TQM Sample Questions

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Which of the following refers to any activity aimed at

providing customers with products of appropriate

quality along with the confidence that products meet
consumers requirements?

1. a) Quality review - Given

2. b) Quality control
3. c) Quality engineering
4. d) Quality assurance
Quality assurance depends on two focal points in

a) design of products; control of quality

during delivery.
1. b) adherence to policy; after sales
service. - Given
2. c) time and motion guidelines;
management policy on quality.
3. d) global quality time and motion
guidelines standards; workforce
orientation and commitment.
A key contribution of Frederick Taylors scientific
management philosophy was to:

1. a) reduce the reliance on inspectors for

quality assurance.
2. b) increase the training and education
workers received. Given
3. c) separate the planning function
from the execution function.
4. d) combine individual work tasks to
promote teamwork.

3. c) popularity of TQM as a quality

4. d) the rapid increase in product-liability
Which of the following is most appropriate in
describing the quality efforts undertaken with the
scientific management philosophy?

1. a) Defect prevention was emphasized.

2. b) Quality circles were extensively
used. Given
3. c) Use of inspection was widespread.
4. d) Quality was every workers
The creation of separate quality departments in the
early 1900s caused:

a) indifference to quality among workers

and their managers.
1. b) upper management to be more
knowledgeable about quality. - Given
2. c) production quality to substantially
3. d) production efficiency to decline.
The two U.S. consultants that worked with the
Japanese to integrate quality throughout their
organizations in the 1950s were:

1. a) Juran and Crosby.

2. b) Deming and Crosby. - Given
3. c) Deming and Juran.

The change in societys attitude from let the buyer

beware to let the producer beware was fuelled by
all the following factors EXCEPT:

1. a) government safety regulations.

2. b) product recalls. Given

4. d) Juran and Crosby.

In the 1950s, the Japanese integrated quality
throughout their organizations and developed a
culture of _____ sometimes referred to by the
Japanese term kaizen.

1. a) consumer orientation
2. b) internal competition - Given

Which of the following was the top priority of U.S.

manufacturing in the time period immediately
following World War II?

3. c) process innovation

1. a) Quality

4. d) continuous improvement

2. b) Production - Given

Beginning in the ______, many U.S. companies began

to focus on improving quality through more effective
management practices.

1. a) 1950s
2. b) 1960s - Given

3. c) Continuous improvement
4. d) Just-in-time manufacturing
During the Middle Ages, quality was built into the
final product. This approach to quality was lost with
the advent of:

3. c) 1970s

1. a) engineering schools.

4. d) 1980s

2. b) craft guilds. - Given

Until the start of the 1980s, most U.S. companies

focused on maintaining quality levels by utilizing
which of the following practices?

1. a) Process improvement efforts

2. b) Design quality reviews - Given

3. c) automation.
4. d) the Industrial Revolution.
Managing for quality in organizational processes has
been referred to as _____ while managing product
quality has been referred to as _____.

3. c) Mass inspection

1. a) Big Q, Little q

4. d) Team-based initiatives

2. b) Little q, Big Q - Given

Japanese companies made significant penetration

into Western markets by which decade?

1. a) 1950s
2. b) 1960s - Given
3. c) 1970s
4. d) 1980s
_____ is credited with developing control charts.

1. a) Eli Whitney
2. b) Frederick W. Taylor - Given
3. c) Walter Shewhart
4. d) W. Edwards Deming

3. c) process management, total quality

4. d) total quality, process management
The following represent significant influences that
brought on the quality revolution in the United
States EXCEPT the:

1. a) loss of national competitiveness.

2. b) findings of the American
Customer Satisfaction Index
(ACSI). - Given
3. c) popularity of Made in Japan
products in the country.
4. d) broadcast of the NBC special
program, If Japan Can, Why Cant We?

In 1984, the U.S. government designated ____ as the

National Quality Month.

1. a) February
2. b) October - Given
3. c) July
4. d) March
In 1989, _____ was the first non-Japanese company to
be awarded Japans coveted Deming Prize for

1. a) Six Sigma
2. b) reengineering - Given
3. c) performance excellence
4. d) customer-focused quality
Performance excellence results in all of the following

1. a) delivery of ever-improving value to

customers and stakeholders.

