
No, not at all...

Not So Long Ago...


This is what happens to ill-mannered

girls, Morgana's father had said,
wagging his finger in her face quite
Though, in truth, it wasn't what
happened to all ill-mannered girls not
in the least. In fact, it was quite a rare
occurrence at that. Morgana Moress'

father, a sir Reginald Moress, found

himself frustrated by his daughter's
impudence for the last time.
The elderly man had instructed the 19
year old girl to perform some mundane
task one which she felt was quite
beneath herself and in doing so,
Morgana publicly humiliated her own
ill-tempered father. Not a smart thing to
do at all, especially when she had a
history of angering the podgy man... of
pushing not only his buttons, but his

boundaries. And though he had made

many threats to send her away, or have
the young, inexperienced woman dealt
with one way or another... none of these
came to fruition. And in time, Morgana
began to feel quite confident in her
disobedient ways, thinking dear old
father would never dare follow through
with his idle warnings. A kind of futile
rage is what she had come to think of it
An old man's bitter venting. The

spiteful harangues he was so fond of

But, after her last little spectacle...
Morgana Moress learned the hard way
that even her father, the bookish portly
fellow, did indeed... have a breaking
Off you go then, Reginald Moress
had smiled, happily wringing out his

hands as he watched the rickety

stagecoach arrive to carry his daughter
away in.
It isn't fair, father! You old goat!
Morgana shouted in protest, standing
there by the side of the road with several
bags of luggage the only items she was
allowed to take along for the journey.
Her arms crossed over her chest, folding
just above the pert, enticing breasts
which were only somewhat hidden
beneath her low-cut and rakish dress.

Fair? Reginald had laughed. And

neither is being stuck with a good-fornothing daughter! I might as well have
sired a mule! You stubborn little wench!
This journey will do you good,
Morgana. You have much to learn, and
the baron is quite the teacher from what
I've heard.
A teacher? Morgana spewed

abruptly. Of what? Bilking old,

dimwitted men out of their meager
This last comment had brought a smile
to the pretty lips of Morgana Moress
suddenly quite pleased with herself. She
often took great pride in belittling her
rather abusive father. Any little jab or
barb she could fit in, the better!

Worth every penny of it, her father

had nodded, evidently quite pleased
with himself as well and being the one
with all the power, why wouldn't he be.
I don't even much care if he does fix
you or not, Morgana! So long as he takes
you away from here! You're not my
problem anymore, you little rogue!
That's the one thing you're good at,
Morgana nodded in a smug fashion.
Shipping away things you're not able to

It was a low, dirty blow. A vile

comment, indeed. The type she reserved
for only the most bitter of moments. And,
as she was now being shipped away for
who knows how long, it was deemed an
appropriate time to expel her insult.
She was referring back to her mother,
of course. The poor woman who had
suffered a similar fate being shipped

off to an asylum, against her will, for

mental shortcomings. All at the behest of
her loving husband... There was nothing
either Morgana or her mother could have
done. The elderly woman was wrapped
up in some sort of security coat and
transported away, never having been
heard from since.
And it seemed that Lady Morgana was
in for a similar fate... as she watched the
wobbly stagecoach approach from down
the cobblestone road, bumping and

jostling about as it went. This was to be

her lavish ride to the home of Baron
Broodclaw her new master.

Of Cobblestones and

The door slammed shut with a highpitched thwacking noise, right after
Morgana had been all but hurled into the
carriage. She landed with a dull thump
on one side of the moderately padded
benches. It smelled of old, damp clothes
and musty beggars. Precisely the kind of
people she imagined would be riding in
such a thing as this. And now, she found
herself one of them!

Ta-ta! She heard the cheery voice of

her father call out from the road, just a
ways behind. The comment made the
lass seethe with rage and anger.
Morgana's little fists curled into whiteknuckled weapons, shaking
uncontrollably. The young woman was
forced to stifle a yell of contempt. And
though it took every ounce of her might,
she did manage to do so (for the time
being, anyway).

In fact, all the pretty daughter did was

take in several deep breaths, before
plastering a wide smile on her face and
sticking her head out the window. Her
tiny hand soon followed suit. This was
then raised high into the air, performing
a kind of happy waving gesturing.
Bye, bye father! Morgana Moress
called out in a mocking, yet loving tone.
Don't forget to write me now! And
mother as well, she said with a wink

before ducking back into the stagecoach

where her arms did fold across her
chest in a display of hatred. The plump
lips on her face curled and morphed into
a grotesque expression. One of
unspeakable disgust. Morgana was on
her way, alright... and in a minute, so
would that bitter scream that she had
been holding so tightly down in her
lungs. Being set free into the world,
taking the form of a loud, high-pitched
roar of sorts. Far from any lady-like
behavior one would expect from such a
dilettante. But, then again, most young

women aren't banished to go live with a

dark, mysterious baron are they?
Hmmpf! She spat, arms still crossed.
Morgana couldn't even bear to look out
the window (a favorite past-time of
hers). So thorough and complete was her
revulsion! She simply sat and stared
ahead at the torn interior of her
magnificent little fairy tale carriage, as it

went about its merry route to her magical

Thoughts of revenge, ideas of
vengeance, and notions of malice did
swirl about in her fair head. Little evil
scheming machinations pondering and
wondering how she would exact justice
upon her putrid father. These were the
only things which seemed to brighten her
day. Letting in all the hatred and
bitterness. Allowing it to rush over her
very soul in great waves of emotion.

And, when it was all said and done,

there happened to be a smile spread
across her demure little mouth. A tiny,
sinister smirk. The kind you'd never
wish to see upon any girl.
For it was an unsettling sort of grin...
and any who saw it would wish at once
that whatever she had planned, was not
directed at them in any fashion.

