The City in Literature

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Riard Lehan. e City in Literature: An Intellectual and Cultural History.

Berkeley: University of California Press,

1998. xvi + 330 pp. $25.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-520-21256-5; $55.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-520-21042-4.
Reviewed by Sarah S. Marcus (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Published on H-Urban (October, 1998)
e City in Literature
In e City in Literature: An Intellectual and Cultural History, Richard Lehan explores the dynamism of
urban imagery, examining links between literary expression and the history of the city. In a sweeping analysis
of western literature from Greek mythology to omas
Pynchon and from St. Petersburg, Russia to Los Angeles, California, Lehan persuasively argues that transformations in the structure and function of cities inuenced
the form of the urban novel. He links developments in
urban literature with developments of the city, ascribing
various narrative methods and trends to historical stages
of urbanization.

not only in the breadth of this workwhich sweeps across

eras and two continents, if not across socio-economic
groupsbut also in its instructive demonstration of how
to read poetry and prose as evidence. By analyzing how
the forms and functions of the city shaped literary trends,
Lehan demonstrates the interconnectedness of structures
and ideas. His methodological innovations oer historians a strategy for exploring not just the themes and images of urban literature, but also what the particular narrative methods can tell us about the history of the city.
Avoiding the jargon-laden analysis that makes nonacademics (and even some of us within the academy)
shudder and turn away, Lehan presents intricate arguments and complex concepts in clear, astute, if sometimes
abstract, prose. rough an extensive, comparative approach, Lehan explains the origins of several prominent
recurring themes that appear in both urban literature and
history, including the threat of the other; the eects
of ethnic, racial, and economic diversity on community
within the city; the contrasts of individual opportunity
and alienation; the diculty of knowing or explaining a
city; and the relationship between the city and the frontier, and between the metropolis and the hinterland. As
Lehan argues, these themes continued to appear in urban
literature, but the forms in which they were expressed
and the meanings with which these concepts were infused hardly remained static. For example, beginning
with an analysis of ancient western cities and Dionysian
images of chaos, Lehan describes how images of order
and disorder repeatedly emerged as dualistic elements in
urban portrayals. e theme of chaos appeared in different narrative forms that reected the historical stage
of the city, from the Victorian-era tale of Bram Stokers
Dracula to the postmodern imagery in Paul Austers New
York Trilogy.

Lehan, a professor of English at UCLA, reaches across

the disciplinary divide and grounds his literary analysis in an historical context. Although historians might
wince at the lack of footnotes or historiographical analysis, Lehan successfully links the academic elds by weaving together a discussion of urban literature with an exploration of the changes occurring within the city itself.
As he explains in his preface, [A]s literature gave imaginative reality to the city, urban changes in turn helped
transform the literary text. is shared textualitythis
symbiosis between literary and urban textbecame the
methodological basis for this book (p. xv). Lehan thus
relies on literature to examine changes and constancies in
the function, physical structure, and conceptualization of

Historians who wish to explore divergences in how

people of varying socioeconomic backgrounds regarded
the city might be frustrated by Lehans evidentiary basis, which is limited to a select collection of novels written about the urban experience in Europe and the United
States. Readers who expect a discussion of the entire urban scene will be disappointed, not only because of the
broad conclusions he reaches from this limited range of
sources, but also because he does not fully examine the
socio-economic factors that motivated the work of the
As the city grew and its social and economic funcnovelists. Nevertheless, historians will nd great benet tions became more complex, authors developed new

H-Net Reviews

methods with which to describe the metropolitan landscape. Various stages of urban development thus generated new ways of conceptualizing the city. As Lehan explains, Comic and romantic realism give us insights into
the commercial city; naturalism and modernism into the
industrial city; and postmodernism into the postindustrial city. e city and the literary text have had inseparable histories (p. 289). With continued urban expansion,
modernist conceptions of the city focused on the complexity of the metropolis as embodied by the image of the
crowd. e crowd, Lehan explains, became a metonym
for the city in modernist discourse (p. 71). Rather than a
gathering of individuals, modernists perceived the crowd
as a potentially dangerous mob, whose alienated members had lost their individuality. With the increasing diversity of the crowd, cities seemed to pose a challenge
not only to order, but also to the organic community.
Looking backwards to an idealized past of cultural homogeneity, poets like Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot warned that
a mechanized metropolis, driven by individualistic materialistic desires and the power of money, would lead toward cultural entropy and a desolate urban wasteland.
Authors of the modern metropolis depicted individuals
as either alienated and alone amid the decadent crowd
or searching for identity in a centralized power and embracing a totalitarian state. Here, Lehan might have discussed more concretely the socioeconomic backgrounds
of authors like Pound and Eliot, explicitly identifying the
sources of their anxieties (and thus the motivations for
their narrative methods) in the historical conditions of
the metropolis.
Acknowledging the signicance of national context
in these literary texts, Lehan describes how responses to
the modern city varied across space. While themes of
order and chaos continued across the Atlantic, Lehan argues, dierences in the historical contexts of the Old and
New Worlds shaped the ways in which the city was conceptualized; while feudalism, imperialism, and totalitarianism informed European urban literature, American authors, artists, and architects reacted to and in turn shaped
images of the frontier (p. 167). Americans fascination
with their nations transition from rural to urban and
with the perceived democracy of the frontier informed
much of their literature. For instance, in America, fears
of cultural degradation and community decay appeared
less in espousals of dictatorial nationalism and more often in the Jeersonian ideals of republicanism and the
myth of the yeoman farmer.
e term around which Lehan structures much of
his analysis of American literaturefrontiercarries a
great deal of historiographical baggage as the continu-

