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NGO Project Report


A study to verify the welfare measures with special

reference to rural areas of Raipur region.
Submitted for partial fulfillment for the award of degree
Bachelor of Business Administration

Session 2014-15
Submitted byAnubhav Ingole
Enrollment No. B0003
BBA IV Semester




This is to declare that this report has been written by me. No part of the
report is plagiarized from other sources. All information included from
the sources has been duly acknowledged. I aver that if any part of the
report is found to be plagiarized. I shall take full responsibility for it.

Anubhav Ingole
Enrollment No. B0003



This is to certify that this project report entitled A study to verify the
welfare measures with special reference to rural areas of Raipur
region is a bonafied work carried out by Anubhav Ingole of BBA of
School of Management & Research for fulfillment of BBA course of
ITM University Raipur.

Mrs. Itee Srivastava







This is to certify that the project entitled A study to verify the welfare
measures with special reference to rural areas of Raipur region.
submitted by Anubhav Ingole Enrollment No : B0003 Has been
examined by the undersigned as a part of the examination for the award
of Bachelor of Business Administration degree of ITM University
Raipur C.G.



I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep

regards to my guide Mrs. Itee Srivastava, for his exemplary guidance,
monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this
project. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to time shall
carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to
I am in debt of Mr. Tushar Vadera (T&P officer, ITMUR) for providing
me with an opportunity for this project and also to Dr. Monika Sethi
I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude
to--------------, President Mr. Naresh Manuja, for his cordial support,
valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing this
task through various stages.
I am obliged to staff members (Rajesh B. Sharan) of Helping social
welfare & education society, for being our project guide. I am grateful
for their cooperation during the period of my project.
Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their
constant encouragement without which this assignment would not be

Anubhav Ingole

Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation ,skills and productivity.. and

these in turn rely on the education of our people-Julia Gillard

The topic of the project is about the skill development done by the non-government organization
.Helping social welfare & education society. The skill development in India has grown a lot. The NGO
has taught the village people various skills. The NGO worked for the state Chhattisgarh and also acquired
the certification of N.S.D.C.
India has been home of innovation ,prosperity, development for quite years. India is one of the largest
exporters of software to world. India is home to the wonders of world THE TAJ MAHAL. All such
achievements are due to the skilled labour force country has , People who are good at something needs
there skills to be developed so that they can be more effective and efficient in their field.

Helping social welfare and education society a government recognized ngo situated in
Raipur has taken a set of responsibilities in their stride to make a skilled labour force from the
rural areas. The ngo has set various programmes through which they trained the poor people.
The centre is also certified by N.S.D.C and their programmes such as VTP through which they
provide soft skill training as well as practical work such as computer training, sewing machine
for women etc
This project defines about the need of skill development and how we worked for the people
living in slum areas . in co-ordination with the ngo i went for the survey where we tried to find
out what kind of occupation generally these people hold. We tried to find out what can be done to
improve their efficiencies and effectiveness .we carried out surveys to know their current status
and help them improvise .
Hope you find our work interesting and helpful. Thank you



1.1 History of NGO
1.2 Vision & Mission Statement
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Activities undertaken by

Student Project Activities

2.1 Project Theme & Area
2.2 Project Objectives

Overall Conclusions and

Recommendations to the NGO


One of the earliest mentions of the term "NGO" was in 1945, when the UN was created.
According to the UN, all kinds of private organizations that are independent from government
control can be recognized as "NGOs". "NGOs" cannot seek to diminish a nation's government in
the shape of an opposing political party; NGOs also need to be non-criminal and non-profit.
Professor Peter Willets defines an NGO as "an independent voluntary association of people acting
together on a continuous basis for some common purpose other than achieving government office,
making money or illegal activities."
NGO means Non-Governmental organization. These are the organizations in which government
representatives are not present in members of organization and are funded by the government.
Sometimes entire funds are provided by the government while sometimes government partially funds
the NGOs. The main objective of NGOs is to provide social justice, development and human rights.
It provides services directly to local community.
Voluntary organization is not a new phenomenon in our country. Voluntary effort has always
been an important part of our culture and social tradition. The need for organizing people into
accredited associations and their involvement and participation in rural development have now been
fully recognized. In recent years, they have increased in considerable number, acquired greater
importance and significance and put up many new experiments in the field of rural development.
Voluntary organization can play a crucial role in rural development by supplementing
government efforts as they are close to the minds and hearts of the rural people. They have their roots
in the people and can respond to the needs and aspirations of the community very effectively. They
can experiment new approaches to rural development. (Dhillon & Hansra - 1995)
The success of the rural development depends upon the active participation and willing cooperation of the rural people through Self-Help organizations and voluntary agencies. In recent years,
the voluntary agencies have acquired greater importance and significance than before because the
administration has not been able to reach the people, especially the poor and weaker sections. They
have been able to make their presence felt from the local to the national level and now at the
international level also. Many of them have pioneered works in areas, which were ignored by the
process of national development planning (Anandharajakumar - 1995).
NGOs are difficult to define and classify due to the terms inconsistent use. To attempt a
classification of NGOs requires a framework that includes the orientation and the organization's
level of operation. An NGO's orientation refers to the type of activities an organization takes on.
These activities might include environmental, development, or advocacy work. An NGO's level of
operation indicates the scale at which an organization works on, like the difference in work between
an international NGO and community or national NGO.