Sorry, miss, the driver called from
above, as he tapped the side of the
stagecoach with that little cane of his.
Hit a bump!
The sudden jarring of the cabin had
knocked Morgana from her spiteful
daydreams. She was now firmly fixated
on the present looking out the dreary,

molded window pane... peering out at

all the passing landscapes and scenery.
The young woman had no idea where
she was going. She knew the name of the
man who would be in control of her,
certainly, but nothing more. No address,
no town, no village, nothing.
Baron Broodclaw... that was all she


Morgana Moress, poor and unfortunate
girl, looked wistfully out the window for
what seemed like a few hours more if
not days! There was no sense of time,
other than the rising and setting of the
sun; which had now grown quite low in
the sky.
The young woman had watched the

city-scape of her previous town

disappear from view long, long ago. As
her surroundings took on a much more
secluded, if not ominous appearance.
The road, with its many twists and turns,
almost a maze of sorts. Her quiet, yet
stubborn driver up top cracking his whip
at the horses and yelling every so often,
ushering them onward with an ever
increasing speed. They at times would
find themselves on a narrow cliff-side
trail, barely wide enough for a single
carriage. Morgana had wondered what
on earth would have been done if a

second stagecoach had approached them

from the front! They would have been
locked in an epic game of chicken...
struggling to overtake one another or
shove the weaker over the cliff and
down into the rocky sea below!
And on the inside of this path remained
a dense, heavily wooded forest. One of
those picturesque kind that not even the
bravest of men would venture into on a
moonless night. Who knew what lurked
within these hellish woods. It was as

good as an iron gate! Or so Morgana

thought. Wending a trail through this sort
of terrain would be near impossible.
And something told her that Baron
Broodclaw figured as much why else
on earth would anyone want to live so
far out in such a scary, unnerving place?
In fact, the young girl became so
alarmed by the descending sun and
dimming sky, that when night began to
set in... she called out to the driver.

Are we almost there, my good man?

She said, attempting to be agreeable or
to at least conceal the fear in her voice.
Neither of which seemed to work.
His response came about without
hesitation a sudden whacking of that
damn cane against the side of the
window, right next to her fingers. An
inch or two over and it surely would
have broken several of Morgana's dainty

This action was followed by a guttural
grunt, and then a cackle. Again,
something told Lady Moress that this
was going to be the best and only answer
she'd be receiving. And judging by the
force with which he had struck the
frame, she thought it best not to press the

Hmmpf! She shook her head once

more slinking back down into the
dilapidated, torn bench. Her tailbone
had gone numb some time ago. The
pitiful cushions were little more than
old, worn down pillows. She might as
well have been sitting on a block of
stone! And with the continuous jostling
of the carriage... it was a wonder her
spine hadn't cracked in half by now!
Morgana reached down, lifting her
rump slightly off the seat, just high

enough for her to slide a hand under and

massage the sore hide. Oh my, and what
a delicious derriere she had! Nothing
gargantuan or massive by any means. But
one of an exquisite quality. So ripe, so
tender, so tempting. Those untouched
cheeks... oh my, how they beckoned to
all who witnessed their beauty. Just
knowing something so gorgeous,
something so heavenly could exist... was
enough to drive any man wild with lust!
All in splendid proportion to her petite,
yet shapely body.

Traveling up north of her skirt line

were situated those feminine spheres of
perfection right there on her perky
chest! How they would shake and jiggle,
ever so slightly, when the stagecoach
managed to hit a bump or hole. Yes,
indeed, Morgana Moress was
developing into a fine young lass with
all the expected blossoming features...
though she had not quite fully bloomed
yet. She, being the type of girl who
needed a bit more time to fully unveil

those female enticements in their full

glory. Still, the lass did possess quite a
comely physique by any standard. And
her face... that sculpted wondrous
portrait of pulchritude! The deep bedroom eyes... her slightly pointed nose...
and those full, plump lips. The kind men
would take a mere glance at and already
be filled with dirty thoughts of nasty
And this was the effect Morgana
Moress had on all men despite the fact

that she had never, not even once, given

in to any of their substantial offers. Why,
once she had even denied a man who
offered her an entire house out in the
country! Along with a stable full of
horses! A life of luxury... all in return for
those beautiful eyes of hers.
But, of course, Morgana had simply
spat at the offer with an uncouth cackle.
She couldn't be bothered by these other
grotesque men. And although she did
harbor the want of a lewd longing

between her thighs... she had vowed not

to act on these impulses, as it would not
do her any good. So the young lass was
left to her own devices, relieving herself
behind closed doors, under clean
bedsheets or during long, hot showers
where her hand roamed to places many
others had dreamed of going, but none
had yet ventured. A tantalizing mound of
flesh... innocent to all things lewd and
Morgana merely loved the thrill of it

all too much. She couldn't simply give

away her most treasured gift, could she?
Of course not!
The virgin lass cherished the idea of
harboring it, of lording it over men, of
teasing and taunting them with her purity.
Though she was naive to the ways of
sexual naughtiness, Morgana
undoubtedly held knowledge of the
game. That sordid affair between men
and women. That twisted mess of
emotion and seduction... the never-

ending sport of love, heartache, and

carnal satisfaction! How her naughty bits
would ache at the thought...
Yet, she adored her own behavior even
more. Being able to act so flippant and
impudent. It was a scandal in itself!
How she had disrespected her father
countless times over the years along
with a good deal of other men and
women. A headstrong little vixen, she
was. Only now, as THUNK! the
stagecoach hit yet another bump, she

realized all too well where that kind of

attitude had gotten her. The untamed
tigress... just hoping, wanting, dreaming
of a man who could actually challenge
her! It seemed to be an impossible task.
For never a more cantankerous, resolute,
and hard-headed woman did live!
Morgana Moress was the epitome of a
stubborn mule. One with a pointed wit,
and an even sharper tongue!

The young woman peered out the

window pane once again, looking out to
her left as the dense forest gave way into
a large open expanse. One of green grass
and a number of small, rolling hills. On
her right remained the steep precipice,
descending low down to the ocean
below. That was certainly not a place to
be walking late at night... one misstep
and your life would end with a quick
'Ere we are, miss! The driver

shouted down, giving the carriage a

good whack with his cane. As if the loud
bellowing voice wasn't enough to alert
her. That resounding crack noise served
as a grand reminder.
Oh my... Morgana whispered under
her breath as her eyes scanned the
magnificent grounds of some unknown
fairytale land... Yet there loomed a kind
of foreboding sense about the place. An
indiscernible malignant awe of sorts
some deep-rooted feeling of

apprehension that the nubile girl was

unable to place.

