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Republican Caucus

Rubio and republicans discuss their partys platform

After the official announcement from Marco Rubio that he will be running for president,
he met with members of the republican party to iron out their views.
Politicians who attended the caucus include former governor Jeb Bush, House Speaker
John Boehner, Governor Rick Perry, and more.
The first issue brought up among the republicans was the issue of college tuition and
student debt. Marco Rubio says, Its very hard to afford college and once youre out of college
if youre in debt that makes it harder to succeed and grow as an American. Rubio explained
that colleges should have programs in place to research the statistics about success in certain
fields so that students going into college can make an informed choice about what they want to
Continuing on the topic of education, Rubio addressed the topic of high school education.
Rubio wants to incentivize grade schools, middle schools, and high schools to educate their
students on the economy and budgeting so that when they are out in the world they know how to
manage their money. If we have a country where everyone knows how to handle their money
like they know how to do multiplication then we would be better off in our economy and also in
the world economy, says Rubio.
House Speaker John Boehner then steered the topic away from education and towards
how the republicans would address controversial issues such as global warming, abortion, and
gay marriage.
On the topic of global warming Rubio says, Were going to address by the federal
government not being involved heavily. Were going to incentivize energy efficiency, lower
emissions. Rubio then went on to explain why he was not campaigning to directly help the

environment by saying that doing things such as putting a cap on emissions can harm the
economy and lowers the number of people who are able to work. Boehner and other republicans
nodded in approval as Rubio voiced his opinions.
The caucus then turned towards the controversial issue of abortions. My stance on
abortion is that the federal government cannot interpret the constitution to give that privacy to
citizens and that the Supreme Court does not have the power to make such a decision that affects
so many women around the country, states Rubio. He went on to explain that his platform
would allow for the issue of abortion to be up to the states and whatever they decided would be
respected and abided by.
Bernie Sanders then directed Rubio to answer how he will address gay marriage. Rubios
response says, The constitution cannot be inter to ensure gay marriage and that the Supreme
Court does not have the power to determine for all the states whether or not to legalize gay
marriage. He then elaborated for his fellow republicans that the state legislature will have the
power to legalize gay marriage, but the federal government should not get involved.
Lindsey Graham then raised the question of how the republicans will address the problem
of Americas troops and veterans. Rubio responded by saying it is important to promote peace
and security by being ready to defend the world and defend our nation and allies from global
threats. Rand Paul then asked a clarifying question if Rubio supports sending more troops to get
involved in foreign conflict. Rubio responded by saying, It is right for us as a powerful nation
with a strong military to provide for the security of other countries from dangerous threats.
With that the republican caucus drew to a close.

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