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History of Yucca Valley Lodge #802 F&AM

Prior to WWII, Yucca Valley was primarily ranchland and

some homesteads. It was popular with people suffering
from lung ailments and arthritis, but there was not
enough here economically to really grow a city.
Residents looking for work generally went “down the hill”.
After World War II, however, the economy of Yucca Valley boomed. People
began looking for retirement or vacation homes away from the smog and
problems of cities. Because water was more easily available in Morongo
Valley and 29 Palms those areas grew first. The real trigger was the Marine
Corps Base replacing the Navy Glider Base and both Twentynine Palms and
Yucca Valley blossomed.
Freemasonry experienced a similar growth surge following
WWII as well, which ultimately led to the formation of our
Lodge. Veterans were looking for the comradery of
fraternal organizations and found Masonry. Veterans,
retirees, escapees from the cities and active duty
servicemen who were already brother Masons in the local
area found each other.
On March 10, 1956, a group of Masons got together to form an
unofficial Masonic Club, dubbed the Desert Sojourners Club. The first
meeting of the club was on April 13, 1956. The club met originally at
the Community Hall in Joshua Tree, CA, but they knew they needed
their own Lodge building.
So, on January 11, 1957, a building committee was formed to find an
appropriate site in Yucca Valley for a Masonic Temple, which became
the Desert Sojourner’s Club, Inc. That site was found, and is the
current Lodge grounds.
In April 1958, the lot was cleared for preparation of the Temple, plans
were drawn up, permits were granted, and ground was broken on
July 18th for the foundation. While constructing the Temple, the Yucca
Valley Masonic Club was officially formed in June 1959.
The construction of the Temple was donated with over 3000 hours of
donated man hours, it being deemed the Sojourner’s Building. The
building was completed on January 9, 1960. Afterward, the Club
requested permission of the Grand Lodge to become a Lodge.
The Grand Master of California, the Honorable Joe L. Shell, granted
permission to the Yucca Valley Masonic Club to form a Lodge in May,
1960, becoming Yucca Valley Lodge U. D. (Under Dispensation)
instituted June 11, 1960.
The initial membership of the Lodge was 47 Charter Members. The
first Master of the U.D. Lodge was Clarence E. Miller, who turned over
the Master’s position to Louis L. Cunningham after a few months.
Disaster stuck when a fire nearly destroyed the Sojourner’s Building
on April 5, 1961, gutting the building and causing over $25,000
damage. In today’s dollars, that would be $177,321.00! Insurance
covered the loss and rebuilding began in earnest.
The Lodge was granted its charter in October 11,
1961 to form a Lodge from the Yucca Valley Masonic
Lodge U.D. to become Yucca Valley Masonic Lodge
#802 F&AM (Free and Accepted
On February 26, 1963 the Yucca Valley
Masonic Lodge Temple Association accepted
the ownership of the Sojourner’s Building as
the Temple for the Lodge.
Of particular note, on March 2, 1968, Masons from the Lodge laid the
cornerstone for the Yucca Valley High School, which was attended by
22 California Grand Lodge Officers. This began the YV Lodge’s long
association with public schools.
On May 16th, 1974, a ceremonial burning of the Temple’s mortgage
was held, which was attended by over 100 people and celebrating 14
years of efforts and payments.
The Lodge has been in continuous operation ever since, waxing and
waning with the times, having a current membership of about 86

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