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Instituto Politcnico Nacional

Escuela superior de Ingeniera Mecnica y Elctrica

Unidad Culhuacn
Seccin de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigacin

Assignment: Local File Inclusion

Student: Alfonso Enrique Velasco Ramrez

Teacher: Steven Seeley
Subject: Advanced PHP vulnerability analysis & exploitation

Mxico D.F. 9 May 2016

Demonstrate and exploit the LFI vulnerability on an Apache Server through Apache
Log Injection.

The first thing that is necessary to do is verify if the apache server that is the objective
to the attack is vulnerable, thus we send a directory transversal attack in order to
verify this, in the URL of the web application that are contain in the server we put the
directory /etc/passwd at the final of the string like this:
The result of sending this URL is show below:

Figure 1 Apache /etc/passwd contain

The directory to which we agreed contains users and passwords that manages the
Apache server that we are attacking, it also let us to know the OS on which the server
is installed, in this case is FreeBSD.
Once that we verify that the vulnerability exists in the server we proceed to search
where is the access log located because we are going to use an Apache log injection
attack, for this we access to the default distros layout:

On this page we appreciate that the logs in the FreeBSD are in the var/log/ directory

To continue with the attack we send other directory transversal attack but know in
order to obtain the access logs, the URL that we are sending is:
The answer to this request is show below, we can see all the access logs that are
contain in the server.

Figure 3 Access logs on the Apache Server

Another test that we can do is to try to get the Error logs of the server, for this we
send the next request:
Below we can see that we also obtain the error logs of the apache server

Figure 4 Error logs contains on the Apache Server

Once that we found the logs of the server we proceed to inject PHP code to the
server via a raw socket connection, in this case I use Telnet, once that we connect
to the server we inject the PHP code that is below.
GET /<?php eval($_GET[cmd]); ?> HTTP/1.1
GET Is using in order to the data that are send by the server as an answer to a
request will be visible on the browser.
Eval Evaluates a string as PHP code. The string must be valid PHP code and must
end with semicolon. In this case eval let us execute commands cmd in the server.
CMD Is the name of the variable that let us send data through GET
The process to connect with the server and the injection of the code is show below.

Figure 5 Connection with the server and code injection

After the code injection we proceed to verify that it is function correctly by sending
the follow URL
The result of this request is show below (the cmd window is only for demonstrate
that the request is send by my IP)

Figure 6 PHPinfo obtain via LFI attack

Once we are able to send cmd request we can obtain UID, PHPinfo, and the rc.conf
data from the server, below I show the id and the rc.conf data

Figure 7 Rc.conf directory

Figure 8 Server UID

Exists a lot of forms to inject code but most of all give us the same result, one of
them is inject a .txt file via a raw socket with the PUT method, an example of it is
show below:
telnet 80
trying to connect 80
PUT /file_name.txt HTTP/1.1

The content of the .txt file is the following php code

<? include /eval($_GET[cmd]); ?>
The code let us to obtain the server info via apache commands like the previous
process that I explain before.

The development of this exercise wasnt successful because I couldnt obtain a
remote shell, despite this the knowledge obtain is very valuable because from this
attack a lot of attacks can be done and consequently prevent allowing an
improvement to the security student. Personally I will continue with this exercise and
I hope to achieve the full objective and share to the teacher.

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