Discovering Craggwyn

By now the moon had already risen

quite high in the black sky above
casting dark, wondrous, and spooky
shadows over the land all at once.
Morgana's long and arduous journey was
almost at an end at least the bumpy
road part of it. What lied in store for her,
nobody knew...
Out ya get! The driver shouted with a
harsh tone, and it was not long at all

before the sound of his cane thwacking

against the stagecoach could be heard.
She decided it was best to follow the
order, lest that wooden object find its
way across her bare hide! But, the mule
of a woman, with a little gleam in her
eye could not sit idly by.
I think I'll do just that, good sir, she
coughed. The horrid smells wafting

from inside that bloody stagecoach were

almost enough for me to jump over the
Aye, lass! The mangy, scowl-faced
driver replied, wiping the back of his
wrist across a runny nose. And I was
hoping a bit that you would hurl yourself
over! Hah!
But now, she continued, already

allowing a smirk to slither across her

pretty face. Standing outside here, I can
clearly see that the stagecoach wasn't the
source of that foul odor...
And here she eyed the man over with a
conspicuous glare of contempt.
Although, he proved too dense to
register the insult.
With all that rambling you do, city

girl, I've got me half a mind to make you

carry your own bloody bags up to the
main doors!
Main doors? She questioned.
Aye, lassy! Are ya blind as well as
stupid? The driver cackled.
He then motioned behind the young girl,

pointing at the bottom of an ornate set of

weathered stone steps ones leading up
to a beautiful, if not menacing manor at
the top of them. In truth, she had been
entirely oblivious to the large structure!
Given the fact that it was night, that she
was rather tired, and that her focus had
been on peering out into the harrowing
woods to the rear (along with belittling
the driver)... it seemed excusable at the
Yet now, Morgana's mind was firmly

set on soaking in the sight of this

impressive building! A large manor
indeed! One positioned not too far off
from the edge of the surrounding cliffs
by the looks of it. She couldn't help but
wonder if that was planned for some
dramatic effect or not. The sound of
crashing waves could faintly be heard if
the wind carried in the right direction for
a moment or two. This brought about an
entirely eerily, atmospheric vibe to the
entire landscape.

Craggwyn manor! The driver shouted

out, quite proudly at that. He leaned back
on his heels, hands stuck in his belt
loops, breathing deeply. I'm sure you'll
have a merry time here, city girl, he
cackled hoarsely, coughing at the end of
And... the baron? Morgana
questioned, almost to herself.

Ol' Broodclaw? The old man

cackled, for perhaps longer than he
should have. Oh, I'm sure you'll have
plenty of time to get acquainted with the
master, city girl.
It was a rather unsettling remark, even
for the hostile driver. Not so much in
what he said, but how he said it that's
what put a dismal feeling in the pit of
young Morgana's stomach. A kind of
eerie sense of impeding doom... and
truth be told, it wasn't too far off from

the reality.
And just then, right as the driver was in
the midst of yet another cackle
(reflecting on the previous question), the
front door to Craggwyn Manor flew
open in a blur of motion. A lone figure,
silhouetted by the back-light coming
from the rear, stood in the doorway.
Morgana Moress, the stubborn little

mule of a woman, stared onward in

complete and utter fright.
Under the Baron's Control

The King's Little Princess

Lust and Love

The war had come to a close not long
ago. But a short while, in fact. The new
handsome, rugged King Darius had
overthrown the Valliene family less than
a week prior, as it were. He had
murdered all of the family members
aside from the young, beautiful Princess

A real attractive tart, or so he had said.
And perhaps this was the reason for
which she was spared. The comely face,
enticing bosom, and tempting figure
which she made no attempts to hide
beneath her tightly corseted dresses and
nightwear. The one thing about her, ever
since the war had ended anyway, was
the ever present semblance of a scowl
upon her lips. The slight hinting of
detestation whenever the older man

entered into her presence. Although King

Darius had taken this sign as a challenge,
a manly game to tame the untouched
She in turn would eye his impressive
physique the one with bulging muscles,
broad shoulders, and a few battle scars
to round out the herculean king. And his
face... not overtly pretty, but very
masculine and dangerous. It was this
trait which seemed to draw Princess
Brianne to him as much as she tried to

fight the urge, she would invariably take

notice of the feminine desire burning
between her legs each time the powerful
king came near.
The way his body moved so
effortlessly... how he commanded
respect from all who stood before him.
Something her own father, or any man
for that matter, had never accomplished
in so flawless a fashion. It was these
characteristics which caused the virgin
princess to bite her lip with lust during

each of his many passings as she had

be confined to a small temporary
quarters ever since the massacre. A
room the handsome king made sure to
visit quite often...

Still sulking away the day, is she?
King Darius asked one of his servants.
Aye, my lord. She refuses to exit her
chamber, despite the promise of safety
and food, the well-trained fellow

Hmm, and how long has it been now?

The king inquired, taking a swig of wine
from an ornate chalice.
A full week now, sire.
A full week! Hah! Well then, I shall go
and have a word with her myself... 'tis
far too long for such a pretty princess to
stay hidden away in her room, he
nodded with a smile.

And with that, King Darius, dressed in

fancy attire, rose from his royal throne
where upon he proceeded to make a
hasty path toward the chamber of
Princess Brianne Valliene.

Though the inexperienced princess
despised King Darius for the murder of
her family, it was still plain to see that
the man was far from brutish or evil. He
simply played the better hand in this
game of kings and thrones. There is
generally very little bitterness or hatred.
The men simply see it as a way to pass
the time of day and fill their lives with
some purpose. A little conquest enlivens
the spirit!

