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The Host



Saving Throws












+15/+10/+5 +9





Fort Ref Will


Symbiote, Manifestation, Claws, Keen senses,

Affinity, Vulnerability, Unarmed Strike
Dodge, Physical Enhancement
Uncanny Dodge, Mutation
Insight, Physical Enhancement
Claw Damage Type, Evasion, bodily improvement
Multi Attack, Mutation, Physical Enhancement
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Bite, Physical Enhancement
Mutation, Predatory Instincts
25% fortification, Physical Enhancement
Mutation, Physical Enhancement
Physical Enhancement
Adamantine, Mutation, Greater Mutation, 50%


+10 +5

Greater Mutation, Physical Enhancment


+10 +5

Greater Mutation


+11 +6

Greater Mutation, Physical Enhancement


+11 +6

Greater Mutation


+12 +6

Perfect Form


Alignment: Non-Lawful
Race: None
Class Features:
Weapon and Armor proficiency:
Proficient with simple weapons, melee weapons, and light armor. Armor heavier than light is prohibited
while using the symbiote.

You are bonded with an alien entity that hails from the Far Realm. In return for shelter within your
living body, you are granted a number of fantastic powers; some of which are always present, others
are active only when the symbiote is manifested.
Passive Traits:
HD change to d12 and are maximized
Base land speed is doubled
Regeneration 5/sonic
Fast Healing 5
Keen Senses: (Low light vision x4, Dodge, Uncanny dodge (level 4) and Imp. Uncanny Dodge (lv. 7),
bonus to Spot and listen (+8/+8)
Evasion: (level 5)
Ability Power: Gain +1 to Str, Dex, and Con at each even numbered level (2,4,6,8..etc).
As a full-round action, the symbiote exudes out of the host's skin, covering the body completely and
granting additional powers:
Physical Affinity:
Host gains +1 deflection bonus to AC every 4 levels.

Host also gains natural armor +3 at 1st level and additional bonuses every other level (3rd, 5th,
7th) with an additional +1 on all powers of 5 (5, 10...etc)

3rd level: your body can sprout thorns that do additional damage when grappling equal to your
weapon's base enchantment bonus plus your natural armor bonus.

4th level: the host gains a bonus to his AC equal to his wisdom modifier as a dodge bonus. This
bonus increases to 1.5 wisdom mod at 9th level.

Multiattack: Multiattack is gained as a bonus feat at level 6.

The host gains 25% fortification at 10th level and 50% at 15th level.

Natural Attacks:
The host gains claw attacks dealing d6 damage, crit 19-20. This damage increases in level as a monk's
unarmed attacks.

At 5th level the host can change the appearance of these natural weapons so as to choose the
type of damage dealt (slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning). The host may choose different
damage types for each claw. Each change is a swift action.

5th level: the host's natural attacks gains a magical weapon ability equal to +1 or lower. This
increases by +1 every five levels; Vorpal is available for a +5 bonus.

8th level the host gains a bite attack, dealing d10 damage with a critical of x3.

8th level claw critical threat range is increased to 17-20

8th level the host's natural attacks gain an enchantment bonus equal to his character level; the
host's bite attack is at -1 enchantment.

10th level the host's natural attacks gain the Chaotic weapon enchantment.

15th level the host's natural attacks are treated as adamantine for DR purposes.

Elemental Affinity:
The host gains mastery over an element (choose one, except sonic).
1st level: resistance 5 for your chosen element. This increases by 5 every 4 levels.
3rd level: deal additional elemental damage equal to character level on unarmed attacks and

5th level: you gain the ability to enhance your physical attacks with your chosen element for a
number of rounds equal to your current class level + Con mod per day, dealing d6+Con
modifier damage. This damage increases by +1d6 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

8th level: Launch a ball of your chosen element at a single target (ranged touch, Medium range),
dealing level+Con modifier damage x 1d6. This ability can be used a number of times per day
equal to character level + Con modifier. This ability becomes an area of effect 10ft radius at
20th level.

16th level: Increase elemental damage die to d8; enemies hit with energy ball must make a Fort
and Reflex save (10+Con Mod+1/2 level+10) or take host character level in Dexterity
damage each round ((Dex) subject allowed save each round to end effect) and be nauseated

Your bond with the symbiote grows deeper, giving you access to unique powers. At levels
3,6,9,11,12,13, & 15 you gain access to one of the powers below. Some may be taken multiple times.

Webbing: you can sacrifice a single attack to project a web of tendrils that functions as a net
with a range of 10ft; treat as ranged grapple with escape DC = host level+str+size.

Damage reduction 5/lawful, must be level 9 or higher.

Exoskeleton: gain an armor bonus equal to your con modifier.

Increased elemental affinity: elemental damage goes up one die and all elemental abilities can
be used an additional 3/day.

Poison: claw and bite attacks deal poison (DC lv+10+con mod), choose either 2d6 damage, 2
points of ability damage (host choice) or paralysis for 1 turn.

Greater legs: increase movement by 15 and add +10 to Jump.

Hyper-Adrenaline Gland: Gain the diehard feat, a damage 'buffer' equal to 12+Con Mod, and +6
to physical ability scores.

Meld with Metals: sacrifice a weapon of +1 or better enchantment to permanently gain the
ability to bypass that type of damage reduction (cold iron, silver...etc).

Tendrils: Launch tendrils from your body that can grapple with foes or propel you through the
air. Range 50', -2 for targets past 20'; grapple checks against living foes are made at -5, -2 if two
tendrils are used. Tendrils can be severed, and have 10 hp with an AC = 10+enchantment
bonus+natural armor bonus and hardness 12.

