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The Healthwatch Liverpool Volunteer Role

Healthwatch Liverpool is the local champion for patients and users of NHS and care
We help local people to have a stronger voice in influencing and shaping health
and social care services.
We provide people with information and signposting to these services.
We need more volunteers so that we can help more people. We would value any
assistance you could give, great or small. This is a great opportunity to meet new
people, explore challenging and rewarding activities, develop new skills or build on your
existing experience and knowledge.
Role Description for Healthwatch Liverpool Volunteer:
What is the aim of this role?
For potential Healthwatch Liverpool volunteers this role aims to provide flexibility, both
in terms of time commitment and tasks undertaken. This volunteering role is designed
to achieve the following aims:
To provide greater volunteering opportunities for potential volunteers who might
lack confidence or experience.
To provide volunteers with the opportunity to sample elements of Healthwatch
To provide Healthwatch Liverpool with a flexible pool of volunteers to assist in
various aspect of our activities.
Key Responsibilities:

To work co-operatively with all Healthwatch staff, volunteers and partners,

respecting confidentiality.

To comply with the conditions of Healthwatch Liverpool volunteer policies

and procedures including Code of Conduct.

Qualities & Skills:

Essential Qualities / Skills Required
Good interpersonal skills, reliability and diplomacy
Good communication skills
Ability to work co-operatively as part of a team
Commitment to equality and diversity
Willingness to undergo a Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB) check
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for certain tasks if applicable.

Desirable Qualities / Skills Required
Interest in and knowledge of health and / or social care services
Good written communication skills
IT literate
Flexibility and adaptability
How much time does a volunteer have to commit to this role?
There is no fixed time commitment. The time that any volunteer spends with
Healthwatch Liverpool will vary and be agreed on an individual basis between the
volunteer and Healthwatch Liverpool volunteer coordinator. The time commitment
agreed will be based on factors such as the nature of the activity to be undertaken and
any necessary training etc. Agreement about the time commitment is open to
renegotiation in cases of changes of circumstances or changed requirements of
Healthwatch Liverpool. The duration, or how long a volunteer stays with Healthwatch
Liverpool, will also be agreed with a Healthwatch Liverpool member of staff and the
relevant volunteer on an individual basis.
It is preferred that all volunteers will attend as many volunteer meetings as possible.
We do understand however you will have prior engagements from time to time.

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Volunteer Tasks:
This section sets out what type of tasks or activities could be undertaken in the role
of Healthwatch Liverpool Volunteer.
The table below lists the task(s) you can you could choose to undertake. You can
select as many or as few as you like. The volunteer role is designed to be flexible
therefore if you decide you would like to do more tasks or fewer tasks at a later
stage, just let us know at any time.
Once you have selected the ones you are interested in you will meet with the
volunteer coordinator to agree which tasks you will undertake.
Task/Activity Options

Task/Activity synopsis

Gathering patient

Speak with patients, carers and relatives about

their recent experiences of health or social
care services. Record their feedback in an
appropriate format, e.g.

Data entry - entering

information on computer

Entering data on databases as required

Distributing Healthwatch
promotional materials

To speak with staff and public where

appropriate at local health centres, libraries,
community centres, etc. (as agreed with
Healthwatch Liverpool), and put up posters/
leave promotional materials (cards, etc).

Note taking

To take accurate notes at meetings or events

as a record for distribution as appropriate.

Facilitating discussions

To lead and chair a group of people in a

discussion, keeping people on topic and
ensuring everyone gets a chance to have their
Attending meetings, providing Attending meetings as agreed with
written feedback
Healthwatch Liverpool, and provide written
feedback (accurate notes) within a set time
Report writing (for Enter and Producing written work, pulling together
Views, project work)
information from a variety of sources
depending on the Enter and View or project.
Take part in Enter and View

Carry out Enter and View visits as part of a

team. Speak with staff, patients and/or
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Please select

service users to get feedback about the service

and observe the service in action. All
information is collated at the end of the visit
and a report with recommendations produced.
Staffing stalls at events

Support Healthwatch staff at stalls during

events, handing out Healthwatch information
& promoting the service, speaking with
visitors, and taking down any patient feedback
or enquiries on dedicated forms.

Research for staff enquiries

Volunteers will undertake research for staff

members regarding enquiries from members of
the public (for example, what types of support
services there are or activities in relation to a
specific enquiry), type this up & pass it back
to the staff member.

Making telephone calls

Calling the likes of dentists or other health

professionals to check on waiting lists /
ensuring we have up to date contact details &
information for staff use & for directory

Researching local activities & Volunteers will identify potential new local
updating them on the LiveWell activities or services, contact the provider to
/ Wellbeing Liverpool
gain their permission to go onto the directories
& request they complete a services
information form. The volunteer will then
type this enter this onto the directories with a
view to make them live for members of the
public to access.
Updating & maintaining hard Volunteers will ensure there are sufficient
copy materials within the
hard copy materials of leaflets & information
Healthwatch Liverpool
in the resource library of the Healthwatch
resource room for members of office. If there are shortages, they will
the public to access
contact providers to request further materials.
Volunteers will also identify any gaps in
materials & order as appropriate.
Filing & photocopying

Undertaking any paperwork filing or

photocopying tasks on an as & when
required basis.
Project Research
Volunteers will identify appropriate sources of
information to assist in project work
undertaken by Healthwatch.
Other tasks may come up as a result of specific work and all volunteers with the
appropriate skills will be asked if they are interested in taking part or contributing to this
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Attending training as part of
induction & ongoing

It is expected that all volunteers will

undertake the appropriate training as part of
their induction. They will also attend any
necessary further training updates.

Become familiar with &

adhere to all Healthwatch
Volunteer Policies &

Although not legally binding, volunteers will

be expected to become familiar with & adhere
to all our Healthwatch Volunteer policies &
procedures as part of induction.

Engage with the volunteer

coordinator(s) regarding
individual supervision &

All volunteers will be provided with an initial

supervision & review to ascertain their goals,
aspirations, ensure their wellbeing & to
identify any training needs. This will be part
of the initial induction process when all
volunteers first apply.

Volunteer Name:
The volunteer performing this role is responsible to:
Name of the Healthwatch Liverpool Worker agreeing this role description:
Date Agreed:
Please note;
You can change the activities you do at any time in agreement with the volunteer
coordinator, the Healthwatch Liverpool Volunteer Role is designed to be flexible and
meet both your needs & the needs of Healthwatch Liverpool.

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