1. a) Florida Power and Light

2. b) improvement of overall organizational

effectiveness and capabilities. - Given

2. b) AT&T Power Systems - Given

3. c) organizational and personal learning.

3. c) Motorola Inc.

4. d) improved lateral communication.

4. d) General Electric
A. V. Feigenbaum recognized the importance of a
comprehensive organizational approach to quality in
the 1950s and coined the term _____.

_____ is a customer-focused and results-oriented

approach to business improvement that integrates
many traditional quality improvement tools and
techniques that have been tested and validated over
the years.

1. a) process control

1. a) Quality assurance

2. b) total quality control - Given

2. b) Kaizen - Given

3. c) quality circle

3. c) Six Sigma

4. d) companywide quality control

4. d) Total quality

The term _____ was developed by the U.S. Naval Air

Systems Command to describe its Japanese-style
approach to quality improvement that is based on
participation of all members of an organization in
improving goods, services, and the organizational

1. a) total quality management

2. b) companywide quality control - Given
3. c) quality circle
4. d) process control
The notion of quality has evolved into the concept of
_____, which can be defined as an integrated
approach to organizational performance

The American Society for Quality identified seven key

forces that will influence the future of quality. Which
of the following is NOT one of them?

1. a) 21st century technology

2. b) Aging population - Given
3. c) Healthcare
4. d) Organizational hierarchy
An important implication that arises out of the forces
that influence quality is that as the business world
becomes more complex, quality must be approached
from a (n) _____, rather than a (n) _____, perspective.

1. a) internal; external

2. b) bottom-up; top-down - Given

3. c) systems; process
4. d) futuristic; historical
An important implication that arises out of the forces
that influence quality is that quality will take on more
of a (n) _____, rather than _____, function.

1. a) strategic; tactical
2. b) process; control - Given
3. c) regulatory; administrative
4. d) internal; external
One common notion of quality, often used by
consumers, is that it is _____ superiority or

4. d) traditional
The _____ definition of quality is that it is a function of
a specific, measurable variable and that differences
in quality reflect differences in quantity of some
product attribute.

1. a) manufacturing-based
2. b) product-based - Given
3. c) value-based
4. d) user-based
Offering products at everyday low prices in an
attempt to counter the common consumer practice
of buying whatever brand happens to be on special is
an example of competing on the basis of _____.

1. a) price

1. a) contrasted to

2. b) value - Given

2. b) parallel to - Given

3. c) volume

3. c) synonymous to

4. d) customer perceptions

4. d) confused with
The view that defines quality as the goodness of a
product is referred to as the _____ definition of

1. a) user-based
2. b) transcendent - Given
3. c) incidental
4. d) imminent
The _____ definition of quality is of little practical
value to managers as it does not provide a means by
which quality can be measured or assessed as a
basis for decision making.

1. a) transcendent
2. b) user-based - Given
3. c) value-based

The _____ approach to quality incorporates a firms

goal of balancing product characteristics (the
customer side of quality) with internal efficiencies
(the operations side).

1. a) product-based
2. b) user-based - Given
3. c) value-based
4. d) manufacturing-based
_____ are targets and tolerances determined by
designers of products and services.

1. a) Trials
2. b) Process metrics - Given
3. c) Controls
4. d) Specifications
When a part dimension is specified as 0.236
0.003 cm, it would mean that the target, or ideal

value, is 0.236 centimeters, and that the allowable

variation is 0.003 centimeters from the target. This
means that the tolerance is:

1. a) -0.0003 cm.
2. b) 0.006 cm. - Given
3. c) 0.003 cm.
4. d) -0.0006 cm.
The _____ is completed when the product has been
moved from the manufacturing plant, perhaps
through wholesale and retail outlets, to the

1. a) production-distribution cycle
2. b) product life cycle - Given
3. c) quality-circle
4. d) total quality process
The person who buys an automobile for personal use
or the guest who registers at a hotel is considered an
ultimate purchaser and is more precisely referred to
as a (n) _____.

1. a) beneficiary
2. b) first contact - Given
3. c) consumer
4. d) prosumer
S. C. Wheelwright identified six characteristics of a
strong competitive advantage. Which of the following
is NOT one of them?

1. a) It is driven by customer wants and

2. b) It makes a significant contribution to
the success of the business. - Given
3. c) It is durable and lasting, and difficult
for competitors to copy.

