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The text is about the life of Albert Einstein. My source is http:/

This article can be classified as a factual recount, and is an example of

biography/legal document. It retells a life of a person specifically Sir Albert Einstein.
His life was retold by a person. First was his childhood (he was slow in learning to
speak, and had a rebellious nature towards the conventional styles of learning at
school). Second was his teenage years where at the age of sixteen, he was writing
his first research science paper, and he was attempting to skip the last few years of
high school. He attempted to enter the school namely Swiss Institute of Technology
but he failed the entrance exam. And lastly, was told the discovery of Albert
Einstein when he has aged (middle age to his last breathe). I can say that it was told
chronologically based on his age because the childhood comes first before the
teenage life and middle age comes after. His discoveries was also retold in
chronological order based on the time or date he discovered his discoveries. The
place and sequence of events where also told in chronological order.
Also, past tense was used in each sentences. Some of these are: Inspired by a
compass, his "sacred little geometry book", and classical music, his interest in
science and mathematics grew and by the age of sixteen he was writing his first
research science paper. The use of words of the author such as childhood, age of
sixteen, and the dates shows clearly sequence of events that it happen time after
time (chronologically). Also the text was retelling a story of a person based on its
true to life story so I can say that it is factual. Therefore, I can say that this is a
factual recount type of text.

The text is about an American girl who had a vacation in Vietnam. She was with her
Vietnamist friend and they saw a person that had been shot. They found out that
the person was shot because the person had been robbed. The author is Alicia
Wilson, a female, she lives in United States of America, West Palm Beach and her
profession is a student.
This article can be classified as a factual recount, and is an example of a journal. It
retells a story that have already happened: First thing that happened was she went
on a flight. Second was she met her friend (a Vietnamist) in Vietnam. Third was they
went fishing. Then they saw a person shot and died. The last thing was that night
after they saw the person died, they watched the Television and found out the
reason that the person was shot because she was robbed. The series of events was
sequenced in time and happened chronologically. Just like the author (who lives in
America) went to the flight first before she met her Vietnamist friend in Vietnam.
And since "both" of them saw the incident that a person was shot, The event where
"they" saw the incident should happen after they have seen each other. And this is
actually what I've seen in the article so I can say it was chronologically done. Also,
past tense was used in each sentences. Some of these are: I had gone on vacation
with my friend to his homeland and it was absolutely amazing to experience
another culture. We went hiking, fishing and even went to festivals. And that night I
watched the news and found out the person was shot because she was robbed.
Which really shows that it happened in the past. The use of words of the author
such as yesterday, one afternoon, that night after the incident, shows clearly
sequence of events that it happen time after time (chronologically). Also the text
was an experience so it is considered as factual. Therefore, I can say that this is a
factual recount type of text.

The main idea of the exposition is that all people should take responsibility for the
environment and for the survival of animal species. The writer is Eric, Manly. There
are different types of exposition. In this text, it is an exposition text in expository
writing. Where the writer tries to change the attitude of the reader by presenting
and elaborating his point of view by presenting his side of argument I can classify it
as an factual exposition type of text and is an example of editorial. It presents a
point of view of the writer (when are people going to accept responsibility for the
environment and animal) and it persuades others "that we should be responsible of
our surroundings". The main purpose of the text is to change the attitude of the
reader by presenting side of his side of the argument. In this text, The writer does it
by "mentioning great destructions that the human beings have done in the short
time that the human beings have been here on this planet": some of the sentences
mentioned in the text are: the continual destructions of the animal habitats to make
way for spreading urban populations or increased farming lands for growing food.
People are polluting the earth to such an extent that many waterways are not fit for
swimming and People dumb toxic waste at sea or bury it at the desert. The
structure of the text also proves that it is an exposition type of text. On his first
paragraph, you can see his statement of position: "When are human beings going to
accept responsibility for the environment and for the survival pf animal species?"
On his second, third, and fourth paragraph, you can see the argument stage where
he supports his statement of position: the summary of his argument stage is, it
shows that in the short time people living in this planet, people already annihilated
thousands of animal species, destroyed vast areas of irreplaceable rainforests and
polluted land and water. And on the last part of the text, you can see the
reinforcement of the statement position of the writer: "I urge all people to take
responsibility for this earth we share with other creatures and which we hold in trust
of our children's children. We can do it if we work together". Since all the
information are all based on truth, then it is factual. The language features in the
text is an evidence that the author speaks persuasively. He even uses emotive
language for our feelings to arise such as: destroyed, annihilated; and so to change
our attitude towards life. It also uses high degree of modality such as must and can.
The use of conjunction such as "that" to show cause and effect. And he uses passive
voice such as "it saddens me to think..." to keep focus on his point of view.
Therefore, I can conclude that this text is a type of factual exposition.

The main idea of the exposition is that "We shouldn't crave for horror movies" The
writer is Richard Nordquist. Richard Nordquist, Ph. D. in English, is professor
emeritus of rhetoric and English at Armstrong Atlantic State University and the
author of the two grammar and composition textbooks for college freshmen.
There are different types of exposition texts. In this text, it is an exposition text
written in expository writing. Where the writer presents his side of the argument
and persuades others to be convinced in his point of view.
I can classify it as a factual exposition type of text because it presents a statement
of position of the writer that "We shouldn't crave for horror movies". The main
purpose of the text is to present and convince the reader to believe to the point of
view of the writer. In this text, The writer does it by "naming negative effects in
craving for horror movies": some of the sentences mentioned in the text are: In
horror movies, the fun comes from seeing others menaced- sometimes killed. One
critic have suggest that if pro football has become the voyeur's version of combat,
then the horror film has become the modern version of the public lynching. Since all
of the sentences are based on truth, I can say it is factual. The structure of the text
also proves that it is an exposition type of text. On the first paragraph, you can see
the statement of position of the writer. That "When craving for horror movies, we
are daring the nightmare". On his second, third, and fourth and fifth paragraph, you
can see the argument stage where he supports his point of view: the summary of
his argument stage is, it shows the negative effects on person when a person
craves for horror movies. And on the last part of the text, you can see the
reinforcement of the statement position of the writer that we shouldn't crave for
horror movies". The language features in the text is an evidence that the author
speaks persuasively. It uses high degree of modality such as can. The use of
conjunctions such as "that" "and" to show cause and effect. Therefore, I can say
that this is a factual exposition type of text.

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