The sad consequences are rarely

thought of. All men know the danger of
playing this game... Princess Brianne's
father had often spoken of this very risk,
and yet they still played. Even though it
cost him his family, all but one, he still
woke up each day to partake in the lethal
And in a sense, this philosophy

somewhat endeared the fanciful virgin to

King Darius. Knowing that this shrewd
fellow had been playing for so long, and
doing so well... it was quite impressive,
from an objective standpoint. But, given
the short span of time since the murders
had taken place, it was understandable
why some hostilities remains within the
girl. A fiery passion... burning and
burning, unsure of where to go. The
attractive princess had felt ashamed of
her thoughts. Finding herself drawn to
the very man which had taken everything
from her... how could she! How could

such a transgression ever be forgiven, or

Still, the lingering aroma of his scent
each time he'd left her chamber would
remain for hours on end. And the petite
lass would flit about the room, walking
in the footsteps of where he had stepped,
sniffing in the masculine smell.
Princess Brianne had refused to speak

with the man, however. Even though he

had already made several attempts to
banter with the girl, she would have
none of it. The way she lied on the bed,
turned away from the seductive fellow,
ignoring his every word and whisper
and yet, lusting after his voice long after
he'd departed.
It was this strange dichotomy which
confused the girl. Knowing that she had
every right to hate and detest the man...
yet some primal urge within her body,

that part in every young woman's heart

which reaches out to be taken and
devoured, to give itself to a deserving
man. But, how on earth could King
Darius, immaculately clean and
tremendously well-spoken though he
was, possibly be the man to woo her!
It simply boggled the mind!
And it was this line of questioning

which filled the young girl's mind as she

heard a banging on the distant chamber
door. Princess Brianne at once felt the
rush of excitement flow into her nether
regions knowing full well that it was
the stately King come to speak with her
once more. However, just as always, the
youthful woman feared that she could not
converse with the rugged man the
worry, the nervous longing rendered her
speechless and immobile in his
presence. For it was not the fact that he
had slain her family which triggered
such difficult emotions, no, no... not at

It was the realization that she had come
to crave the King's appearance and
many more taboo matters of the heart and
southern slit. Though the fanciful woman
could never say as much to her new
King... she certainly dreamt of it often
long and hard!

Thud! Thud! Thud!
The sonorous knocking filled the room
as Princess Brianne twirled upright
instantly in her bed.
What to do! She muttered to herself,
looking down to see that she was still

clothed. And indeed those bountiful

breasts were still held snug in her lovely
dress. She had the kind of body which
did not require tight corsets or such
devices. Those nubile hips and thin
waist did all the work for her... a real
creature of feminine perfection though
the girl seemed far too ignorant to
realize such matters.
It was customary to keep the princess
pure and groomed until she was of
wedding age. And now that the girl had

just turned 19, she was certainly due for

a good round of fucking. Her lusty inner
desires told her as much! The way she
craved to feel a man's touch... but, as the
days went by, not just any man's touch...
Thud! Thud!
The pounding came again. Brianne
brought a trembling finger to her lips in

thought. For though she feared the man,

and justifiably so, that dark, sordid part
of her heart yearned to thrust open the
door and have the rugged king thrust
something else into her wet southern
I believe you know it is open, sir, she
said at last, and rather meekly at that. So
much so in fact, that it was not clear
whether or not King Darius had even
heard the comment.

But the doorknob turned just the same

and in entered the flickering beams of
light from the outer hallway, sliding
across the floor at an extreme angle.
Then there came a large, brooding
shadow. The outline of a beastly fellow,
indeed. Broad and powerful. Princess
Brianne knew just who it was... and a
moment later, the scent of his masculine
odor wafted into the room filling her
nostrils with forbidden, taboo desires.
Ones which forced the girl to hate

herself, yet grow weak at the knees all

the same. Knowing that virile, dominant
male was right there, yet again... the
virgin felt her cunny clench instinctively,
against her will as it were, and every
other fiber of her being. Though she
wished it would go away... that
undeniable urge to mate with the king
remained, strong and resolute just how
she wished his cock would be.
And though the young, fanciful lass had
never felt or held a sturdy love lance...

she somehow knew, or imagined, exactly

how it would be.
Princess... the shadowed figure
intoned. So nice to see you again
looking more lovely than ever.
Sweet words from the harsh, villainous
voice. How Brianne hated herself! Stop
loving him! He's a monster! But the girl
was powerless to stifle those innate

G-g-g-ood... good evening, King
Darius, she whispered, turning her face
to the side in shame, unable to look him
in the eye.
Meanwhile, the mature fellow's own
set of peepers stared a hole right through
the virgin! The way he peered up and
down her body, not in a perverted or

harmful way, but in a lustful, desirous

sort of manner. As if he himself were
powerless to repel her beauty. And
perhaps he was...
I see you are in a more talkative
mood, this night, said the older man, a
wry smirk finding its way across his
lewd lips.
I have had... time, the Princess

All she could think about was whether
or not the king found her attractive
whether he was aroused or repulsed by
her sumptuous figure. The way she
peered off at the corner, allowing her
breasts to be illuminated by the dull
candlelight as if she were presenting
them for him to take, tempting as it were.

You've been a bad child, he grunted.

Have I? Brianne whispered meakly.
Indeed, princess...
What have I done? She inquired, her
heart a flutter with a mixture of emotion.

Quite simple, princess... you have

forced me to think of you, day and night,
non-stop. How perfect your figure is,
and how beautiful your face is, King
Darius commented, stepping closer to
the girl.
She was unsure how to respond. No
man had ever spoken to her in such a
fashion, or with such words! How
would a demure virgin such as Princess
Brianne possibly know how to address
his statement!

Terribly bad... He continued. Shall I

show you just how bad?
I... I... I'm sorry, King Darius,
Brianne nodded with more than a hint of
shame. Though she noticed a sordid
change in the tone of the man's voice.
The closer he stepped, the hotter it

Shall I show you? He repeated,

though in truth the fellow required no
answer. He had the game all planned
out... Princess Brianne simply found
herself quite curious to find out
precisely what it would entail.
I would like to know the extent of my
transgressions, yes, she responded.
Very well, princess...

And with that, she saw the king step

directly in front of her. It was here that
she, at long last, allowed her gaze to
settle upon the handsome fellow. The
very one who was unbuttoning his
trousers and removing the belt running
through the loops!
And was it... oh, god yes! It was!

The hard, elongated bulge of King

Darius' shaft pressing against the tight
material of his pants. How thick his
engorged member appeared... just a
visual taste as it were beckoning
Brianne's virgin eyes to stare at the
masculine item with all the lust befitting
a horny, curious girl.
Look... look at it, he commanded.
See how bad you've been... look what
it's made me do.

The young girl gulped heavily her

breath quickening with each passing
second. Being in such close proximity to
the wondrous object of her dreams...
what torture! And judging by the size of
that outline, she must have been VERY
bad! How could she have been so cruel!
Forcing this magnanimous king to endure
her beauty in silence and withdrawal...
what a wretch!