4. d) It is based on principles of Six

Sigma and continuous
With the increasing focus on quality, in todays global
marketplace, high _____ is considered entry into the
game, rather than a source of competitive

1. a) profits
2. b) performance - Given
3. c) tolerance
4. d) conformance
A consumer purchases a generic product at a cost of
$5.00 instead of the branded product that sells for
$7.00. The consumer feels that there is no difference
in quality between the generic and brand name
products. This scenario illustrates which of the
following definitions of quality?

1. a) Manufacturing-based
2. b) Value-based - Given
3. c) Product-based
4. d) User-based
A paper mill supplies a corrugated container
manufacturer with Kraft paper. The corrugated
container manufacturer uses Kraft paper to
manufacture corrugated shipping containers that are
then sold to a cereal manufacturer. Which of the
following is TRUE?

1. a) The corrugated container

manufacturer is an internal customer of
the cereal manufacturer.
2. b) The corrugated container
manufacturer is an external
customer of the paper mill. - Given
3. c) Both the paper mill and corrugated
container manufacturer are internal
customers of the cereal manufacturer.
4. d) There are no external customers.

Which of the following is NOT considered a core

principle of total quality?

1. a) A focus on customers and

2. b) A process focus involving continuous
improvement and learning - Given
3. c) A goal of achieving the highest
quality that is technologically
4. d) Company-wide participation and

1. a) User-based
2. b) Product-based - Given
3. c) Manufacturing-based
4. d) Value-based
The _____ perspective is based on the presumption
that quality is determined by what a customer

1. a) user-based - Given
2. b) value-based
3. c) judgmental-based
4. d) manufacturing-based

Internal customers of an employee can be identified

by asking which of the following questions?

Quality is most difficult to measure and analyze

under which of the following definitions?

1. a) Who is affected by the work

performed by the employee? Given

1. a) Product-based

2. b) Who provides information to the

employee to perform the task?

3. c) Judgmental

3. c) Who trains the employee?

4. d) Who provides the resources so the
employee can provide quality to the
Which of the following is a criticism of the productbased definition of quality?

1. a) Quality is often mistakenly

assumed to be related to price. Given
2. b) Not all products are fit for use.
3. c) Consumers frequently confuse
products with services.
4. d) Quality cannot be defined precisely;
you just know it when you see it.
Conformance to specifications applies to which
quality definition?

2. b) User-based - Given

4. d) Value-based
My friend said to me, Recently, I bought a pair of
shoes. I wore them for a few days but noticed the
laces would not stay tied. I took the shoes back to
the store but the clerk said the laces were fine. I
wont buy that brand of shoe again. According to
which of the following definitions did my friend judge
the shoes as being of low quality?

1. a) User-based
2. b) Value-based - Given
3. c) Product-based
4. d) Judgmental
A consumer who measures the quality of a laptop
computer by the type of microprocessor chip present
in the computer is using which of the following
definitions of quality?

1. a) User-based

2. b) Subjective-based - Given
3. c) Product-based
4. d) Manufacturing-based
Defining product quality as fitness for intended use
is the _____ -based definition of quality.

1. a) user
2. b) value - Given
3. c) judgmental
4. d) product
From a product-based perspective, quality is defined

4. d) a set of tools and techniques.

_____ include a wide variety of tools and statistical
methods to plan work activities, collect data, analyze
results, monitor progress, and solve problems.

1. a) TQ techniques
2. b) Quality circles - Given
3. c) Progress schedules
4. d) Process charts
Which of the following does NOT represent a
dimension of the total quality principle of employee
involvement and teamwork?

1. a) Partnerships

1. a) conformance to specifications.

2. b) Management by objectives Given

2. b) how well the product performs its

intended function. - Given

3. c) Empowerment

3. c) the quantity of some product

4. d) the relationship of usefulness or
satisfaction to price.
The Japanese adopted A. V. Feigenbaums concepts
of quality from an engineering perspective and
renamed it:

1. a) companywide quality control.

2. b) quality function deployment. - Given
3. c) cause and effect analysis.
4. d) total quality leadership.
The principles of total quality need to be supported
by all of the following EXCEPT:

1. a) an integrated organizational
2. b) a set of management practices. Given
3. c) an individualized reward system.

