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Monday, November 9, 2015

2:59 PM

Microevolution - occur over short time span

Talk about macro evolution over longer time span
First topic - is the origin of species
Talk about natural selection and adaptation
Refer to changes occur to particular species over time
Peppered moth from light to dark coloration
One things that is clear lots of different kids of pecies
How did that happen
What is responsible for new species
Title of darwins book
Origin of species
Didn't have a lot of insight on how they originate
More information now
Look at some bear - familiar with

Black bear, polar bear, brown bear

North america
Black bear - in united states
Brown bear - composed of subspecies - grizzley bear

Polar bear - in arctic regions

Closely related species of bears
Names of species
Ursus americanus
Ursus maritimus
Ursus arctos
How did they come about?

10 million years ago

Some bear species ancesteral to all three
In that point of time
Single bear species
Split and one lineage went off to become black bear
And other split off and split again to form polar bear and brown bear - 6 million
years ago
When we have this kind of speciation

Single linage splits into 2 how does that happen

What does it mean to be a species

What makes a species different than another
Why are they different from each other
One of the reasons - different bear species - look different
Polar bear - big white
Brown bear - big brown
Black - smaller black bear
Been around a long time
Morphological species concept - one species looks different from another
Morphological - what you look like
If these things look the same one species - look different another species
Problems with this
Things look different from each other but turns out they are closely related and may
be same species
Recall we talked about the fact that cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage - derrived
by artificial selection from mustard like species
Different species - but closely related and same species
Run into things that look different that are closely related
See things look similar and think they are related to each other but aren't
How similar 2 things look - can't tell us how closely related they are
How to determine what species is
Broadly accepted
Biological species concept

What this concept emphasizes

Individuals members of same species if they can interbreed with each other
Different species reproductively isolated from each other
Gene pools don't mix
Gene pools - populations
If we have 2 populations that belong to 2 different species
Gene pools don't mix
Three bear species
Brown bears and black bears can be found together
Populations of brown and black bears consist of gene pools
Brown bear gene pool
Black bear gene pool
Black bear don't mate with brown bear
Brown bear don't mate with black bear
Concept evolutionary
Family tree that results from speciation
Still problems with this concept too

Biological species concept

Reproductive isolation
Don't interbreed with each other
How does this come about

Why don't they mate with each other?

Reproductive isolation
Due to different species - very particular mating behaviors
Mating behaviors of one species doesn't trigger response in another species
Another posibility different species don't mate at different times or different places
Don't encounter each other
Mating of two may occur but offspring is sterile and can't mate with anything else
and have an offspring
Good example is horse and donkey to make mule

Birds going through head, neck, body motions

Little mating dance
Male initiating and female responding and male responding
Female of another species wouldn't respond to another species

Hybrid sterility
Mating can occur between two species

Just because two species mate doesn't mean they belong to same species
Interbreed not same as mate
Interbreed mate and produce offspring which mate back to either parent

Mule - product of female horse and male donkey

Mule - viable offspring
Can live but can't reproduce
Difference in number of chromosomes in horses and donkeys
Horse - 64
Donkey - 62
Mule - 63
Doesn't match up well and doesn't make gametes

Different levels at which reproduction isolation may occur

Mating never occurs

Many reasons why mating doesn't occur

Different times/ different places/ different habitats
Possible - can mate and gametes never quite come together
Consider prezygotic barrier
Second type - even if mating occurs
Refer to those as post zygotic barrier
Zygote forms sperm and egg come together
But various reasions
Union never produces viable that can live
Or produces something that can live - that thing is sterile - such as mule

What it means for one species to be different than another species

How this split can occur
Go from one species to two species

How speciation occurs

One clue as to what might happen
Single species over range it occurs
Brown bears - are found in western part of united states and into alaska and europe
as well
Over range- differences in brown bear
Montana - grizzley bear
Alaska - codiac bear
Europe - called something else

Look different
Geographical variation
Many kinds of species - variation throughout their range - why do they look
different? Local adaptation
Grizzley bear - different than codiac bear in alaska
Chance can be part of it as well
Know about these differences
Geographic patterns by looking at our own species
People living in different places look different

Varients - subspecies that look different than each other - rat snakes
Found in different places
Geographical variation means?
Humans becoming different species?
Different varients of rat snake - different species?
Not necessarily
At this point - all of these races and varients of rat snakes

Can interbreed with each other

Can mate with each other
For different species - can't interbreed with each other
Geographical varients to becoem different species
Gene flow - stop between them

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