Computer Technology: Computer Technology Is The Study of The Hardware and

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Almighty Allah has created us and placed us in this beautiful world. In ancient times
man did not know how to produce food in order to eat; they did not have any
knowledge about building a house. They also did not know how to make clothes and
use it. At that time mankind seemed to be totally helpless. However when the
civilization emerged, mankind began to learn the way of producing food, building
structures and making clothes. When the population began to increase people have
educated themselves to invent different scientific methods to meet their demands.
Science has discovered many wonders which have changed the life of people
dramatically. But ICT has been the most remarkable invention in the history of the
world. Its like Aladins magic lamp, nothing is impossible with ICT. Now it has
become part and parcel of our daily lives. We cant seem to go a single day without it.
The invention of internet has added new dimensions to computer technology. Through
a single click of the mouse we can easily connect with the whole world.

Computer Technology: Computer Technology is the study of the hardware and

software that are the foundations of modern computer systems. Computers are now a
fundamental part of everyday lives, controlling everything from toasters to nuclear
power stations. The need to build and deploy effective computing infrastructure is
now crucial to business and other organizations. Operating systems are computer
programs that control computers allowing us to store information and run application
software. They must support new hardware with multiple processors, ever faster and
larger memories and a myriad of accessories and add-ons. Youll go beyond Microsoft
windows to learn about alternative operating systems, how operating systems work,
and how to set up secure systems.
Condition of Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a developing country. Most of the people of
this country lives below the poverty line. As a result the literacy rate of this country is
very low. Thats why we cant easily be familiar with any new scientific invention as
like the people of developed countries. For example though computer was invented in
1945, weve inaugurated to use this in 1964 in our country. Internet was invented in
1969 but weve started to use this in 1996. Now at the modern age world is now
marching ahead rapidly. To keep pace with the worlds community we need to gear up
our march.
Importance of studying Computer Technology:
1. We will have the skills to implement innovative computing solutions for new

2. We may gain a qualification that allows you to join an industry that has a
strong demand for new workers and high rates of pay for computer technology
3. We can understand the worlds most advanced computing and network
technologies, and know how to harness their power effectively to meet the
needs of industry and society.
4. You will be studying at Waikato, the first home of New Zealands connection
to the Internet and one of the leading network research institutions in the
Recently people of our country have started using computer technology in different
fields to make our life easy and comfortable. Why we should use computer
technology in different fields for the development of our country is given below.
Education: No nation can develop without education. So for the enrichment of a
country education is a must. In this modern age traditional way of teaching has been
changed in rich countries. But in our country teachers use to write on black board and
students note down this on their khata. As a result teachers cant deliver their lecture
properly and students also cant give concentration to their lecture. These causes
hamper to their study. Besides this kind of teaching system is dull and boring. By
using multimedia projector we can make our classes more enjoyable. As a result
students dont need to write down on khata what their teacher said or write on
black/white board rather they can give more concentration on their teachers lecture.
Besides we also can know everything about different educational institutions, their
curriculum and admission system through website by using internet. Now most of the
public universities have started online admission system which has made
revolutionary change in this site. For preparing assignment we can browse internet to
collect data which is much beneficial for our educational purpose.
Fashion: Most of the people like newer and fashionable things. They want
fashionable cloth, shoes, and all the jewelries even people want fashion when they get
up in the morning and till to bad. Fashion is altering day by day such as few days ago
short shirt was the fashion in Bangladesh but now people like fit and long shirt.
Fashion is developing in many ways. Computer brought a great change in fashion.
Now all the cloth, shoes or any product are designed by computer. And after
completing the design we can see the preview and if it is ok make the real product and
if there is wrong we can change the design. After producing the product many
companies make their advertisement with the help of computer. All the developed
countries follow this way. But in Bangladesh most of the companies dont follow this
way. So that they cannot develop their design. And they couldnt make advertise best
because they dont use computer. But it is the matter of joy many companies have
started using computer. It is very good for us.