Origin of Non-Governmental Organization

Beginning of NGOs starts in 1775 to 1918. It includes various national issues and war
sufferer issues. In late 1960s-1970s entire growth of NGOs had started. The main reason of
developing NGOs is economic recession, end of cold war, privatization, growing demands etc. NonGovernment Organizations (NGOs) and Voluntary action have been part of the historical legacy. In
early 20th century, several voluntary efforts were started in the fields of education, health etc. The
NGOs became prominent after independence, especially after 1970s.
Development practitioners, government officials and foreign donors consider that NonGovernmental organizations by the virtue of being small-scale, flexible, innovative and participatory
are more successful in reaching the poor and in poverty alleviating. This consideration has resulted in
the rapid growth of NGOs involved in initiating and implementing rural development program.
According to the estimates of the working groups of NGOs, there are about 30,000 NGOs in
India. A rapid growth took place in the 1980s and the early 1990s. With the SHG linkages program
introduced in 1989, the NGO sector has been recognized as a crucial partner, recognizing the
strengths of the NGOs in organizing the community and the potential in saving and credit programs
(both under the linkage program and other credit delivery innovations. (Laxmi R.Kulshresth 2002).
The concept of NGOs and Social welfare are not new. India has a glorious tradition of
Voluntary organizations. In the pre-Independence days, Rabindranath Tagore in his Santiniketan
experiments showed how rural development could be brought about by integration of education and
culture. Gandhiji in his Wardha experiment showed how village industries could bring about the
development of the poorest sections of the people in this country. (Malik-1995)
After independence too, there was a lot of talk about the role of NGOs and peoples
participation when we started our planning process in the early 50s. The British Government in India
spent minimum resources on social welfare programs and so voluntary agencies played an important
role in developing programs for the poor, the destitute, women and children.
International non-governmental organizations have a history dating back to at least 1839. It has
been estimated that by 1914, there were 1083 NGOs. However, the phrase "non-governmental
organization" only came into popular use with the establishment of the United Nations Organization
in 1945 with provisions in Article 71 of Chapter 10 of the United Nations Charter for a consultative
role for organizations which are neither governments nor member statessee Consultative Status.
Globalization during the 20th century gave rise to the importance of NGOs. Many problems could
not be solved within a nation. International treaties and international organizations such as the World
Trade Organization were centered mainly on the interests of capitalist enterprises. In an attempt to
counterbalance this trend, NGOs have developed to emphasize humanitarian issues, developmental
aid and sustainable development.

Types of NGO:
NGO type can be understood by orientation and level of co-operation:-

NGO type by orientation:Charitable orientation.

Service orientation.
Empowering orientation.

NGO type by level of co-operation:Community- Based Organization.

City Wide Organization.
National NGOs.
International NGOs.

It works in four tiers:

1. First tier - Primary tier whose function is funding. It is main source of funding. It includes
government bodies, international agencies or individuals etc.
2. Second tier Main function of this tier is to distribute the funds provided by first tier.
3. Third tier This tier includes NGOs. Its function is to link with fund applicant. 4. Fourth tier
This tier represents the recipient of funds provided by NGOs.

