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Indian Geotechnical Journal, 40(1), 2010, 55-66

Dynamic Response of Pile Foundations under Coupled Vibration

Bappaditya Manna1 and Dilip Kumar Baidya2

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the lateral dynamic tests results of model-scale reinforced concrete single and group piles of different
lengths and spacings in the field under varying levels of harmonic excitation. The observed response curves display marked nonlinearity
as the natural frequencies decreases with increasing intensity of excitation for both horizontal and rocking component of vibrations.
Linear elastic solutions and nonlinear solutions with Novaks continuum approach were used to predict the observed dynamic response
of piles. To account for the nonlinear response of the piles, provisions were made for yielding of soil around the piles by introducing the
weak boundary zone concept in the theoretical model. The theoretical analysis based on the linear theory highly overestimated the
stiffness and damping of pile. The theoretical prediction by nonlinear analysis improved the agreement between the theoretical
predictions and experimental results. It was found that the accuracy of predicted nonlinear dynamic responses depend on the choice of
boundary zone parameters.
KEYWORDS: Dynamic test; Layered soil; Nonlinear analysis; Pile foundation; Vibration

Piles have been used for hundreds of years but
there has been a remarkable increase in interest of pile
dynamics in the last 30 years or so. Pile dynamics has
been now a subject of broad interest, though the
evaluation of the soil-pile interaction for varying situation
is still a difficult task. A number of approaches are
available to account for dynamic pile-soil interaction, but
most of them are usually based on the assumptions that
the soil behaviour is governed by the law of linear
elasticity and that the soil is perfectly bonded to a pile. In
practice, however, the bonding between the soil and the
pile is rarely perfect, and slippage or even separation
often occurs in the contact area. Furthermore, the soil
region immediately adjacent to the pile can undergo a
large degree of straining, which would cause the soil-pile
system to behave in a nonlinear manner.
Dynamic pile-soil interaction is a complex
problem and, to simplify the problem, linear elastic
behaviour of soils has been assumed in early studies
(Novak, 1974; Novak and Aboul-Ella, 1978). These
approximate solutions are very useful in providing
insights into the mechanism of the soil-pile interaction.
However in reality the soil region immediately adjacent
to the pile may experience a high strain level under
strong vibration and consequently, behave nonlinearly.
An accurate theoretical solution to dynamic pile-soil
interaction due to slippage and nonlinearity is difficult
and therefore approximate methods need to be used.
Matlock et al. (1978) introduced lumped mass models
with nonlinear discrete springs, dashpot, and friction
elements. The combination of these elements makes it
possible to generate a variety of nonlinear forcedisplacement
approach, which includes a weak cylindrical zone or
inner boundary zone around the pile, was proposed by
Novak and Sheta (1980). One of the simplifications

involved in the original boundary-zone concept was that

the inner zone was neglected to avoid the wave
reflections from the interface between the inner
boundary zone and the outer zone. To overcome this
problem Veletsos and Dotson (1988) proposed a
scheme that can account for the mass of the boundary
zone. Some of the effects of the boundary-zone mass
were investigated by Novak and Han (1990) and it was
found that a homogeneous boundary zone with a non
zero mass yields undulated impedances due to wave
reflections from the fictitious interface between the near
field and the far field. To solve this problem Han and
Sabin (1995) proposed a model of ideal boundary zone
with non-reflective interface.
A further complication in the dynamic response
comes from the interaction between each of the piles in
a pile groups. Piles that are closely spaced will have a
significant effect on one another during dynamic loading
due to wave propagating through the soil from each pile
under load. To simplify the task of predicting pile-group
behaviour the method of interaction factors was
developed for dynamic response by Kaynia and Kausel
(1982). This method was based on the widely used static
interaction factors. Gaetas et al. (1990) later produced a
more extensive set of results for a wide range of pile
parameters. A simple method for calculating dynamic
interaction factor was proposed by Dobry and Gazetas
(1988). This method was extended to account for the
dynamic interaction factors for axial and lateral response
by Gazetas and Makris (1991) and Makris and Gazetas
Though there have been a large number of
analytical studies on the nonlinear dynamic response of
pile, there is a very few dynamic test data on pile to
verify the validity of those nonlinear theory. Full scale
dynamic tests on pile were conducted in the field by
some researchers (Gle and Woods 1984; Blaney et al.,
1987). Field experiments with small-scale piles are very

Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa 769 008, India,

Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal - 721 302, India,



effective in the experimental research because a large

number of pile groups and single pile can be used due to
its low cost and it allows unobstructed propagation of
elastic waves. Novak and Grigg (1976) conducted the
dynamic experiments on small-scale single piles and pile
groups in the field. A series of dynamic experiments
were conducted with a group of 102 closely spaced piles
by El Sharnouby and Novak (1984). Vaziri and Han
(1991) and Han and Vaziri (1992) conducted some
dynamic tests on pile to study the influence of frozen soil
layer on the dynamic response of pile. Similar field
dynamic tests on small scale piles were conducted by
Han and Novak (1988), El-Marsafawi et al. (1992), Vaziri
and Han (1992) and Burr et al. (1997) to study the
nonlinear behavior of single pile and pile group under
strong harmonic excitation. The majority of these
experimental studies have concentrated on the response
of a specific pile groups and compared the results with a
single pile. So there is need to provide an experimental
database on a large number of single and group piles
undergoing dynamic lateral excitation in similar ground
In this paper a comprehensive study involving
both model dynamic testing of pile foundation and
theoretical analysis is described. In the first part of the
paper, the methodology and the dynamic test results
under coupled vibration are presented. The dynamic
tests were carried out on model-scale reinforced
concrete single pile and 2 2 pile groups of different
lengths and spacings. Soil properties of the site were
determined by conducting in-situ tests and laboratory
tests. Frequency versus amplitude curves of piles were
experimentally established in the field for different
intensities of excitation, static loads on pile, and contact
conditions between the pile cap and the soil surface. In
the second part, the observed results are compared with
theoretical solutions in two different ways. First the
stiffness and damping of single pile are computed using
the continuum approach by Novak and Aboul-Ella (1978)
and Novak et al. (1978) with linear elastic solutions. In
second approach, an approximate nonlinear solution
which includes a weak cylindrical zone around the pile
proposed by Novak and Sheta (1980) is used to account
for the nonlinear stiffness and damping characteristics of

single piles. To account for the pile-soil-pile interaction

problem or group effects on the dynamic response of
piles, the dynamic interaction factors (Kaynia and Kausel
1982; Novak and Mitwally 1990) are used for both linear
elastic and nonlinear solutions. Frequency dependent
stiffness and damping of piles obtained from two
different theories are presented for both horizontal and
rocking modes of vibration. The comparison of predicted
and observed resonant frequencies and amplitudes of
piles for both first and second modes of coupled
vibration are also reported in this study.

Description of Tests
The site was located adjacent to Hangar, at
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Campus,
India. Both disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were
collected from three bore holes located at different
places of the site. The soil properties were determined
by in-situ and laboratory tests. Two different in situ tests
were conducted, namely, standard penetration tests
(SPT) to determine N value and seismic crosshole tests
for determining the shear wave velocity of soil layer.
Seismic crosshole tests were conducted in the field.
Three bore holes (A, B and C) were drilled spaced at 3
m apart, center-to-center on the ground surface. After
the drilling was completed, two PVC (polyvinylchloride)
pipe of inside diameter of 75 mm were inserted into the
bore holes. Accelerometers (B&K Type 4507) were
attached at inner wall of the PVC pipe to receive the
wave. These accelerometers were connected to the
recording system (B&K Pulse 6.1, Type 3560c Sound
and Vibration Meter). SPT hammer with wave generating
device was used in one bore hole (Bore hole A) as
impulsive source of energy. Two receivers were placed
at the same elevation in each of the designated bore
holes (B and C). The experimental setup of seismic
crosshole tests is shown in Figure 1. The different soil
profiles, the SPT - N value with depth and the variation
of shear modulus of different soil strata are presented in
Figure 2. Some of the measured soil properties
of borehole 1 (BH-1) used in this study are presented in
Table 1.

Borehole A

Borehole B

Borehole C

Fig. 1 Experimental Setup of Seismic Crosshole Tests




Fig. 2 Soil Profiles, SPT - N value, and the Variation of Shear Modulus with Depth

Table 1 Properties of Soil of BH-1

Layer 1
(0.00-1.25 m)

Property of soil
Moisture content (%)

Layer 2
Layer 3
(1.25-2.40 m) (Below 2.40 m)



Bulk density (kN/m )




Specific gravity





Liquid limit (%)




Plastic limit (%)




Shrinkage limit (%)




Cohesion (kPa)




Friction angle (deg)