E-commerce: Commonly known as electronic commerce. It means business

transaction through internet, telephone, credit card etc. Without the help of cheque or
cash payment of money on behalf of the buyer. The money paid by the company is the
modern method of transaction. Money, labor and time are saved in E-commerce
transaction. When we purchase things which are risky to carry we can use that. In our
country this system has introduced in big cities. E-commerce is especially convenient
in import and export business. An importer in one country can know about the
commodity he wishes to import from another country and order for it through internet
without being physically present there. He may even see the commodity on the screen
and be sure about its quality. Thus money, labor and time are saved in transactions
through E-commerce system. There are many types of risk in Bangladesh to carry
liquid money. It may be stolen or somebody may hijack you. In European countries
they use credit card to buy something from shop. It is very safe to use, and every shop
have the credit card machines but in Bangladesh it is a sweet dream. So we cannot use
credit card though we want to use it.
Transport system: Transport is playing a vital role in our everyday life. If we visit a
short way vehicle isnt needed but if we want to go a long way we must travel in a
bus, train or plain for these we need ticket. Ticket is composing in computer and it is
in a suitable from so we can easily understand. If we want to go in foreign we need
passport, visa, etc. and all these process complete with computer. In developed
countries they must follow the traffic rules. If anyone break the rules, there is a
computer controlled camera in the street that shows a signal and police caught the
driver. In Bangladesh ticket, passport, and visa system has started to done by
computer but there is no computer in street. As a result driver can easily break the
rules and police is unable to catch them.
Entertainment: entertainment is the integral part modern life. Everybody wants
entertainment in everywhere. For entertainment computer added a new form of in our
life. Listening to music on computer, watching movies on VCD\DVD using personal
computers are as easy as on CD/DVD/VCD player cheap special accessories to turn a
computer into a TV set. Watching and recording of TV or even satellite TV programs
are now possible on computer. Video programs are recorded by digital video camera
can be directly transferred to computer. Later they can be editing in various way.
Computer games are a new form of entertainment that thrilled the kids and the elders.
Every imaginable game is now availing on computer: soccer, cricket, golf just a few
to name. In our country people use radio, television, VCD player, for music and
video. But computer is very easy for this. We save our music or video in computer
and show it whenever we want it. And computer has a huge memory for save our
video or music. We can make music and edit a video by using computer even we can
change our voices and play a game by computer for these we need software. So we
can declare that computer is one of the names of entertainment. But Bangladesh is a
poor country so every people dont have a computer so are deprive from this

usefulness of computer. If we use computer for our music then our games, music,
video, picture are developed.
Calculation: Computer can calculate a huge amount of data which is quite impossible
for a man. It can do a complex calculation within a second. And we can keep data of
calculation in computer. Calculation is also important for our business. In Bangladesh
most of the big business firms use computer. But some big and all small or general
business firm dont use computer for their calculation. They keep their data and
information in a note book which is very difficult and time consuming matter. If the
note book is lost their data and information is lost. There is no way to recover this. If
there are errors its very difficult to find out and correct it. So this system of keeping
information is very risky. But if they use computer they can keep their account so
easily. Not only business or bank but also different government or semi-government
offices can maintain their calculation through using computer. It also saves time and
Industry: At present time economic development of a country mainly depends on
industrial improvement. When the industrial revolution was held at the middle of 19 th
century in England industrial production was increased rapidly. Modern
manufacturing plants are all computer based. Production, quality control, process
control is done using computers. Results are better products and more production at
low cost. Robots are replacing human workers where working conditions are
hazardous. Automated production plants also have strong monitoring facilities. Any
abnormal condition or accident is promptly reported and immediate actions are taken
by pre-programmed computers. Computers in design engineering have been playing
an effective role. Design of devices and modifications or corrections, post production
view etc can now be done on computers at very low cost. Three dimensional design of
aero plane, car etc is now entirely done on computers. Such models are easy to build
and test before production.
Banking: Banking is called the life blood of economy of any country. Because it
circulate blood (money) whole through the country. In our country banking
transaction needs to maintain a long procedure. Its very difficult to sanction loan
from bank. Besides its very tough to maintain accuracy in mathematical calculation
without using computer. To preserve all the documents of account holders there is no
alternative of computer. Daily, weekly or monthly balance of transaction is readily
available all the time. At present computer has added new dimension to this sector.
Once we need to go to bank for opening bank account, withdrawing money and
depositing money but at this time we can do this entire thing from ATM booth or first
track using ATM card. We cant run international business without bank. Not only for
import and export but also for sending foreign currency bank is a must.
Traffic jam: Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world. As a
developing country with the narrow roads we cant meet up the demand of this huge