Legal status:
The legal form of NGOs is diverse and depends upon home-grown variations in each country's laws
and practices. However, four main family groups of NGOs can be found worldwide:
Unincorporated and voluntary association
Trusts, charities and foundations
Companies not just for profit
Entities formed or registered under special NGO or non-profit laws
The Council of Europe in Strasbourg drafted the European Convention on the Recognition
of the Legal Personality of International Non-Governmental Organizations in 1986, which sets a
common legal basis for the existence and work of NGOs in Europe. Article 11 of the European
Convention on Human Rights protects the right to freedom of association, which is also a
fundamental norm for NGOs.

Emphasis on the role of NGOs in five years plans

After Independence, India was declared as a welfare state and relevant provisions were included in
the Constitution of India. Social welfare was included as part of the Five Year Plans. The major
responsibility of organizing social welfare services continued with the voluntary organizations.
Hence, even today it is the voluntary organizations that are taking care of welfare activities (Basanta
Kumar - 1995). The VII plan documents had anticipated that voluntary efforts would be forthcoming
in a massive way for better implementation of anti-poverty and minimum needs programs (Malik 1995)
Also in the VII plan (1992-97), a greater emphasis has been laid on the role of voluntary
organizations in rural development. The plan document states: A nation-wide network of NGOs
will be created. In order to facilitate the working of this network, three schemes relating to the
creation/replication/multiplication and consultancy development have been worked out by the
planning commission (Malik - 1995)


Helping social welfare & education society is a non-governmental voluntary service

organization. It determines society welfare and education development. This organization is always
aware towards public feeling, public awareness and public welfare. it eliminates the largely spreaded
addiction through sports, environment, health education, women empowerment, child development
and through various help services a healthy self-dependent and rights and duties is working to
coordinate society building.
Helping social welfare & education society is registered under Chhattisgarh society act 1973
No.44 09 May 2014 Reg. No.29790. And the field work of this organization is entire Chhattisgarh.
This organization runs with the help public cooperation, and governmental and non-governmental
Vision: A society where voluntarism and voluntary organization play dominant and constructive role
in social, cohesion, economic empowerment and nation building. To be an agency which plays a
central role in determining and creating coordination among the institutions and enable social services
to be accessible by all the groups in need and takes actions in order to make the individuals in need of
care self-sufficient in their living environment and provides services at international levels.
Mission : To work towards institutions and capacities that strengthen the voices against
marginalization of communities and increase the potentialities of youth, children and other
marginalization communication for their own development and work towards a healthy society free
from hunger, diseases, discrimination and injustice.










Though the organization is working on several areas manifesting through activities, research and
inventions, the key focus area of the organization are on skill development, , children book club,
education and training. The approach of the organization is selected basing on the nature of the
interventions and situation.

Organizational Strength

The organization has sufficient exposure in skill development interventions. It has the
potential of engaging right kind of resource persons for right programmes and it has the support of
rural youth in all intervention areas. Another important aspect of the organization which can be
considered as strength is the systematic planning, management and operation of any programmes. It
enjoys very good relation with government line agencies as well as good proximity with the
communities. The organization takes many efforts in exchanging knowledge and information through
representation in various training programmes and seminars and workshops. The organization`s
office bearers have wide experience in various issues and their involvement in the organizational
activities are very high. Last but not the least the organization has an in-built mechanism of selfmonitoring the programmes.

Following are the objectives:

Women and child development

Helping social welfare & education society works in the field of women empowerment
and realization of their citizen rights and duties and also do various activities for the
awareness of child development growth.

Activities for Social law

Organizing various activities for social law and social identity through Helping social
welfare & education society.

Activities for human rights protection

Helping social welfare & education society works for the human rights protection and

Activities to eliminate intoxicants

Various activities against potation at the ground level and public awareness and also dope
relief society through Helping social welfare & education society.

Activities for disabled people

Works for the welfare of disabled people and their relocation and also works for their
education, health and self dependence through Helping social welfare & education

Conducting help centers for old age and child development

Through Helping social welfare & education society, conduction of various activities to
help the helpless old age people and lonely child.

Working in the field health

Through Helping social welfare & education society, conduction of free medical camp at
distant field, conduction of blood donation camp and collecting blood group and donating
them free at wide level. Having sikalsale test and giving correct information, also installing
blood test camp. Spreading right information about aids control. Cooperating with T.B Dots
programmes and conducting eye donation and medical camp. Cooperating with hospitals in
emergency and natural accidents cases.

