Gwxcon Gmanager - Exe Takes 30% of Cpu - How To Get Rid of It?

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What is GWXconfigmanager.exe in my Windows 7?

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GWXcon gmanager.exe takes 30% of CPU

how to get rid of it?
April 21, 2015 ( gmanager-exe-takes-30-of-cpu-windows/)
Peter Matisko ( Short Advice
(, Software (

We have recently experienced a power slow down on our PC with

Windows 7. We checked the task manager and there was a process
running named GWXcon gmanager.exe. This process is signed by
Microsoft and if you check the MS site, you will see that it was a part
of the update KB3035583 (
However, the le that was running on our PC looks very suspicious it could not be killed and
the process priority could not be changed as ell. We used Autoruns
( to see when/where this
process started. However, not a sign of how this process starts.
If you check other websites found on google, many of them claim that it is a malware and they
immediately o er you some kind of removal software. This looks even more suspicious than
the le iteself. Be very careful and do not use these online removal features unless you are
sure what you are doing and the app is from a trusted source.
It seems that a malware program uses the name of a standard MS le and they even use the
MS signature.

How to get rid of GWXcon gmanager.exe?

Restart your PC and enter the Safety Mode without netwrok. If you dont know how to do this,
check in google. Simply pres F8 several times right after bios nishes loading.
If possible, go to Start/Control Panel/Programs and remove the Windows update KB3035583.
In the safemode, search for the GWX folder inside C:\Windows\system32. Delete the whole
folder. Then click to start menu/run and type regedit. Search for GWX within the folder
Local_Machine. Delete the folder(s) named GWX. Be careful, the three characters gwx might

be included in other keys/register folders. Delete only those named GWX or pointing to

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What is GWXconfigmanager.exe in my Windows 7?

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Restart the computer and check the task manager to see if the process disappeared. If you
uninstalled the update, check for MS updates again and reinstall the update.

We hope this helps a little bit. Please, share your experience in the comments.

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What is GWXconfigmanager.exe in my Windows 7?

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Peter Matisko


Guys, I recently experienced the Get Windows 10 notifications. However, it was different from the
experience mentioned in the article. That was a true malware or some virus. I got rid of the GWX
notification by deleting some registry entries. I am not sure if even autoruns
( can help completely.

Jaime Martin Rico

turn off windows update then end process

alan roig

In my Win7 this process appears in 3 copies in the Task Manager when the system boots. But I
have no icon of Win10 announcement and I never had. When entire system is loaded and working,
these three GWX processes just disappear from the task manager.


Lol its the Get Windows 10 Icon on the bottom of the screen people! If you kill it in task manager it
kills the little icon. Very silly :P

Peter Matisko


Bill, I saw this :) I was having problems to get rid of this file - it did not seem to be MS at all.

Addison Davis

It's Windows. They just want to be sure you're aware of Windows 10 when it's ready.

Peter Matisko


Well, I have suspcion that this particular one was a worm/virus. It took 30% of the
CPU capacity, could not be killed. Very strange.


GWX = Get Windows 10


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What is GWXconfigmanager.exe in my Windows 7?

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