population. As a result often we are strucked by long traffic jam specially in the
capital of Dhaka. A statistics show that everyday it is wasting 32 crores working hours
of our country. We can save this time through using internet technology for sending
personal/official documents or information. Then we dont need to go physically from
one place to another with the documents or information. Thus we can remove pressure
from the roads. This will also save the fuel energy of our country. Apart from this
people can use their saving time for doing another work. Use of electronic signal also
may reduce traffic jam. If we can give precautionary information using internet like
weather forecast to the drivers about traffic jam they can be aware of this. This system
also can control traffic jam.
Business: Business plays a vital role in the economy of a country. Thats why most of
the people earn their livelihood through business. Once the production and transaction
of business was very slow. But now-a-days collection of raw material, storage,
production, evaluation of demands, and proper distribution all are managed by
computers. In a computerized store inventory system, knowing the status of a stock
item is just a mouse click away. This improves the management of business as well as
customer service. Presently people can purchase his necessary things from super
markets using credit card which is much safer than liquid money. Credit card facility
and online verification systems allow purchase by phones and over the internet.

E-learning: in different parts of the world especially in rich countries they have
introduced this process of learning. Through this process anybody can join the classes
of a renowned varsity of any part of the world sitting in his home. Not only classes
but also he can visit their library to continue his study. Even he also can attend the
exam by sitting in front of a computer. This has made dramatic change in education
system. Introducing this system in our country we can relies pressure from various
educational institutions of our country. Thus we can change the education system of
our country.
Election system: For making voter ID card/national ID card computer is a must.
Besides it also help us to preserve all the personal information of every single people
of our country. Traditional way of our voting system is very time consuming matter
its very costly and theres a chance of corruption. But if we can use EVM (Electronic
Voting System) we can save our time, money and there will be no chance of
corruption. Presently our government is thinking to keep the chance of vote for the
citizens of our country who are living in the different parts of the world. As a citizen
of the nation they have the right to give vote and it have it be done through internet.
Health and Medicine: Health service is the basic needs of a man. Before using
computer it was very difficult to locate the disease and the cause of disease. When we
started to use computer in this sector then it was used for diagnosing for illnesses,

monitoring patients during critical surgery, controlling and coordinating different

equipment etc. In resent times small specialized computers are inserted into human
body to travel inside and takes pictures to help determine internal physiological
problems. Specialized computers like artificial are also built and used successfully in
human body. Pacemaker is one such device that has saved the lives of heart patients.
Artificial cochlea implants are enabling born-deaf to hear. Most modern diagnosis
equipments are controlled by computer. Had they been operated by human, there
would have been higher chance of making mistakes. Being computer controlled such
an equipment can help accurate reliable diagnosis, even by not so experienced
doctors. CAT (Computer Aided Tomography) scan, EMR (Electromagnetic
Resonance) etc are few examples of computer based sophisticated medical
E-Government: E-Government is that kind of ruling system where the government is
bound to maintain transparency and show respect to democracy. Being detouched
from the common masses E-Government is not allowed to run any work of the
government in an intransparent way. In this ruling system every people can participate
in all works of the government. Best use of the ICT should be ensured to prevent the
secret practice of governments work. If we can make sure the use of information
technology in every works of the government from land recording to every offices or
courts, we will be able to reduce corruptions in these sectors. Transferability and
accountability will increase than previous time among the rulers. Through this kind of
activities our software industry will rise rapidly and it will be able to draw the
attention of the sponsors. One day Bangladesh will also become a software exporting
country. Educated unemployed people will get the chance of employment. Per capita
income will rise higher and life standard will be up to the mark. E-Government is the
better way of ruling system for overcoming distance and providing best service to the
general people much easily.
Agriculture: The economy of our country is mostly depends agriculture. Being a
small and most populous country in this world our cultivating land is decreasing day
by day. As a result our present production rate is unable to meet up the demand of our
huge population. Apart from this our agriculture is totally depends on nature. Thats
why our agriculture cant contribute much in our economy. If we take a look to the
agricultural system of developed countries we will see that they are using computer
technology in ploughing land, planting crops, nursing them and harvesting crops.
They are also using technology to watered the plant, giving fertilizer and spraying
insecticides. They are also making the best use of technology for preserving,
marketing and supplying the agricultural products. In a word we can say that their
whole agricultural system is controlled by computer technology. For this reason their
production rate is higher than us and their marketing and supplying system is much

