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C e n t r a lU n i t e d M e t h o d i s tC h u r c h V o l u m e1 2 I s s u e5

"Make a differencein the world fotrChrist by reaching
out in love and serviceand by nufturing spiritualgrowth."

"Worthvis theLamb,whowasslain,
fo receive
May!! We arestill living in the afterglowof Easter. Well my fathertook meto the doctorwho examined
This poignant scenestill draws me back to the me and told me to stop worrying, they were only
Gardenof TearsrryhereMary hascomeearly in the fat cells that had beenbruised.I wasjust fine, he
moming uilrile othersarestill sleeping. said.What a relief.

She comes with grave clothes in her hands and But looking backon it now after all theseyears,do
spices for the dead, weeping in her grief, when you know what gaveme the greatestreliefl It was
Christ (thoughsheas yet doesn't rec,ognirnthat it uilrenMom quietly walked into my room when I
is He) asksher theseprofotrndquestions. didn't evenknow that shewas near,and askedme
"Sod, ufty areyou weeping?
rvhy areyou weeping....Whom Ne you seeking?" that simple question,
And, drew me to her sid6!"
"Woman,why areyou weeping?". . ...Thisgenuine,
probing,caring,gentlenudgefrom theRisenChrist It felt like a ton of bricks had beenlifted from my
is a reminderof His tendercompassionfor all His shoulddrsand that whateverhappened,I knew I
children in their Gardenof Tears. was not alone.My motherwould be thereto hold
on to me! Thatmadeall the differencein the world.
It reminds me of a time in my life when I was a I felt I douldfaceanything!Even cancer!
teenagerand one day discovereda small lump on
my chestafterbeinghit thereandthenthe next day So, Jesusithis ResurrectedJesus,comes asking,
"Womqqffiy areyou weeping?" Therearegriefs
another.It scaredme to death,especiallybecause
one of my classmatesin high schoolhadjust died we cart'ydown insidethat we have beencarrying
from cancer. a long,flongtime that needthe Healing Handsof
Jesusand it makesall the differencein the world
I thought I must have cancertoo. I didn't tell my to find l{irn finding us in the Galdenof our Teats,
parentsfor severalweeks.I wasso frightened.One calling us to His embrace!That is what He did for
day, my mother accidentallyheard me crying in Mary, that is whatHe will do for all His children.
my bedroom.I didn't think shewasanyuiherenear.
She quietly cameinto my room and put her arms Sometimeswe do not know we areweepinginside
"Son, or repressed,
aroundme anddrew meto her andaskedme, from thepainwehavelongsuppressed
"Child, onhy a^reyou weeping?"
uihy areyou crying?" till Jesusasks,
Thereare woundsand scarsthat have not healed,
In that moment,Iburiedmyselfin herembraceand but we have goneon with life, till we hear Jesrs
"Child, why areyou weeping?"
pouredout my fearsto her. Shetold me not to be asking,
afraid,that shewould makea doctor'sappointment
"'Whom are you seeking?" The world aroundus
right awayjust to be sureI was okay.And then she
"Why haveyou carriedthis aroundwith you like Mary often doesn'trealizethey are on a quest
all this time?" All I couldsaywits, wasso afraid. for the placeor the i'acethat canfill the void or the
And I hopedit would go away." pain or the restlessness inside,looking in all the

continued ftompg.2

wrongplacesandin all the wrong facesfor theone

that canmakethemrryhole.

The tragedyis that we keep grabbinghold of the T h eG O i n q s - O p

thingsthat don't haveit in them to makew uihole
or give us peace.In fact like thosegraveclothes af Cgntfal ; chuckwolrram
and spicesMary was holding onto that day, if we
hold onto themfor too long, they will takeour very
lives away.They aredeadthings. Our 150'hanniversary is upon us. Anybody
who would like to help makesplansfor the
But, thereHe is, standingthere,right in the midst celebration, pleasecontactmeASAP at 641-4680
of her search,right in the midst of thetomb before or
"'Whom will
her asking are you seeking?"Augustine The Friends-Central CemeteryAssociation
"Thereis us and business mee-
said, a God-shaped vacuum in eachof holdtheirannual luncheon
thatonl_vGodcanfiII... And our heartsarerestless tingon Saturday, MaySsat 1 AdamsHall.
till tlrey find their restin l{im!" He alonecantnake Allwho own plotsin the cemeteryarewelcom-
us whole! Mepdeis in chargeof the
ed to attend. Barbara
I hopeto seeyouthere.
Therewas a yormg ll year ol4 5ft gradelittle girl TheDistrictConference willbeheldhereon May
named Nadia Bloom who last week went for a 8s; the cemeteryassociation will meetabouta
walk and never came back. Her family believed half-hourafterthe conference ends. Youdon't
she wanderedinto the alligator infestedswampsof haveto be a memberof the districtconference
Winter Springs,Fla. ShehasAsperger'sSyndrome. to attend.

