Viaje Performancetaskunit3

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Español 2 Unidad 3 Proyecto:

"Un viaje inolvidable"

Goal: A local talk show host is having a contest
to find out who had the most unforgettable
spring break. Your goal is to win the contest by
describing what you did over the break!

Role: You will be working in groups of 3-4.

Each group will be assigned a “mystery person”
that went on your spring break vacation. Your
roles are as follows:
- talk show host: to start the show, ask questions, make comments
- mystery person: a surprise person who went along on your trip
- YOU: at least one person in the group will play himself/herself

Audience: The class will serving as the game show audience and will vote on the most
unforgettable spring break presentation.

Situation: You and your friends went on a trip for Spring Break and took along _____
(each group will receive an assigned character such as Barack Obama, Ms. Wooten, etc). Now
you have to describe that trip on a talk show to make it sound like the most unforgettable trip!

In your conversation with the talk show host you must address:
- greetings and an introduction to the show
- where you went for your spring break vacation
- how you got there
- what you did- must include details about at least 5 activities
- who you went with
- why did you go

In doing so, you should use the following grammar points:

- the preterit tense of the verb ir (to go)
- at least 5 activity verbs conjugated in preterit tense
- use of the following question words at least once
o (¿Adónde? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? ¿Cuándo? ¿Con quién?)

Bonus points will be rewarded for the following:

- creativity of the story
- props and acting skills
- incorporating cultural info from our Unit 3 lessons on Cuba, Guatemala, or Colombia

After interim- Brainstorm session/ workday.
Class 2 (March 18-19, March 22-23): work days. Rough draft due at end of class.
Class 3 (March 24-25): Presentations.
Scoring Rubric
Use of Class Time for Students were always on Students were mostly on Students were often not
Preparation: task when given class task when given class on task when given class
time to prepare for the time to prepare for the time to prepare for the
skit. Members skit. Members usually skit. Members often did
consistently worked worked within their own not work within their
within their own group group and focused the own group and
and focused their majority of their energy consequently wasted a
energies wisely for for preparing a quality lot of time in preparing
preparing a quality skit. skit. their skit.
5 4 3 2 1 0
Shared Involvement Each member of the Most members of the Appears that one
of Group: group has an equal part group have equal parts member of the group has
in the skit. The group in the skit, but there done the majority of the
does not rely on any one seems to be one person work and carries most of
person to carry the who says or does very the skit. More than one
majority of conversation little throughout the skit member of the group
or acting in the skit. says or does very little
throughout the skit.
4 3 2 1 0
Memorization and All lines are memorized; The majority of lines are The majority of lines are
Improvisation of no one uses any notes or memorized; some notes read from notes. Group
Lines: prompts. If someone are used. Group has has great difficulty
forgets a line, other some difficulty in improvising if someone
members readily improvising if someone forgets a line.
improvise to fill in any forgets a line.
gaps. 2 1 0
5 4 3
Creativity Students use creativity Students are somewhat Students show no
and originality in the creative in the content creativity in their
content of their and originality of their conversations. The skit
conversations. The skit conversations. The skit uses neither props nor
also has creative props, may have the use one of costumes.
costumes, or acting- as the following: props, 2 1 0
appropriate to the costumes, or acting.
conversation. 4 3
Content of Required All of the suggested Most of the suggested Few of the suggested
Elements: elements for the elements for the elements for the
situation are situation are situation are
incorporated into the incorporated into the incorporated into the
skit; group is able to use skit; group uses some skit as a result of lack of
many fillers to maintain fillers to maintain preparation; group uses
conversations. Cultural conversations. Some no fillers to maintain
elements, such as cultural elements are conversations. Cultural
appropriate greetings included but there could elements are missing
and farewells, are be more. from the skit.
included. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 9
Presentation – Students are well Students are somewhat Students are not
Communication of prepared for the skit. prepared for the skit. prepared for the skit.
Ideas: The presentation is The presentation is a bit The presentation is
smooth with minor or no rough wit some errors rough with major errors
errors. All lines are throughout. Most lines in communication
pronounced clearly and are pronounced clearly throughout. Many lines
easily understood by the but there are spots that are unclear and hard to
audience (no vocabulary are hard to understand understand for the
the class has not had). (possibly because of new audience (possibly
No English is used vocabulary). A few words because of new
during the skit. of English are used in vocabulary). Several
the skit. words of English are
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 used in the skit.
10 8 6 4 2 0

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