4. d) Self-managed teams
Which of the following is NOT a form of improvement
encouraged under total quality?

1. a) Reducing defects
2. b) Increasing cycle time - Given
3. c) Reducing waste
4. d) Increasing productivity
_____ is a people-focused management system that
aims at continual increase in customer satisfaction at
continually lower real cost.

1. a) Kaizen
2. b) Human resources management Given
3. c) Total Quality
4. d) Process management
Graphical and statistical methods to analyze data are
referred to as _____ of total quality.

1. a) practices - Given
2. b) tools
3. c) actions
4. d) processes
Business ethics, public health and safety, the
environment, and community and professional
support are necessary activities that fall under _____.

1. a) corporate policy
2. b) social responsibility - Given
3. c) management ethics
4. d) organizational effectiveness
Joseph Juran credited _____ of the entire workforce as
one of the reasons for Japans rapid quality

1. a) obedience
2. b) conformity - Given
3. c) creativity
4. d) professional qualifications
Problem-solving teams were introduced in the United
States in the 1940s to help solve problems on the
factory floor. The Japanese began widespread
implementation of similar teams, called _____.

1. a) quality circles
2. b) quality teams - Given

4. d) complementary
The traditional way of viewing an organization is by
surveying the _____ by keeping an eye on an
organization chart.

1. a) vertical dimension
2. b) horizontal dimension - Given
3. c) number of employees
4. d) organizational culture
_____ refers to both incremental changes, which are
small and gradual, and breakthrough, or large and
rapid, improvements.

1. a) Quality circles
2. b) Process innovation - Given
3. c) Continuous improvement
4. d) Quality leaps
Training and determining employee satisfaction are
examples of:

1. a) human resources management

2. b) data and information management. Given
3. c) strategy deployment.
4. d) leadership infrastructure.
In the context of total quality, an organizations
stakeholders include all of the following EXCEPT:

3. c) process improvement teams

1. a) society.
4. d) continuous improvement groups
2. b) customers. - Given
TQ requires _____ coordination between
organizational units.

1. a) parallel
2. b) vertical - Given
3. c) horizontal

3. c) suppliers.
4. d) competitors.
TQ practices can be classified into basic areas of
management that are generic to any organization.
Which of the following is NOT one of them?

1. a) Strategic planning and design of

organizational and work systems
2. b) Customer engagement and
knowledge acquisition - Given
3. c) Advertising and public relations
4. d) Process management
Which of the following statement is INCORRECT
about traditional management?

1. a) It associates quality only with

manufacturing and engineering.
2. b) It views people as an interchangeable
commodity. - Given
3. c) It rewards individual performance
rather than teamwork.
4. d) It views suppliers as partners.
New management styles associated with total quality
include all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

upon assessment findings are the four stages in a


1. a) quality circle
2. b) learning cycle - Given
3. c) quality cycle
4. d) process improvement loop
Which of the following is defined as continually
expanding its capacity to create its future?

1. a) Learning organization
2. b) Quality team - Given
3. c) Reengineering group
4. d) Focus group
_____ is the learning that enhances our capacity to

1. a) Adaptive learning

1. a) empowering employees.

2. b) Focused learning - Given

2. b) emphasizing postproduction
inspection. - Given

3. c) Creative learning

3. c) building quality into work processes.

4. d) understanding internal customer
According to the text, planning, execution of plans,
assessment of progress, and revision of plans based
upon assessment findings are the four stages in a

1. a) quality circle

4. d) Generative learning
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a
strong competitive advantage?

1. a) It is driven by customer needs and

2. b) It is soon copied by
competitors. - Given
3. c) It matches the organizations unique
resources with external opportunities.

2. b) learning cycle - Given

3. c) quality cycle
4. d) process improvement loop
According to the text, planning, execution of plans,
assessment of progress, and revision of plans based

4. d) It provides a basis for further

Studies conducted by PIMS researchers to examine
the impact of product quality in the corporate
scenario found that:

1. a) companies should reduce the number

of products they manufacture in order to
increase quality levels.
2. b) quality improvement leads to both
short- and long-term profitability. - Given
3. c) quality levels in the manufacturing
sector exceeded quality levels in the
service sector.
4. d) high quality products and
services usually are the most
_____ denotes a firms ability to achieve market

1. a) Quality focus
2. b) Competitive advantage - Given
3. c) Performance excellence
4. d) Customer focus
Which of the following is TRUE of the relationship
between quality and profitability?