She, then and there, resolved to do all

she could to relieve the man of the mess
she had created.
I am... I am so, so sorry, she cried out
throwing herself forward, her fists
beating against his heavily muscled
chests... and of course, her breasts
leaning against the thick shaft.
What will you do about it? King

Darius asked, rocking his hips side to

side so that the impressive manhood
would rub between her luscious tits.
Anything... She whimpered.
Anything at all! You spared my life,
now I owe you mine...
Then look on, he grunted, removing
his belt in full. The man's powerful
hands then took hold of his trousers and

began to pull them down...

Princess Brianne gulped once more...
as she ventured into this unknown,
forbidden territory of love and lust
with the enemy.

There... King Darius spoke as his
shirt hit the floor.
And there he was... free from all
worldly clothes! Barren! Nude! Exposed
in all his glory!
That glorious shaft of his extending

outward, prodding into her supple

Princess Brianne had never seen a man
completely naked before, aside from
those silly lads who had done a bit of
streaking down by the river a few years
back. But in private? So near and
personal? Not even close... and what a
specimen she had here! One with such a

gargantuan cock! Still hard and stiff,

dying to dive deeply into her juicy cunt.
Anything...? Darius laughed, making
direct eye contact with the smitten,
bewildered lass.
Yes, mi-lord, she nodded, wanting to

be filled more than ever as the sight of

that wondrous dick forced her to bite her
own lip in an effort to stifle a squeal of
And as luck would have it, that is
precisely what King Darius wanted as

In that case, Princess Brianne... take

your dress off AND your
undergarments. He intoned, leaving no
room for rebuttal.
Yes, sire...
And with that, the untouched girl took

hold of her top. She wriggled it upward

and free, feeling slightly embarrassed at
this being her first time but all the lass
had to do was glance back down at that
imposing penis and her fears dissipated
in an instant.
Mmmhmm, the brute nodded,
watching her toned belly reveal itself to

him as she pulled the shirt up and off.

Good lord... you are most fetching,
mmm... King Darius then reached
down, stroking his own cock at the sight
of her comely tits and ripe body. Now
the bottoms, he said. We can leave
your bra on for now. I love how your tits
look in that thing...

Yes, sire, she replied, pulling down

at her undergarments.
And just like that, the material slid
down her skin presenting her thin
thighs for the horny man to enjoy and
salivate over. He'd never seen such
perfect looking legs. If only he could run
his tongue along them, from top to

bottom and everywhere in between...

And the panties, he grunted.
Those? She questioned meekly.

And once again, just like that, she

removed the soft panties. This time in a
sensuous fashion, twisting slightly to the
side so that her ass was directed toward
King Darius, as he continued pleasuring
himself. The royal overseer looked on as
the material descended down her juicy
thighs, and a second later, they were on
the floor. This was a whole new side to

him, one that she'd never known but

always yearned to experience.
Princess Brianne found herself feeling
quite self-conscious, being so
inexperienced and frightened yet
strangely aroused by the ordeal. The
way King Darius stared at her... those
eyes ablaze with passion and lust,

removed all self-doubt she felt. It was

clear to see the king remained fixated on
the prize. He wanted her tempting body
like nothing else. The very one which
had overpowered his primal urge,
forcing him to stew and lament her
absence... an act only the most beautiful
of women could bring about.

Now, you are to do just as I say,

exactly how I say. The man nodded.

The King's Little Princess

Pleasuring the

A Glimpse of What is to
An explosion A glorious
explosion this is the only way in
which it could even begin to be
described. How the princess wound up
here or exactly what just happened -nobody could be sure of. But one thing is
certain. Here she found herself, face
covered in the warm and amazing
remnants of some orgasmic eruption.

Dripping and running down every line of

her visage. All observed by two pairs of
lascivious eyes looking on with an
unquenchable lust; gleaming with desire
and satisfaction. And to think, only a
mere few hours ago, she had been a coy
virgin what a difference one day can
make in the Ramshard kingdom.

An Innocent Day Begins

Claire was her name. A foreign
sounding word, everyone would agree,
but quite contrary to the actual girl it
belonged to. For Claire was anything but
foreign. Nothing exotic about her in the
least -- aside from those brilliant eyes
that seemed to beckon anyone and
everyone to come hither, like an
exquisite photo that drew in all who
gazed upon its wonderment. An
intoxicating blend of color and allure.

Swirls of sex someone had perhaps

jokingly said to her once. Of course the
comment would have seemingly been
lost, having gone over Claires modest
little head. Yet in truth, she most
assuredly had given one of those playful
smiles upon hearing the words; which
suggested she might possess more than
an inkling or two as to what they were
talking about. One simply couldnt
decide. And that was her way. A series
of picturesque expressions indicating an

innocent nature, followed by the slightest

smirk, right there at the corner of her lips
and within those supple cheeks, the
tiniest hint of knowing. And men would
often find themselves pausing here, as if
unsure whether to believe this young
temptress knew nothing of her seductive
ways or everything of them. Her
flowing hair turning swiftly to the rear,
followed by a hasty retreat would be
Claires standard parting trait -- causing
a wave of the concupiscent perfume
about her body to collide with their
longing nostrils, forced to suck in the

scent of this untouchable girl, apparently

nave to the ways of romance and lust.
Oh, and there was that other little
thing about her... Claire being the
princess, heir to the throne and all. She
liked to forget that part about herself, but
others would rarely allow such a thing to

A slightly taller than average man
equipped with a rather charming and
elegant demeanor rounded the corner. He
cast a lengthy shadow in all the right
places, resulting in Claires eyes
glancing upward. Her face lit up with a
smile as she recognized the figure
approaching from the nearby path. A
moment later and there was a grin
spreading across his lips as he in turn
spotted Princess Claire sitting in the red

luncheon chair beneath a gaudy umbrella

(some sad attempt to add refinement in
an otherwise run of the mill scene). This
was Jasper Thunderpost. An unusual
friend she had gained while traveling to
the outskirts of the city in her youth.
Unusual in the sense that Claire still
knew so little about the man, yet having
been acquainted with the mysterious
fellow for such a long period of time.
Having been raised under the same roof
for years and years taken in by her

A smitten girl can justify anything to

herself. She figured she knew enough
about him as any friend should know -and that final lingering bit of mystery
kept her returning his requests time and
time again. If that wasnt enough, being
decently muscled and admiringly lean,
with a wayward flick of hair which
somehow happened to always find itself
hovering above Jaspers left eye that
was enough to make up for any lack of
general information about the man. After

all, what did Claire care about what he

named his pet rock in his youthful years?
She was more curious about what he
called his pet rock these days anyway
Not that Claire would ever care to admit
such things, mind you. An unsullied girl
is often reserved in her actions.
Especially one of royal bloodline.
May I? Jasper said with a one sided
smirk as he motioned toward the chair
beside her.