The piles were constructed in the field by bored

cast-in-situ method. The diameter (d) of the pile was 0.1
m. In this study, single pile of two different lengths (L =
1.5 m and 2.0 m) and six sets of 2 2 group piles
(Spacing s = 2d, 3d and 4d for each pile length L, where
L = 1.5 m and 2.0 m) were used for the investigation.
The dimension of pile cap was 0.57 m 0.57 m 0.25
m. Tests were carried out for two different embedded
depths (h) of pile cap: Case 1 - Pile cap embedded into
soil (h = 0.175 m); Case 2 - No contact of pile cap with
soil (h = 0).
Forced vibration tests were conducted on piles
subjected to coupled vibration. In order to connect the
pile cap to the loading system, four foundation bolts
were fixed on the pile cap. The mass of the system was
controlled using steel ingots or test body attached to the
pile cap. The test body was comprised of steel ingots
each weighing 650 N (8 numbers) and 450 N (10
numbers). Steel ingots were mounted first on to the pile
cap. Then the Lazan type mechanical oscillator was
mounted on the steel ingots to produce the excitation
forces above the C.G. of the pile cap-loading system.
Under the horizontal excitation, the pile cap induces
coupled horizontal and rocking vibration. In this
arrangement, both horizontal and rocking vibrations
were generated simultaneously by the oscillator.

Whole set up was connected so that it acts as

a single unit. Proper care was taken to keep the
center of gravity of loading system and that of the pile
cap in the same vertical line. The mechanical
oscillator was connected by means of a flexible shaft
with a DC motor and its speed was controlled by a
speed control unit. The vibration measuring
equipment consisted of two piezoelectric acceleration
pickups and the associated vibration meter. The
horizontal component was measured using one
pickup connected to the side of the foundation at the
level of center of gravity (C.G.), while the rocking
amplitudes were measured simultaneously by another
pickup mounted vertically on the axis of the pile cap.
The complete experimental setup is shown in Figure
3. The oscillator was run slowly through a motor using
speed control unit. Thus the pile was subjected to
vibration in the lateral direction. Two different static
loads (Ws = 10 kN and 12 kN including the weight of
the pile cap and oscillator) were used. For each static
load, tests were conducted with four different
eccentric moments (We = 0.187 N m, 0.278 N m,
0.366 N m, and 0.450 N m, where W is the weight and
e is eccentric distance of the rotating masses of the
oscillator, respectively). All the tests were carried out
for two different embedded conditions (Case 1 and
Case 2) of pile cap.

Fig. 3 Setup of Coupled Vibration Test on

Small Prototype Pile



and 5 that the observed response curves display

nonlinearity as the resonant frequencies decreases with
increasing excitation intensity and also the amplitudes
are not proportional to the excitation intensity. Two
resonant peaks are observed at two different
frequencies for both horizontal and rocking component.
The second resonant peak is well separated from the
first peak. The effects of static loads on the dynamic
response of piles are studied and it is observed that both
the resonant frequency and amplitude decreases as the
static load increases. The change of resonant frequency
and amplitude due to the change of static load signifies
that the experimental results follow the similar trend as it
is explained in the theory of vibration. The variations of
resonant frequency and amplitude are observed for
different s/d ratio of pile groups. It is found that the
resonant frequency increases and the resonant

Tests Results

Rocking amplitude, Rad

Horizontal amplitude, mm

The frequency versus amplitudes curves were

recorded from the dynamic tests for both horizontal and
rocking response. A set of response curves were
obtained with different excitation level for each static
load. Typical horizontal and rocking response curves of
the single pile (L/d = 20, Ws = 12 kN, Case 2) in different
excitation intensities are shown in Figures 4(a) and (b).
The frequency versus amplitude response curves for pile
group (L/d = 20, s/d = 4, Ws = 12 kN, Case 2) for both
horizontal and rocking vibration are shown in Figures
5(a) and (b). The experimental resonant frequencies and
amplitudes of piles of horizontal and rocking vibration
(for L/d = 15, Ws = 12 kN) are summarized in Table 2 for
both Case 1 and Case 2. It can be seen from Figures 4

Frequency, Hz

Frequency, Hz



Horizontal amplitude, mm

Rocking amplitude, Rad

Fig. 4 Frequency versus Amplitude Response of Single Pile (L/d = 20, Ws = 12 kN, Case 2)
under Coupled Vibration, (a) Horizontal Component, (b) Rocking Component

Frequency, Hz

Frequency, Hz

Fig. 5 Frequency versus Amplitude Response of Group Pile (L/d = 20, s/d = 4, Ws = 12 kN, Case 2)
under Coupled Vibration, (a) Horizontal Component and (b) Rocking Component

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