Communication: As a social being man needs to communicate with others. Once they
use to write letters to exchange their views and information. It was a time consuming
matter and sometimes it may go in wrong address. It was much laborious also. But
now computer technology has changed the communication system rapidly. At present
time we can directly contact with our near and dear ones through mobile phone. We
can share our personal and official informations with the people of different countries
through e-mail using computer. For maintaining friendship Mark Jukerbarg has
invented facebook. Using this we can chat with friends, share some memorable events
of our life through uploading pictures, giving status and write on wall post. We also
can watch and talk directly with our kith and keen through skype. The most
remarkable achievement for communication sector is saving time. It has also resumes
Tourism: In leisure time ever people wants to visit somewhere. Those people who are
capable they can visit abroad and the general people visits around the country. Now-adays this sector is playing a vital role in the economy of a country. the economy of
some country like Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan is mostly
depends on this sector. We have also enough chance to develop our country in this
area. If we can draw he attention of the people from home and abroad through website
or different media the will be more interested to the tourist spots of our country. We
also can inform them through different social networking site like facebook or
tweeter. Using internet people can know about the location of a new place,
communication system, facilities of that place, guidance of the spot, security etc. Few
months ago new 7 natural wonders were elected through internet. Our Sundarbans and
Coxs Bazar were in the primary list. Though they were not elected our tourism site
flourished much through this.
Research: Different scientific inventions are the result of laborious and relentless
research work of scientists. Once to research about anything was a time consuming
mater and the cost was very high which was not possible for all scientists. But now-adays the scenery has changed much. Today a scientist can continue his/her research
work without much trouble. For running research work many information is needed
which a scientist can collect from internet. This will make their work easier. Theres a
another thing which has made revolutionary change in this sector and that is once if a
scientist do a research work on any topic after his death or after some years if any
other scientist wants to do research on the same topic he has to start newly because of
information gap. But presently if anybody wants to do a research work he can start
from that point where his previous scientist has stopped. Its only possible for the
development of computer technology.

Publication: Now-a-days publication has emerged as an important sector in our

country especially in education. Previously it was very difficult to publication

something because there was no computer. At that time publishing industries used to
use mechanical tools. Using these tools, compositors would compose, proof-readers
would check the spellings and editors would edit. However, these were very difficult,
time consuming matter and required much skilled. It was hardly possible to change
the shape of typefaces, symbols. Inserting pictures was tedious job. With use of
computers all of these publishing tasks are now easy to do on computers. Once the
desired output is found final composed material is transferred to high resolution
printer to print on transparency. Making plate and then printing from them is common
job for printing presses. Computerized publishing has lessened the cost of publishing
on one side and improved the quality of printing on the other. Today, most of the
newspapers and magazines are composed, design and layout on computers. When
there was no computer color printing was extraordinary hard job at that time. But
presently color adjustment, separation all can be done on computer. With the
development of internet, publishing takes a new turn. There are
newspapers/magazines that publish only electronically on the internet or on CDs.
Some have both the printed and internet versions.
Barriers of Internet Use of Bangladesh:
For Bangladesh, the priority should be to provide Internet access to academic
institutions and to the intellectual communities. Also, private users should be more
encouraged to create their own access to online Internet. Having an Internet account is
the primary thing, but not all: using the Internet for productive purposes and for real
benefits is the main issue. From the above discussions, it is clear that high service
charges by the providers, a poor telecommunication system, government policy, and
low buying power of potential clients are major barriers. But a more congenial and
rational government policy may improve the whole scenario tremendously. A
democratically elected government should not be governed by sacrificing the future of
its people for immediate benefits. There is no reason for the BTTB to impose high
costs on private VSAT use. The current charge of US $8,625 per provider per month
can easily be reduced to at least US $1,000. This will encourage more providers and
will ensure healthy competition between them, ultimately reducing the online charge
and improving service quality. Rapid privatization of the telecommunication sector
may remarkably enhance the speed of renovations through open-market competition.
A national unity between the ruling party and the opposition is essential on this vital
issue in order to resist workers unrest. Unless more competitors, more investments,
and more innovations are encouraged in the field, only government effort will bring
proportionate value for money in this sector. National newspapers may play a key role
in creating such unity. Buying power of potential clients will not immediately
increase, but government may introduce lucrative consumer loan policies and may
reduce taxes on computers and accessories to enable people to have their own PCs.
Now, the question comes: who will build the national academic network? Certainly,
the government! For Bangladesh, we will propose two other national networks: one

