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Y.M Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haji Bin Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah is
not a strange name to the people around the globe especially to Malaysia. His name is well
known among the people in Malaysian history especially in term of politics. Tunku Abdul
Rahman was the first prime minister of the Federation of Malaya and known as the Tunku
in Malaysia. He was born in February 8, 1903, in Alor Setar, Kedah, in Malaya which was
under British control. His leadership was very evident in the field of politics as President of
UMNO. He is a national leader who is knowledgeable and capable in running the country and
untied people from different background (Arshad 2011, pp.1-2).

Personality Traits of Y.M Tunku Abdul Rahman as President UMNO

Tunku Abdul Rahman has self-confidence and was the first person to set up the multi-racial
Parti Negara (National Party) to bring his people with different background then later come
under one umbrella (Keong 2012). Based on Malos analysis, self- confidence plays an
important role to make decision and bring trust to his followers. If a leader is curious of what
he do or decision to make, then it will influence his followers less likely to trust him or her.
Meanwhile Manktelow (2009), also stated that act confidently and decisively in a crisis is
important role as leader where a leader prefer to take charge and know how to solve the
problems between his or her followers. This means that a leader will associate confident and
firm leadership with his or her knowledge. However if a leader is not sure how to deal with a
crisis then it will affect the influence within his or her followers. Confident behaviour is
known as confident personality, where they will do what they believe is right even others
mock or criticize their action, willing to take risks, and improve their weakness (Building
Self-Confidence 2016). Based on these theories perspective shown that Tunku has confident
behaviour as he is strongly believe that people can stay together without judging their
religion, background or skin colour in order bring the verge of independence. Tunku never
hesitated to take his decision with a strong stand against the criminal without favouritism and
is equally fair. As a proof, he strong stand against The Rape of Tibet organisation and
defeated people of Tibet for China citizen where Chinese citizens has less power to protect
their own land and high criminal activities such as rape and killings. Moreover, Tunku was
willing to take a risk by donated his blood for the Indian soldiers who bravely fought in
defence of democracy to create friendship and mutual trust with India (Dinobeano 2012).

In contrast according to Burton and Platts (2006) theory perceptive, states that selfconfidence is more concentrated on self-assuredness, belief in the ability of other people and
keeping certain information secret or restricted to a few people. Bnabou and Tirole (2011),
states that self-confidence is more on view of human behaviour and cognition as the leaders
liabilities and efficacy that can help the individual undertake more ambitious goals and persist
in the face of adversity. For example, Tunku was not focused with his studies but always
socialising around with his motorbike and sports car until committing 28 traffic offences.
This led to him failing his Bachelor of Art (History) because he always skipped his final
exam and got help from his friends (Arshad 2011, p.4).

Honesty and Integrity

Characteristic of Y.M Tunku Abdul Rahman

To be a good leader, the leader must show they have good personality, experiences, modesty,
and knowledge. Other than that, leader must have a good character as well. Based on
Magnusens statement, Good leaders must have the right stuff or qualities such as a vision,
strength, and commitment (citied by Magnusen 1995, p.6). Hereby, there is a difference
between bureaucratic character and democratic character of Tunku Abdul Rahman on his
leadership style to set up his goal and achieve national Independence.
Bayers (2011), believe that Tunku is a democratic person style on his leadership style and
also known as Participative. Bayers researcher saying that democratic is characterised by
significant participation from the followers within rules set by the leader. This is also similar
to Cunningham et al (2015), an analysis stated that democratic leader is a transformational
leader person who focus on team members ideas and better result for making decision. In
this democratic character, members are work together in achieving their goals and encourages
each other in order to get better result in making decision (cited by Giltinane 2013). As a
proof, Tunku did not force and use violence to rise to power (cited by Khoo 2002). He got his
people by having tea parties and forming a National Goodwill Committee where he sat
together with all the parties and discuss how to prevent racial violence in the future (Tien &
David 2012, V48, p60). He also proposed for the formation of political and economic
federation to unite the former colonies of Britain.

In contract according to Greenstein (2016),

based on Lasswells essay Democratic

Character is likely believes in the benevolent potentialities of mankind and more

concentrated to model of democratic social system which is the way their behave. Moreover
Manktelow (2009) says that democratic leadership style can lead the decision making to be
slow. However the end result will be better because of people who are working together as
the quality is more important. This situation happened when he announced a sudden change
in the policy towards communist China without consult with his partner, Dr Ismail and the
cabinet. Because of his action, Dr Ismail had resigned because he disagreed with his new
policy towards communist China (Diplomatic Profile Series 2008, p.13).

Leadership Motive of Y.M Tunku Abdul Rahman

Hoogh et al and Warren Bennis and her colleague Burt Nabus (1985) stated there are three
motives from Murrays theory such as power motive, affiliation power and achievement
motive (citied in McClelland & Atkinson 1958 ; Malos , p.217). Here in Hoogh et al theory
perceptive states that motive power refer to the desire to have impact on other people and
affect behaviour or emotions (citied by Winter 1992). However in literature on leadership of
Winter (1987), reported that there is relationship between power motive and leadership
success (Winter 1973, Vol.2, No.2, pp.68-69). A leader who using power motive will have
high aim to make themselves more visible and adapt by influencing others in defining
problems and encouraging participation.
Tunku is using power motive as he influenced his people where his people trust him that
independence could bring peace and harmony to the country and freedom from British under
control. However it is not easier to unite his people as they have different races and
communicate problems. To solve the problems, Tunku success managed to get support from
Malays. He deliver his message telling his supporter that independence is sharing power
between the rulers and citizen (Arshad 2011, p.8). He motivated his followers and inspire
them by launching a public campaign Save Democracy Fund in order unite them

However, Malos argued with his analysis reported that there are two different type of power
motive which is personalized power motive or power lust, and socialized power motive or the

desire to lead (citied by McClelland 1965). Personalized power motive is more concentrate
on concerning others domination as collecting symbols of personal prestige. Meanwhile
socialized power motive is using power to achieve desired goals and resolve conflicts in a
constructive manner including plays an important role to influence others. Also Lyndon
Johnson argued that power motivation is defined as measured at a distance from first
inaugural (Winter 1991, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.68-69). However after Tunku plan to resigned as
Prime Minister in 1959, he received criticism on his leadership especially where there were
fights between Malays and non- Malays in 1969.

Help me how to conclude it? Around 200 words only.

Following this analysis, it can be concluded that Y.M Tunku Abdul Rahman has several
qualities that is essential to be a good leader. From personal traits to leadership motives
identified above, its evident that Tunku is a great leader for Malaysia and his service to
Malaysia has profited this country significantly. Even though not all of his actions were
appreciated by the larger community, he willingly took a risk as a leader to create a
peaceful and harmonious country. Tunku was a confident leader and always stood by
his decisions like a great leader. Qualities such as this made him famous among his
people and it also helped him to serve them and unite all the different communities.

Marking Scheme

Reference List
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