1. a) Improved quality of design leads to

higher perceived value
2. b) Higher perceived value leads to
increased market share - Given
3. c) Higher prices leads to increased
4. d) Improved quality of conformance
leads to higher manufacturing costs
At the performer level, for each output of an
individuals job, the manager must ask all of the
following EXCEPT:

1. a) What are the key inputs to the

2. b) What is required by the customer,
both internal and external? - Given

3. c) How can the requirements be

4. d) What is the specific standard for each
An organization that is committed to total quality
must apply it at three levels. Which of the following is
NOT one of them?

1. a) The organizational level

2. b) The process level - Given
3. c) The customer level
4. d) The performer level
The standards such as accuracy, completeness,
innovation, timeliness, and cost are the key focus at

1. a) organizational level.
2. b) performer/job level. - Given
3. c) process level.
4. d) customer level.
At the organizational level, quality concerns center

1. a) meeting external customer

2. b) classifying organizational units as
functions or departments. - Given
3. c) standards for output based on quality
and customer-service requirements.
4. d) organizing quality initiatives across
various processes.
At the _____ level, organizational units are classified
as functions or departments.

1. a) integrated
2. b) process - Given
3. c) performer

Management control refers to any planned and

systematic activity directed toward providing
consumers with products of appropriate quality,
Each defect description on the personal quality
checklist presented in the textbook contains all of the along with the confidence that products meet
consumers requirements.
following EXCEPT:

4. d) organizational

1. a) a way to measure the defect.

1. True

2. b) a time frame. - Given

2. False - Given

3. c) a desired result.
4. d) a way to avoid the defect.
Which of the following correctly matches a
perspective (or definition) of quality with its correct

1. a) Manufacturing-based perspective
If a product conforms to design
specifications, it has good quality.
2. b) Value-based perspective Quality is
something that is intuitively understood
but nearly impossible to communicate. Given
3. c) User-based perspective Quality is
found in the components and attributes
of a product.
4. d) Judgmental perspective If the
product is perceived as providing good
value for the price, it has good quality.

The transcendent definition of quality refers to the

notion that you know quality when you see it.

3. True
1. False - Given
A product-based definition of quality implies no
relationship between the perceived quality of a
product and the quantity of some product attribute.

1. True
4. False - Given
A value-based perspective on quality implies a
relationship of usefulness to price.

5. True
1. False - Given
Assessment of quality is affected by ones position in
the value chain.

6. True
1. False - Given
In the early Twentieth century, the artificial
separation of production workers from responsibility
for quality assurance led to an increased focus on
quality among both workers and their managers.

Improved quality of design leads to lower costs and

improved quality of conformance leads to higher

1. True - Given

1. True

2. False

7. False - Given

The measure of efficiency defined as the amount of

output achieved per unit of input is referred to as

In general, employee empowerment has been viewed

as an effective practice for customer-driven
organizations that embrace total quality.

1. True

1. True

2. False - Given

2. False - Given

In any organization, the people who best understand

2. False - Given
how to improve the product and process are the ones
who design them.
Effective business planning considers the customer
as the only relevant stakeholder to the company.

1. True

2. False - Given
A cross-functional team is an example of horizontal
coordination between organizational units.

1. True
2. False - Given
In total quality, vertical functional relationships are
stressed more than horizontal, cross-functional

1. True
3. False - Given
Empowering workers shifts the responsibility for
quality from the factory floor to the quality control

1. True
4. False - Given
Business ethics, public health and safety, and
environmental issues are beyond the scope of total

1. True
5. False - Given
The employee who conducts a final product
inspection is the principle judge of quality under total

1. True
6. False - Given
Process management is an element of the total
quality infrastructure. \

1. True

1. True
7. False - Given
The use of self-managed teams that combine
teamwork and empowerment is a powerful method of
employee involvement.

1. True
2. False - Given
In total quality, vertical functional relationships are
stressed more than horizontal, cross-functional

1. True
8. False - Given
Self-managed teams were the primary means of
quality control during the first half of the twentieth

1. True
9. False - Given
According to the principles of TQM, quality is
synonymous with tight tolerance and conformance to

1. True

False - Given

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