Claire replied by inching it out

toward him with the big toe of her right
foot. She had slipped it free of the thin
shoes for a breath of refreshing air. And
here, a jolt of excitement shot down to
her nether regions, for it had appeared
that Jasper Thunderpost caught sight of
the dainty, feminine foot and stared for
perhaps a moment longer than one
should Something barely noticeable, if
at all, to the untrained eye. But Claire
had trained her eyes over the years and

she was certain that she had spotted the

prolonged passionate stare of lore. To be
fair, who could blame him? Such a
lovely foot stuck out there just for him to
see, and not only that, but inviting him to
sit with the perfection that it belonged to.
Of course his eyes would stay for a
while, resting upon the beauty before
him. A natural reaction. Yet sadly, as he
pulled his gaze upward, moving along
the foot, it was cut short abruptly by the
confounded tabletop. A dreadful denial
by the gods. However, Jasper remained
unbothered as he casually sat down into

the chair.
Did you get my message? he asked.
A kitchen maid suddenly appeared
carrying two beverages and a basket of
bread. She set them down hastily, asked
if they needed anything else (to which he
declined) and departed.

I guess so, Jasper laughed with

those straight white teeth shining in the
sunlight. Have you been waiting long?
There came a gust of wind from the
west which caused Claires long and
luscious hair to blow delightfully in the
breeze. The strands fluttered about like
ribbons tied to an elegant performer. She
took notice of Mr. Thunderpost watching
the locks dance freely. Here she
snatched a fry from the basket and
placed it in her mouth, shaking her head

in the negative,
staring directly
Only long enough
splendor in them
A mean trick

with those piercing eyes

ahead for but a moment.
for Jasper to see the
beckoning him closer.

Damn, he laughed, Id hoped to be

fashionably late.
Claire scoffed at the comment as if to
say he could never be fashionable in any

way, least of all, late. Her peachy cheeks

and pleasant smile softened the
expression, giving rise to her playful
nature once more.
Their conversation continued on in
this manner for a short while longer;
when nearly half of the bread had
vanished from the basket, it was
Jaspers turn to pose the question which
had been brewing in his brain all day
(and for quite some time now).

Just as Claire extended her graceful

arm to take hold of another morsel, she
discovered Jaspers heated hand
brushing across her skin, as he ran it
down to her wrist and fingers before
stealing away the very slice of her
desire (right out of her grasp). He
chewed it down with a childish smile.
So Lady Claire, Jasper began,
Theres a question Ive wanted to ask

you for a while now. Id say I hope you

dont take offense, but I know you wont.
Not with your open mind, will you?
She shrugged innocently, like a
bashful cartoon character. How
inviting Jasper took the bait.
You... don t prefer the finer sex, do
you Claire?

Rumors of her sexuality had already

begun to filter about the castle walls.
It certainly proved blunt enough. But
the brusque nature of his phrase
indicated something more (as did the
licking of his lips immediately after the
words spilled from his mouth).
The ever elegant woman, perched in
the red chair opposite him, gave yet

another shrug of the shoulders.

Why, do I strike you as one, good
Wishful thinking on my part? Mr.
Thunderpost inquired, half teasingly.
Wouldnt you like to know she
retorted -- one of those comments that no

one could read. Her innocent appeal

seemed to offset the scandalous nature of
her tone, not to mention that glimpse of a
lascivious grin.
Well then! Jasper continued. Have
you ever kissed a girl?
Mm-mmm Claire responded rapidly
with a shake of the head.

This didnt deter Thunderpost in the

least, as he pressed on more eager than
Would you ever try?
Another shrug, this time accompanied
by a blushing of her cheeks. But her
reply was anything other than what
Jasper expected or wanted. Her
demeanor took a sharp turn to the severe.

A princess had to have her limits.

Nope! Im not a lesbian.
This was the spark of life he had
hoped to see Looking across the table
at the beautiful Claire in her short dress
and seductive makeup, her hair flowing
in the wind like a goddess of the highest
caliber. He wondered just what her skin
would taste like beneath his tongue.

Little did he know that she was thinking

the same
Youre trying to tell me that you
would NEVER kiss a girl under any
circumstances? Not even a fair maiden?
Well, Claire paused, Maybe if it
meant to save my grandmother. Then Id
probably do it. Unless shed written me
out of her will. Or if it would get me

another one of these amazing drinks!

That can be arranged! Jasper
blurted with delight.
Har, har, har. Never sexually
though, came her expanded reply.
Mr. Jasper Thunderpost didnt react to
her comment. Instead his eyes had

drifted off in another direction (with a

hefty dose of mischief in them).
W-what is it? Claire inquired as she
tried tracing his gaze to spot just what
had him so enraptured. Rather quick to
covet the spotlight, isnt she.
Look at that -- he began to say, but
by then Claire had found the object of
his fascination and it needed no

explanation. --Girl over there; the black

haired woman with the light skin, you
know the one.
Here he nodded in a rather
conspicuous manner at the girl seated off
in the corner by herself.
Yeah, I see her. And? said Lady
Claire, yet her curious eyes belied the
mocking tone.

What do you think of her?

What do you mean, Jasper?
I mean, he said glancing across the
table at Claires perky cleavage, Do
you find her attractive?

The timing had been perfect. Claire

turned back just in time to catch him
staring -- a smirk curled at the corner of
her plump lips.
Am I attracted to her? Is that what
youd like to know, boy? Do I find her
sexually appealing? Stuck on the lesbian
kick, are you? Did you forget to relieve
your tiny manhood this morning?