For 5 days,rescuerswent into the swampslooking Covenant Housewill honorPastorDaveand Bill

Southrey, the CEOof the AtlanticCity Rescue
for her.They saidthat someof themtook signsthat
Mission,at their AnnualSignature Event.The
they had madewith them to put on the tees jwt in
event,wt*fh consistsof a cocktail reception,
caseNadia would later wanderby wherethey had place
showanbdessert,will take at the Borgata
beenand in hopesshewas strll alive. The signssard May6tr. Davehas
"Nadi4 we arelookingfor you. on Thursday,
in Atlaniic.City
somethinglike this, to CovenantHousefor years,
Here is somefreshwaterto dnnk till we find you." hewasworkingfortheSocialSecurity
hopingshewouldkeepherselfhydrated. Administration.
She wandereddrrough that frightening and lonely
place for 5 days.Yesterdaya man from her church
joined the teamof rescuerslooking for her, calling Soecialdates
hernamelike all theothers,till he foundherandshe
hearda voice sheknew,calling her namethrough . ChristianFarnilyWeek,N{ay3-9,2010
the lost wanderingsof her life andherpain. . NationalDay ofiPraver,IVIay6,2010
.lVlother'sDay,May 9,2014
And he broughther out! To the care of the ones . Ascension of theLord,lUay 13,2010
rryhocould makeher whole. That's rryhatJesuscan . ArmedForcesDag I\,Iay15,2010
do for us! That'swhatJesuswantsto do for us! Do . Pentecost,May 23,2010
vou want to be found? . VictoriaDay (Canada),May 24,2010
4 . MernoriaiDay,May 31, 2010
Pastor K on
Historyof Mother'sDay
The earliesthistory of Mother's Day datesback to the
ancientannualspring festival the Greeksdedicatedto
maternalgoddesses. The Greeksused the occasionto
honor Rhea,wife of Cronus and the mother of many
deities of Greek mythology.