for health (as academic institutions for health are controlled by the Ministry of
Health) and another for government administration. But the governments policy
makers will require influence or pressure from external sources to establish these
networks. The Internet activists should come forward to make a national lobbyist
group to liaise with the government and also to mobilize the national newspapers in
creating social awareness and demand. The newspapers should not depend on Western
media for glamorous Internet features; rather they should publish articles for building
a productive domestic policy for the Internet. Institutional support from the
international donor agencies has an obvious role. The donor initiatives for building
African national networks are noteworthy, and similar initiatives should immediately
be started in our part of the world. The role of the World Bank and other major
development agencies in formulating policy of developing countries is well known.
We stress not moral, but financial and technical assistance from these sources. The
donors should take special initiative to support the government of Bangladesh to
create a connection with the global information superhighway that will enable the
country to obtain the cheapest and speediest access
Advantages of using computer technology in our country are given below:
1. Saving time is the most remarkable advantage for computer technology. We
can spend this time for doing another work.
2. In E-government ruling system everybody can know how government is ruling
the nation. This will obviously ensure transparency and accountability among
the rulers and they can be aware of their rights and responsibilities.
3. From making voter ID card to electronic voting system everywhere computer
is a must. This has mad election system much batter and fair.
4. Business production and transaction has increased for using technology. We
can do shopping by credit card or debit card without using liquid money.
5. Now we can easily identify the disease and do treatment of patients. Now
people can get the tips of renowned doctors through internet sitting in home.
6. For using computer in publication time, cost and labor has saved.
7. Agriculture sector has changed dramatically for using computer technology.
Now scientific method of cultivation can easily apply to produce more food.
8. We also can earn money from internet using different websites. For this we
dont need to go outside rather we can do this sitting in home.
9. Much information is needed to continue research work. Any researcher can
collect this information from internet.
10. Internet is playing a vital role in our tourism sector to introduce this among the
people of the world. It I cheap and easier than manual publicity system.
11. We can give prediction about weather forecast using computer technology
which is very much helpful in our day to day life. It also can predict about
storm or tornado.

12. We are producing millions of industrial goods through computer technology.

Its quality is better than hand made goods. Computer controlled robots are
using to produce such kind of goods which is impossible for man.
13. Computer technology has made banking transaction easier than previous time.
Now we can deposit or withdraw money from ATM booth without going bank.
14. The cost of using computer technology is also lower than any other sectors. As
a result people of all classes including rich and poor can enjoy the benefit of
15. It also makes our life easy and comfortable. Now we can do any work much
easier than previous time.
16. It is increasing the criteria of our knowledge. By sharing our ideas with other
people we can gather much knowledge about different things of the world.
Thus we can learn many things from this.
17. Its making easy the traditional way of teaching. For using multimedia
education now has become enjoyable in stead of become boring. Online
admission system has also removed our sufferings.
18. It also helps to reduce traffic jam. If we can send necessary information
through internet then we dont need to go from one place to another place
19. E-learning can release pressure from our educational institutions. Besides we
can get chance to study in a renowned university. We can visit their libraries
also through internet.
20. We can easily communicate with the peoples all around the world. This will
help us to maintain relationship with them. We also can know about their
culture, custom and behavior.
There is no unmixed blessing in this world. Everything has some good and bad side.
Computer technology is not out of this. It has also some disadvantages for which we
are facing different problems. These are
1. In medical treatment now people got information from internet (using
computer) but sometime there are many false information which is harmful for
the patients.
2. In photo editing system people make many false photo and those people are
able to blackmail another people.
3. In transport system tickets is ready with the help of computer and many way
people hake the ticket and make a false ticket.
4. In research work scientist collect data from internet (using computer) many
time the information are false so that scientist cant do their work properly.
5. In fashion design people stole designs of another people very easily by using
computer. For this reason real designers are facing threat of existence.
6. Computer can change voice of a singer, it is helpful to those people who
doesnt know how to sign a song. As a result real singers are deprived of
getting chance. It is a great threat to our music industry.