ing center of a lively scholarly debate, lile of which

he addresses. Neither the frontier nor images associated with it have remained static throughout American
history, rather displaying diverse and variable meanings
even within a single era. Lehans analysis would have
been strengthened by a fuller exploration of the multiple
conceptualizations of the selement process. By conating the experiences of all selers, he ignores the work
of numerous scholars who have described the diversity
of experiences by Euroamerican, Indian, Mexican, and
Asian migrants.
Despite the lack of a full discussion of the complexity of frontier imagery, Lehan adeptly and provocatively
introduces the category of region into his analysis. Noting dierences between depictions of the city in Europe
and the United States, as well as dierences between the
northeastern, southern, midwestern, and western U.S.,
Lehan leaves lile doubt that the location of a city, as well
as regional characteristics in its development, shaped the
ways in which authors perceived and described cities.
(Note especially his discussion on pages 186 and 191.)
Lehan concludes his book with an analysis of Los
Angelesthe last major city to grow out of Enlightenment notions of progress, property, and the conquerable frontier (p. 257). Again linking conceptualization
and structure, Lehan demonstrates how the postmodern city inuenced the literary style of omas Pynchon.
As with the postmodern city itself, Lehan argues, Pynchon creates a world in Gravitys Rainbow where there
is no center, no principle of unity, no way to connect
parts to something greater (p. 276). Disjointedness, abstraction, the lack of a core amid undened sprawl give
the sense of Los Angelesthe quintessential postmodern
metropolisas an unknowable place. Having begun his
analysis in the scriptable world of Enlightenment London, he concludes in the discontinuous, decentered, unscriptable world of postmodern Los Angeles (p. 291).
Despite the extensive chronological and geographic
scope of Lehans impressive undertaking, some voices
have been lost. A range of literary works that both reected developments in urban history and shaped future
depictions of the metropolis are not discussed. For example, Lehan chooses not to include dime novels, booster
tracts, or other popular literature in his analysis, thus neglecting the inuence of these works on the major novels
wrien by literary luminaries. In addition, the perspectives of women, the working class, and members of various ethnic and racial groupstaken together, the majority of urban dwellersare not fully analyzed. eir portrayals oer alternative conceptions of the commercial,

H-Net Reviews

industrial, and postindustrial city that would shed light

onto not only prevalent literary trends, but also the complex motivations behind the narrative methods which
artists employed in their depictions of the city. Signicant authors who might have complicated this analysis of
American literature include Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Upton Sinclair, Anzia Yezierska, Henry Roth, Kate
Chopin, Claude McKay, Armistead Maupin, and Horatio
Alger. Dierences between Fitzgeralds and Yezierskas
depictions of New York, for example, belie assertions that
time and place alone dierentiated conceptualizations of
the city. A comparison of these works would add depth
to the breath of Lehans analysis by exploring the socioeconomic factors that caused two authors writing about
the same city at the same time to depict radically dierent urban scenes.

ban images.
When seeking to understand a particular metropolis
with its agglomeration of residents, physical structures,
and functions, we oen grasp for central themes or images. Authors too shape their conceptualization of the
city by reducing a single place to a set of scenes and stories. Many scholars have studied these complex images
in order to examine our ambivalent aitudes toward the
metropolis. Lehan ventures further, however, demonstrating how we can gain additional insights into the history of a city by examining the narrative methods of its
chroniclers. Expanding his focus only would add to this
method of analysis and to its fascinating conclusions.
[1]. omas Bender, Toward an Urban Vision: Ideas
and Institutions in Nineteenth-Century America (Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975); Andrew Lees, Cities Perceived: Urban Society in American
and European ought, 1820-1940 (New York: Columbia
University Press, 1985); Adrienne Siegel, e Image of
the American City in Popular Literature, 1820-1870 (Port
Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1981); Dana Brand, e
Spectator and the City in Nineteenth-Century American
Literature_ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Although the task would require the further expansion of e City in Literatures already broad focus, an
analysis of the rich diversity of literary voices and styles
within a single era could only add to Lehans argument of
the inuence of city form in shaping literary form. Other
historians and literary scholars, including omas Bender, Andrew Lees, Adrienne Siegel, and Dana Brand have
linked class, race, ethnicity, gender, and occupation with
aitudes towards cities, asserting that the social position
of authors and artists informed their conceptualization
Copyright (c) 1998 by H-Net, all rights reserved. is
of the city.[1] Lehan leaves relatively unanswered ques- work may be copied for non-prot educational use if
tions of whether and why dierent authors writing at the proper credit is given to the author and the list. For other
same moment in history saw and described dierent ur- permission, please contact
If there is additional discussion of this review, you may access it through the list discussion logs at:
Citation: Sarah S. Marcus. Review of Lehan, Richard, e City in Literature: An Intellectual and Cultural History.
H-Urban, H-Net Reviews. October, 1998.
URL: hp://

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