Yeah, I thought
meeting No need
Claire. Im only
is good looking.

thats why we were

to be difficult, Lady
asking if you think she
Is she pretty? I think she

Fair enough, but youre a man,

remember? That makes it ok. This time
she spied Jasper staring at the other
woman, this pretty raven haired lass.
Claire immediately tapped Jasper on the
wrist with a fry, bringing his eyes back
to her after a quick moment of departure.

Whats wrong with a woman saying

another woman is attractive?
Alright then, sir. See that man over
there? By the tree. Do you find him
attractive? Claire said with a smug nod
of her head.
Not in the least, Jasper scoffed

without hesitation. But you are

forgetting one thing, my dear.
Oh and whats that?
Women are intrinsically attracted to
each other. Its innate.
This time instead of a shoulder shrug,
Jasper received an incredulous eyebrow

raise from the lovely girl and a slight

folding of the arms.
Oh boy Youre full of shit, came
her warm and happy words.
Thunderpost laughed at her haughty
No, its true. There is an inherent

trait in women that causes an attraction,

a sexual attraction mind you, between
them. They cant help themselves. Its a
scientific fact. The same way men lust
after women. Women lust after women.
Some girls repress it more than others.
Still, Jasper leaned in close for
dramatic effect as he gazed deeply into
her eyes, The trait is there in EVERY
Sounds more like the perversion in
every man coming out, she laughed.

Alright, sassy. Back to my question.

Do you find that girl attractive?
Claire looked over at the woman
again. Watching her gingerly sip some
liquid from the cup with a few droplets
running down the side. The dark haired
girl rubbed these off with her hand, and
then, quite surprisingly, ran these wet
fingers along her chest. Claire gulped in

a cartoonish, instinctual fashion.

Pleasuring the Princess

His Little Duchess

A Happy Home
Well, we d have the castle all to
ourselves now at least. Mom, the allimportant queen of Cramsbury, was
busy, as usual off attending some
council meeting with the high kings or
whatever such nonsense she did. A trip
which was to last for a few days or
several weeks, who knew anymore. I
stopped trying to count. I couldn t
remember the last full month that she had

stayed in the city, let alone our home!

And I knew it was hard on King
Langston. The man she had remarried
when I was nearly 14 years old. He s the
man I call daddy, anyway. He s actually
my step-father as it were. They ve been
together for 5 years now. He calls me his
little duchess.
Yes, being 19 and still living in the
castle has its benefits. The servants are
always willing to come help and assist
when I need them. My meals are

prepared for me, my food is served to

me in a timely manner. All very
wonderful thing.
Daddy, King Langston, always wanted
to spoil me. To treat me like a little
princess. I think he did it to impress my
all-powerful mother... the ever absent
queen. You know, act nice and be kind to

me so she ll love having him around.

Although lately... there seems to have
been a bit of a rift between the two of
them. Well, when I say lately I mean for
a while now. I m almost certain they
have a sexless marriage. Mother is quite
frigid and cold when she s here just
imagine how it is when she s gone. I
wouldn t be surprised if she was out
galivanting with the other noble men
during her little council meetings and
such. She s probably been filled by half
of the king s guard, at least! The little

Yet, father remained faithful so far as I

can tell. The man gave me everything I
asked for, and even sprinkled me with
random gifts here and there. I felt kind of
sorry for him, actually. He was a great
guy who probably deserved so much
more... But that s life under our castle, I

I know, darling. It s just been a
difficult time for us, my father said.
He was talking to my mother in the
other room pacing up and down the
with obvious frustration. They probably
didn t know I was listening in from
around the corner, but daddy s little girl
can be quite the snoop!

Don t make any brash decision like

that now. We ve been together a long
time. Don t throw it away like this,
dear, he continued.
Oh man! This was getting serious. I
could even hear the desperation in his
voice now. Something big was
obviously going down here. It looks like
dear old mother finally worked up the
gumption to call it quits. Only daddy

wasn t quite ready to agree, judging by

his comments anyway. I could hear her
whispering and muttering quietly. She
always did that when she wanted to get
her way. A hushed snarl as I liked to call
What about Abigail? He asked,
referring to me.

Mother whispered harshly again,

laughing under her breath.
No! Don t say that... Father shouted.
She s been like a real daughter to me.
You re just going to--
And here he stopped in mid-sentence,

letting out a long and heavy sigh. A

moment later I heard the rear door being
open and closed, all to the sound of my
mother s footsteps departing, followed
by yet another heavy breath of air from
daddy. I peeked around the corner, I just
had to see what was going on. And there
was daddy, running his hand through his
hair and shaking his head.
Uh oh was right... Something big really
did happen! He was such a loyal and
respectful man. I didn t see how he

would just give up, and I imagined he

wouldn t. Father loved my mommy (for
some reason...), that much I knew. He
would do anything he could to keep them
together. I just wondered, exactly what
he could do? If mother wanted to leave
him, how could he stop her? She was a
grown woman, the queen in fact, who
could walk out the door and never be
seen again or banish daddy from the
castle! Who knows what the allpowerful tyrant might try...

But the way daddy continued pawing at

his hair, I knew the little wheels of
thought were busy spinning in his head. I
made sure to tip-toe away before being
caught by the king of the castle. I d leave
him alone for a while to...
Abigail? He called out dumb ol me
forgetting about that one creaky part of
the floor.

There was a strange happiness in the

tone of his voice. An almost bizarre,
joyful sound.
Hi daddy, I said, peeking back
around the corner, trying to pretend I had
just arrived, bunching up my ornate
There s my pretty duchess, he
replied. There was a delighted smile

written on his face. The exact moment he

saw me walking into the room, I could
sense an entirely new demeanor drifting
over his body. One of revelation.
Yes, he said, Yes... I think you just
might be the answer, he grinned.
To what? I asked.

To everything, little duchess, to

everything, Daddy responded as he
took me in his arms for a big hug.

I awoke the next morning to a familiar,
yet alarming sound. It was a noise I d
heard countless times over the years.
The splashing of water in my washing
room. The one connected right onto my
bedroom the private little place of my
own. And as I stood from the bed, I
noticed yellow light pouring out from
beneath the door.