Mental fortification: gain a +4 on all mental saves

Improved multiattack: as the feat; must have multiattack

Tail: A tail is grown, granting an additional attack (1d12 damage, +1.5 str), +2 balance, +8
swim, and 20' swim speed.

Venom Shot: A projectile like sting form in the arms (not interfering with claws) that deal 1d6 +
Dex damage and, the target must make a DC 25 + Con mod or become paralyzed a number of
rounds equal to your constitution mod and take 1d6 + Con mod ongoing poison damage.

Spider walk: gains micro hairs to give a climb speed of 20. In addition, a 10 can always be
taken on a climb check, and you can climb no matter the surface. This requires at least 2 free
arms, with any additional arms used granting a +2 bonus per pair.

Greater Mutation: At lvls 15-19, a greater mutation can be selected from the list. These represent
major alterations to the hosts original form or physiology granted by the symbiote.

Wings: the host gains wings and a fly speed equal to his base land speed. Flight is average in
maneuverability. Additionally, the wings can be used as 2 secondary natural attacks, dealing 1d4
damage each. Finally, the host gains flight as a class skill, and gains a +4 bonus to it.

Bodily immunities: the symbiote drastically improves the bodies ability to reduce the influence
of outside effects. Immunity to poison and disease are granted.

Extra limbs: two more arms are grown. These arms, while not nearly as powerful as the main
claws, are treated as secondary natural attacks (dealing 1d6, x2) or a slam attack (dealing
1d10x2 plus full str). Additionally, they increase any climb or swim checks by +4, and give a
circumstantial bonus of +2 to grapple checks.

Amorphous: The fortification offered by your simbiote rids you of any weak point throughout
your body. The exception is beheading from a vorpal weapon. Otherwise, it grants immunity to
all critical hits.

Great Physical Prowess: Permanent +6 to all physical attributes. Can only be taken once.

Reach: Primary claw attacks and bite attack have reach out to 10 caused by stretching of the
body. This feat can be taken again, giving 15 reach.

Increased enhancement: All natural attacks gained by the host are treated as having the same
enhancement bonus as the hosts main claw attacks.

Improved Damage Reduction: DR/Lawful, equal to 5+constitution modifier. This damage

reduction does not stack with any other source of DR.

Bodily Improvement: The simbiote grants a number of buffs to increase the bodys power and ability.
At level 5, +1 is added to all saves, with an additional +2 to mind effecting effects, poisons and
diseases and polymorph effects
Fortification: The simbiotes influence over your body has changed the structure of your physiology.
You gain fortification to critical hits 25% at lvl 10. At lvl 15 this is increased to 50%. This bonus
applies to precision based damage, such as sneak attacks, requiring a roll for any such damage to take
effect. However, this bonus does not apply to the effects of a vorpal weapon. If such a critical strike is
to occur, this fortification has no effect.
Predatory Instincts: The Symbiote has embedded it's survival instincts and aggressive nature into
your mind, turning you into the perfect predator, You gain scent, tremor sense, blind-sense, and blind
sight 30, as the symbiote perfects all forms of detection. In addition, +8 is made to listen checks, and
+4 to spot checks.
Perfect Form: At level 20 the symbiote gains a final, great mutation, chosen from the following list,
upon achieving the pinnacle of physical form with its host. The host is now treated as an aberration for
the purpose of abilities that depend on type, as none of the traits the aberration type confer are added to
the host.

Bestial: the symbiote maximizes the physical potential of its host, increasing the size category
by 1, as well as adding +4 to all physical stats, in addition to the +4 to constitution and strength
gained by increasing size category, as well as the -2 to dexterity for a final of +8 strength, +2
dexterity, +8 constitution, as well as the penalties to AC and attack bonus granted by an increase
in size, as well as any other bonuses and penalties associated with size.

Indestructible: gains the previous mutation amorphous, except that its immune even to
beheading, the mutation bodily immunities, immunity to paralysis, sleep, stun and polymorph,
as well as the mutation great physical prowess that stacks with the previous mutation if
applicable. Also, gain it gains damage reduction in the form of DR/ equal to your
Constitution modifier. This damage reduction does not stack with any other source of damage

Master of acrobatics: as a master of movement, the host gains the wings and tendrils mutations,

or increases flight maneuverability to good and increases flight speed by 10 if already had, and
increases the tendril mutation to 100 ft, with a +2 to difficulty every 20 past 40. This mutation
also increases movement speed by 20, grants the run feat if not already had, and increases jump
by +12, and balance, tumble, swim and climb by +8. In addition, a running start is never
required to jump, and jumping can be performed from a stand at no penalty. Also, swim and
climb gain a movement speed of 20, or are increased by 20 (although never more than land
speed if possible) if already had. In addition, freedom of movement is permanent upon the host.

Master of multiattack: all attacks are treated as primary weapons, dealing full str for all attack
types, if higher than it is already. In addition, an additional set of limbs are sprouted, treated as
the extra limb ability; if that ability is already chosen, this effect stacks granting a total of 6
arms. The tail mutation is also gained, but only if not already had. Also, any available attack can
be chosen for attacks of opportunity, and the dice size for all natural attacks are increased by 1
step. Additionally, the increased enhancement mutation is gained, if not already had. Finally, all
natural attacks threat ranges are increased by 1, though this doesnt stack with like effects such
as keen or the natural increase to threat granted to the primary claws.

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