Ancient Romans, too, celebrated a spring festival,

Thoughts Day
on Memorial called Hilaria dedicatedto pybele, a mother goddess.
"Thereneverwas a goodwar or a badpeace." It mat be noted that ceremoniesin honour of Cybele
begansome250 yearsbeforeChrist was born.
Benjamin Franklin
Early Christians celebrateda Mother's Day of sorts
Oursis a world of nucleargiantsand ethicalin- duringtfrefestivalon thefourth Sundayof Lent in honor
fants We know more about war than we know of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. In England
about peace, more about killing than we know theholiday wasexpandedto includeall mothen. It was
aboutliving. We havegraspedthe mysteryof the thencalled MotheringSunday.
atom and rejectedthe Sermonon the Mount." I
-GeneralOrnar Bradley
The more recenthistory of Mother's Day datesback
to l6(X)s ih England. Here a M.o-thp..dng..S.u.udaywas
celebrare4annuallyon the fourth Sundayof Lrnt (the
40 day p€riod leading up to Easter) to honor mothers.
Seventhingsyou'llneverregret After a,prayerservice in church to honor Virgin Mary,
childrerfhought gitis and flowen to pay tributeto their
l. Feeling reverencefor your Maker. own mcithers.
2. Show-ingkindnessto an agedperson-
-i. Destro.ringa letter- or not sendingan e-mail Custom of celebrating Mothering Sunday died out
written in anger. almost completelyby ttre l9th cenrury However,the
4. Offering iur apolog."-that savesa frientlship. day came to be celebratedagain after World War I[,
5. Stoppinggossipthat could wreck a reputation. when American servicemenbrought the custom and
6. Taking time to showloveclonesmnsideration. commercialenterprisesusgdit as an occasionfor sales.
7. Acceptingthejudgmentof God on any question.
The idea of ofiicial celebratiern of l{other's day in LiS
in 1872.An
rvasfint suggestedb-'"J-ulia..lV-ar..d..Hp..w.e
activist, writer and poet Julia shot to fame with her
"My Mother's
Garden" famousCivil War song,
"BattleHymn of the Republic".
Julia Ward Howe suggestedthat.Tune2nd be aunualll'
A mother is a gardener, celebratedas Mother's Day and should be dedicated
Planting the seeds to peace.Julia tirelesslycharnpionedthe causeof the
Of faith, truth and love ofEcialcelebrationof Mother's Day and thedeclaration
That developinto the fairest iloners of the oflicial holidat' on the day. I-ler idea spreadbut
Of character,virtue and happiness was later replacedby the Mother's Day holiday now
In the lives of her children. celebratedin May.
Anna Jarvis is recognizedas the Founderof Mother's
continuedon pg. 5
frorr pg.4
Day in US. ThoughS,nna.Jaffis.nevermarriedandnever
had kids. she is also known as the Mother of Mothers
Day, an apt title for the lady who workedhard to bestow
honoron all mother's.
From Marylin Watters upon
Anna Jarvisgot the inspirationof celebratingMother's
her mother, Qertrude's recent passing-
Day from her own mother Mrs. Anna Marie Reeves
Jarvis in her childhood An activist and social worker.
Mrs. Jarvis used to express her desire that someday
My Mom was a strong hard working woman who
someonemust honor all mothers,living and dead,and never knew the meaningof rest. She sometimes
pay tributeto the contributionsmadeby them. workded 7 days a week and did house work at
night. Shehad agood senseof humorandloved to
A loving daughter,Anna never forgot her mother's laugh..Shealways said good laugh was worth
word and when her mother died in 1905,she resolved more than medicine." She worked to age 65,and
to fullill her motlrer'sdesireof lravinga nrcther'sday.A then sheturned her life to her homeand working
growing negligent attitude of adult Americanstowards "f'he
r.vithus in the Linen La$"'Antique bussiness.
their mothersand a desire to honor her motherssoared Sheadoptedmany of my friends and loved them as
her ambitions. her own.
To begin with, Ann4 sent Qg$Uiliqnq in the church
IVfyrncitheralwaysloved thg lord and our church
service in Grafton, West Virginia to honor her mother.
(hrnations w'ereher motber'sfavorite flower andAnna family. Beingraisedin theMethodistChurch,Mom
felt that they symbolizeda mother's pure love- Later always loved working in'the church..Asa
Anna alongwith her supporterswrote lettersto peoplein women she played the organ in severalMethodist
positionsof-lnwer lobbyingtirr the of-ficialdeclaratioo Churchesin Camdenand sang in many churches
of Mother's Day holiday. The hard work paid off. By there. As a small child of 5 or 6 she went with
191I , Mother'sDay wascelebratedin almosteverystate her aunt to the deaconesshome, known now as
in the Union and on May 8, l9l4 PresidentWoodrow the CamdenNeighborhoodCenter,to help where
Wilsonsigneda JointResolutiondesignatingthesecond she could .After I was bom, she startedto teach
SundaySbtrootand do the CradleRoll. Later ott,
she becameSuday School Superintendent,sang
in rnany choirs, was Presidentof the Methodist$ enjoyedbeing on the administrative
board a4d co-chairingthe worhip committee,for
ten years{calledthe

At 100-lOlyearsof age,Mom still enoyedChurch,

',^/henshecould get up in time to attend.She loved
to cometo the BoutiqueSalesandsit andgreetthe
folks coming in. Shewas so proudof our church
and liked to tell aboutthe goodwork we did.

Yes,my motherhasbeena wonderful,loving, fun

"Some pmple
filled Mom! dont havelove filling
their home.I, on the otherhand,neverknew a time
when there wasn't. Saying she wrll be missedis
certainlvan understatement.

A publicationof: Central United Methodist Church,5 W. Marvin Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221, ffi-9274882: Editor: BarbaraE. Van
Sant,609-289-6242,bevansant@earthlinknet; Copy Rlitor: Lynne Quicksall,609 Al74l5; Senior Pastor: RonaldWatts,609-927-
3-5-55. Assistantllastor: I)ave Delaney.(#)-652-20.!.l), <lllice c-mail: cerr-
tralumcnj( Visit our web site,
The Courier is published monthly to keep memben and friends informed of programsof the church and to report news about Central's
parple To submitnc,w:;.clearll,11d1sor type the infonnation iind lmve it in tht: l'.lev,slettermailbor in thechurchoffice or, prt:ferablv,
type and e-mail the informationto the Editor. The Courierarticlesmust be submiltedby the lOth of the month prior to the issue.
"We believe iir CoA and in
eachodrer."Thepeopleof The

United CentralMethodistChurch

Central's Coffee Hour Scheduler 2010

Coffeehous areon eachSundaybetweenthe 9:30a tt:dO'liU services.Thecongregation
is askedto helpdesignatedgroupssupplyrefreshmentspyfollowingthe alphabetlcallist.

Month Congregation Committee Month Congregation Committee

January A&B StaffParish JutY L,M,N Tbustees

February c Youth August Ail Music

March D&E Finance September O,BQ,R Hospitality

April F&G 0utreach October S,T,U Worship

May H November XYZ'S UMW

June I,Jr&K Lay Ministry December Alr Church



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