7. Though the cost of using technology is low but the primary cost is very high
which is not possible to bear for all the people of our country.
8. Students can get everything related to his study in internet (using computer)
for this reason they dont read books properly. As a result they lost their
9. In banking and E-commerce system we use credit card or debit card, if we lost
these we fall in big trouble and if anybody know the password he/she can draw
our money from bank.
10. In calculation people use computer. For this reason they become more
dependent on it and lose their efficiency in calculation.
11. In E-education system student can learn without going class but it doesnt
fulfill the class advantage.
12. In banking system all the information & secret are kept in computer. If the
information are deleted by somehow and there is no alternative copy they will
face huge problem. There is also the problem of hacking.
13. People can download songs or copy from a friend. As a result cassette industry
may fall in big trouble.
14. Our government is making everything digitalized. As a poor and less educated
country every people cant use technology. By this chance some dishonest
businessmen are taking extra facilities using internet.
15. Sometimes it is seen that many school or college going students are entering in
cyber cafe and browsing some illegal and rough website.
16. Using computer excessively may cause harm to our health. It may cause eye
sight problems, it also may affect on our brain.
17. For maintaining communication most of the people use different social
network like facebook or tweeter. But when they use these excessively it may
create different problems. Besides it consume their valuable time.
18. Though use of computer technology in agriculture sector is very good and
time saving matter, its cost is very high which is not possible for the poor
farmers of our country.
19. As a most of the work is done by computer, so human operator is not needed.
This will create huge unemployment problem. Its a great threat to a over
populated country like ours.
20. Most of the people have wrong notion about introducing their child with
computer technology at an early age. It may affect on their mentality in later

Recommendations: To solve this kind of problems some pragmatic steps should be

taken by the government. If they can apply these then we can hope to build up a
developed country using computer technology. Some recommendations are given

1. Government should introduce different training institute where people can

learn about computer and apply this knowledge in their practical life.
2. Government should withdraw tax from computer devices as if anybody can
buy these easily.
3. Speed of internet should increase so that user can use this more rapidly.
4. Law should be enforced strictly by the authority in power for protecting the
excessive use of illegal website.
5. Awareness among the common masses should be raised about the importance
of using computer technology.
6. Authority in power should take steps to reduce the cost of using internet.
Because financial condition of most of the people is not so high.
7. Government should protect Brain drain from our country. As a result we will
get more and more expert computer technologist.
8. Internet banking transaction should make more secure so that people can rely
on this.
9. Production of electricity should increase because it is needed to use computer
and other electronic devices.
10. Authority should take pragmatic steps to spread this technology in the root
level of the country.
11. Educated people also should come forward to teach the village people about
computer technology.
12. Government should start using computer technology in doing their day to day
administrative work. As a result public will get better service.
13. Authority should make computer studies as a compulsory subject for the
14. In this modern age authority should be conscious of the fact that our young
generation cant mix up with others culture forgetting our culture.
Conclusion: If we can apply these recommendations properly then we can hope to
live in a peaceful and prosperous Bangladesh. On the way of building a computer
technology based country we have to face huge problems but we should not stop
marching ahead. But its not the only duty of the government. General people also
should come forward in this regard. It is the latest miracle that has brought revolution
in the application of science for the benefit of mankind. It is impossible for
Bangladesh to improve her situation without using computer even it is impossible for
all country to improve their situation without using computer. Otherwise it will be
disloyalty with the holy blood of freedom fighters of our country for which they have
sacrificed their glorious life.

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