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Sunday, October 4, 2015

8:38 PM

Respiration - breakdown glucose to obtain energy

C6h12o6+02 -> c02 + h20 + energy
Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide, water, and energy
Energy - atp

Respiration with and without oxygen

Aerobes - organisms dependent on oxygen for respiration
Anaerobes - organisms not dependent on oxygen

Facultative anaerobes - can operate with or without oxygen


Obligate aerobes - can only live without oxygen for brief periods of times

Obligate anaerobes - can't live with oxygen - bacteria in gut, mud in lakes, botulism
and tetanus

Aerobic respiration and fermentation Breakdown of glucose in the pressure of oxygen

Breakdown without oxygen - fermentation

Each stagge takes place with many small steps (reactions)

Aerobic respiration 3 stages

1st stage - glycolysis
Glucose molecule broken in half
Molecule broken directly in half
Energy is released
Glycolosis - breaking glucose in half
2 pyruvate molecules
Makes energy rich products
ATP $1 bills
NADH 5$ bills
ADP - add phosphate and make atp
Takes place in cytoplasm
Produces only 10% of energy the cell obtains from aerobic respiration of glucose

2nd stage - krebs cycle -

Takes 2 - 3 carbon compounds and breaks each one down further and takes carbons
off one by one
Each carbon becomes carbon dioxide, water is also formed here
Rest of glucose broken down into carbon dioxide and water
Pyruvate molecule is broken down and carbons stripped off
ATP and other energy rich molecules are made
Carbon dioxide is released

Takes place in mitochondria

3rd stage - electron transport stage

Large energy molecule made in first 2 stages cashed in for atps
Energy rich molecule
Takes place in mitochondria
NADH are cashed into ATPs
Electrons stripped from NADH and passed along to other molecules in a chain
ATPs made as electrons are passed
Last molecule in chain is oxygen, accepts electrons and forms of water
Electrons passed along series of molecules
Each step - energy is released and can be used to make ATPs

Whole process - taking glucose, breaking it up, and releasing energy to make ATPs

Electron transport stage - making ATPS

Breakdown of glucose molecule with oxygen produces carbon dioxide and water
Is energy releasing reaction

Coupled with energy requiring reaction

ADP + phosphate = ATP
Energy requiring
Many ATPs produced

40% of energy in glucose captured as ATP

60% lost as heat

Fermentation - no oxygen available

Anaerobic organisms
Aerobic organisms that occasionally can't get oxygen - animal sprinting

Wihtout oxygen - stages 2 and 3 can't be done

System can't proceed beyod glycolisis

Extra steps added to keep glycolisis going

Pyruvate (end product of glycolysis)
Chhanged into something else
2 types Lactate fermentation - pyruvate turned into lactate - lactic acid
Takes place in muscles deprived of oxygen - also some bacteria - spoiled milk,

alchohol fermentation - yeast turns pyruvate into alcohol and c02 - further chemical
reactions - wine and bread baking
Alcohol and carbon dioxide
Yeast alcoholic

Fast twitch muscle fibers - sprinting- anearobic, few mitochondria, lactate

fermentation - white meat, few blood vessels
Slow twitch muscle fibers - marathon, aerobic, many mitochondria, aerobic
repiration,dark meat, many blood vessels

Getting energy from foods - fats, proteins, nucleic acids

Broken down then fed into glycolosys or krebds cycle

Proteins rarely used as fuel except when starving

Role of fat - storing energy

Can't save energy as glucose - too heavy
Can't save as ATP
Use energy to build fats
Grams of fat has 2 times the calories of a gram of glucos

Aerobic excersizes - low intensity activity - uses most fat

Moderate - uses mix of fat and carbs
High intensity - uses mostly carbs

Amount of fat is burned greater with more intense exercise plus more intense
exercise causes an increase in metabolism for many hours after that also burns fat
Don't walk, run (or equivalent) to burn fat

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