A quick glance to my left told me that

my bedroom door remained shut, yet I
did not recall entering the bathing room,
let alone leaving the tub full or the lights
lit! In my disoriented state of halfwakefulness, I traipsed forward, placing
my hand on the door and pushing it open
slowly. A bit of moisture came funneling
out as the gap increased. The sound of
flowing water grew stronger and
stronger as I continued peering inside.
Hello? I called out.

Then I stepped inside, fully, and that is

when I saw oh my god! Right there in
the middle... My naked daddy! He was
running his hands through his hair,
rinsing out some soapy residue. And,
given the situation and my shock from it
all, I just happened to look down at his
body and spotted the... the, uh, the
massive manhood between his legs! I
couldn t believe the size of it! And not
even hard! It was bigger than anything I d
ever imagined! Bigger than the one I saw

that blacksmith whip out a few years

Oh! Daddy shouted, wiping his eyes.
Sorry Abigail, my wash area was
having troubles so I decided to use
yours. Hope you don t mind, my little
I shut the door just enough so that I
could hide my body behind it; that way

daddy wouldn t see that I had spotted his

dangling cock.
Umm, no, I stuttered, reeling from the
sight of that impressive meat. Just don t
get water everywhere, please!
Where am I going to put my toys then!
He laughed.

I don t know! Dig a hole out back or

What, he cackled again, You don t
have any little holes for me?
Had my daddy really just said that?!
Did I have any holes for him!? Well,

maybe it was my filthy mind playing

tricks on me. I had, after all, just seen his
dick. I guess those kinds of sights were
filling my little head with lewd ideas.
Still... knowing he had something that
nice below the belt line I might just
have to let him use a few of my holes!
Oh shut up and hurry up! I laughed,
shutting the door, where I collapsed right
against it on the opposite side, sliding to
the floor.

My heart was pounding! And

surprisingly, so was my southern slit. I
immediately pictured how father s cock
would look when hard and big. My
king s big throbbing meat... How
something that nice would feel in me. I
mean, I d never even had sex before!
Yet, oh I don t know! I guess it was kind
of strange to think of my step-father this
way... but I couldn t help it. I m a
sexually curious teenage girl, never been
touched or handled and they keep me

couped up in this castle all the time

and the man living in my castle has a
humongous thingy!

Why on earth would my mother deny

his manhood? How could she even think
of leaving him!
It looked so nice and tempting. Just the
kind I would want to fill me for the first
time... If he were my king, I d have him
stuffing me every night...

Then it occurred to me... The only way

to enter my washroom was through my
bedroom door. That means daddy had
snuck in while I was asleep! I only go to
bed in a pair of under garments and
some times a top. And usually I ll kick
off a few of the blankets while I slumber.
Like today, I d woken up with all of them
off me... that means he would have seen
my nearly nude body in bed! Oh my
god... what a mess!

Although, one side of me might not

mind him seeing me naked. With a cock
that nice and a body that good, I might
even like it. With him in my room there,
lathering up, I began to imagine even
dirtier thoughts. Things like, was he in
there touching himself to my hot, young
body? Would he even think of me like
that? His little princess? Or would I
forever be an annoying little girl?
I d stick to my fantasy story for now.
That was much better! I d give anything

to see him in there stroking his cock for

me. God! I m such a dirty girl! Thinking
about my daddy this way. But, I can t
blame myself. It was just the size and
shape of his member that had me thinking
like a slut. Heck, I could probably use
his cock for my shower rod! Stretching
from one side to the other, and even hang
from the sturdy shaft! The king was hung!
Uh oh. I heard the shower click off and
I knew he d be walking out of the
bathroom in a minute or two. But here I

was, still strapped in my bra and

panties, hunkered down on the floor
touching myself to the thought of him...
That probably wasn t the best scene for
him to walk in on, was it?
Though, a nasty little notion came over
me here. I wanted to see what he would
do. If he saw his dirty little duchess bent
over in her panties. I wonder if that
would make his cock nice and stiff for
me. It was certainly worth a try!

I could hear him in there whistling as he

dried himself off with a towel. The
closing of the cabinet where he probably
grabbed a towel. There wasn t much
time left. I knew he d be barging through
the door any second now. I had to
prepare myself and give him a little
slutty show! Haha! Here it comes,
daddy. Let s see what that big cock of
yours thinks of me...

Comin out! He shouted, just as the

door swung open along with the rush of
heat. Oh...
The king stepped in for a moment,
before he stopped dead in his tracks,
pausing mid-sentence. I had a sneaking
suspicion of why it happened. Just a tiny
one. It might have had to do with me
being on my hands and knees, facing
away from daddy, as I rummaged around
through the closet. I pretended not to
have heard him shouting. My ass was

stuck high into the air, the panties nice

and tight on my cheeks. It had to be a
nice view for daddy. I wanted to spin
back around and catch him jerking his
dick, rubbing it to full size while staring
at my butt.
However, instead of doing that, when I
saw the light sweep over my body I just
made a little screeching sound. A
dramatic kind of gasp!

Daddy! I wheezed, finally turning

around and flipping over onto my back. I
grabbed a pillow from the bed and
placed it over my body. But I knew, just
from his face alone, that he had seen my
two breasts in full view. Not to mention
my hot pussy there for a while. Or the
tight abs that I worked hard to get. I bet
he liked looking at his little girl stuck on
the floor like this. My legs were still
poking out from beneath the pillow.
Daddy had his eyes glued to them,
slowly moving up the calves and thighs,
higher still until they reached my face.

What are you doing! I asked.

All done, he said with a smile. Your
And then the towel-clad king turned to
leave, walking out of my bedroom and
into the hall. I kept my eyes stuck on his
crotch, peering over at the obvious
bulge. How could he have managed to

hide such an impressive set of tools for

so long!?
I ran over and shut the door behind him.
But he was right... It certainly was my
turn! The thought of his throbbing cock
was driving me wild! I just had to get
off! And so I threw my little body on the
bed, pulling my panties to the side. What
a sexy cock... I had to touch myself. I just
had to. And the next thing I knew, I was
lying in bed, orgasming to the thought of
my daddy s dick stretching my virgin

pussy out wide...

His Little Duchess


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