Working in the field of agriculture

Through Helping social welfare & education society, in agriculture field it gives right
direction to the farmers by conducting farmer awareness camp, introducing modern
agriculture techniques and equipments, improve agriculture by increasing underground water
level. More and more usage of innovative seeds and biological soil. To increase the
production capability of agriculture by new experiments.

Farmers training programmes

Through this organization, conduction of farmers training and monitoring programmes and
also creating awareness about plantation. Connecting and inspiring more and more farmers
towards crop rotation. Taking wide initiative and providing direction to increase the limit
medicinal farming.

Women literacy programmes

To motivate literacy conducting survey and literacy programmes through this organization.
Promoting elderly education and removing misunderstanding related to education to women
and try to increase the literacy by conducting women awareness camp.

Working in the field of education

Through this organization, conducting educational and technical education institution and
working for public comprehensive education. For the children of labour family providing free
education and conducting mending centers. Also with this organization providing stitching,
printing, boutique, cutting, typing and computer trainings and also conducting free coaching
centres to give skill training. Giving career direction to unemployed youths and conducting
free legal clinic for them.

Environment protection and development

Through Helping social welfare & education society, giving motivation to protect and
develop environment for planting medicinal plants and fruitful plants. Running plantation

campaign at wide level to increase underground water level and to bring awareness towards
using modern techniques like water irrigation. To create awareness among the common
people about the disadvantage of randomly trees cutting. Direct towards the more and more
use of solar energy.

Activities for scheduled caste, tribe, backward class

Through Helping social welfare & education society, conducting various social,
educational and occupational and basic awareness programmes for scheduled caste, tribe, and
backward class and working to make their lifestyle superior. Promoting social harmony and
brotherhood. Trying to providing advantage of various government schemes to the backward

Panchayat and rural development also earth water conservation activities

Through Helping social welfare & education society, with the objective of water
conservation to collect water by refraining water from small canals by building stop dams and
using this collected water for irrigation purpose. Providing solidity to the rural self-rule
arrangements through self-government and panchyat rule at ground level and making the
rural assembly effective

1.3 Activities undertaken by NGO

1. Woman awareness camp
Through this organization, conduction of women awareness camp at development sector level in
which approximately two thousand women had participated. The chief guest of this program was the
leader of Indian farmer union organization Shri Tularam Dhivar. The programme had covered topics
like women empowerment, importance of self-help group, black magic context etc by the direction of
lectures by profound people. Also in the field of women awareness, women social worker with
superior work was awarded and small girls obtaining superior place in their school and higher
secondary board exams. Conduction of local games in which many women participated with
2. Employment training programme
Through this organization, employment training programmes were conducted in which 35 women and
13 men trainee took the advantage of the programme. In this 3 days training camp making pickles,
making candles like topics were covered as training.
3. World environment day
Through this organizations, environment day on 5 th June various programmes are conducted every
year within which discussion seminar and awareness rally take place.

4. World population day

On world population discussions on the topics like growing population and our duties are conducted
in which thinking of the profound citizen is placed before all.
5. Independence day programme
On independence day various conduction takes place. In this uniform and copies are distributed
among brilliant students and also speech competition is conducted.
6. World aids day
On world aids day various activities are conducted by this organization within which discussions and
awareness rally were conducted.
7. Health test camp
This organization had conducted health test camp in the villages like naagjhar and gundardehi in
which 213 patients were tested and from them 7 patients were taken to the district hospital.
8. Youth week conduction
From the day of Swami Vivekanands jubilee on 12 th January youth week is conducted in which rural
cleanliness programme, youth awareness camp and discussions are conducted. With this rural sports
programme is also conducted.
9. Shabri Kuti old age public help centre
This organization also operates the Shabri Kuti old age public help centre in which food, clothes, cure
and shelter arrangements of free of cost to the helpless old people is given.

10. Stop female foeticide

From the view of stopping female foeticide Bharat Bachao Beti Bachao movement has taken place.
Within which discussions and seminars took place conducted from place to place.2.1 Project Theme
And Area
Over-emphasis and reliance on MES courses and curriculum needs to be tempered with the reality on the
ground. In order to ensure good quality trainings, training providers should be given the freedom to
design and adopt their own curriculum. There is a need to pay special attention to the Left Wing affected
Raipur districts of Chhattisgarh. Given that skill development of beneficiaries from Raipur district and
near by villages would require migration in many cases, the trainings may be of higher costs, which
should be built into the schemes of the State Chhattisgarh. Labour department needs to review the current
structure for minimum wages adopted in the State. Skilled labour would have to be remunerated at a
much higher rate, and this structure needs to be reflected in the minimum wages of the state.
Project Area
The area of the project is not that wide as it is a village project but still followed by many people in the
village and Raipur district. The scope of data collection was very narrow, but the project work going on
with the development of skills is wide as it is carried on in various nearby villages.

2.2 Project objective

1. Take all possible steps to meet skilling targets as envisaged in the 12th Five Year Plan and
2. Coordinate and harmonize the approach to skill development among various Central
Ministries/Departments, State Governments, the NSDC and the private sector;
3. Anchor and operationalize the NSQF to ensure that quality and standards meet sector specific
4. Be the nodal agency for State Skill Development Missions;
5. Raise extra-budgetary resources for skill development from various sources such as international
agencies, including multi-lateral agencies, and the private sector;
6. Evaluate existing skill development schemes with a view to assessing their efficacy and suggest
corrective action to make them more effective;
7. Create and maintain a national data base related to skill development including development of a
dynamic Labour Market Information System (LMIS);
8. Take affirmative action for advocacy;
9. Ensure that the skilling needs of the disadvantaged and the marginalized groups like SCs, STs,
OBCs, minorities, women and differently abled persons are taken care of; and
10. Discharge any other function as may be assigned to it by the Government of India.


During our project we had a short term goal to collect the data required for providing them the
scheme run by the government through N.S.D.C. The scheme was the people who have atleast
passed 10th or 12th would be given the free computer classes and women would be given free
sewing machine training. There would be self help group run by women under which that would
be working together for setting up small industries for that requires average literacy level as well
as the demographic data of the locality.
Following is the Questionnaire used in the survey:
1. Head of the house.
2. Number of people in the house.
3. Gender disintegration.
4. Type of card present.
Yellow card
Blue card
Brown card

Literacy of each family member.

Annual income.
Interested in the schemes of government

Some of the pictures taken while

working in the NGO:

Teaching for making food items

sewing machine


Teaching computer technology


Overall Conclusion And Recommendation To NGO


One of the most important take away from the project is the formal introduction with the
world which was heard of but unknown to us
The functioning of the NGO was also a great experience for all of us.
I was able to get an insight of troubled life in slum.

Now i very well understand that how and where applications of management can be done.

By observation and opinions of the natives of slums we can clearly see error in execution of
government approach.

In a shocking revelation, a government report suggests that around 48% children of the
country, under age of five years, have stunted growth, indicating that half of the children are
chronically malnourished in India. Even our former Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh
described it as a national shame. So there is an urgent need to solve these problem from the

Despite many efforts a concerted, cooperative, more thoughtful and more efficiently targeted
effort is required to pull once and for all out of poverty, and to give hundreds of millions of
current and future Indian children a real shot at sharing the wealth of the new and miraculous
Indian economy.

Establishing partnership centres or then mobile camps for training to increase reach of training
Operations audits of training centres being operated through partnerships etc to ensure quality of
training being imparted
Move from model where trainees are beneficiaries (being funded under one or other Government
scheme/CSR funds etc) to one where they are customers and they pay either whole or part of the fee.
This addresses the funding issue as well as ensuring that trainees have a stake in the training process
Greater use of technology for different facets of training:
In traditional sectors like weaving, ICT tools could aid in skill enhancement in product design and
forging market linkages.
Online delivery of content
IT-enabled employment exchanges
6. Trainers:
A collaborative platform for trainers
Faculty development should be increasingly looked at as a line of business.

It was my first hand experience of how a NGO works, it was my first major learning.
Second most important lesson was how yo communicate yourself to them.
Planning & organizing:- i enhanced my planning and organizing skills. I with my colleagues
planned programs. We planned the activities and how the program will be conducted.
Participative management:- Working in an NGO is a participative management. NGO wprks for
the people in slim and without their participation nothing is possible.
Organizing, motivating and tailing their queries on health related issues were also a tough nut to
How to crave desired information from people in slums is all together a different lesson i learn.
Right approach to convince people of slum.
Disseminating information thoroughly without wasting time og the audience.
Keeping them engage by making the communication two way and interactive.
Appropriateness of communicating language and tone.
Listening to the queries and suggestion of people and replying accordingly.
Art of getting them out of their shell.

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